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副教授, 署理系主任

(852) 2948 8225

副教授, 署理系主任
(852) 2948 8225
(852) 2948 7794
專門: 雙語及讀寫能力

M.S. & Ph.D., Psychology, Tufts University
B.A., Psychology & Linguistics, Haverford College


Cherry obtained her PhD degree in cognitive psychology at Tufts University. Before joining the SEC department at EdUHK, Cherry was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences at The University of Hong Kong. Her interests cover bilingualism and second language learning, focusing on reading and writing processes across languages or writing systems. Her recent work has used the ERP method to examine the neural correlates of visual word processing and language learning among bilingual/multilingual populations.


  • Honors Project and Education Project supervision
  • Bilingualism



  • Bilingualism
  • Literacy 
  • Cognitive neuroscience



  • Effectiveness of music therapy in social skill intervention for children with ASD/ID: a randomized controlled trial. Health and Medical Research Fund, (Principal Investigator), 2020-2022
  • Understanding ambiguous sentences in a non-native language. Research Seed Fund, (Principal Investigator), 2019-2021.
  • The multilingual reading brain: An ERP study of language interactions in three writing systems. General Research Fund, (Principal Investigator), 2019-2021, University Grants Committee. (#28609118)
  • A multi-disciplinary research programme in child development. Central Reserve for Strategic Development (co-Investigator), 2018-2020, the Education University of Hong Kong.
  • Increasing cultural sensitivity among pre-service teachers in Hong Kong. Teaching Development Grant (co-Principal Investigator), 2018-2019, the Education University of Hong Kong. (#T0218)
  • A multi-method investigation of cognate effects in three writing systems. Internal Research Grant (Principal Investigator), 2018-2019, the Education University of Hong Kong. (#RG 94/2017-2018R)
  • Brain Stimulation, Inner Speech And Mental Rehearsal: Implications For L2 learning. Internal Research Grant (co-Principal Investigator), 2017-2019, Center for Brain and Education, the Education University of Hong Kong
  • How phonetic system training change the way we read Chinese? An ERP study. Internal Research Grant (co-Investigator), 2017-2019, Center for Brain and Education, the Education University of Hong Kong. (#0287)



  • Yum, Y. N., Law, S. P. (2021). N170 reflects visual familiarity and automatic sublexical phonological access in L2 written word processing. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728920000759
  • Yum, Y. N., Cohn, N., & Lau, W. K. W. (2021). Effects of picture-word integration on reading visual narratives in L1 and L2. Learning and Instruction, 71, 101397. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2020.101397
  • Yum, Y. N., & Law, S.-P. (2021). N170 reflects orthographic uniqueness point effects in English among native Japanese and Korean readers. Neuroscience Letters, 743. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135568
  • Yum, Y. N., Lau, W. K. W., Poon, K., & Ho, F. C. (2020). Music therapy as social skill intervention for children with comorbid ASD and ID: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC pediatrics, 20(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-020-02454-6
  • Yum, Y. N., & Law, S. P. (2019). Interactions of age of acquisition and lexical frequency effects with phonological regularity: An ERP study—EdUHK Research Repository. Psychophysiology, 56(10). https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1111/psyp.13433
  • Yum, Y.N. & Law, S.-P. (2019). Impact of characteristics of L1 literacy experience on picture processing: ERP data from trilingual non-native Chinese and English readers. Cognition, 183, 213-225. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2018.11.009
  • Yum, Y.N., Law, S.-P., Lee, C.F., & Shum, M.S.K. (2018). Early event-related potentials differences in orthographic processing of native and non-native Chinese readers. Journal of Research in Reading, 41(3), 403-422. doi: 10.1111/1467-9817.12115
  • Law, S.-P., Yum, Y.N., & Cheung, W.L. (2017). Neural correlates of concreteness effect in semantic processing of single Chinese characters using mixed-effects modeling. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 44, 223-238. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2017.07.001
  • Yum, Y.N., Law, S.-P., Mo, K.N., Lau, K.-Y.D., Su, I.-F, & Shum, M.S.K. (2016). Electrophysiological evidence of sublexical phonological access in character naming by L2 Chinese learners of L1 alphabetic scripts. Cognitive, Behavioral, and Affective Neuroscience, 16, 339-352. doi: 10.3758/s13415-015-0394-z
  • Yum, Y.N., Su, I.-F, & Law, S.-P. (2015). Early effects of radical position legality in Chinese: An ERP study. Scientific Studies of Reading. doi: 10.1080/10888438.2015.1081204
  • Yum, Y.N., Law, S.-P., Su, I.-F., Lau, K.-Y.D., & Mo, K.N. (2014). An ERP study of effects of regularity and consistency in delayed naming and lexicality judgment in a logographic writing system. Frontiers in Psychology, 5: 315. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00315
  • Yum, Y.N., Midgley, K.J., Holcomb, P.J., & Grainger, J. (2014). An ERP study of initial second language learning. Psychophysiology, 51:4, 364-373. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12183
  • Yum, Y.N., Holcomb, P.J., & Grainger, J. (2011). Words and pictures: An electrophysiological investigation of domain specific processing in native Chinese and English speakers. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1910-1922. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.03.018
  • Strijkers, K., Yum, Y.N., Midgley, K.J., Grainger, J. & Holcomb, P.J. (2011). Early goal-directed top-down influences in the production of speech. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, A371. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00371
  • Boltz, M.G. & Yum, Y.N. (2010). Temporal concepts and predicted duration judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 895-904. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2010.07.002



  • Yum, Y.N., Tai, P.-L.A., & Cohn, N. (October, 2018). Reading with pictures in first and second language. The 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages-The 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei.
  • Tai, P.-L.A., Yum, Y.N., & Cohn, N. (October, 2018). Reading comprehension of multimodal text in children vs adults. The 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages-The 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition, Taipei.
  • Yum, Y.N. & Law, S.-P. (February, 2018). Using ERPs to dissociate lexical frequency and age-of-acquisition in Chinese character naming. The 2nd Meeting of The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Tsukuba.
  • Yum, Y.N., Law, S.-P., & Petrova, A. (November, 2017). The role of native writing system in picture processing: An ERP study. The 9th Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Baltimore.
  • Petrova, A., Yum, Y.N., & Law, S.-P. (November, 2017). An ERP study of the role of native writing system in picture processing. The 55th Annual Academy of Aphasia Meeting, Baltimore.
  • Law, S.-P., Yum, Y.N., & Petrova, A. (November, 2017). How Native Writing System may Influence Picture Processing: An ERP Study.  The 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver.
  • Law, S.-P., Yum, Y.N., & Cheung, W.-L. G. (December, 2016). Concreteness effects on semantic processing of single Chinese characters using mixed effects modeling of EEG data. The 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages, Guangzhou.
  • Law, S.-P., Yum, Y.N., & Cheung, W.-L. G. (October, 2016). Concreteness effects on semantic processing of single Chinese characters using mixed effects modeling of EEG data. The 54th Annual Academy of Aphasia Meeting, Llandudno.
  • Yum, Y.N., Law, S.-P., & Lee, C.-F. (May, 2016). Orthographic sensitivity in differentiating Chinese characters: An ERP study of L1 and L2 Chinese readers. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada.
  • Yum, Y.N., Law, S.-P., & Wong, H.-C. (May, 2016). Phonological regularity effects in homophone judgment in second language Chinese readers. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada.
  • Yum, Y.N., Law, S.-P., & Wong, S.-Y. (May, 2016). Revisiting the role of semantic radicals in Chinese character reading: The interaction of semantic transparency and imageability. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada.
  • Yum, Y.N. & Law, S.-P. (October, 2015). An ERP study of sublexical phonological access in L2 Chinese character reading. The 7th Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Chicago.
  • Law, S.-P., Yum, Y.N., & Su, I.-F. (October, 2015). Early encoding of radical position legality in Chinese character reading: An ERP study. The 7th Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Chicago.
  • Yum, Y.N., Su, I.-F., & Law, S.-P. (June, 2015). Early encoding of radical position legality in Chinese character reading: An ERP study. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Honolulu.
  • Yum, Y.N., Mo, K.N., Law, S.-P., Lau, K.-Y.D., Su, I.-F., & Shum, M.S.K. (October, 2014). Processing sublexical phonology in L2 Chinese character reading: An ERP study. The 15th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages, Seoul.
  • Yum, Y.N., Mo, K.N., Law, S.-P., Lau, K.-Y.D., Su, I.-F., & Shum, M.S.K. (August, 2014). Learning to read a logographic writing system as a second language: An ERP study of L2 Chinese proficient readers. The 6th Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Amsterdam.
  • Law, S.-P., Yum, Y.N., Lau, K.-Y.D., Su, I.-F., & Mo, K.N. (August, 2014). Distinctive effects of regularity and consistency in orthography-phonology mapping in a logographic writing system: An ERP study. The 6th Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Amsterdam.
  • Yum, Y.N., Midgley, K.J., Grainger, J., & Holcomb, P.J. (November, 2013). Does phonology influence word learning in a visually unfamiliar L2? An ERP training study. The 5th Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Yum, Y. N., Midgley, K. J., Grainger, J., & Holcomb, P. J. (April, 2013). Tracking lexicality effects in second language learning. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
  • Yum, Y.N., Grainger, J., Holcomb, P. J. (September, 2012). Do repetitions change semantics? A longitudinal study of repetition effects. Tufts Cognitive Science Conference on Language and Representation, Medford, MA.
  • Yum, Y. N., Midgley, K.J., Grainger, J., Holcomb, P. J. (April, 2010). An ERP study on beginning second language learning. The 17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Montréal.
  • Boltz, M. & Yum, Y.N. (November, 2009). Temporal concepts and predicted duration estimates. The 50th Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
  • Yum, Y. N., Midgley, K.J., Grainger, J., Holcomb, P.J. (November, 2009). An electrophysiological study on word and picture processing in mandarin Chinese speakers. The 16th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA.



Ad-hoc reviewer for Experimental Brain Research; Frontiers in Language Sciences; Language Learning; Neuropsychologia; Psicologica; Psychophysiology; Scientific Studies of Reading



副教授, 副系主任

(852) 2948 8547

副教授, 副系主任
(852) 2948 8547
(852) 2948 7794


BSSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Dr. HE Wu Jing Mavis, PhD, is Associate Professor of the Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include creativity, giftedness, and gifted education. Her research works aim to contribute to uncovering the critical factors that may facilitate creativity development and gifted education. She has published research findings that highlight the critical roles of cognitive appraisals, gender, enrichment, personality traits, and school climate in facilitating creativity development. Dr. He has substantial teaching experience in training pre-service and in-service teachers on gifted education, and in developing curriculums and programs in gifted and special educations. She also serves as member of the Curriculum Development Council – Gifted Education of the Education Bureau in Hong Kong in 2013–2019. 


  • 資優兒童

  • 資優教育

  • 心理學


  • 創造力發展
  • 資優及資優教育
  • 壓力及減壓方法


  • Understanding Individual Differences in the 4th-Grade Creativity Slump: The Roles of Cognitive Stress Appraisals and Cognitive Development [A pilot study supported by the Funding Support to GRF/ECS Proposal Rated 3.5 by RGC of EdUHK (2020–2021); PI, HK$80,000].
  • How do overexcitability and play characteristics affect creative potentials in kindergarten children? [A project supported by the Departmental Research Grant of the Department of Early Childhood Education, EdUHK (2020–2021); Co-I, HK$100,000; with Dr. Fung, W. K. (PI), Prof. Chung, K. K. H. (Co-I)]
  • The Immediate and Sustaining Effects of Music Listening on Creativity in Individuals with High vs. Low Overexcitabilities [A project supported by the Research Grants Council (ECS 2016–2018), PI, HK$613,620; With Prof. Wong W. C. (Co-I)]
  • Promoting School-based Talent Development and Gifted Education in Hong Kong [A project supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club (2016-2020), Co-PI, HK$48,500,000; With Prof. Cheung A.C.K., Prof. Shek, D. T. L., Dr. Chan L. K. (Co-Chief PIs); Dr. Hui, A. N. N. (Senior PI), Ms. Cheung, L. Y. S., Prof. Siu, A. F. Y., Dr. Wu, J. K. F. (Co-PIs)]
  • Evaluation of Infants & Toddler Programs of Simon KY Lee Foundation [A project supported by the Simon KY Lee Children’s Fund (2014-2015); Co-I, HK$320,000; With Dr. Hui, A. N. N. (PI), Dr. Chow, B., Dr. Tan, A. G. (Co-Is)]
  • Studying the Mozart Effect in Creativity through the Lens of the Arousal-and-Mood Hypothesis [A project supported by the HKIEd Internal Research Grant (2011-2012); PI, HK$100,000; With Prof. Wong W. C. and Dr. Hui, A. N. N. (Co-Is)]
  • A Longitudinal Study on Stress Appraisals Across School Transition in Early Adolescence [A project supported by the HKIEd Start-up Research Grant (2011-2012); PI, HK$30,000]
  • Promoting Arts Education in Early Childhood Education [A project supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council (2010-2012); Co-I, HK$135,000; With Dr. Hui, A. N. N. (PI)]


  • He, W. J.*, & Wong, W. C. (2022). Affective state contributes to creative self-efficacy: Evidence from an experimental study of emotion induction. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 45, 101061. 
  • He, W. J.* (2022). Creative self-efficacy as a predictor of the use of creative cognition. Global Journal of Health Science, 14, 10–16.
  • He, W. J.*, & Wong, W. C. (2022). Middle school students from China's rice area show more adaptive creativity but less innovative and boundary-breaking creativity. Frontiers in Psychology, section Cultural Psychology, 12, 749229.
  • He, W. J.*, & Wong, W. C. (2021). Gender differences in creative self-efficacy: Findings of mean and variability analyses. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 42, 100955.
  • Fung, W. K.*, Chung, K. K. H., & He, M. W. J. (2021). Association between children’s imaginational overexcitability and parent-reported creative potential: Cognitive and affective play processes as potential mediators. Journal of Creative Behavior, 55, 962–969.
  • He, W. J.*, & Wong, W. C. (2021). Gender differences in the distribution of creativity scores: Domain-specific patterns in divergent thinking and creative problem solving. Frontiers in Psychology, section Educational Psychology, 12, 626911.
  • He, W. J.* (2018). A four-year longitudinal study of the sex-creativity relationship in childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood: Findings of mean and variability analyses. Frontiers in Psychology, section Educational Psychology, 9, 2331.
  • He, W. J.*, Wong, W. C, & Hui, A. N. N. (2017). Emotional reactions mediate the effect of music listening on creative thinking: Perspective of the arousal-and-mood hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychology, section Educational Psychology, 8, 1680.
  • He, W. J.*, Wong, W. C., & Chan M. K (2017). Overexcitabilities as important psychological attributes of creativity: A Dabrowskian perspective. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 25, 27-35.
  • He, W. J.* & Wong, W. C. (2017). Stress appraisals of school transition in early adolescence: Longitudinal trends and gender differences. Journal of Education and Human Development, 6, 129-137.
  • He, W. J.* & Wong, W. C. (2015). Creativity slump and school transition stress: A sequential study from the perspective of the cognitive-relational theory of stress. Learning and Individual Differences, 43, 185-190.
  • Hui, A. N. N.*, He, M. W. J., & Ye, S. S. (2015). Arts education and creativity enhancement in young children in Hong Kong. Educational Psychology, 35, 315-327.
  • He, W. J.* & Wong, W. C. (2014). Greater male variability in Overexcitabilities: Domain-Specific Patterns. Personality and Individual Differences, 66, 27-32.
  • Wong, W. C.*, Xu, H., Li, Y., & He, W. J. (2014). What can we know about the creative potentials of teachers and students? What can we hope for in terms of the cultivation of creativity? International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 24, 23-42.
  • He, W. J.*, Wong, W. C., Li, Y., & Xu, H. (2013). A study of the greater male variability hypothesis in creative thinking in mainland China: Male superiority exists. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 882-826.
  • He, W. J.* & Wong, W. C. (2011). Gender differences in creative thinking revisited: Findings from analysis of variability. Personality and Individual Differences. 51, 807-811.
  • Hui, A. N. N.*, Cheung, P. K., Wong, S. T. K., & He, W. J. (2011). How effective is a drama-enhanced curriculum doing to increase the creativity of preschool children and their teachers? Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 2, 21-48.
  • Chan, A. S.*, He, W. J., Cheung, M. C., Bai, Z., Poon, W. S., Sun, D., Zhu, X. L., & Chan, Y. L. (2003). Cutaneous stimulation improves function of a chronic patient with cerebellar damage. European Journal of Neurology, 10, 265-269.
  • Cheung, M. C., Chan, A. S.*, Chan, Y. L., Yeung, D. K. W., Lam, J. M. K., He, W. J., & Chung, M. C. B. (2001). Variations in memory performance: Hippocampal versus frontal involvement. Neuroimage, 13, 648-648.
  • Chan, A. S.*, Cheung, M. C, Ho, Y. C., & He, W. J. (2000). Localized brain activation by selective tasks improves specific cognitive functions in humans. Neuroscience Letter, 283, 162-164.


  • He, M. W. J.*, Hui, A. N. N., & Tsang, T. Y. M. (2022). Challenges for gifted and talented students in Hong Kong: Insights from an asynchronous development perspective and Chinese cultural values. In M. T. Hue, & S. Karim (Eds.). Supporting Diverse Students in an Asian Inclusive Classroom: From Policies and Theories to Practices (pp.108–123). London: Routledge.
  • Hui, A. N. N.*, & He, M. W. J. (2021). A life-span developmental approach to creativity. In J. C. Kaufman & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.). Creativity: An Introduction (pp. 67–83). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hui, A. N. N.*, He, M. W. J., & Wong, W. C. (2019). Understanding the development of creativity across the life span. In J. C. Kaufman & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity, Second Edition (pp. 69–87). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hui, A. N. N.*, He, M. W. J., Kuo, C. C., Tan, A. G., Lyu, V. Y. F. & Chan, L. K. (2018). Gaps and go’s in policy, practice and research of gifted education in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. In K. J. Kennedy, & J. C. K. Lee (Eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (pp. 555-569). London: Routledge.
  • He, M. W. J.*, Wong, W. C., & Hui, A. N. N. (2015). Gender differences in means and variability on creative thinking: Patterns in childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood. In A. G. Tan & C. Perleth (Eds.), Creativity, Culture and Development (pp. 85-98). Singapore: Springer.
  • Hui, A.N. N.*, He, M. W. J., Liu-Au, E., & Ching, C. (2015). Thinking creatively across the lifespan. In R. Wegerif, L. Li, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Teaching Thinking (pp. 212-225). London: Routledge.
  • Hui, A. N. N.*, He, W. J., Tjia, L., Choi, S., & Lee, K. (2012). Research Report on the Effectiveness of the Pilot Scheme on Arts Education in Kindergartens. Hong Kong: Ming Ri Institute for Arts Education.
  • Hui, A. N. N.*, He, M. W. J., & Liu-Au, E. S. C. (2012). Creativity and early talent development in the arts in young and schoolchildren. In A. G. Tan (Ed.), Creativity, Talent and Excellence (pp.75-87). Singapore: Springer.


  • Reviewer of academic journals and book publishers (2013-present)
    • Thinking Skills and Creativity
    • Personality and Individual Differences
    • Learning and Individual Differences
    • Frontiers in Psychology
    • Journal of Mental Health
    • The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
    • Psychological Reports
    • Scientific Reports
    • Springer
    • etc.
  • External reviewer (2021) for research proposals under the Competitive Research Schemes by Research Grants Council (RGC) of HKSAR
  • Committee member of the Curriculum Development Council (Gifted Education; 2013-2019), Education Bureau (EDB), HKSAR
  • Specialist (2011-2017), Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)
  • Member of the International Programme Committee for International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2017 (CTE2017), Hong Kong
  • Council member (2013-2014) of the Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers’ Association
  • Interviewer for Leadership Selection (2011-2015), The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)
  • Invited guest lecturer (2011-2012), Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK
  • Member of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Neuropsychology: Recent Advances in the East and West (2003), Hong Kong


副教授, 副系主任

(852) 2948 8639

副教授, 副系主任
(852) 2948 8639
(852) 2948 7983
專門: 讀寫發展及讀寫困難

哲學博士, 心理學, 香港中文大學




  • 學習困難
  • 融合教育



  • 認知發展
  • 語言、語文能力發展及相關困難
  • 發展性閱讀障礙



  • Faculty’s Top 10% Publication Award, HKIEd, 2014/15
  • Faculty’s inaugural Quality Publication Award, HKIEd, 2014/15
  • The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research (Early Career Research Excellence), HKIEd, 2013/14
  • The Postgraduate Research Output Award, CUHK, 06/2009


  • Associate editor, Journal of Learning Disabilities (Q1, A* journal in EdUHK), July 2017 - present
  • Board member and treasure, The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA), August 2016 – present
  • Editorial Board member, Reading and Writing (Q1, A* journal in EdUHK), January 2017 - present
  • Editorial Board member, Frontiers in Education (Special education section), May 2016 - present
  • Voting Member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 2014 - present



  • Principal Investigator, The dynamic relations among cognitive, ecological, psychological factors and reading comprehension in lower grade primary school Chinese children: A three-year longitudinal investigation of the componential model of reading. Reference no.: 18602520 RGC, 1/1/2021-31/12/2024, HK$ 895,750
  • Co-investigator, Morphological awareness and reading among Chinese ESL children: A randomized controlled trial. PI: Yeung Siu Sze, reference no.: 18602220 RGC, HK$ 694,488
  • Co-investigator, Effects of Game-based High-Intensity Interval Training on the Executive Function of Children with ADHD: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PI: SUN Feng-Hua, reference no.: 18603120 RGC, HK$ 609,440 
  • Principal Investigator, Do children learn Chinese with receiving phonetic system training affect the role of auditory temporal processing to reading? – A longitudinal study. Reference no.: 18605019 RGC, 1/1/2020 – 31/12/2022, HK$ 462,938
  • Principal Investigator, The effective use of Chinese stem-deriving instruction for Chinese children with dyslexia. Quality Education Fund (QEF), reference no.: EDB/QEF/2018/0431, HK$ 347,200
  • Principal Investigator, Improving children’s Chinese literacy performance by developing an educational computer game for training morphological skills, reference no.: EDB(LE)/P&R/EL/175/I, SCOLAR, 01/08/2018 – 31/07/2020, HK$1,742,890.
  • Principal Investigator, The effects of training on visual-spatial attention on improving the reading performance of Hong Kong Chinese children with typical or poor reading abilities, reference no.: 04191, Departmental Collaborative Research Fund 2016/2017, HK$200,000
  • Principal Investigator, Facilitating reading acquisition in Hong Kong Chinese children with an Education game, reference no.: S-KT-2016-2017-0006, EDUHK Knowledge Transfer Funds 2016/2017, HK$150,000
  • Principal Investigator, Exploring the deficits of Hong Kong Chinese children with dyslexia in different types of visual search, reference no.: R3756, EDUHK Internal Research Grant, 12/09/2016 – 11/09/2017, HK$80,000
  • Co-Investigator, Reducing early literacy differences in preschool children from low-SES families: The effects of an early metalinguistic intervention, application number: 2015-0004, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), with Kevin K.-H. Chung as the PI, 08/02/2016 – 07/08/2018
  • Principal Investigator, Unfolding the role of morphological awareness in word learning of Chinese children, RGC, 01/01/2015 – 31/12/2017
  • Principal Investigator, The association of visual-spatial attention and word reading and reading difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese children: A three-year longitudinal study, RGC, 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2016
  • Principal Investigator, The exploration of the mental representation of Chinese abstract compounds: An event related potential (ERP) study, Department Research Seed Fund, 01/10/2013 – 30/06/2014
  • Principal Investigator, Visual-spatial attention towards Chinese characters: A comparison between Chinese children and adults, HKIED Start-up Research Grant, 01/03/2012 – 28/02/2013
  • Principal Investigator, Visual-spatial attention: Whether it is related to Hong Kong Chinese children’s word reading performance, HKIEd Internal Research Grant, 01/02/2012 – 31/01/2013
  • Principal Investigator, The association of visual-spatial attention and word reading and reading difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese children: A three-year longitudinal study, HKIEd Internal Research Grant, 01/08/2012 – 31/07/2013
  • Principal Investigator, Disentangling the importance of morphological awareness on Chinese words learning: task preparation, Department Research Seed Fund, 01/05/2012 – 30/09/2012
  • Co-Investigator, The sound of silence: Phonological coding used by deaf signers in Chinese and sign language processing, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 01/01/2013 – 01/01/2015  



  • Wang, L., Wang, J., Liu, D., & Lin, D. (2021). The role of metalinguistic awareness and character properties and early Chinese reading. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105185
  • Wang, L., & Liu, D. (2021). Unpacking the relations between home literacy environment and word reading in Chinese children: The influence of parental responsive behaviors and parents' difficulties with literacy activities. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 56, 190-200. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2021.04.002
  • Li, C., Wong, N. K., Liu, D., & Kee, Y. H. (2020). Effects of Brief Mindfulness Meditation on Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes towards Including Students with Autism: The Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 0(0), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/1034912X.2020.1830950
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2020). A comparison of embodied methods to improve Chinese children’s reading comprehension: Observed and participant performed manipulations. Journal of Research in Reading, 43(4), 556–576. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12329
  • Liu, C., Chung, K. K. H., Wang, L.-C., & Liu, D. (online). The relationship between paired associate learning and Chinese word reading in kindergarten children. Journal of Research in Reading, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12333
  • Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Chung, K. K. H., & Chu, S.-Y. (May, 2020). The link between auditory temporal processing and knowledge of the phonological coding system in learning to read Chinese. Learning and Individual Differences, 80.
  • Wong, T.-Y., & Liu, D. (Apr, 2020). The association between visual attention and arithmetic competence: The mediating role of enumeration. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, published online.
  • Wang L.*, & Liu, D. (Feb, 2020). The role of morphological awareness in reading Chinese characters: the moderating effect of morpheme family size. Scientific Studies of Reading, 24, 170-178.
  • Liu, Y., & Liu, D. (Jan, 2020). Compounding morphological awareness and orthographic awareness links Chinese writing to reading comprehension. Reading &Writing. Published online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-019-10009-0
  • Xu, Z.*, Liu, D., & Joshi, R. M. (in press). The influence of sensory-motor components of handwriting on Chinese character learning in second- and fourth-grade Chinese children. Journal of Educational Psychology.
  • Liu, D., & Chen, X. (in press). Visual search and reading comprehension in Chinese children: The mediations of word detection and Chinese character reading. Reading and Writing
  • Liu, S., Wang, L. C., & Liu, D. (2019). Deficits of visual search in Chinese children with dyslexia. Journal of Research in Reading, 42(2), 454–468. doi: 10.1111/1467-9817.12277
  • Liu, S., & Liu, D. (in press). Visual-spatial attention and reading achievement in Chinese children: Evidence from a two-year longitudinal study. Scientific Studies of Reading, doi: 10.1080/10888438.2019.1648475
  • Wang L., & Liu, D. (Feb, 2020). The role of morphological awareness in reading Chinese characters: the moderating effect of morpheme family size. Scientific Studies of Reading, 24, 170-178. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888438.2019.1644338
  • Liu, S., Wang, L. C., & Liu, D. (in press). Auditory, visual, and cross-modal temporal processing skills among Chinese children with developmental dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities. doi: 10.1177/0022219419863766
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (in press). The processing of semantic relation information among Hong Kong Chinese children with good and poor morphological awareness. Reading and Writing. Doi: doi.org/10.1007/s11145-018-9869-y
  • Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Chen, J. K., & Wu, Y. C. (in press). Processing speed of dyslexia: The relationship between temporal processing and rapid naming in Chinese. Reading and Writing. doi: 10.1007/s11145-018-9857-2
  • Liu, S., Liu, D.*, Pan, Z., & Xu, Z. (2018). The association between reading abilities and visual-spatial attention in Hong Kong Chinese children. Dyslexia, 24(3), 263-275. DOI: 10.1002/dys.1584
  • Liu, Y., & Liu, D.* (2018). Noncompound and Compound Chinese Character Reading: Are They the Same for Second-Grade Hong Kong Chinese children? Learning and Individual Difference, 62, 62-68. doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2018.01.009
  • Liu, D. (2017). The Influence of Morphological Structure Information on the Memorization of Chinese Compound Words. Reading and Writing, 30 (8), 1813-1834. doi: 10.1007/s11145-017-9754-0
  • Liu, D., Li, H., & Wong, R. (2017). The anatomy of the role of morphological awareness in Chinese character learning: The mediation of phonological awareness, vocabulary and semantic radical knowledge and the moderation of morpheme family size. Scientific Studies of Reading. 21 (3), 210-224. doi: 10.1080/10888438.2017.1278764
  • Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Chung, K. K.-H., & Yang, H.-M. (2017). Development of Lexical Tone Awareness in Chinese Children with and without Dyslexia. Contemporary Educational Psychology. Published online. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2017.02.002
  • Liu, D., & Zhu, X. (2016). The associations of phonological awareness, morphological awareness, orthographic awareness, and RAN with Hong Kong Chinese children’s literacy performance at word level. Writing Systems Research, 8 (2), 218-233.
  • Liu, D., Chen, X., & Wang, Y. (2016). The impact of visual-spatial attention on reading and spelling in Chinese children. Reading and Writing, 29, 1435-1447. doi 10.1007/s11145-016-9644-x
  • Liu, D., Chung, K. K.-H., & McBride-Chang, C. (2016). The role of SES in Chinese (L1) and English (L2) word reading in Chinese-speaking kindergartners. Journal of Research in Reading, 39, 268-291. doi: 10.1111/1467-9817.12046
  • Liu, D. (2016). The involvement of morphological information in the memorization of Chinese compound words: Evidence from memory errors. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 45, 157-176. doi 10.1007/s10936-014-9336-0
  • Liu, D., Chen, X., & Chung, K. K.-H. (2015). Performance in a visual search task uniquely predicts reading abilities in third-grade Hong Kong Chinese children. Scientific Studies of Reading, 4, 307-324. doi:10.1080/10888438.2015.1030749
  • Liu, D. & McBride-Chang, C. (2014). Morphological structure processing during word recognition and its relationship with character reading among third-grade Chinese children. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 43, 715-735. doi 10.1007/s10936-013-9275-1
  • Liu, D., Chung, K. K.-H., Zhang, Y., & Lu, Z. (2014). Sensitivity to the positional information of morphemes inside Chinese compound words and its relationship with word reading. Reading and Writing, 27, 431-450. doi 10.1007/s11145-013-9451-6
  • Liu, P. D., McBride-Chang, C., Wong, T. T.-Y., Shu, H., & Wong, A. M.-Y. (2013). Morphological awareness in Chinese: Unique associations of homophone awareness and lexical compounding to word reading and vocabulary knowledge in Chinese children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34, 755-775. doi: 10.1017/S014271641200001X
  • McBride-Chang, C., Liu, P. D., Wong, T., Wong, A., & Shu, H. (2012). Specific reading difficulties in Chinese, English, or both: Longitudinal markers of phonological awareness, morphological awareness, and RAN in Hong Kong Chinese children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45, 503-514. doi: 10.1177/0022219411400748
  • McBride-Chang, C., Lin, D., Liu, P. D., Aram, D., Levin, I., Cho, J.-R., Shu, H., & Zhang, Y. (2012). The ABC’s of Chinese: Maternal mediation of Pinyin for Chinese children’s early literacy skills. Reading and Writing. doi: 10.1007/s11145-010-9270-y
  • Liu, P. D., Chung, K. K.-H., McBride-Chang, C., & Tong, X. (2010). Holistic vs. analytic processing: Evidence for a different approach to processing of Chinese at the word and character levels in Chinese children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 107, 466-478. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2010.06.006
  • Liu, P. D. & McBride-Chang, C. (2010). Morphological processing of Chinese compounds from a grammatical view. Applied Psycholinguistics, 31, 605-617. doi: 10.1017/S0142716410000159
  • Chung, K. K.-H., Tong, X., Liu, P. D., McBride-Chang, C., & Meng, X. (2010). The processing of morphological structure information in Chinese coordinative compounds: An event-related potential study. Brain Research, 1352, 157-166. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2010.06.069
  • Liu, P. D., McBride-Chang, C., Wong, A. M.-Y., Tardif, T., Stokes, S., Fletcher, P., & Shu, H. (2010). Early oral language markers of poor reading performance in Hong Kong Chinese children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43, 383-386. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0022219410369084
  • Liu, P. D. & McBride-Chang, C. (2010). What is morphological awareness? Tapping lexical compounding awareness in Chinese third graders. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 62-73. doi: 10.1037/a0016933



  • Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (in press). Typewriting on electronic devices and Chinese children’s literacy development. In K. Sheehy and A. Holliman (Eds.), Education and New Technologies: Perils and Promises for Learners. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Kalindi, S. C., Chung, K. K. H.*, Liu, D., Wang, L.-C. (in press). The complexities of written Chinese and the cognitive-linguistic precursors to reading, with consequent implications for reading interventions. In H. K. Pae (Ed.), Writing Systems, Reading Processes, and Cross-Linguistic Influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Liu, D. (2016). 阅读时,孩子在看什么?——视觉注意与汉语儿童的语文能力发展 (What children see during reading: Visual attention and Chinese children’s literacy development). In W. Li & H. Shu (Eds), The World of Children’s reading I: Studies of Psycholinguistics in Early Reading. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.
  • Liu, D. (2014). Visual-spatial attention and its relationship with reading. In K. K.-H. Chung, K. C.-P. Yuen, & D. M. McInerney (Eds), Understanding Developmental Disorders of Auditory Processing, Language and Literacy across Languages: International Perspectives. Greenwich CT: Information Age Press.
  • McBride-Chang, C. & Liu, P. D. (Aug 2011). Chinese reading development and reading disability: Fundamentals and how they might differ across orthographies. In P. McCardle, J. Ren,& O. Tzeng (Eds.), Dyslexia Across Languages: Orthography and the Brain-Gene-Behavior Link. Maryland: Paul H. Books Publishing.
  • Liu, P. D., Zhou, Y., & McBride-Chang, C. (in press). Morphological awareness: Why and how to link it to Chinese literacy teaching and learning. In Teaching and Learning of Chinese: Multiple Perspectives. Information Age Publisher, Inc.
  • McBride-Chang, C. & Liu, P. D. (2010). Chinese reading development and reading disability: Fundamentals and how they might differ across orthographies. In P. McCardle, J. Ren,& O. Tzeng (Eds.), Dyslexia Across Languages: Orthography and the Brain-Gene-Behavior Link. Maryland: Paul H. Books Publishing.
  • Tong, X., Liu, P. D., & McBride-Chang, C. (2009). Metalinguistic and subcharacter skills in Chinese literacy acquisition. In V. Connelly & C. Wood (Eds.), Contemporary perspectives on reading and spelling. London: Routledge Press.
  • McBride-Chang, C., & Liu, P. D. (2008). An overview of reading acquisition. In the Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development. Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network.



  • Xu, Z. & Liu, D. (Mar, 2021). Body-object interaction effect in word recognition and its relationship with screen-time in Chinese children. Paper presented at the fifth Annual Meeting of The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, online, hosted by Taiwan Normal University.
  • Liu, D., Liu, S., & Xu, Z. (Mar, 2021). The effects of stimulus-driven and goal-directed attentional control on word reading skills among first-grade Chinese children. Paper presented at the fifth Annual Meeting of The Association fo Reading and Writing in Asia, online, hosted by Taiwan Normal University. 
  • Liu, D., Xu, Z.*, Wang, L.*, Wang, L. C., & Joshi, R. M. (Sep, 2020). The association of psychological and ecological factors with word reading in first grade Chinese children. Paper presented at the fourth Annual Meeting of The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, online, hosted by Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Wang, L.*, Liu, D., & Lin, D. (Sep, 2020). The dynamic relations between phonological awareness, morphological awareness and character reading in Chinese early readers: A three-year longitudinal study. Paper presented at the fourth Annual Meeting of The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, online, hosted by Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Xu, Z.*, Wang, L. C., & Liu, D. (Sep, 2020). The unique impact of temporal processing on reading in dyslexia with a deficit in rapid automatic naming. Poster presented at the fourth Annual Meeting of The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, online, hosted by Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Wang, L. C., Xu, Z.*, & Liu, D. (Sep, 2020). The moderation effect of rapid temporal processing on the relationship between working memory and Chinese character reading. Poster presented at the fourth Annual Meeting of The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, online, hosted by Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Tso, R. V. Y., Chan, R. T. C., Hsiao, J. H. W., Kwok, C. W., Lin, D., & Liu, D. (Jul, 2019). The associations between visual spatial attention, holistic processing and reading abilities in Chinese adolescents with and without dyslexia. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto, Canada. 
  • Liu, D., & Liu, S. (Feb, 2019). Visual-spatial Attention and Reading Achievement in Chinese Children: Evidence from a Two-year Longitudinal Study. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Goa, India
  • Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (Dec, 2018). How to Understand the Relationships between Handwriting and Chinese Character Learning. Invited presentation at the 2018 EdUHK-BNU-NTNU Tripartite Conference: Learning Difficulties in Chinese Reading and Writing, Hong Kong, China.
  • Liu, D., & Chen, X. ( Jul, 2018). Visual Search and Reading Comprehension in Chinese Children: Word Detection Skill as a Mediator. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, UK.
  • Liu, D., Chen, X., Chung, K. K. H., & Wong, A. C. N. (Jul., 2017). The effect of visual search among similar stimuli on Chinese children’s character reading and reading comprehension: A two-year longitudinal study. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of Society for the


署理助理院長(學與教), 高級講師II, 副系主任

(852) 2948 7378

署理助理院長(學與教), 高級講師II, 副系主任
(852) 2948 7378
專門: 生涯輔導、資優教育與才華發展



















  • 生涯輔導
  • 輔導實習
  • 兒童及青少年發展重要議題
  • 生涯輔導:充分知情的生涯抉擇
  • 校本生涯規劃教育
  • 生涯輔導課程的設計與實施



  • 生涯輔導
  • 資優教育與才華發展
  • 學校諮商與輔導
  • 社交情緒學習



  • Tsui, J., Yau, F., Tsang., J. & Lee, Y.Y. (2013 March). Presentation on “Giving Positive Energy to Students through Comprehensive Guidance Programme: Using Career Guidance as a Pivot – from Policy to Implementation in Hong Kong”. Symposium on Whole-school Approach for Every Student in Schools. Hiroshima, Japan: Hijiyama University. 7 March 2013.
  • Lee, B., Tsui, J. & Ho, C.Y. (2014 July) Presentation on “Comprehensive Guidance Programme and Individual Student Planning (ISP) in Hong Kong”. The Second International Conference on School Guidance in the Chinese Communities(第二屆兩岸四地學校輔導國際研討會). Shanghai, China: East China Normal University. 4 July 2014.

  • Tsui, J., Yau, F., Tsang., J. Leung, L. & Lee, Y.Y. (2014 July) Presentation on “Career Education as a Pivot in Comprehensive Guidance Programme: From Macro Planning to Micro Classroom Implementation in Hong Kong”. International Symposium of School Guidance and Counseling: New Perspectives on School Guidance and Counseling in Asian Countries and United States. Hiroshima, Japan: Hijiyama University. 27 July 2014.

  • Yuen, M. & Tsui, J. (2016 July) Presentation on “The Role of Meaning in Life and Connectedness in the Career and Talent Development of Chinese Learners”. 14th Asia Pacific Conference on Giftedness, Macau. 13 July 2016.

  • Yuen, M., Yau, F., Tsui, J., Tsang, J., & Lee, B. (2017 May). “Career Education and Vocational Training in Hong Kong”. Invited country paper. NYPI International Conference and International Conference of ARACD 2017. Seoul, South Korea: Sheraton Seoul Palace Gangnam Hotel. 17 May 2017.

  • Tsui, J. & Ip, R. (2021 March). Thematic Seminar for Secondary School Teachers on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Services for Students – Group Guidance Skills, 2020/21 School Year. Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 4 March 2021.

  • Yuen, M., Tsui, J. & Yau, F. (2021 May). Thematic Seminar for Secondary School Teachers on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Services for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), 2020/21 School Year. Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 28 May 2021.

  • Lee, Q. & Tsui, J. (2022 May). Thematic Seminar for Secondary School Teachers on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Services for Students – Group Guidance Skills, 2021/22 School Year. Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 26 May 2022.



  • 中華基督教會基協中學專業顧問
  • 「賽馬會幸福校園實踐計劃」督導委員會成員
  • 香港大學融合與特殊教育研究發展中心學校輔導、生活技能及生涯發展小組成員
  • 亞太資優協會香港代表(替代)
  • 前香港輔導教師協會主席
  • 前教育局課程發展處中學教科書檢討委員會成員



  • 香港輔導教師協會幹事 (HKACMGM)
  • 香港專業輔導協會副會員 (HKPCA)
  • 亞太生涯發展學會會員 (APCDA)
  • 亞太資優協會會員暨香港代表(替代)(APFG)
  • 美國生涯發展協會會員 (NCDA)
  • 世界資優兒童協會會員 (WCGTC)
  • 國際校本輔導政策研究及評鑑學會會員 (ISPRESC)



  1. 學術發表
  • Yuen, M., Ho, J., Chung, Y.B., Fong, R.W., Cheng, S., Ho, J.H., Kwok, D., Tsui, J., Ho, S., Chiu, C.W., Cheng, C. K. Y., Yuen, J., & Cheung, V. (2012). Overcoming Obstacles Associated with Other Learning Experiences and School-based Assessment: Perspectives of High School Students with Visual Impairment in Hong Kong. Collaboration Research Project Report. Hong Kong, China: Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, & Hong Kong Blind Union.
  • Lau, P, Tsui, J. & F. Wu, (2015).  From Inspire to Aspire. In M.McMahon & W. Patton (eds.) (2015), Ideas for career practitioners (New edition). Toowong, Australia: Australia Academic Press. pp.146-155.
  • Yuen, M., Lee, T.L., Ho, E. Y. F., Tsui, J., Leung, A.S., Lau, P.S.Y. (2016). Assessing life skills self-efficacy, school connectedness and meaning in life - A brief manual for career development practitioners. In CLAP for Adventure Guidebook on Career Exploration E-portal 1.0.  Hong Kong, China: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • Yuen, M., Tsui, J., Tsang, J., Yau, F., & Lee, B., (2019) Career education and vocational training in Hong Kong: Implications for school-based career counselling. International Journal for the Advancement of Counsell0ing, 41(3), 449-467. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10447-018-9361-z
  • 鄭國強、徐恩祖*、吳善揮、黃綺筠(2019)。香港中學初任教師之專業發展問題及其因應策略。臺灣教育評論月刊,8(2),7-14。
  • Tsui, J., & Yuen, M. (2020) Career Guidance for Gifted Students in Hong Kong. In Yuen, M., Beamish, W. & Solberg, V.S.H. (2020; Eds.). Careers for Students with Special Educational Needs - Perspectives on Development and Transitions from the Asia-Pacific Region. Singapore: Springer.
  • 吳善揮、徐恩祖* (2020)。淺論香港學校進行教學品質評鑑的困難及因應策略。品質月刊,56(10),34-37。
  • 吳善揮、徐恩祖* (2020)。淺論差異化教學對融合班學生的重要性及其實施建議。特殊教育與輔助科技半年刊,23,1-7。
  • 吳善揮、徐恩祖* (2020)。淺論疫情下香港融合教育的困難及其因應策略。南屏特殊教育期刊,11,29-40。
  • 吳善揮、徐恩祖* (2021)。香港學校推動自主學習的困難及因應策略。學生事務與輔導季刊,60(1),7-12。


  1. 報紙文章
  • 徐恩祖*(2016年11月24日)。《資優多才多藝 還需師長引導》。文滙報,生涯旅程。
  • 徐恩祖*(2017年3月17日)。《文理之間的迷思 – 談高中選科的困惑》。明報,教育講論。
  • 徐恩祖*(2017年5月18日)。《放手讓尖子選擇生涯》。文滙報,生涯旅程。
  • 徐恩祖*(2018年1月18日)。《雙重特殊資優生 強項為本展才華》。文滙報,生涯旅程。
  • 徐恩祖*(2018年2月6日)。《畢業了,讓你的夢想飛翔》。明報,生涯不惑。
  • 徐恩祖*(2018年10月18日)。《生涯規劃早籌謀 新津需落實到位》。文滙報,生涯旅程。
  • 徐恩祖*(2019年3月9日)。《情緒支援資優生 或勝金錢及物質》。文滙報,生涯旅程。


副教授, 副系主任

(852) 2948 8408

副教授, 副系主任
(852) 2948 8408
(852) 2948 7794
專門: 發展性讀寫障礙,多動症

Ph.D., National University of Tainan, Taiwan
M.Phil., National University of Tainan Taiwan, R.O.C.
B.Ed., National University of Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.



Dr. WANG, Li-Chih Angus obtained his Ph.D. in special education from the National University of Tainan in Taiwan. Before joining our department this year, he served as an Associate Professor at National Tsing Hua University and EdUHK. He had previously taught in various educational settings within the realm of special education, encompassing preschool, primary, and secondary stages. His research interests include the cognitive and linguistic abilities related to Chinese SpLD, with a main focus on temporal processing. This extends to studies aimed at enhancing these cognitive and linguistic capabilities, as well as refining the pedagogical and assessment methods tailored to this population. Additionally, his research interests encompass the mental health and school life of students with Chinese SpLD, and how these conditions impact their reading performance or learning. Over recent years, he has been the recipient of research grants funded by the Research Grant Council (Hong Kong), Education Bureau (Hong Kong), National Science and Technology Council (Taiwan), Ministry of Education (Taiwan), and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Malaysia).



  • 特殊學習障礙
  • 讀寫障礙
  • 中文學生的閱讀及學習的特殊教育需要



  • 中文讀寫障礙學生的認知及閱讀能力
  • 中文讀寫障礙學生的異質性
  • 中文讀寫障礙及多動症學生的合併症
  • 專科以上學校 講師證書.
  • 國民小學特殊教育 教師證
  • 國民小學普通教育 教師證
  • 中華人民共和國高級諮商心理師 證書



  • President of Taiwan Academy for Learning Disabilities 2023 – 2026
  • Editorial Board Member of BMC Psychology (SSCI) 2023 – present
  • Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports (SCI) 2023 – present
  • Editorial Board Member of Tsing Hua Journal of Educational 
    Research 2023 – present
  • Editorial Board Member of Cogent Education (ESCI journal) 2022 – present
  • Member of Editor Board of IAFOR Journal of Language Learning
  • Board Member of Taiwan Academy for Learning Disabilities
  • Selected Member of International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities
  • Member of Conference Organizing Committee of 2017 Association for Reading and Writing in Asia
  • Member of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia
  • Member of Society for the Scientific Study of Reading
  • Member of Special Education Association of the Republic of China



  • Faculty ‘Quality Journal Article’ Award in 2016/17
  • Faculty’s Top 10% Publication Awards 2015/16
  • 台灣學障學會第八屆年會暨學術研討會最佳新人論文獎
  • 國科會「獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文」
  • 國科會補助博士生赴國外研究



  • Do children learn Chinese with receiving phonetic system training affect the role of auditory temporal processing to reading? – A longitudinal study [UGC General Research Fund (GRF), 2019-2022, L. C. Wang (PI) with K. K. H. Chung, D. Liu and S. Y. Chiu].
  • The effective use of Chinese stem-deriving instruction for Chinese children with dyslexia [Quality Education Fund (QEF), 2019-2021, L. C. Wang (PI) with K. K. H. Chung and D. Liu].
  • Examine the relationships between reading prosody and reading comprehension in Chinese primary school children: A cross-sectional design [UGC/EdUHK Internal Research Grant (IRG), 2018-2019, L. C. Wang (PI) with K. K. H. Chung, D. Liu and L. Y. L. Kwan-Chen]
  • Expressive prosody of Chinese children with dyslexia [Departmental Research Seed Fund, 2018-2019, L. C. Wang (PI) with D. Liu and L. Y. L. Kwan-Chen]
  • How phonetic system training change the way we read Chinese? An ERP study [Internal Research Fund from Centre for Educational and Developmental Sciences, 2018-2019, L. C. Wang (PI) with K. K. H. Chung, D. Liu, Y. N. Yum, S. Y., Chiu]
  • Principal Investigator, Distinct effects of visual and auditory temporal processing training to reading-related abilities and reading of Chinese children with dyslexia, with D. Liu, Departmental Research Seed Fund, 2016-2017
  • Principal Investigator, Do children learning Chinese with phonetic system affect the role of auditory temporal processing to reading? – Pilot study, UGC/EdUHK Internal Research Grant, 2016-2017
  • Co-Investigator, Working memory training in young children with ADHD and/or RD: a randomized placebo-controlled trial, with K. Y. Poon as the PI, UGC/HKIEd Internal Research Grant (IRG), 2016-2017
  • Principal Investigator, Using Big6 model via multimedia learning approach on improving reading comprehension of primary school children with dyslexia, Quality Education Fund, 2015-2016
  • Principal Investigator, Comorbidities in Taiwanese children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading disabilities, with K. K. H. Chung, UGC/HKIEd Internal Research Grant, 2014-2015
  • Principal Investigator, Effects of phonological awareness training on character reading in dyslexic children in Chinese, UGC/HKIEd Start-Up Research Grant, 2014-2015


  • Jhuo, R. A., Yang, H. M., Tsai, H. J., & Wang, L. C (2023). How Does Visual Temporal Processing Affect Chinese Character Reading in Children With Dyslexia? From the Perspective of Inhibition. Journal of Learning Disabilities., .-.. https://doi-org.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/10.1177/00222194231207549
  • Chung, K. K. H., Lam, C. B., Chan, K. S.-C., Lee, A. S. Y., Liu, C., & Wang, L.-C. (2023). Are General Anxiety, Reading Anxiety, and Reading Self-Concept Linked to Reading Skills Among Chinese Adolescents With and Without Dyslexia?. Journal of Learning Disabilities., .-.. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022219423118191
  • Chen, J. K., Pan, Z., & Wang, L. C. (2023). Parental Beliefs and Actual Use of Corporal Punishment, School Violence and Bullying, and Depression in Early Adolescence Parental beliefs and actual use of corporal punishment, school violence and bullying, and depression in early adolescence. International journal of environmental research and public health18(12), 6270-.. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph1812627
  • Xu, Z., Wang, L.-C., Chung, K. K. H., Zhang, X., Li, N., & Liu, D. (2023). Contributions of cognitive flexibility to reading comprehension in Chinese beginning readers. Reading and Writing., .-..
  • Chen, J. K., Lin, L., Hong, J. S., & Wang, L. C. (2023). Temporal association of parental corporal punishment with violence in school and cyberbullying among adolescents. Child Abuse & Neglect143, .-.. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106251
  • Chen, J.-K., Yang, B., Lin, C.-Y., & Wang, L.-C. (2023). Affiliation With Delinquent Peers as a Mediator of the Relationships Between Family Conflict and School Bullying: A ShortTerm Longitudinal Panel Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence39(19-20), 1-17. https://doi-org.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/10.1177/08862605231175517
  • Wang, L. C., Liu, D., Yum, Y. N., Chung, K. K. H., Chu, S. Y., Tai, P. L. A., Xu, Z., Kuo, H. C., & Chang, C. C. (2023). The relationship between auditory temporal processing, phonological processing and reading in Hong Kongese and Taiwanese children: from kindergarten to primary school. Journal for the Study of Education and Development., .-.. https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2023.2197348
  • Chen, J. K., Yang, B., Wang, L. C., Chang, C. W., & Lin, C. Y (2023). Is psychological distress a risk factor or an outcome of school violence and cyberbullying perpetrated by adolescents? A short-term longitudinal panel study. Journal of interpersonal violence38(15-16), .-.. https://doi-org.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/10.1177/08862605231163249
  • Chen, J. K., Wang, S. C., & Wang, L. C. (2023). Syndemic Profiles and Sexual Health Risks Among Sexually Exploited Adolescent Girls in Taiwan: A Latent Class Analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior52(4), 1631-1641. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-023-02545-2
  • Chen, J.-K., Chang, C.-W., Lin, C.-Y., & Wang, L.-C. (2023). An Investigation of Longitudinal Associations Between Psychological Distress and Student Victimization by Teachers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence38(3-4), 3279-3297. https://doi-org.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/10.1177/08862605221106134
  • Wang, L.-C., Chen, J.-K., & Poon, K. (2023). Relationships Between State Anxiety and Reading Comprehension of Chinese Students With and Without Dyslexia: A Cross-Sectional Design. Learning Disability Quarterly46(4), 247-260. https://doi.org/10.1177/07319487221149413
  • Wang, L.-C., Xu, Z., Liu, D., Kwan-Chen, L. L.-Y., Chung, K. K.-H., Cho, H.-Y., & Chen, J.-K. (2022). Age differences in the relation between Chinese students’ prosodic sensitivity and reading comprehension: From nine to fifteen years. Cognitive Development64 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2022.101234
  • Wang, L.-C., Chu, S. M. S., & Chen, J.-K. (2022). Humor Comprehension of Chinese Adolescents with and without Dyslexia. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education., .-.. https://doi-org.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/10.1080/1034912X.2022.2122416
  • Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Kwan-Chen, L.-Y., Chung, K. K.-H., & Chen, J. K. (2022). Lower prosodic sensitivity in Chinese children with dyslexia and its impact on Chinese reading. Dyslexia28(3), 342-358. https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.1720
  • Wang, L.-C., Chen, J.-K., & Tsai, H.-J. (2022). Anxiety and Reading Comprehension of Chinese Children with and withoutReading Disabilities: The Role of Processing Speed. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice37(2), 113-123. https://doi.org/ 10.1111/ldrp.12279
  • Liu, D., Xu, Z., & Wang, L. C. (2022). The interaction between morphological awareness and word detection skills in predicting speeded passage reading in primary and secondary school Chinese readers. Frontiers in Psychologypublished online https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.802005
  • Chen, JK., Wu, C. & Wang, LC. (2021). Longitudinal Associations Between School Engagement and Bullying Victimization in School and Cyberspace in Hong Kong: Latent Variables and an Autoregressive Cross‑Lagged Panel Study. School Mental Health13(3), 462-472. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-021-09439-5
  • Poon, K., Ho, M. S. H., & Wang, L. C. (2021). Examining the distinctive working memory profiles in Chinese children with the predominantly inattentive subtype of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading difficulties. Frontiers in Psychology12, 718112.
  • Chen, J. K., Chang, C. W., Wang, Z., Wang, L. C., & Wei, H. S. (2021). Cyber deviance among adolescents in Taiwan: Prevalence and correlates. Children and Youth Services Review126, .-.. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106042
  • Wang, L. C. (2021). Anxiety and depression among Chinese childrenwith and without reading disabilities. Dyslexia27(3), 355-372. https://doi-org.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/10.1002/dys.1691
  • Liu, C., Chung, K.K.H., Wang, L.-C., & Liu, D. (2021). The Relationship Between Paired Associate Learning and Chinese Word Reading in Kindergarten Children. Journal of Research in Reading44(2), 264-283.
  • Wang, L.-C., & Chung, K. K. H. (2021). Do Taiwanese Undergraduate Students with SLD Use Different LearningStrategies than Students without These Disabilities?. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice37(1), 6-17. https://doi-org.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/10.1111/ldrp.12269
  • Wang, L.-C., Li, X., & Chung, K. K. H. (2021). Relationships between test anxiety and metacognition in Chinese young adults with and without specific learning disabilities. Annals of Dyslexia71(1), 103-126.
  • Xu, Z., Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Chen, Y., & Tao, L. (2020). The Moderation Effect of Processing Efficiency on the Relationship Between Visual Working Memory and Chinese Character Recognition. Frontiers in Psychology11, 1899-..
  • Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Chung, K. K. H., & Chu, S.-Y. (2020). The link between auditory temporal processing and knowledge of the phonological coding system in learning to read Chinese. Learning and Individual Differences80, .-..
  • Wang, L.-C. (2020). The relationships among temporal processing, rapid naming, and oral reading fluency in Chinese children with and without dyslexia. Learning Disability Quarterly, 43(3), 167-178. doi: 10.1177/0731948719892075
  • Wang, L. C. *, & Yang, H. M. (2020). The roles of various attention on temporal processing deficits in Chinese children with and without dyslexia. Learning Disability Quarterly. doi: 10.1177/0731948719856300
  • Liu, S., Wang, L. C., & Liu, D*. (2019). Deficits of visual search in Chinese children with dyslexia. Journal of Research in Reading, 42(2), 454-468.
  • Liu, S., Wang, L. C.,* & Liu, D. (2019). Auditory, visual, and cross-modal temporal processing skills among Chinese children with developmental dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(6), 431-441.doi: 10.1177/0022219419863766
  • Wang, L. C.*, & Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (2019). Distinct effects of visual and auditory temporal processing training to reading-related abilities and reading of Chinese children with dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia. doi:10.1007/s11881-019-00176-8
  • Wang, L. C.*, Liu, D., Chen, J. K., & Wu, Y. C. (2018). Processing speed of dyslexia: the relationship between temporal processing and rapid naming. Reading and Writing, 31(7), 1645-1668. doi:10.1007/s11145-018-9857-2
  • Wang, L. C.*, & Chung, K. K. H. (2018). Comorbidities in Taiwanese Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading disabilities. Dyslexia, 24(3), 276-293. doi: 10.1002/dys.1579
  • Wang, L. C.*, & Yang, H. M. (2018). Temporal processing development in Chinese primary school-aged children with dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(3), 302–312. doi:10.1177/0022219416680798
  • Wang, L. C.* (2017). Effects of phonological training on reading-related abilities and character reading of Hong Kong children with dyslexia. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1904. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01904
  • Wang, L. C.*, Liu, D., Chung, K. K. H., & Yang, H. M. (2017). Development of lexical tone awareness in Chinese children with and without dyslexia. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 49, 203-214.
  • Wang, L. C.*, & Yang, H. M. (2015). Diverse inhibition and working memory of word recognition for dyslexic and typically developing children. Dyslexia, 21(2), 162-176.
  • Wang, L. C., & Yang, H. M. (2014). Classifying Chinese children with dyslexia by dual-route and triangle models of Chinese reading. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(11), 2702-2713. 
  • 王立志*、楊憲明(2015)。漢語發展性閱讀障礙學生之亞型分類研究。特殊教育研究學刊,40(1),55-83。
  • 王立志*、楊憲明(2014)。學習障礙學生之認知抑制能力探究。特殊教育季刊,132,9-15。
  • Wang, L. C., Tsai, H. J. & Yang, H. M. (2013). The effect of different stimulus attributes on the attentional performance of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(11), 3936–3945.
  • Wang, L. C., Yang, H. M., Tsai, H. J., & Chan, S. Y.* (2013). Learner-generated drawing for phonological and orthographic dyslexic readers. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 228-233. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 3.201; Ranking in Rehabilitation: 1/52; Ranking in Education , Special category: 1/29)
  • 王立志(2012)。注意力缺陷過動症資優兒童的處遇。資優教育季刊,119,35-42。(國科會教育學門二級期刊)
  • Wang, L. C., Tsai, H. J., & Yang, H. M.* (2012). Cognitive inhibition in students with and without dyslexia and dyscalculia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(5), 1453-1461. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 3.201; Ranking in Rehabilitation: 1/52; Ranking in Education , Special category: 1/29)
  • Lin, C. Y.*, Wang, L. C., Lin, H. H., Jen, Y. H., Chen, T. H., & Chang, L. W. (2012). Application of virtual interface of interactive teaching materials for children with developmental disabilities. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 138/2012, 199-206. (EI)
  • 王立志*、張藝闡、何美慧(2011)。從注意力的成分探討學習障礙學生與注意力缺陷過動症學生在鑑定與教學上的迷思。2011年中華民國特殊教育學會年刊336-360。
  • Lin, C. Y., Jen, Y. H., Wang, L. C., Lin, H. H., & Chang, L. W. (2011). Assessment of the application of Wii remote for the design of interactive teaching materials. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 235, 483-490.
  • Lin, C. Y., Lin, H. H., Jen, Y. H., Wang, L. C., & Chang, L. W. (2011). Interactive technology application program of experience learning for children with developmental disabilities. Advanced Materials Research, 267, 259-264. (EI)
  • Wang, L. C.*, & Yang, H. M. (2011). The comparison of the visuo-spatial abilities of dyslexic and normal students in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(3), 1052-1057. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 4.410; Ranking in Rehabilitation: 1/52; Ranking in Education , Special category: 1/29 )
  • Lin, C. Y., Hung, P. H., Wang, L. C., & Lin, C. C. (2010). Reducing cognitive load through virtual environments among hearing-impaired students. Proceedings of PACCS 2010 , 183-186. PACCS 2010: Beijing. (EI)
  • 王立志(2010)。注意力缺陷過動症學生的聽覺注意力問題。特殊教育季刊,11416-21頁。(國科會教育學門三級期刊)
  • 王立志、楊憲明(2008)。提高信噪比對注意力缺陷過動症學生遵守指令、持續性注意力以及短期記憶的影響。特殊教育與復健學報,1951-89。(國科會教育學門三級期刊)


  • Wang, L. C. & Wu, Y. C. (2017, Feb). Processing speed of dyslexia: the relationship between deficient temporal processing and rapid naming. Poster presented at 2017 Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia. Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Wang, L. C. (2016, Nov). Anxiety and depression in Chinese children with and without reading disabilities of different genders. Poster presented at Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association – Taiwan Education Research Association 2016. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Wang, L. C., Chung, K. K. H., & Chen, Z. Y. (2016, Feb). Comorbidities in Taiwanese Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Reading Disabilities. Poster presented at 2016 Asia Joint Symposium on Reading and Spelling. Seoul, Korea.
  • Wang, L. C. (2015, Nov). Effects of phonological awareness training on word reading of dyslexic children learning Chinese without a phonetic supporting system. Oral presented at the 2015 Special Education Association of the Republic of China 47th Annual Meeting and Conference. Taipei, Taiwan. [in Chinese]
  • Chan, S. Y., Wang, L. C., Cho, H.-Y. Yang, H.-M. (2015, March). The effects of Zuying Fuhao attached to Chinese character to reading fluency of children with reading difficulties. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Conference of Taiwan Academy of Learning Disabilities. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. [in Chinese]
  • Wang, L. C., & Yang, H. M. (2014, November). The developments of visual and auditory temporal processing of Chinese children with dyslexia – Cross-sectional design. Paper presented at The 2014 Special Education Association of the Republic of China 46th Annual Meeting and Conference. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Wang, L. C., & Yang, H. M. (2014, June). The effects of perceptual training method to lexical tone identification of normal and poor reading young children. Poster presented at Conference of Enhancing Low-Achieving Students’ Learning, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Wang, L. C., & Yang, H. M (2014, March). Development and difference of lexical tone detections between Chinese children with and without developmental dyslexia – A cross sectional study. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Conference of Taiwan Academy of Learning Disabilities, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • 王立志(2012,3月)。漢語發展性閱讀障礙分類的相關議題探究。海報發表於臺灣學習障礙學會年會,高雄市。【2012年臺灣學障學會第八屆最佳新人論文獎】
  • 王立志、楊憲明(2010,11月)。比較以不同文本呈現模式對於學習障礙學生閱讀理解的影響。論文發表於2010年特殊教育與輔助科技研討會,臺南市。
  • Wang, L. C., & Chang, Y. C. (2010, December). The effect of changing presenting style of dynamic display in Chinese for learning disability students. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2010, Osaka, Japan.
  • Wang, L. C. (2010, September). The Study of the effects on reading comprehension of elementary 4th graders by comparing different models of textual presentation. Paper presented at 2010 London International Conference on Education, London.



Dr AHORSU Daniel Kwasi


(852) 2948 8590

Dr AHORSU Daniel Kwasi
(852) 2948 8590
Specialisation: Clinical Psychology, Neuroscience (cognitive and affective)


PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

MPhil, University of Ghana

BA, University of Ghana



Dr Ahorsu is a result-oriented clinical psychologist with over a decade of experience in conducting research. He is currently serving as an academic editor at PLos One, and an early career editorial board member at the Asian Journal of Psychiatry. He has served in several clinical capacities including heading the employee assistance programme (EAP). As a clinical psychologist, the ultimate outcome of any research is to make life better, longer, and worth living. Guided by this assertion, my research mainly focuses on translating knowledge in psychology and neuroscience into understanding the thinking, feeling, and action of people with different health conditions so as to proffer appropriate treatment for them. Hence, my research interest can be partitioned into three areas. The first is on psychometrics—construction, validation, assessment, and other related activities. The second is on neuroscience (affective and cognitive)—understanding how people process various forms of information. The third is on (neuro)psychological intervention or neurocognitive rehabilitation—examining factors that affect the optimal functioning of humans and designing interventional techniques to remediate it. Broadly, the focus of my research interest is to assess and understand people with mental illness using traditional and cutting-edge research techniques so as to treat or recommend appropriate treatment for them.


Teaching Areas

  • Basic Research Methods and Proposal
  • Social-Emotional Development and Special Needs


Research Interests

  • Mental health
  • Neuroscience (cognitive and affective)
  • Therapeutic interventions
  • Psychometrics


Academic Conference and Presentation

  • Ahorsu D. K., Sánchez Vidaña D. I., Lipardo D., Shah P. B., Cruz G. P., Shende S., Gurung, S., Venkatesan H., Duongthuothewa A., Ansari T. Q., & Schoeb M. V. (2019). De-mythifying mental health taboo: Can an educational programme in combination with workshops change the perspective towards mental health and help seeking behavior among university students in Hong Kong? Oral presentation. 5th International conference on medical and Health Sciences. mental Health: Everyone's Responsibility. Organized by Medical Education Centre for Research Innovation and Training, (MECRIT), and the Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (KGUMSB), 25th to 27th October 2019, Thimpu, Bhutan.
  • Ahorsu, D. K. & Tsang, H. W. H (2018). The effects of emotional expressions on attention-inhibition processes of depressed patients: An ERP systematic review. A presentation at 11th Pan Pacific Rehabilitation Conference, 17 – 18 November, 2018.
  • Ahorsu, D. K. & Tsang, H. W. H (2018). Do people with depression always have decreased cognitive processing speed? Evidence through Electrophysiological lens. A presentation at 11th Pan Pacific Rehabilitation Conference, 17 – 18 November, 2018.


Community and Professional Services

  • Editor/Editorial Board Member (Early Career)
  • PLos One
  • Asian Journal of Psychiatry



  • Adjaottor, E. S., Addo, F. M., Ahorsu, F. A., Chen, H. P., & Ahorsu, D. K.* (2022). Predictors of COVID-19 stress and COVID-19 vaccination acceptance among adolescents in Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7871. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19137871
  • Ahorsu, D. K., Lin, C.-Y., Alimoradi, Z., Griffiths, M. D., Chen, H.-P., Broström, A., Timpka, T., & Pakpour, A. H. (2022). Cyberchondria, fear of COVID-19, and risk perception mediate the association between problematic social media use and intention to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines, 10(1), 122. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10010122
  • Ahorsu, D. K., Lin, C.-Y., Chen, I. H., Ullah, I., Shoib, S., Zahid, S. U., Adjaottor, E. S., Addo, F.-M., & Pakpour, A. H. (2022). The psychometric properties of motors of COVID-19 vaccination acceptance scale (MoVac-COVID19S): A dataset across five regions. Data in Brief, 42, 108103. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2022.108103
  • Ahorsu, D. K., Lin, C.-Y., Marznaki, Z. H., & H. Pakpour, A. (2022). The association between fear of COVID-19 and mental health: The mediating roles of burnout and job stress among emergency nursing staff [https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1154]. Nursing Open, 9(2), 1147-1154. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1154
  • Ahorsu, D. K., Lin, C.-Y., Yahaghai, R., Alimoradi, Z., Broström, A., Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2022). The mediational role of trust in the healthcare system in the association between generalized trust and willingness to get COVID-19 vaccination in Iran. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 18(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/21645515.2021.1993689
  • Chen, I.-H., Wu, P.-L., Yen, C.-F., Ullah, I., Shoib, S., Zahid, S. U., Bashir, A., Iqbal, N., Addo, F.-M., Adjaottor, E. S., Amankwaah, G. B., Ahorsu, D. K., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C.-Y., & Pakpour, A. H. (2022). Motors of COVID-19 vaccination acceptance scale (MoVac-COVID19S): Evidence of measurement invariance across five countries. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 15, 435-445. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S351794
  • Fan, C.-W., Chen, J.-S., Addo, F.-M., Adjaottor, E. S., Amankwaah, G. B., Yen, C.-F., Ahorsu, D. K., & Lin, C.-Y. (2022). Examining the validity of the drivers of COVID-19 vaccination acceptance scale using Rasch analysis. Expert Review of Vaccines, 21(2), 253-260 https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14760584.2022.2011227
  • Imani, V., Ahorsu, D. K., Taghizadeh, N., Parsapour, Z., Nejati, B., Chen, H. P., & Pakpour, A. H. (2022). The mediating roles of anxiety, depression, sleepiness, insomnia, and sleep quality in the association between problematic social media use and quality of life among patients with cancer. Healthcare (Basel), 10(9), 1745. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10091745
  • Lin, C.-Y., Fan, C.-W., Ahorsu, D. K., Lin, Y. C., Weng, H.-C., & Griffiths, M. D. (2022). Associations between vaccination and quality of life among Taiwan general population: A comparison between COVID-19 vaccines and flu vaccines. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 2079344. https://doi.org/10.1080/21645515.2022.2079344
  • Oppong, D., Adjaottor, E. S., Addo, F.-M., Nyaledzigbor, W., Ofori-Amanfo, A. S., Chen, H.-P., & Ahorsu, D. K.* (2022). The Mediating Role of Selfitis in the Associations between Self-Esteem, Problematic Social Media Use, Problematic Smartphone Use, Body-Self Appearance, and Psychological Distress among Young Ghanaian Adults. Healthcare, 10(12).
  • Weng, Y., Lin, J., Ahorsu, D. K., & Tsang, H. W. H. (2022). Neuropathways of theory of mind in schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 137, 104625. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104625
  • Wu, Y.-P., Ahorsu, D. K., Chen, J.-S., Lee, C.-H., Lin, C.-Y., & Griffiths, M. D. (2022). The role of demographic factors, mindfulness and perceived stress in resilience among nurses: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13715



*Corresponding author

These authors contributed equally to this work.



(852) 2948 7172

(852) 2948 7172





鄧沁麗博士於香港大學教育學院獲得博士學位。在加入特殊教育與輔導學系前,鄧博士獲得政府資助並擔任香港大學教育學院的博士後研究員。鄧博士的研究興趣聚焦於探討閱讀困難或聽障兒童語言處理的神經機制及雙語讀寫能力的發展。鄧博士曾於多份國際期刊發表論文,包括Neuropsychologia, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Annals of Dyslexia等。此外,鄧博士亦為多本國際同行評審期刊擔任審稿人,包括British Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education等。



  • 感覺障礙
  • 融合教育



  • 語言處理的神經機制
  • 雙語語言及讀寫發展



  • 期刊審查者: Learning and Instruction, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, First Language, Frontiers, Journal of Learning Disabilities, The Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading

  • 遴選會員: The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR)

  • 專業資格

    • 國家二級心理咨詢師                         

    • 三級人力資源管理師                       

    • 中小學教師資格證(心理咨詢與輔導)



  • The British Psychological Society, BPS (2023年 - 現在)
  • American Psychological Association, APA (2023 - 2024)
  • International School Psychology Association, ISPA (2023- 現在)
  • The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, SSSR (2017 - 現在)
  • Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, ARWA (2021 - 2022)



  • 韻律意識與雙語閱讀理解發展
  • 口語理解中韻律與語義的神經相互作用



  • Deng, Q., Lentejas, K. G., & Tong, S. (under review). Unveiling the Influence of Prosody on Chinese-English Bilingual Children’s Reading Comprehension: Examining the Relative Importance of Phonological and Morphological Awareness in L1 Chinese and L2 English. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
  • Tong, S. X., Lentejas, K. G., Deng, Q. (equal second author), An, N., & Cui, Y. (2023). How prosodic sensitivity contributes to reading comprehension: A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 35(3), 1-28.
  • Tong, X., Deng, Q., & Tong, S. X. (2023). Speech prosody and Chinese-English bilingual children’s reading comprehension: The mediation of syntactic awareness. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1–14.
  • Tong, X., Deng, Q., & Tong, S.X. (2022). Syntactic awareness matters: Uncovering reading comprehension difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese-English bilingual children. Annals of Dyslexia, 72(3), 532–551.
  • Deng, Q., & Tong, S. X. (2021). Understanding text reading comprehension of Chinese students who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing: The roles of segmental phonological awareness and suprasegmental lexical tone awareness. American Annals of the Deaf, 166(4), 462–477.
  • Deng, Q., & Tong, S. X. (2021). Linguistic but not cognitive weakness in deaf or hard-of-hearing poor comprehenders. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 26(3), 351–362.
  • Deng, Q., & Tong, S. X. (2021). Suprasegmental but not segmental phonological awareness matters in understanding bilingual reading comprehension difficulties in Chinese and English: A 3-year longitudinal study. Annals of Dyslexia, 171(1), 150–169.
  • Tong, X., Deng, Q., Deacon, S.H., Saint-Aubin, J., & Wang, S. (2020). To see or not to see: The roles of item properties and language knowledge in Chinese missing logographeme effects. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(5), 1113–1139.
  • Deng, Q., Gu, F., & Tong, S.X. (2020). Lexical processing in sign language: A visual mismatch negativity study. Neuropsychologia, 148. 107629.
  • Deng, Q., Choi, W., & Tong, X. (2019). Bidirectional cross-linguistic association of phonological skills and reading comprehension: Evidence from Hong Kong Chinese-English bilingual readers. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 52(4), 299–311.
  • Deng, Q., & Chen, J. (2015), A coordinate-based meta-analysis in brain imaging study: Activation likelihood estimation. Psychological Science, 38(1), 216–220. (in Chinese)
  • Liu, X., Chen, J., He, C., & Deng, Q. (2015). Cognitive control mechanism of highly proficient Mandarin-Cantonese bilinguals–behavioral research evidence from dual-task switching paradigm, Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47(4), 439–454. (in Chinese)



  • Deng, Q., Lentejas, K. G., & Tong, S. X. (2023, July 19-22). Contributions of Prosodic Sensitivity to Reading Comprehension Among Chinese-English Bilingual Children: Mediation Roles of Metalinguistic Awareness and Word Reading. In Xiuhong Tong (chairs), Prosody, syntax and reading comprehension [Symposium]. The 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort, Port Douglas, Australia.
  • Deng, Q., Lentejas, K. G., & Tong, S. X. (2023, June 16-17). Mediating roles of metalinguistic awareness and word reading in the relations between prosodic sensitivity and reading comprehension among Chinese-English bilingual children. In Siu Sze Yeung (chairs), Cognitive-linguistic skills and literacy development [Symposium]. Reading and Writing in Alternative Populations, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. https://reading-writing.wixsite.com/conference
  • Deng, Q. (2022, June 30). Understanding sign language processing and text reading comprehension among deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals [Brown Bag Research Seminar]. Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
  • Deng, Q. & Tong, S. X. (2022, March 14-15). The roles of segmental and suprasegmental phonological awareness in Chinese text reading comprehension among students who Are d/Deaf and hard of hearing [Conference session]. STudents’ Ongoing Research In Educational Studies, University of Oxford, UK.
  • Deng, Q. & Tong, S. X. (2021, March 5-6). Lexical sign processing: A visual mismatch negativity [Conference session]. Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
  • Deng, Q. & Tong, X. (2019, July 17-20). Understanding Chinese sign language comprehension and text reading comprehension in Chinese deaf children with hearing impairment: The roles of vocabulary, prosody, working memory, and executive function [Conference session]. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Canada.
  • Deng, Q. & Tong, X. (2017, February 24). Chinese missing logographeme effect: Item properties and language knowledge [Poster presentation]. Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
  • Deng, Q., Choi, W., & Tong, X. (2017, July 12-15). Segmental and suprasegmental phonological skills in Chinese-English bilingual children with reading comprehension difficulties [Poster presentation]. The 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Marriott Harbourfront, Halifax, Canada.
  • Deng, Q., Choi, W., & Tong, X. (2017, May 19-20). The roles of phonological skills in Chinese-English bilingual children with reading comprehension difficulties [Conference session]. Research Postgraduate Conference, Faculty of Education of The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
  • Deng, Q. (2016, December 8-10). Searching for meaning: Effects of positional typicality and functionality of radical in reading Chinese [Poster presentation]. The 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL), South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.
  • Hao, S., Chen, J., Deng, Q., Liu, X., & Xue, L.[2014, October 10-12]. Partial activation induced TIP of the tongue phenomenon ––based on the results of phonological priming and semantic priming [Conference session]. The 17th National Academic Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.
  • Deng, Q., Duan, Y., Xu, K., & Chen, J. (2013, November 11-13). Deaf student’s semantic encoding in the picture-word interference paradigm [Conference session]. The 16th National Academic Congress of Psychology, Nanjing, China.



  • Deng, Q. & Tong, S. (under review). Understanding Reading Comprehension in Chinese Children Who Are d/Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing: Segmental and Suprasegmental Phonological Awareness, Working Memory and Executive Function. Oral Language and Higher Order Processes in Reading Chinese.



(852) 2948 8303

(852) 2948 8303
專門: Cognitive development, learning and instruction, educational psychology


PhD in Educational Psychology, The University of Hong Kong



Dr. Winnie Chan is interested in children’s learning and development.  In particular, her research focuses on children’s mathematical learning and difficulties.  Her recent projects examine how home environment including parent-child activities and interactions can support children’s mathematical development.  As an educational psychologist, Dr. Winnie Chan works on intervention projects to devise learning strategies and programs to support children’s learning. 



  • Classroom Diversity
  • Inclusive Education



  • Cognitive development
  • Mathematical learning
  • Home learning environment
  • Learning and instruction
  • Learning disabilities



  • Home numeracy and early math learning (P.I.; General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2019-22; Direct Costs: HK$693,272)
  • Young children making sense of multi-digit numbers (P.I.; General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2016-19; Direct Costs: HK$662,584)
  • Understanding the core deficits and subtypes of mathematical difficulties among Chinese children (P.I.; Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2014-17; Direct Costs: HK$393,000)



  • Tam, Y. P., & Chan, W. W. L. (2022). The differential relations between sub-domains of spatial abilities and mathematical performance in children. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71, 102101. doi/org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2022.102101
  • Tsang, K. K. Y., Shum, K K-M., Chan, W. W. L., Li, S. X., Kwan, H. W., Su, M. R., Wong, B. P. H., & Lam, S-F. (2021). Effectiveness and mechanisms of mindfulness training for school teachers in difficult times: A Randomized controlled trial. Mindfulness, 12, 2820-2831. doi/org/10.1007/s12671-021-01750-1
  • Cheung, S. K., & Chan, W. W. L. (2021). The roles of different executive functioning skills in young children’s mental computation and applied mathematical problem‐solving. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 40, 151-169. doi:10.1111/bjdp.12396
  • Hornburg, C. B., Borriello, G. A., Kung, M., Lin, J., Litkowski, E., Cosso, J., Ellis, A., King, Y., Zippert, E., Cabrera, N. J., Davis-Kean, P., Eason, S. H., Hart, S. A., Iruka, I. U., LeFevre, J.-A., Simms, V., Susperreguy, M. I., Cahoon, A., Chan, W. W. L., … Purpura, D. J.* (2021). Next directions in measurement of the home mathematics environment: An international and interdisciplinary perspective. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 74, 195-220. doi.org/10.5964/jnc.6143
  • Lam, S-F., Shum, K, K-M., Chan, W. W. L., & Tsoi, E, W. S. (2021). Acceptance of outgroup members in schools: Developmental trends and roles of perceived norm of prejudice and teacher support. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 676-690. doi:10.1111/bjep.12387
  • Kong, M. N. K., & Chan, W. W. L. (2021). Automatic processing of place-value in kindergarteners. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 18, 446-458. doi:10.1080/17405629.2020.1854216
  • Chan, W. W. L., & Kwan, J. L. Y. (2021). Pathways to word problem solving: The mediating roles of schema construction and mathematical vocabulary. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 65, 101963. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2021.101963
  • Shum, K, K-M., Chan, W. W. L., Tsoi, E, W. S., & Lam, S-F. (2020). Being the minority hurts or helps? A moderated mediation model on group membership, cross-cultural acceptance, and school adjustment. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 24, 1355-1371. doi:10.1177/1368430220952137
  • Shum, H. Y., & Chan, W. W. L. (2020). Young children’s inhibition of keyword heuristic in solving arithmetic word problems. Human Behaviour and Brain, 1, 43-48. doi:10.37716/HBAB.2020010202
  • Chan, W. W. L. (2020). Counting enhances kindergarteners’ mappings of number words onto numerosities. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:153. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00153
  •  Chan, W. W. L., & Wong, T. T-Y. (2020). Subtypes of mathematical difficulties and their stability. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112, 649-666. doi:10.1037/edu0000383
  • Tsoi, E. W. S., Lai, H. Y., Chan, E. W. M., Shum, K. K. M., Chan, W. W. L., & Lam, S-F. (2019). School without borders – Inclusion program for primary school students. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Jockey Club & Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
  • Tsoi, E. W. S., Lai, H. Y., Chan, E. W. M., Chan, W. W. L., Shum, K. K. M., & Lam, S-F. (2019). School without borders – Inclusion program for secondary school students. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Jockey Club & Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong.
  • Wong, T. T-Y., & Chan, W. W. L. (2019). Identifying children with persistent low math achievement throughout elementary school years. Learning and Instruction, 60, 29-40. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2018.11.006
  • Tam, Y. P., Wong, T. T-Y., & Chan, W. W. L. (2019). The relation between spatial skills and mathematical skills: The mediating role of mental number line representation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 14-24. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.10.007
  • Chan, W. W. L., & Wong, T. T-Y. (2019). Visuospatial pathways to mathematical achievement. Learning and Instruction, 62, 11-19. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.03.001
  • Chan, W. W. L., Au, T. K., Lau, N. T. T., & Tang, J. (2017). Counting errors as a window onto children's place-value concept. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 51, 123-130. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2017.07.001
  • Mok, W. S. Y., & Chan, W. W. L. (2016). How do tests and writing tasks enhance long-term retention of students with different levels of test anxiety? Instructional Science, 44, 567-581. doi: 10.1007/s11251-016-9393-x
  • Chan, W. W. L., & Wong, T. T-Y. (2016). The underlying number–space mapping among kindergarteners and its relation with early numerical abilities. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 148, 35-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2016.03.010
  • Ho, C. S-H., Wong, T. T-Y., & Chan, W. W. L. (2015). Mathematics learning and its difficulties among Chinese children in Hong Kong. In S. Chinn (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Dyscalculia and Mathematical Learning Difficulties (pp. 193-202). New York: Routledge.
  • Chan, W. W. L. (2014). Understanding and processing numbers among Chinese children. Psychology & Neuroscience, 7, 583-491. doi:10.3922/j.psns.2014.4.18
  • Chan, W. W. L., Au, T. K., & Tang, J. (2014). Strategic counting: A novel assessment of place-value understanding. Learning and Instruction, 29, 78-94. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2013.09.001
  • Au, T. K., Chan, W. W. L., Cheng, L., Siegel, L. S., & Tso, R. V. Y. (2014). Can non-interactive language input benefit young second-language learners? Journal of Child Language, 42, 323-350. doi: 10.1017/S0305000913000627
  • Chan, W. W. L., Au, T. K., & Tang, J. (2013). Developmental dyscalculia and low numeracy in Chinese children. Research in Developmental Disabilities,34, 1613-1622. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2013.01.030
  • Chan, W. W. L., Au, T. K., & Tang, J. (2011). Exploring the developmental changes in automatic two-digit number processing. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 109, 263-274. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2011.01.010



(852) 2948 8618

(852) 2948 8618
(852) 2948 7794
專長﹕ 聽力學及語言發展

Ph.D. (2015), The University of Hong Kong



  • 特殊學習困難
  • 聽力學



  • 助聽器
  • 人工耳蝸
  • 言語識別
  • 語言發展



*Corresponding authors

  • Chen Y*. (2022). Is Cantonese lexical tone information important for sentence recognition accuracy in quiet and in noise? PloS one, 17(10), e0276254. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0276254
  • Chen, Y*., Chan, S. S., & Yu, J. Wong, L. L., (2022). Speech Perception in Noise Is Associated With Different Cognitive Abilities in Chinese-Speaking Older Adults With and Without Hearing Aids. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
  • Chen, Y*., Wong, L. L., Kuehnel, V., Qian, J., Voss, S. C., & Shangqiguo, W. (2021). Can dual compression offer better mandarin speech intelligibility and sound quality than fast-acting compression? Trends in Hearing, 25, 2331216521997610.
  • Chen, Y*., & Wong, L. L. (2020). Development of the Mandarin Hearing in Noise Test for Children. International Journal of Audiology, 59(9), 707-712.
  • Chen, Y*., Qian, J., Kuehnel Volker, Voss, S. C., & Chen, F. Wong, L. L. N., (2019). The role of lexical tone information in the recognition of mandarin sentences in listeners with hearing aids. Ear and Hearing, doi:10.1097/AUD.0000000000000774.
  • Wong, L. L. N., Chen, Y*., & Leung, K. P. (2019). The Cantonese hearing in noise test for children. Trends in Hearing, 23, 2331216519837128. doi:10.1177/2331216519837128
  • Wong, L. L. N., Chen, Y*., Wang, Q., & Kuehnel, V. (2018). Efficacy of a hearing aid noise reduction function. Trends in Hearing, 22 doi:10.1177/2331216518782839
  • Wong, L. N., L., Sultana, L. N., N., & Chen, Y. (2017). Language matters: Considerations in measuring speech intelligibility. The Hearing Journal, 70(8), 8-9. doi:10.1097/01.HJ.0000524320.19140.0e
  • Chen, Y*., & Wong, L. L. N. (2017). Speech perception in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants: A systematic review. International Journal of Audiology, 56(sup2), S16. doi:10.1080/14992027.2017.1300694
  • Zhu, S., Wong, L. L. N., Chen, F., Chen, Y., & Wang, B. (2016). Known-Groups and Concurrent Validity of the Mandarin Tone Identification Test (MTIT). PLoS ONE, 11(5), e0155595. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155595.
  • Chen, Y*., Wong, L. L., Zhu, S., & Xi, X. (2016). Vocabulary development in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants and its relationship with speech perception abilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2016.10.010
  • Chen, Y*., Wong, L. L. N., Zhu, S., & Xi, X. (2016). Early speech perception in Mandarin-speaking children at one-year post cochlear implantation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 49–50, 1-12. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2015.11.021
  • Zhu, S., Huang L., Chen, F., Chen Y. (2015). Application of the Mandarin Tone Identification Test (MTIT) in children with hearing impairment. Chinese Journal of Otorrhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 50(8), 651-656. doi : http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26696203 
  • Fu, Y., Chen, Y., Xi, X., Hong, M., Chen, A., Wang, Q., & Wong, L. L. N. (2015). The development of early auditory and speech perception skills after one year of cochlear implant use by children with prelingual hearing impairment. The Chinese Journal of Otorhinolarygnology, Head and Neck, 50(4), 274-280. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-0860.2015.04.003
  • Zhu, S., Wong, L. L., Chen, F., & Chen, Y. (2015). Consonant discrimination by Mandarin-speaking children with prelingual hearing impairment. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 79(8), 1354-1361.
  • Chen, Y*., Wong, L. L. N., Zhu, S., & Xi, X. (2015). A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Examining Factors Influencing Outcomes with Cochlear Implant in Mandarin-Speaking Children. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0136576. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136576.
  • Chen, Y*., Wong, L. L., Chen, F., & Xi, X. (2014). Tone and sentence perception in young Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 78(11), 1923-1930. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.08.025



  • Chen Y. (2022, June): improving communication in older adults using a training program incorporated with auditory and working memory training. Invited presentation at the EDTECH Conference 2022-Inspiring & Emerging EDTECH in Special Education: Hong Kong
  • Chen, Y., Wong, L., Kuehnel, V., Qian, J., Voss, S. C., & Shangqiguo, W. (2021, April). Can Dual Compression Offer Better Mandarin Speech Intelligibility and Sound Quality Than Fast-Acting Compression?  Invited presentation at the Interdisciplinary Technologies for Auditory Prostheses 2021 (ITAP 2021): Shen Zhen, China. 
  • Chen, Y. (2019, June). Speech and langauge measures available for children with hearing impairment in mainland China. Invited presentation at the 2nd Conference for Family-Centered Early Intervention for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children and Their Families, Lanzhou, China.
  • Chen, Y. (2019, May). How important is lexical tone information for the recognition of Chinese sentences: evidence from Mandarin- and Cantonese-speakers with normal hearing and hearing aids. Invited presentation at the Technical Note International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology (ICRA) 2019 Program, Hong Kong, China.
  • Chen Y., Wong, L. L. N. (2018, October). The importance of tone contour on sentence intelligibility in Mandarin speaker with Hearing aids. Paper presented at World Congress of Audiology 2018. Cape Town, South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Chen, Y., Wong, L. L. N., Wang, Q. R., & Volker, K. (2017, December). Efficacy of Hearing Aid Noise Reduction Function. Invited paper presented at the International Workshop on the Impact of Auditory and Visual Impairment and its Community Care Solutions (AVICCS), Shenzhen, China.
  • Chen Y., Wong, L. L. N. & Xi, X. (2014, July).The relationship between tone perception and sentence perception in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants. Paper presented at the Coalition for Global Hearing Health - 2014. Oxford, UK.
  • Chen Y., (2014, June). Speech perception measures for children with cochlear implants. Invited workshop at the 4th cochlear implants and hearing aids conference, Dalin, China.
  • Chen, Y., Wong, L. L. N., & XI, X. (2014, May). Factors Influencing Vocabulary Skills in Mandarin-Speaking Children with Cochlear Implants. Paper presented at the XXXII World Congress of Audiology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
  • Chen Y., Wong, L. L. N. & Xi, X. (2014, March). Tone perception in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear Implants. Paper presented at the Three Minute Thesis Competition 2014. Hong Kong.
  • Chen, Y., Wong, L. L. N., Wong, A. M. Y., & Xi, X. (2013, November). Effects of age at implantation on vocabulary development in Mandarin-speaking children implanted before 3 years of age. Paper presented at the Audiology for Tomorrow: International Conference on Recent Developments. Hong Kong.



  • Membership of International Society of Audiology 
  • Associate Membership of  Hong Kong Society of Audiology, Hong Kong.
  • Ad hoc reviewer of the International Jounral of Audiology
  • Membership of the Center for Communication Disorders, the University of Hong Kong
  • Invited speaker and committee member of the 4th cochlear implants and hearing aids conference, Dalin, China.


講師 I

(852) 2948 6621

講師 I
(852) 2948 6621










  • 兒童語言發展
  • 兒童及青少年語言障礙
  • 臨床教學 



  • 兒童言語、語言及溝通障礙
  • 臨床教學



  • 全面會員,香港言語治療師協會



(852) 2948-6345

(852) 2948-6345
(852) 2948 7792
專門: 特殊教育需要學生的課程、特殊教育需要學生教師觀感、全方位支援學習困難學生

EdD, University of Bristol, UK
MAESP, City University of Hong Kong
PGSK, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registered secondary/primary school teacher


Dr Hastings Chim has been a registered primary and secondary school teacher as well as a lecturer in previously Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and currently the Education University of Hong Kong for more than twenty years. His serving schools have been diverse in which he once served as an English teacher in a primary school, the English panel head in a secondary school populated with 80-90% of students with SEN and also a high banding secondary school. Dr Hastings Chim is now majorly involved in frontline teacher education in catering learning diversity and various faculty and departmental funded projects. He received his Doctor of Education in University of Bristol with his research interest in Inclusive Teacher Education, Specific Learning Difficulties and Inclusive Education. Dr Hastings Chim is at present a teacher educator and an active researcher.


  • Whole School Approach in Inclusive Education
  • Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
  • Instructional strategies for teachers educating students with SEN



  • Inclusive education
  • Inclusive teachers’ training
  • Dyslexia




  1. Jockey Club Donation Project (Principal Investigator) : Second Phase of the Jockey Club Diversity at Schools Project(15.71 millions)


  1. SEC Department Teaching Development Seed Fund (TDSF) (Principal investigator): Developing A Step-by-Step On-line Guidebook to Implement Capstone Projects in EDUHK with Videos and Reference Materials


  1. SEC Department Fund (Principal investigator): Developing a web-based forum to assist in/pre-service teachers with inclusive teaching packages and video cases


  1. SEC Department Teaching Development Seed Fund (TDSF) (Principal investigator): A multi-faceted inclusive teaching packages with lesson plans, teaching material and differentiated exercises across various subjects

2017- 19

  1. FEHD Faculty Leaders of Learning Cluster Grants (LLCG) ( Project Leader): Serving students with SEN using teaching/service package approach


  1. FEHD Faculty Teaching Development Grant(TDG)  (Principal Investigator): Fostering discussion and collaborative inquiry through establishment of a case video library
  2. SEC Department Research Seed Fund (RSF) (Principal Investigator): Developing and validating a Chinese version of Teacher Evaluation Form (C-TEF) for an in-service special education training program




  • Workshop, “How Differentiated Curriculum and Assessments cater for school-based diversities”, Carmel Alison Lam Primary School
  • Workshop, “How to design the curriculum to cater for learning diversity for ASD/ADHD students”, PLK Lo Kit Sing (1983) College
  • Workshop, “How Executive Function Coaching caters the needs of students with ASD /ADHD”, TWGHs Wong Yee Jar Jat Memorial Primary School


  • Workshop, “The assessment and implementation of Multimedia in Leaning and Teaching in Inclusive Classroom”, Xianggang Putonghua Yanxishe Primary School of Science and Creativity
  • Workshop, “How Executive Function could assist ASD and ADHD students demonstrate behavior management”, The CCC Chuen Yuen Second Primary School
  • Workshop, “How E-Learning apps and softwares could be utilized in supporting students with SEN”, TWGHs Wong Yee Jar Jat Memorial Primary School
  • Workshop, “How E-learning elements can be incorporated in Tier 1 and 2 support measures and related to curriculum differentiation”, Q.E.S. Old Student's Association Primary School
  • Workshop, “Curriculum differentiation for SpLD students based on Tier 1 Support" ,Sha Tin Dr Catherine F. Woo Memorial School
  • Workshop, “How to modify school-based support in four Key Learning Areas (KLAs)” ,Fanling Government Secondary School


  • Workshop, “How to tailor make schemes of work and teaching materials for students with SEN”, Alliance Primary School (Sheung Shui)
  • Workshop, “Tier 1 and 2 support measures and curriculum differentiation”, Q.E.S. Old Student's Association Primary School
  • Workshop, “Helping SEN students in mainstream class with school-based adaptations in curriculum”, Xianggang Putonghua Yanxishe Primary School of Science and Creativity
  • Workshop, “How to design the curriculum to cater for learning diversity in Tier 1 and 2 level”, YL. Long Ping Estate Wing Chow School
  • Workshop, “Teaching dyslexic students with effective school based adaptations in curriculum”, Buddhist Lam Bing Yim Memorial School
  • Workshop, “School based curriculum support in catering for learning diversity”, The ELCHK Faith Lutheran School


  • Workshop, “How to modify school-based support in four Key Learning Areas (KLAs)”, Kau Yan College
  • Workshop, ““How to adopt Executive Function coaching to assist students effective self-control and learning”, Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui)
  • Workshop, “Differentiated curriculum in catering for learning diversity”, The Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School
  • Workshop, “Differentiation of school-based English curriculum”, Kowloon City Baptist Church Hay Nien (Yan Ping) Primary School
  • Workshop, “How to differentiate curriculum for NCS student”, Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School
  • Workshop, “Tier 1 and 2 support measures and curriculum differentiation”, ELCHK Faith Love Lutheran School”
  • Workshop, “How to monitor the school-based curriculum differentiation”, Alliance Primary School (Sheung Shui)
  • Workshop, “How to tailor make schemes of work and teaching materials for students with SEN”, CCC Chuen Yuen Second Primary School
  • Workshop, “How to design the curriculum to cater for learning diversity in Tier 1 and 2 level”, Wai Chow Public School (Sheung Shui)
  • Workshop, “Curriculum differentiation for core subjects in primary schools”, SKH Tak Tin Lee Shiu Keung Primary School
  • Workshop, “E-learning for dyslexic students in English classrooms”, Immaculate Heart of Mary School


  • Workshop, “Tier 1 and 2 support for teaching English Subject”, Lingnan University Alumni Association (Hong Kong) Primary School
  • Workshop, “How e-learning can be adopted in Tier 1 and 2 setting”, C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School (Cheung Sha Wan)
  • Workshop, “Review on school-based inclusive practices in learning and teaching”, Lok Sin Tong Leung Wong Wai Fong Memorial School
  • Workshop, “Workshops for inclusive strategies and executive functions”, Sha Tin Wai Dr. Catherine F. Woo Memorial School
  • Keynote Speaker, “Keynote speaker, Joint Secondary Schools Teachers Development Day”, Kowloon Technical School
  • Workshop, “Instructional strategies for catering for learning diversity”, TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College


  • Workshop, “Differentiated assessment and assignments to cater for learning diversity in the classroom”, Fuk Tak Education Society Primary School
  • Workshop, “Teaching Chinese students with specific learning disabilities the letter names and letter sounds in a Hong Kong secondary school”, Christian Alliances S.Y. Yeh Memorial Primary School
  • Workshop, “How to utilize e-learning to cater the needs for SpLD students”, Yaumati Catholic Primary School


  • Workshop, “How to adopt Executive Function coaching to assist students effective self-control and learning (I)”, TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College
  • Seminar, “How to design and utilize multi-sensory teaching strategies to enhance the effectiveness of learning strategies”, S.K.H. St. John’s Primary School
  • Workshop, “How to adopt Executive Function coaching to assist students effective self-control and learning (II)”, TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College


  • Seminar, “To strengthen students’ motivation and ability in learning English through the teaching of different subjects”, Yan Chai Hospital No.2 Secondary School
  • Workshop, “Designing IEP for AD/HD students”, Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch) 
  • Seminar, “Strategies for teaching diverse students in the classroom”, Fung Kai Innovative School




  • Learning and Teaching Expo, 2022, What are the Roles of SENST in an Inclusive Setting?, 9-12-2022
  • BASE FYP Conference, Action Research and Capstone Project, 14-10-2022
  • SPFEO Conference, Administrative and Management Skills and Tasks at School, 17-2-2022


  • FEHD Conference, Glimpses and insights of supervising CP students based on Generic Research Methods (Capacity building for CP), 3-11-2021
  • BAT Conference, Developing Thematic Course on Supporting Students with SEN – Cognition and Learning Needs Focusing on students with Specific Learning Difficulties (Facilitating English Language Learning), 16-9-2021
  • FEHD Conference, FE Sharing session: How can we survive as FE supervisors to assess inclusive lessons and provide our students feedback?, 1-2-2021
  • BASE Conference, Administration Support for Children with SEN: One Page Profile & Transitions Assistance,18-1-2021


  • CSENIE & SESHK Conference, SENCo Seminar: What is next step for SENCO development? , 5-12-2020
  • SENCO Conference, Professional Sharing for SENCOs in Curriculum Differentiation in Catering For Learning Diversity, 27-7-2020
  • FEHD Conference, A Journey to the Supervision of Capstone Project, 22-6-2020


  • C&I departmental sharing, Sharing of supervision of Capstone Project, 6/12/2019
  • BAT Conference, The overall review of the Practicum Experiences for Thematic A English Course, 6/9/2019


  • FEHD Faculty Leaders of Learning Conference, Capacity building activity for Serving students with SEN using teaching/service package approach (2),11/10/2018 
  • BAT Conference, The overall review of the Practicum for Thematic A English Course for SpLD students and the new reflection log for the lesson observation, 8/9/2018
  • Hong Kong Productivity Council, Knowledge Transfer Seminar and Information Talks for MA(EC) and MScESLPLD, 16/6/2018
  • SEC In-house Learning and Teaching sharing, Sharing Session on Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and the teaching package,  24/5/2018
  • FEHD Faculty Leaders of Learning Conference, Capacity building activity for Empowering the successful faculty capstone projects with effective standardized categorization list, guidelines and evaluation form (1), 28/3/2018
  • The Association of Assistant Principals of Government Secondary Schools, Keynote speaker, “Joint Secondary Schools Teachers Development Day”, 19/1/2018


  • BAT Conference, Curriculum design for new Advanced Course and English Thematic courses, 22/9/2017 
  • Conference on Catering for Diverse Learning Needs, Developing and validating a Chinese version of Teacher Evaluation Form (C-TEF) for an in-service special education training program, 11/7/2017
  • Conference on Catering for Diverse Learning Needs, Fostering discussion and collaborative inquiry through establishment of a case video library, 11/7/2017
  • International conference by The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA), Teaching Chinese students with specific learning disabilities the letter names and letter sounds in a Hong Kong secondary school, 25/2/2017


  • BAT Conference, The overall review of the Attachment (Learning and Teaching of Students with Cognition and Learning Needs) and the new construct for the lesson observation, 31/8/2016


  • BAT Conference, Empowering try-out teaching in the new Advanced course, 31/8/2015

Internal Service


  • SEC FE Coordinator, SEC Departmental & BEd (SN) Field Experience Coordinator
  • Co-program Coordinator, BAT Program commissioned by EDB
  • Coordinator, BAT Advanced Course (CMI)
  • Coordinator, BAT Advanced Course (EMI)
  • Coordinator, BAT Thematic Course (ENG) for SpLD and ID student
  • Representative of BAT in the SEC Departmental Review and Benchmarking Exercise
  • Representative of BAT in the Board of Examiner Meeting with Education Bureau
  • Representative of SEC in the Board of Examiner Meeting for PVE programme
  • Tutor, SENCO’s  training course
  • Producer, Video clip production for promoting BAT


  • Production of short clips to promote inclusion strategies  

         (i) Multi-media instructional strategies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE0T61D3vJ0

         (ii) Classdojo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtD1VxPA2Wg

         (iii)The production of toondoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLcQ7dLZkMs

  • Capstone Project Coordinator


  • Departmental Award for the achievement of High Student Evaluation of Teaching Scores, Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Special Needs) C3B002, 5/2016



  • 林絲靖, 詹浩洋, & 何福全. (2017). 學思達融合教育影片個案教材套. 香港: 香港教育大學.



  • Chim, H. Y. H. (2015). Case study on the principal leaderships utilised in a Hong Kong special secondary school setting in the NSS educational reform. International Journal of Education, 7(1), 44-56.
  • Chim, H. Y. H. (2015). Critique of the research article "Views from the chalkface: English language school-based assessment in Hong Kong" by the researcher "Chris Davison". International Journal of Education, 7(1), 95-109.
  • Chim, H. Y. H. (2015). Literature review of the cooperative learning strategy - Student Team Achievement Division (STAD). International Journal of Education, 7(1), 29-43.
  • Chim, H. Y. H. (2014). Critique on the research article “Being a narrative inquirer in a multicultural landscape” by the researcher JoAnn Phillion (2002). International Journal of Education, 6(4), 157-168.
  • Chim, H. Y. H. (2014). The analysis of the Hong Kong education policy “Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English”. International Journal of Education, 6(4), 133-145.



  • Lam, S. C. C., & Chim, H. Y. H. (2017). Teaching development grants final and financial report: Fostering discussion and collaborative inquiry through establishment of a case video library. Hong Kong.



  • 2019 onwards- School adviser of Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School
  • 2019 - Invited Reviewer for Cambridge Journal of Education
  • 2020- Invited Reviewer for International Journal of Inclusive Education
  • 2020- Invited Reviewer for Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


講座教授 (數據分析及多元教育)

(852) 2948 8602

講座教授 (數據分析及多元教育)
(852) 2948 8602
(852) 2948 7794

PhD (Education, Mathematics, Science and Technology), University of California in Berkeley
EdM (Interactive Technology), Harvard University
BS (Computer Science), Columbia University, magna cum laude


短片簡介 (將於新視窗開啟)



  • Learning analytics
  • Group processes  
  • Inequality
  • Corruption
  • Online sexual predators



  • Detecting online sexual predators
  • Automatic analysis of online discussions
  • Special education teacher training and professional development
  • High school counselors and students’ test scores, discipline, and graduation rates



  • Wang, X. C., Christ, T., Chiu, M. M., & Strekalova-Hughes, E. (2019). Exploring the Relationship Between Kindergarteners’ Buddy Reading and Individual Comprehension of Interactive App Books. AERA Open, 5(3). 
  • Christ, T., Wang, X. C., Chiu, M. M., & Strekalova-Hughes, E. (2019). How App Books’ Affordances Are Related to Young Children’s Reading Behaviors and Outcomes. Aera Open, 5(2).
  • Slaten, C. D., Rose, C. A., Elison, Z. M., & Chiu, M. M. (2019). Understanding the connection between youths’ belonging, resilience, and self-regulatory learning. Educational & Child Psychology, 36, 2, 91-105.
  • Kuang, X., Mok, M. M. C., Chiu, M. M., & Zhu, J. (in press). Sense of school belonging: psychometric properties and differences across gender, grade and East Asian societies. PsyCH Journal.
  • Woo, C. K., Shiu, A., Chiu, M. M., & Liu, Y. (2018). Empirics of an online assessment system for individual scores (OASIS). Asian Journal of Educational Research, 6(2), 16–42.
  • Christ, T., Wang, X. C., & Chiu, M. M. (2019). Kindergarteners’ meaning making with multimodal app books: The relations amongst reader characteristics, app book characteristics, and comprehension outcomes. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 47, 357-372.
  • Li, S., Hao, L., Chiu, M. M., & Lu, M. (in press). Changes in aggression among mainland chinese elementary, junior high, and senior high school students across years: A cross-temporal meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior.
  • Xin, Y. P., Chiu, M. M., Tzur, R, Ma, X., Park, J. Y. & Yang, X. (in press). Linking teacher-learner discourse with mathematical reasoning of students with learning disabilities: An exploratory study. Learning Disability Quarterly.
  • Hao, L., Chiu, M. M., Cui, Y., Zhou, W., & Li, S. (2018). Parenting style and aggression: A meta-analysis of mainland Chinese children and youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 446-455.
  • Boyd, M., Chiu, M. M., & Kong, Y. (in press) Signaling a language of possibility space:  Management of a dialogic discourse modality through speculation and reasoning word usage. Linguistics and Education (50), 25-35.
  • Hao, L., Chiu, M. M., & Li., S. (in press). Subjective well-being and internet overuse: A meta-analysis of mainland Chinese students. Current Psychology.
  • Yu, Y. M., & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Influences on the reflection quality of journal writing: An exploratory study. Reflective Practice.
  • Zhu, J. & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Immigrant students in Denmark: Why are they disadvantaged in civic learning? Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Psychology.
  • Zhu, J. & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Early home numeracy activities and later mathematics achievement: Early numeracy, interest, and self-efficacy as mediators. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
  • Chiu, M. M., Woo, C. K., Shiu, A., Liu, Y., & Luo, B. (in press). Reducing Costly Free-rider Effects via OASIS. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development.
  • Chiu, M. M., & Jeong, A. (in press). Gender, social distance, and justifications: Statistical discourse analysis of evidence and explanations in online debates Educational Technology Research and Development.
  • Chiu, M. M., & Oh, Y. W. (in press). How fake news differ from personal lies. American Behavioral Scientist. American Behavioral Scientist.
  • Chiu, M. M., Chow, B. W. Y., & Joh, S. W. (in press). Streaming, tracking and reading achievement: A multilevel analysis of students in 40 countries. Journal of Educational Psychology.
  • Chiu, M. M., & Roberts, C. A. (in press). Improved analyses of single cases: Dynamic multilevel analysis. Developmental Neurorehabilitation.
  • Leko, M., Chiu, M. M., & Roberts, C. (in press). Individual and contextual factors related to secondary special education teachers’ reading instructional practices. Journal of Special Education.
  • Chiu, M. M., Joh, S. W., & Khoo, L. (in press).  The effect of school closure threats on student performance: Evidence from a natural experiment. BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy.
  • Chiu, M. M., & Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. (2016). Statistical discourse analysis: Modeling sequences of individual behaviors during group interactions across time
    Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 20, 3, 242-258. doi:10.1037/gdn0000048
  • Chiu, M. M. (2015). Family inequality, school inequalities and mathematics achievement in 65 countries: Microeconomic mechanisms of rent seeking and diminishing marginal returns. Teacher’s College Record, 117, 1, 1-32.



  • Chiu, M. M. (in press). Learning strategies. In R. J. R. Levesque’s (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
  • Chiu, M. M., & * Pawlikowski, M. J. (2013). Social metacognition and micro-creativity.  In E. G. Carayannis’s (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (pp. 1687-1692). New York: Springer.
  • Chiu, M. M. (2013). Parental Involvement. In J. Ainsworth & G. J. Golson’s (Eds.)  Sociology of Education (pp. 570-572). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Chiu, M. M., & Khoo, L. (2008). Effects of resources, inequality, and privilege bias on achievement: Country, school and student level analyses. In P. P. Hick and G. Thomas’s (Eds.) Inclusion and Diversity in Education, vol 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Reprinted from American Educational Research Journal, 42, 575-603]



  • Literacy depends on nurture, not nature (2013, November 13) Medical Xpress
  • Video: Brain Games -Fun ways to teach your child math without leaving the dinner table (2012, April 2). One of the top ten most popular UB videos ever produced (20,000+ views).
  • Family conversations increase student learning (Conversaciones familiares aumentan aprendizajes en alumnus) (2010, August 3) La Tercera
  • Too much confidence equals lower reading scores for teens (2009, July 31) Los Angeles Times.



  • Advisory Board member, mainland China Ministry of Education’s National Assessment of Primary and Secondary Schools, 2015 to present
  • Associate Editor, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2017 to present




(852) 2948 8945

(852) 2948 8945
(852) 2948 7792
專門: 自閉症譜系、融合教育

Ph.D, Monash University

PGDE, Monash University

M.Ed (I&SE), Monash University

M.Ed (TESOL), Monash University

B.Com, The University of Melbourne



Dr Emily Chow, a lecturer at the Department of Special Education and Counselling, is a qualified special education teacher in Melbourne, Australia. Her research specialisation revolves around inclusive education, particularly for students with autism and diverse learning needs. Emily has led funded projects as the primary investigator and has organised professional development programs for teachers at local public and international schools. Furthermore, she teaches courses designed to support in-service teachers from regular primary and secondary schools in accommodating students with diverse learning needs.


  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Children with Emotional and Behaviour Problems
  • Supporting Children with Special Needs



  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Inclusive Education
  • Special Education



  • Co-investigator. Project on enhancing competence of pre-service school teachers on developing better home-school collaboration of parents with children with special educational needs. Teaching Development Seed Fund (2023-2024), HK$50,000.
  • Principal Investigator. Board game for enhancing theory of mind of students with autism spectrum disorder. Teaching Development Seed Fund (2022-2023), HK$50,000.
  • Principal Investigator. E-platform for teaching sexuality education to students with autism spectrum disorder. Teaching Development Seed Fund (2020-2021), HK$50,000.
  • Principal Investigator. Resources kit for enhancing communication and social skills of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Hong Kong (Booklet with CD). Teaching Development Seed Fund (2018-2019), HK$50,000.
  • Co-Investigator. Investigating the impact of various kinds of experiential learning on student outcomes and establishing a ‘FEHD experiential learning platform’ for sharing information. EdUHK FEHD Cluster Grants (2017-2019), HK$76,800.



  • Chow, W. S. E. (2023). Examining in-service teachers’ intentions to implement inclusive practices in Hong Kong classrooms. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12632
  • Chow, W. S. E. (2023). In-service teachers’ views on implementing inclusive practices in Hong Kong classrooms: Challenges and support needs. Asia Pacific Education Review, 1-12.
  • Chow, W. S. E., De Bruin, K., & Sharma, U. (2023). A scoping review of perceived support needs of teachers for implementing inclusive education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2023.2244956.
  • Chow, W. S. E., & Sharma, U. (2022). Are in-service teachers supported in Hong Kong? Teachers’ perceived support needs in the implementation of inclusive education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2022.2118379
  • Chao, C. N. G., Chow, W. S. E., Forlin, C., & Ho, F.C. (2017). Improving teachers’ self-efficacy in applying teaching and learning strategies and classroom management to students with special education needs in Hong Kong. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 360-369. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2017.05.004
  • Sharma, U., & Chow, W. S. E. (2008). The attitudes of Hong Kong primary school principals toward integrated education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 9(3), 380-391. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03026725



  • Chow, W. S. E. (2022). Interventions for students with autism spectrum disorder. In M. T. Hue, & S. Karim (Eds.). Supporting Diverse Students in an Asian Inclusive Classroom: From Policies and Theories to Practices (pp. 145-160).



  • Chow, W. S. E. (2024). Boardgame: Adaptation to secondary school challenges「識」應中學關卡
  • Chow, W. S. E., & b bu b (2023). Card game: Teaching hidden curriculum to students with Autism 「好孩子特工隊」
  • Chow, W. S. E. (2023). Story book: Puberty is an amazing experience for girls 「女孩的青春期很酷 !
  • Chow, W. S. E., Tong, C. L., & Yip. L. L. (2022). Resource kit: E-platform and resources kit for teaching sexuality education to students with autism spectrum disorder 「童你一起成長」
  • Chow, W. S. E. (2022). Story book: Learn more about love 「多懂一點愛」
  • Chow, W. S. E., Tang, J., & Choi, A. (2020). Story book: What puberty will be like? 「青春期會是怎樣的 ?
  • Chow, W. S. E. (2020). Resource kit Enhancing communication and social skills of students with autism spectrum disorder in Hong Kong (Booklet with CD) 「語衆不童」





  • SEN consultant of TWGHs Mrs Wu York Yu Memorial College
  • School advisor (SEN) of Po On Commercial Association Wan Ho Kan Primary School
  • Expert panel member of C.C.C. Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay)
  • Invited guest speaker of professional development at local and international schools
  • Representative of BAT in the Board of Examiner Meeting with Education Bureau
  • Reviewer of Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
  • Member of Conference on Catering for Diverse Learning Needs in the Education University of Hong Kong
  • Certified Irlen Screener



  • Chow, W. S. E. (2023, September). The perceived support needs of teachers for including students with disabilities in the classroom: A scoping review study. Presented at the International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Chow, W. S. E. (2018, September). A systematic review on teachers’ perceived needs to include students with disabilities in regular classrooms. Presented at International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan.

  • Chow, W. S. E. (2018, September). Perception of teachers’ support needs in the implementation of inclusive education in the past ten years. Presented at the MERC conference, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Chow, W. S. E. (2018, August). How do students with autism help me to be a better teacher? Presented at Aspect Autism in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia.



助理院長(研究及研究課程), 副教授

(852) 2948 8659

助理院長(研究及研究課程), 副教授
(852) 2948 8659
(852) 2948 7794

PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
BSc, Beijing Normal University


  • 發展心理學
  • 情緒及行為問題 



  • 情緒及情緒調節 
  • 幸福感的畢生發展
  • 文化對畢生發展的作用 



  • It Is Never Too Late to Learn: Leveraging Goals to Increase Learning Behaviors in Older Adulthood . Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (RGC/GRF) (Ref: 18623922). Role: Principal Investigator. HK$ 920,958 (2023-2025)

  • Staying Alone but Happy? Elucidating Age Differences in the Relationship between Solitude and Well-Being. Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (RGC/GRF) (Ref: 18610421), HK$ 594,029 (Principal Investigator; 2022-2024)

  • Protecting older people from loneliness during the coronavirus (Covid-19) and other novel infectious disease pandemic. Funded by the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) for One-off CRF Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Novel Infectious Disease (NID) Research Exercise (Ref: C8105-20GF) HK$ 5,487,015 (Co-Principal Investigator; 2021-2023)

  • Are Older Adults Lonely? Elucidating Age Differences in the Relationships between Solitude and Well-being. Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council Early Career Scheme (RGC/ECS), HK$1,013,372 (PI:2020-2022).

  • Age Differences in Marital Satisfaction: The Role of Emotional Goal. Funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$80,000 (Principal Investigator; 2019-2020).

  • Personal, Social, and Community Well-being. Funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$625,000 (Co-Investigator; 2019-2021).

  • The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Relation to Executive Function in Chinese and Australian Adolescents with ADHD. Funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$180,000 (Co-Investigator; 2019-2021).

  • When Being Alone May Not Be So Lonely: The Role of Negative Affect Valuation. Internal Research Grant, funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$99,985 (Principal Investigator; 2017-2018).

  • The Benefits of Negative Affect Valuation: The Role of Culture. Start-up Fund, funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$30,000 (Principal Investigator; 2017-2018).

  • Valuing Negative Affect Buffers the Negative Effects of Marital Conflicts on Marital Satisfaction. Funded by Department of Special Education and Counselling, Education University of Hong Kong. Role: Principal Investigator. HK$50,000 (Principal Investigator; 2017-2018).

  • Can Being Alone Benefit the Mental Health of Older Adults? The Roles of Culture and Migration, funded by South China Programme Research Grant of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Co-Investigator; 2015-2017).

  • Daily Marital Interaction and Older Adults’ Short-term and Long-term Well-being, funded by Direct Grant of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Co-Investigator; 2012-2014).



  • Jiang, D.*, Lee, C. K. J., Kong, D. X., & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Intergenerational Support and Relationship Quality: A Daily Dairy Study among Aging Parents and Adult Children.Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. (IF2022 = 6.2; 5-yr IF = 5.7; SSCI: Q1). 

  • Choi, Y., Lay, J., Lu, M., Jiang, D., Fung, H. H., Graf, P., & Hoppmann, C. A. (in press). Age Differences in the Daily Experience of Happiness: The Role of Thinking about the Future. Psychology and Aging. (IF2022 = 4.201; 5-yr IF = 4.359;  SSCI: Q1). 

  • Guan, Y., Jiang, D.*, Wu. C. R., Deng, H., Su, S. Y., Chen, S. X., Buchtel, E. E. (in press). Distressed yet bonded: A longitudinal investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic’s silver lining effects on life satisfaction. American Psychologist. (IF2022 = 16.358; 5-yr IF = 15.445; SSCI: Q1). 

  • Jiang, D.* & Lee, C. K. J. (in press). Entity theory of Emotion Was Associated with More Daily Negative Affect during Quarantine: Evidence from A 14-Day Diary Study among Healthy Young Adults. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 1-18, . https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12379. (IF2022 = 7.521; 5-yr IF = 6.580; SSCI: Q1)  

  • Chan, K. K. S., Lee, J. C. K.*, Yu, E. K. W., Chan, A. W. Y., Leung, A. N. M., Cheung, R. Y. M., Li, C. W., Kong, R. H. M., Chen, J., Wan, S. L. Y., Tang, C. H. Y., Yum, Y. N., Jiang, D., Wang, L., & Tse, C. Y. (in press). The impact of compassion from others and self-compassion on psychological distress, flourishing, and meaning in life among university students. Mindfulness.

  • Cheung, R. Y.*, Jiang, D., Yum, Y. N., & Bhowmik, M. K. (2022). Intercultural sensitivity and prosocial behavior towards South Asians in Hong Kong: Mediating mechanisms of warmth and stigma. International Journal of Intercultural Relations86, 56-63.

  • Jiang, D.*, & Fung, H. H. (2022). Daily reciprocity and well-being: A diary study of intergenerational support between mothers and adult children during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B77(4), e46-e56.

  • Jiang, D.*, Li, M., Wu, H., & Liu, S. (2021). Learning from COVID-19: Infectious Disease Vulnerability Promotes Pro-Environmental Behaviors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(16), 8687.

  • Jiang, D.*, Chiu, M. M., & Liu, S. (2021). Daily Positive Support and Perceived Stress During COVID-19 Outbreak: The Role of Daily Gratitude within Couples. Journal of Happiness Studies. 1-15. DOI:10.1007/s10902-021-00387-0.

  • Jiang, D.* , Liu Shuang†, Lee, C. K. J. & Li, M. W. L. (2021). Revisiting the Relationship between Disaster Focus and Materialism: The Mediating Roles of Mortality Salience and Gratitude. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

  • Xia, W., Li, L. M. W.*, Jiang, D., & Liu, S. (2021) Dynamics of Stress and Emotional Experiences during the COVID-19 Results from Two 14-day Daily Diary Studies. International Journal of Stress Management.

  • Li, M. W. L.*, & Jiang, D. (2021). Marital Satisfaction can Backfire: The Magnifying Effect of Marital Satisfaction on the Dyadic Effect of Disabilities on Life Satisfaction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18105352

  • Li, W-Q., Li, L. M. W.*, Jiang, D., Liu, S. (2021). Fate control and ingroup bias in donation for the fight with the coronavirus pandemic: The mediating role of risk perception of COVID-19. Personality and Individual Differences. 171, 110456. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110456

  • Jiang, D. (2022). Feeling gratitude is associated with better well-being across the life span: A daily diary study during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B77(4), e36-e45.

  • Jiang, D. (2020). Perceived stress and daily well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak: the moderating role of age. Frontiers in Psychology11, 571873.

  • Jiang, D., Warner, L. M., Chong, A. M. L., Li, T., Wolff, J. K., & Chou, K. L. (2021). Benefits of volunteering on psychological well-being in older adulthood: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Aging & Mental Health25(4), 641-649.

  • Fung, H. H.*, Chu, T. W. S., Jiang, D.*, & Chen, X. (2020). Contrasting the Effects of Mortality Salience and Future Time Limitation on Goal Prioritization across Adulthood. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 75(10), 2112-2121. DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbz133 (*= Co-Corresponding author)

  • Lay, J. C., Fung, H. H., Jiang, D., Lau, C. H., Mahmood, A., Graf, P., & Hoppmann, C. A*. (2020). Solitude in context: On the role of culture, immigration, and acculturation in the experience of time to oneself. International Journal of Psychology, 55(4), 562-571. DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12641

  • Jiang, D.,* Warner, L. M., Chong, A. M. L., Li, T., Wolff, J. K., & Chou, K. L. (2019). Promoting volunteering among older adults in Hong Kong: A randomized controlled trial. The Gerontologist, 60(5), 968-977. DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnz076.

  • Jiang, D.,* Fung, H. H., Lay, J. C., Ashe, M. C., Graf, P., & Hoppmann, C. A (2019). Everyday solitude, affective experiences, and well-being in old age: The role of culture versus immigration. Aging and Mental Health, 1, 1095-1104. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1479836.

  • Warner, L. M.,* Jiang, D., Chong, A. M. L., Li, T., Wolff, J. K., & Chou, K. L. (2019). Study protocol of a multi-center RCT testing a social-cognitive intervention to promote volunteering in older adults against an active control. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), 22-35. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-019-1034-1.

  • Jiang, D.,* Diane, H., Burns, R., & Anstey, K. J. (2019). Volunteering benefits life satisfaction over 4 years: The moderating role of social network size. Australian Journal of Psychology, 71(2), 183-192. DOI: 10.1111/ajpy.12217.

  • Sims, T.,* Koopmann-Holm, B., Young, H. R., Jiang, D., Fung, H., & Tsai, J. L. (2018). Asian Americans respond less favorably to excitement (vs. calm)-focused physicians compared to European Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 24(1), 1-14. DOI: 10.1037/cdp0000171

  • Tsai, J. L.,* Sims, T., Qu, Y., Thomas, E., Jiang, D., & Fung, H. H. (2018). Valuing excitement makes people look forward to old age less and dread it more. Psychology and Aging, 33, 975-992. DOI: 10.1037/pag0000295

  • Hosking, D. E.,* Jiang, D., Sargent-Cox, K. A., & Anstey, K. J. (2017). Informant-Reported Cognitive Decline and Activity Engagement across Four Years in a Community Sample. Gerontology63(5), 469-478. DOI: 10.1159/000475594

  • Tsai, J. L.,* Ang, J. Y. Z., Blevins, E., Goemandt, G., Fung, H. H., Jiang, D., Elliott, J., Kolzer, A., Uchida, Y., Lee, Y., Lin, Y., Zhang, X., Govindama, Y., Haddouk, L. (2016). Leaders’ smiles reflect cultural differences in ideal affect. Emotion. DOI: 10.1037/emo0000133

  • Jiang, D., Fung, H. H.,* Sims, T., Tsai, J. L., & Zhang, F. (2016). Limited Future Time Increases the Value of Calm. Emotion, 16, 52-62. DOI: 10.1037/emo0000094

  • Jiang, D., Li, T., & Hamamura, T.* (2015). Societies’ tightness moderates age differences in moral judgment. European Journal of Ageing, 12, 333-340. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-015-0346-z.

  • Sims, T., Tsai, J. L.,* Jiang, D., Wang, I., Fung, H. H., & Zhang, X. (2015). Wanting to Maximize the Positive and Minimize the Negative: Implications for Affective Experience in American and Chinese Contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109,292-315. DOI: 10.1037/a0039276

  • Chan, S., Jiang, D., & Fung, H. H.* (2015). Role conflict and satisfaction in work-family context: Age differences in the moderating effect of role commitment. PsyCh Journal, 4, 20-27. DOI: 10.1002/pchj.89

  • Wong, L. P., Fung, H. H.,* & Jiang, D. (2015). Associations between Death Attitudes and Religiosity: Differences between Christians and Buddhists? Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 7, 70-79. DOI: 10.1037/a0037993

  • Tam, K-P.*, Lau, H-P & Jiang, D. (2012). Culture and subjective well-being: A dynamic constructivist view. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, (43),23-31. DOI: 10.1177/0022022110388568.

  • 蔣達,王歆睿,傅麗,& 周仁來 (2008). 內隱利他行為的實證研究. 心理科學, 1, 79-82.
  • 蔣達(2008).認知老化研究綜述.中國療養醫學, 5, 383-384.
  • 卓然, & 蔣達 (2007). 農民工心理失衡的反思. 青年研究, 2, 22-24.



  • Jiang, D., Chan, M. C., Lu, M., & Fung, H. H. (in press). Grandparenthood in the Encyclopedia of Geropsychology, Nancy A. Pachana (Ed). Springer
  • Fung, H. H., & Jiang, D. (2016). Cross-cultural Psychology of Aging. In W. Schaie & S. Willis, (Ed.). Handbook of the Psychology of Aging (8th ed.)(pp. 323-334). Elsevier. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-411469-2.00017-0 


  • Jiang, D., Hosking, D., Burns, R., & Anstey, K. J. (2016, November) How Does Volunteering Benefit Life Satisfaction and Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults? Poster presented at the 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society Association (GSA), New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Jiang, D., Hosking, D., Burns, R., & Anstey, K. J. (2016, November) Volunteering Benefits Life Satisfaction and Cognitive Functioning in Older Adulthood: The Role of Social Network Size? Poster presented at the 15th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
  • Jiang, D., & Fung, H. (2015, January). Future Time Perspective and Ideal Affect. Oral presentation conducted at the U.S.-Hong Kong 2015 Conference: Putting Aging Research and Clinical Practice in Cultural Context, Hong Kong.
  • Jiang, D., & Fung, H. (2014, November). The Relation Between Future Time Perspective and Ideal Affect. Oral presentation conducted at the 13th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Jiang, D., Fung, H. H., Sims, T., & Tsai, J. L. (2014, November). Hong Kong Chinese Regulate Actual Affect Based on Ideal Affect. In T. Sims (Chair), May the Source Be with You: Motivational Sources of Optimizing Health and Well-Being in Old Age. Symposium conducted at the 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society Association (GSA), Washington, DC, USA.
  • Jiang, D., & Fung, H. H. (2014, November). Who I Am Is Because of What I Want to Feel? The Role of Ideal Affect on Personality Changes Across Adulthood. Poster presented at the 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society Association (GSA), Washington, DC, USA.
  • Jiang, D., Fung, H. H., Sims, T., & Tsai, J. L. (2014, August). Emotion Regulation Across Adulthood: The Role of Ideal Affect. Invited talk at the International Symposium on Psychology of Aging, Beijing, China.
  • Jiang, D., Zhang, F., Sims, T., Fung, H., & Tsai, J. L. (2014, July) Future Time Perspective Influence Age Differences in Ideal Affect. Oral presentation at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Reims, France.
  • Jiang, D., Fung, H. H., Sims, T., & Tsai, J. L. (2013, November). Does Conscientiousness Always Benefit Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Future Time Perspective. In H. H. Fung (Chair), Personal Attributes and Their Impacts on Adult Development. Symposium conducted at the 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society Association (GSA), New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Jiang, D., & Fung, H. H. (2013, August). Does Conscientiousness Always Benefit Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Future Time Perspective. Oral presentation at the 8th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Beijing, China.
  • Jiang, D., & Fung, H. H. (2013, June). The Moderating Role of Future Time Perspective in the Relationship Between Conscientiousness and Life Satisfaction. Poster presented at the Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS) Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China.
  • Jiang, D., Sit, I. M., Fung, H. H., & Tsai. J. L. (2012, November). Age differences in ideal affect: Do older people value the same affect as younger people? In H. H. Fung (Chair), Outcomes of Age Differences in Emotional Goals. Symposium conducted at the 65th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society Association (GSA), San Diego, CA, USA.
  • Jiang, D., & Yik, M. (2009, May). What affective feelings do Chinese want to feel? Poster presented at the 2009 APS Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Symposium entitled “Aging in Culture” (2015, January) to be conducted at the U.S.-Hong Kong 2015 Conference: Putting Aging Research and Clinical Practice in Cultural Context, Hong Kong.
  • Symposium entitled “Attitudes Toward Aging Across Cultures” (2015, January) to be conducted at the U.S.-Hong Kong 2015 Conference: Putting Aging Research and Clinical Practice in Cultural Context, Hong Kong.



  • Ad Hoc Reviewer for: Psychology and Aging, Emotion, Australian Journal of Psychology, Journal of Adult Development.
  • Reviewer for: Annual meetings of Gerontological Society of America in 2015 and 2016; International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics in 2017



(852) 2948 8194

(852) 2948 8194
(852) 2948 7794

AuD, Central Michigan University, USA
MBA, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
MSc (Audiology), The University of Hong Kong
BSc (Speech & Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong
Member of Register of Audiologists
Member of Register of Speech Therapists
Fellow of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology
International fellow of the American Academy of Audiology



Dr Anna Kam obtained her doctorate degree in Audiology in The Central Michigan University. She is an audiologist and also has a bachelor degree in speech pathology.  She was the Vice-Chairperson of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology during 2000-2004 and she is the Vice-Chairperson of the Continuing Professional Development Board of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology (2014-2020). Her research interests include advanced technologies in aural rehabilitation, automated hearing screening, tinnitus management and auditory processing.


Teaching Areas

  • Audiology
  • Speech, language and communication disorders


Research Interests

  • advanced technologies in aural rehabilitation
  • automated hearing screening
  • tinnitus management
  • auditory processing


Recent and Ongoing Research Projects

  • Efficacy of amplification with hearing aids for tinnitus relief: a randomized controlled trial. (Principle Investigator, General Research Fund 2018 – 2020)
  • Intervention efficacy of assistive listening devices for Chinese children with dyslexia – a randomized controlled trial. (Principle Investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund 2017 – 2019)
  • Efficacy of neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus relief: a randomized controlled trial. (Principle Investigator, General Research Fund 2014 – 2017)
  • Cross-cultural adaptation of the Tinnitus Functional Index for measuring chronic tinnitus in Hong Kong Chinese. (Principle Investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund 2014 – 2015)
  • Development of computer-based tools for clinical assessment of speech, hearing and language disabilities. (Co-investigator, Innovation and Technology Fund 2015 – 2017)
  • Efficacy of customized filtered sound for tinnitus relief: a randomized controlled trial. (Principle Investigator, General Research Fund 2013 – 2016)
  • Intervention efficacy for children with asymptomatic bilateral sensorineural hearing loss – a randomized controlled trial. (Principle Investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund 2011 – 2014)
  • Translation and validation of the Chinese Hyperacusis Questionnaire. (Principle Investigator, CUHK Direct Grant for Research 2013/2014)
  • Hearing screening for preschoolers in Shanghai. (Co-investigator, funded by the Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2012/2013)
  • Clinical evaluation of a computerized self-administered tinnitus measurement system. (Principle Investigator, CUHK Direct Grant for Research 2012 – 2013)
  • Can hearing impaired and mainstream populations benefit from new technology implemented on mobile phone? (Co-investigator, funded by the Mobile Manufacturers Forum 2012/2013)
  • Installation of a balance assessment and rehabilitation system in the hearing and balance rehabilitation centre for the elderly in Hong Kong. (Co-investigator, funded by the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation 2011 – 2013)
  • Clinical evaluation of a computerized automated hearing test and audio signal modification system. (Principle Investigator, CUHK Direct Grant for Research 2011 – 2013)
  • Hearing screening for school age children in Longgang District of Shenzhen. (Principle Investigator, funded by the Health Bureau of the Longgang District, Shenzhen, PRC 2010 – 2012)
  • Neural activity underlying tinnitus generation. (Principle Investigator, CUHK Direct Grant for Research 2010 – 2012)
  • Translation and validation of two Chinese psychometric assessment devices for patients with tinnitus. (Principle Investigator, CUHK Direct Grant for Research 2009/2010)
  • Study of auditory processing ability in young and older Cantonese-speaking adults by dichotic listening tests. (Principle Investigator, CUHK Direct Grant for Research 2007/2008)
  • Piloting divided-attention versus directed-attention dichotic listening and alternating inter-aural listening development in children: A step towards identifying Cantonese-speaking children with Auditory Processing Disorder. (Co-investigator, HKIEd Internal Research Grant 2011/2012)
  • Customized Enhanced Sound (CE Sound), Sentinel Speech. (Co-investigator, CUHK Patent Committee – Downstream Development Fund 2010/2011)


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Kam, A. C. S., & Fu, C. H. T. (2019). Screening for hearing loss in the Hong Kong Cantonese-speaking elderly using tablet-based pure-tone and word-in-noise test. International Journal of Audiology, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/14992027.2019.1696992
  • Kam, A. C. S., Leung, E. K. S., Chan, P. Y. B., & Tong, M. C. F. (2018). Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Chinese tinnitus functional index. International Journal of Audiology, 57(2), 91–97. doi:10.1080/14992027.2017.1375162
  • Karunarathnea, B., Wang, T., So, R.H.Y., Kam A.C.S., & Meddis, R. (2018). Adversarial relationship between combined medial olivocochlear (MOC) and middle-ear-muscle (MEM) reflexes and alarm-in-noise detection thresholds under negative signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Hearing Research, 367:124-128.
  • Kam, A. C. S., Leung, E.K.S., Chan, P.Y.B., & Tong, M.C.F. (2018). Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Chinese Tinnitus Functional Index. International Journal of Audiology, 57(2):91-97.
  • Kam, A. C. S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C., & van Hasselt, C. A. (2017). Improving mobile phone speech recognition by personalized amplification – application in people with normal hearing and mild-to-moderate hearing loss. Ear and Hearing, 38(2):e85-e92.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Li, L.K.C., Yeung, K.N.K., Wu, W., Huang, Z., Wu, H., & Tong, M.C.F. (2014). Automated hearing screening for preschool children. Journal of Medical Screening, 21(2):71-75.
  • Karunarathne, K., So, R., & Kam, A.C.S. Alarm vigilance in the presence of 80 dBA pink noise with negative signal-to-noise ratios. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2014, 443-449.
  • Wu, W., Lu, J., Li, Y., Kam, A.C.S., Tong, M.C.F., Huang, Z., & Wu, H. (2014). A new hearing screening system for preschool children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 78:290-295.
  • Kam, A. C. S., Gao, H., Li, L. K. C., Zhao, H., Qiu, S., & Tong, M. C. F. (2013). Automated hearing screening for childrenA pilot study in china. International Journal of Audiology, 52(12):855-860.
  • 吳文瑾, 黃治物, 呂靜榮, 甘志珊, 唐志輝, 吳皓. (2013). 智能聽力篩查系統在學齡前兒童聽力篩查中的應用. 聽力學及言語疾病雜誌 (The Smart Hearing System for hearing screening of preschool children. Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology). 21(2):118-120.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C., & van Hasselt, C. A. (2012). Clinical evaluation of a computerized self-administered hearing test.  International Journal of Audiology, 51(8):606-10.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Yu, J.K.Y., & Tong, M.C.F. (2012). Clinical evaluation of a fully implantable hearing device in six patients with mixed and sensorineural hearing loss. Clinical Otolaryngology, 37(3):240-244.
  • Kam, A.C.S. (2012). A screening tool for tinnitus related distress – the Chinese version of the Mini Tinnitus Questionnaire. Clinical Otolaryngology, 37(3):234-237.
  • Kam, A.C.S. (2012). Hearing aid outcomes in Chinese adults: clinical application and psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life Questionnaire. International Journal of Audiology, 51(6):450-455.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Ng, I.H.Y., Cheng, M.M.Y., Wong, T.K.C., & Tong, M.C.F. (2012). Evaluation of the ClearVoice™ strategy in adults using HiResolution Fidelity 120® sound processing. Clinical Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, 5, Suppl 1:S89-S92.
  • 甘志珊, 楊銀金, 甘炳基. (2011). 非鎮靜聽性腦幹反應技術的臨床應用有效性分析. 聽力學及言語疾病雜誌 (Clinical evaluation of the non-sedated auditory brainstem response technology. Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology). 19(5):459-461.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Tong, M.C.F., & van Hasselt, C.A. (2011). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit. International Journal of Audiology, 50(5):334-339.
  • Kam, A.C.S., & Keith, R.W. (2010). Aging Effect on Dichotic Listening of Cantonese. International Journal of Audiology, 49(9):651-656.
  • Yu, J.K.Y, Ng, I.H.Y., Kam, A.C.S., Wong, T.K.C., Wong, E.C.M., Tong, M.C.F., Yu, H.C., & Yu, K.M. (2010). The universal neonatal hearing screening (UNHS) program in Hong Kong: The outcome of a combined otoacoustic emissions and automated auditory brainstem response screening protocol. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics, 15:2-11.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Cheung, A.P.P., Chan, P.Y.B., Leung, E.K.S., Wong, T.K.C., van Hasselt, C.A. & Tong, M.C.F. (2009). Psychometric Properties of the Chinese (Cantonese) Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. Clinical Otolaryngology, 34, 309-315.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Cheung, A.P.P., Chan, P.Y.B., Leung, E.K.S., Wong, T.K.C., Tong, M.C.F., & van Hasselt, C.A. (2009). Psychometric Properties of a Chinese (Cantonese) Version of the Tinnitus Questionnaire. International Journal of Audiology, 48, 568-575.
  • 唐志輝、 甘志珊、 伍凱怡、 余家燕、 LEE Ting Hon、 高晗 及 尹懷信. (2009).婴幼儿、青少年和老人听力筛查-香港经验. 中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學 (Hearing screening in infants, adolescents and elderly – Hong Kong experience. News and Reviews) 24(1):18-20
  • 甘志珊 (2006). 聽障及認知退化/心理聲學聽性處理障礙老齡人士的聽力補償. 聽力學及言語疾病雜誌. (Audiological management for elderly with hearing, cognitive and psychoacoustic impairment. Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology), 14:456-458.
  • Yuen, K.C.P., Kam, A.C.S., & Lau, P.S.H., (2006). Comparative performance of an adaptive directional microphone system and a multichannel noise reduction system. Journal of American Academy of Audiology, 17:241-252.
  • Kam, A.C.S., & Wong, L.L.N., (1999). Comparison of performance with wide dynamic range compression and linear amplification. Journal of American Academy of Audiology, 10(8):445-457.

Book Chapter

  • Kam, A.C.S. & Wong, L.L.N. (2015). Evaluation of a fully implantable hearing device. M. Valente & L. M. Valente, Adult Audiology Casebook (212-217). New York: New York: Thieme Medical Publishers.

Conference papers

  • Kam, A.C.S. (2018, May). Customized sound therapy for tinnitus relief – evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Invited symposium presentation at the 6th East Asian Symposium on Otology, Seoul, Korea.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., & van Hasselt, C. A. (2018, May). Evaluation of a self-administered tinnitus measurement system. Paper presented at the 6th East Asia Symposium on Otology, Seoul, Korea.
  • Kam, A.C.S. (2018, April). Tinnitus management, Invited presentation at the Cross-strait Four Regions ENT Conference 2018, Macau.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C. & van Hasselt, C. A. (2017, September). Tinnitus therapy with customized sound. Paper presented at the 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing, Narita, Japan.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Yeung, K.N.K. (2017, September). Non-linear frequency compression in amplification: Impact on a tonal language. Paper presented at the 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing, Narita, Japan.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Leung, E.K.S., Chan, P.Y.B., Cheung, A.P.P., & Tong, M.C.F. (2017, June). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Tinnitus Functional Index for measuring chronic tinnitus in Hong Kong Chinese. Paper presented at the Health Research Symposium 2017, Hong Kong.
  • Kam, A.C.S. (2017, May) Sound of Silence from the Brain– tinnitus management. Invited presentation at the International Symposium for Brain and Education. Hong Kong.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C. & van Hasselt, C. A. (2017, May). Clinical evaluation of customized filtered sound for tinnitus relief. Paper presented at the 1st World Tinnitus Congress, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Leung, E.K.S., Chan, P.Y.B., Cheung, A.P.P., & Tong, M.C.F. (2017, May). Validation of the Chinese Tinnitus Functional Index. Paper presented at the 1st World Tinnitus Congress, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Chan M.T.V., Bhatia K.S.S., Tong M.C.F. & van Hasselt, C. A. (2017, May). Clinical evaluation of neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus relief: preliminary findings. Paper presented at the 1st World Tinnitus Congress, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Kam, A.C.S. (2016, October) Sound of Silence – latest evidence in tinnitus management. Keynote presented at the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium, Hong Kong. 
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Yeung, K.N.K. (2016, September). Clinical evaluation of frequency compression technology in amplification. Paper presented at the XXXIII World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Chan M.T.V., Bhatia K.S.S., Tong M.C.F. & van Hasselt, C. A. (2016, September). Efficacy of neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus relief: A pilot study. Paper presented at the XXXIII World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Chan M.T.V., Bhatia K.S.S., Tong M.C.F. & van Hasselt, C. A. (2016, August). Efficacy of neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus relief: A pilot study. Paper presented at the 30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Dublin, Ireland.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C. & van Hasselt, C. A. (2016, August). Efficacy of customized filtered sound for tinnitus relief: a randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the 30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Dublin, Ireland.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Leung, E.K.S., Chan, P.Y.B., Cheung, A.P.P., & Tong, M.C.F. (2016, March). Validation of the Chinese Tinnitus Functional Index. Paper presented at the 10th International Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference, Nottingham, UK.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C., & van Hasselt, C.A. (2016, March). Efficacy of customized filtered sound for tinnitus relief: a randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the 10th International Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference, Nottingham, UK.
  • Kam, A.C.S. (2015, October). Clinical evaluation of frequency compression technology in amplification. Paper presented at the 9th Asia Pacific Conference of Speech, Language and Hearing, Guangzhou, PRC.
  • Kam, A.C.S. (2015, October). Validation of the Chinese Tinnitus Functional Index. Paper presented at the 9th Asia Pacific Conference of Speech, Language and Hearing, Guangzhou.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C., & van Hasselt, C. A.  Improving mobile phone perception by implementing automated customized enhanced technology – application in people with and without hearing loss. Abstract of the 10th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implants and Related Sciences, Beijing, PRC, 30th April – 3rd May 2015: 20.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Yeung, K.N.K. Clinical evaluation of frequency compression technology.  Abstract of the 10th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implants and Related Sciences, Beijing, PRC, 30th April – 3rdMay 2015: 30.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C. & van Hasselt, C. A. Improving mobile phone perception by implementing automated customized enhanced technology – application in people with and without hearing loss.  Abstract of the Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2014, Hong Kong, 11th – 12th Oct 2014: 36.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Leung, E.K.S., Chan,P.K.Y., Cheung, A.P.P., Tong, M.C.F., & van Hasselt, C.A. Tinnitus in Hong Kong Chinese – Findings in 329 Outpatients".  Abstract of the Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2014, Hong Kong, 11th – 12th Oct 2014: 54
  • Kam, A.C.S., Leung, E.K.S., Chan, P.K.Y., Cheung, A.P.P., Tong, M.C.F., & van Hasselt, C.A. Evaluation of a self-administered tinnitus management system. Abstract of the Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2014, Hong Kong, 11th – 12th Oct 2014: 53.
  • Kam, A.C.S, Leung, E.K.S., Chan,P.K.Y., Cheung, A.P.P., Tong, M.C.F., & van Hasselt, C.A. Tinnitus in Hong Kong Chinese – Findings in 329 Outpatients".  Paper presented at the XIth International Tinnitus Seminar, Berlin, 23rd May 2014.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Leung, E.K.S., Chan, P.K.Y., Cheung, A.P.P., Tong, M.C.F., & van Hasselt, C.A. Hyperacusis in Hong Kong Chinese – Findings with the Hyperacusis Quesionnaire. Paper presented at the XIth International Tinnitus Seminar, Berlin, 23rd May 2014.
  • Karunarathne, K., So, R., & Kam, A.C.S. Alarm vigilance in the presence of 80 dBA pink noise with negative signal-to-noise ratios. Paper presented at the International Conference on Ergonomics and Human factors 2014, Southampton, 4th April 2014.
  • Karunarathne, K., So, R., & Kam, A.C.S. Effects of presentation method and duration on alarm detection threshold in the presence of loud pink noise.  Paper presented in the 167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Rhode Island, USA, April 2014.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Leung, E.K.S., Chan, P.K.Y., Cheung, A.P.P., Tong, M.C.F., & van Hasselt, C.A. Evaluation of a self-administered tinnitus management system. Paper presented at the 8th International TRI Tinnitus Conference, Auckland, 10th March 2014.
  • Kam, A.C.S. Evidence-based practice in tinnitus treatment. Invited presentation at the Audiology for Tomorrow – International Conference on Recent Developments in Audiology, Hong Kong, 30th Nov– 1st Dec 2013
  • Kam, A. C. S. Impact of mild hearing loss on school children. Abstract of the Audiology for Tomorrow – International Conference on Recent Developments in Audiology, Hong Kong, 30th Nov– 1st Dec 2013: 212.
  • Kam, A. C. S., Gao, H., Li, L. K. C., Zhao, H., Qiu, S., & Tong, M. C. F. Automated hearing screening for children: A pilot study in china. Abstract of the Audiology for Tomorrow – International Conference on Recent Developments in Audiology, Hong Kong, 30thNov– 1st Dec 2013: 202.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C. & van Hasselt, C. A. Clinical evaluation of a computerized self-administered hearing test.  Abstract of the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference, Hong Kong, 14th – 15th June 2013: 112.
  • Kam, A. C. S., Gao, H., Li, L. K. C., Zhao, H., Qiu, S., & Tong, M. C. F. Automated hearing screening for children: A pilot study in china. Abstract of the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference, Hong Kong, 14th – 15th June 2013: 117.
  • 吳文瑾, 黃治物,呂靜榮,甘志珊,唐志輝,吳皓. (2013). 智能聽力篩查系統在學齡前兒童聽力篩查中的應用. Abstract of the 4th World Chinese Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Conference, Hong Kong, 14th –15th June 2013: 101.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C. & van Hasselt, C. A. Clinical evaluation of a computerized self-administered tinnitus measurement system.  Abstract of the First International Conference on Hyperacusis, London, UK, 1st – 2nd March 2013: 15.
  • Kam, A.C.S. A screening tool for tinnitus related distress – the Chinese version of the Mini Tinnitus Questionnaire. Abstract of the First International Conference on Hyperacusis, London, UK, 1st – 2ndMarch 2013:15-16.
  • Kam, A.C.S. Evidence-based practice in tinnitus treatment. Invited presentation at the International Tinnitus Forum, Taiwan, 14th October 2012: 19.
  • Kam, A.C.S. A screening tool for tinnitus related distress – the Chinese version of the Mini Tinnitus Questionnaire. Abstract of the CUHK Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, Hong Kong, 6th October 2012: 57.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Tong, M.C.F. Automated hearing screening for school children – a pilot study in China. Abstract of the CUHK Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, Hong Kong, 6th October 2012: 49.
  • Wang, D., Shi, L., Kam, A.C.S., Ahuja, A.T. & Tong, M.C.F. Statistical neuroanatomical changes detected in MRI of tinnitus patients. Abstract of the CUHK Speech and Hearing Symposium 2012, 6th October 2012: 67.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C. & van Hasselt, C. A. Clinical evaluation of a computerized self-administered tinnitus measurement system.  Abstract of the International Conference on Tinnitus, Bruges, Belgium, 13th – 16th 2012: 21.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Tong, M.C.F. & van Hasselt, C. A. Validation of the Chinese Mini Tinnitus Questionnaire.  Abstract of the International Conference on Tinnitus, Bruges, Belgium, 13th – 16th 2012: 32.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Lee, T., Wong, T.K.C. & van Hasselt, C. A. Clinical evaluation of a computerized self-administered hearing test.  Abstract of the AHS 2012 Conference, Cernobbio (Como Lake), Italy, 7th – 9th June 2012: 10.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Tong, M.C.F. Automated hearing screening for school children – a pilot study in China. Abstract of the NHS 2012 Conference, Cernobbio (Como Lake), Italy, 5th – 7th June 2012: 63.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Sung, J.K.K., Yu, J.K.Y. & Tong, M.C.F.  Clinical Evaluation of a Fully Implantable Hearing Device.  Abstract of the 8th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences, Daegu, Korea, 25th – 28th October 2011: 299.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Luk, B.P.K., Cheng, M.M.Y., Wong, T.K.C. & Tong, M.C.F. Evaluation of the ClearvoiceTM Strategy in Adults Using HiResolution Fidelity 120Ò Sound Processing. Abstract of the 8th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences, Daegu, Korea, 25th – 28th October 2011: 184.
  • 甘志珊.  非鎮靜腦幹誘發電位技術的臨床應用核實研究.   論文發表於《第三屆上海耳科學及聽力學國際會議暨第十一屆聽力國際年會》主辦機構為上海交通大學耳科學研究所, 聽力國際中國分部,  51 頁. 中國上海, 2011.10.21.
  • 甘志珊. 全植入式助聽器的成效評估.  論文發表於《第三屆上海耳科學及聽力學國際會議暨第十一屆聽力國際年會》主辦機構為上海交通大學耳科學研究所, 聽力國際中國分部, 48 頁. 中國上海, 2011.10.21.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Keith, R.W. Aging Effect on Dichotic Listening of Cantonese. Abstract of Audiology Workshop of the 2010 CUHK ENT Conference, Hong Kong, 15th October 2010.
  • 甘志珊. <耳鳴問卷中文版的研譯與臨床應用>. 論文發表於 《全國耳鳴疾病診療新進展學習班》, 主辦機構為首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院, 136. 中國延安, 2010.07.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Keith, R.W. Aging Effect on Dichotic Listening of Cantonese. Abstract of the Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2010, Hong Kong, 8th May 2010.
  • 甘志珊. 全植入式助聽器的成效評估.  Abstract of《第88屆台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會學術演講會暨兩岸耳科論壇》, 台中, 台灣, 1st May 2010:30.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Tong, M.C.F., Lam, C.K., Wong, K.C., Yu, K.Y., Ng, H.Y. & van Hasselt, C.A. Evaluation of a Totally Implantable Hearing Device: Retrospective Study of Patients Implanted in Hong Kong.  Abstract of the XXXth International Congress of Audiology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 28th March – 1st April 2010:53.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Keith, W.R. Aging effect on dichotic listening of Cantonese.  Abstract of the XXXth International Congress of Audiology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 28th March – 1st April 2010: 61.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Ng, I.H.Y., Wong, T.K.C., Yu, J.K.Y. & Tong, M.C.F. Hearing Aid Satisfaction and Benefit in a Group of Users with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Abstract of the 10th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness, Bangkok, Thailand, 4th – 7th August 2009:66.  
  • Kam, A.C.S., Cheung, A.P.P., Chan, P.Y.B., Leung, E.K.S., Wong, T.K.C., van Hasselt, C.A., & Tong, M.C.F. A Psychometric Study on Tinnitus Complaints with the Chinese Tinnitus Questionnaire. Abstract of the 10th Asia pacific Congress on Deafness, Bangkok, Thailand, 4th – 7th August 2009:70.
  • Kam, A.C.S., Cheung, A.P.P., Chan, P.Y.B., Leung, E.K.S., Wong, T.K.C., Tong, M.C.F., & van Hasselt, C.A.  Psychometric Properties of a Chinese (Cantonese) Version of the Tinnitus Questionnaire. Abstract of in the 9th European Federation of Audiology Societies, Tenerife, Spain, 21st – 24th June 2009:74.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Keith, W.R. Recognition of Dichotic Double Digits in Young and Elderly Cantonese-Speaking Listeners. Abstract of the 9th European Federation of Audiology Societies, Tenerife, Spain, 21st – 24th June 2009:80.
  • 甘志珊、余家燕、伍凱怡、唐志辉、余啟文. 新生兒出生100小時內以多頻探測音進行聲阻抗測驗的正常值. Abstracts of 全國新生兒、嬰幼兒及兒童聽力篩查、診斷、干預暨第三次助聽器驗配技術學術會議, Huangshanshi, China, 26th – 28th June 2008:136
  • Kam, A.C.S., Ng, I.H.Y., Wong, T.K.C., Yu, J.K.Y. & Tong, M.C.F. Hearing Aid Satisfaction and Benefit in a Group of Users with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Abstracts of XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, 8th – 12th June 2008:41
  • Kam, A.C.S., Cheung, A., Chan, P., Leung, E., Wong, T.K.C. & Tong, M.C.F.  Translation and Validation of Two Chinese Psychometric Assessment Devices for Patients with Tinnitus. Abstracts of XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, 8th– 12th June 2008:86
  • Yu, J.K.Y., Kam, A.C.S., Ng, I.H.Y., Tong, M.C.F. & Wong, T.K.C. Normative Tympanometry Using 226Hz, 678Hz and 1,000 Hz Probe Tones in Chinese Neonates during the First 100 Hours of Life. Abstracts of XXIX International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, 8th – 12th June 2008:83
  • Yu, J.K.Y., Ng, I.H.Y., Kam, A.C.S., Tong, M.C.F., Wong, T.K.C., Yu, K.M., Yu, H.C. & Wong, E. A Review of Two Neonatal Hearing Screening Programmes in Hong Kong. Abstracts of XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, 8th– 12th  June 2008:45
  • Ng, I.H.Y., Tong, M.C.F., Kam, A.C.S., Yu, J.K.Y. Compliance of Adolescents to a School Hearing Screening Campaign. Abstracts of XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, 8th– 12th June 2008:84
  • Yeung, N.K. & Kam, A.C.S. (2006). Outcome measurement of recent FM technologies for hearing impaired adults in Hong Kong. Poster presentation in the Hearing Care for Adults: International Conference, Chicago, USA.
  • Yuen, K.C.P., Kam, A.C.S. & Lau, P.S.H., (2005). Comparative performance between an adaptive directional microphone system and a multi-band noise reduction system from two hearing aid prescriptions in the same digital hearing instrument. Presented in the Research Podium in the 17th Annual Convention & Expo of the American Academy of Audiology, Washington, USA .
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Kam, P.K., (2004). Using ASSR threshold to fit digital instrument for children. Paper presented at the International Conference on Recent Development in Paediatric Audiology, Hong Kong, PRC.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Kam, P.K., (2004). Outcome measures of digital hearing aid benefit in children with severe to profound hearing loss. Paper presented at the International Conference on Recent Development in Paediatric Audiology, Hong Kong, PRC.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Kam, P.K., (2004). Using ASSR threshold to fit digital instrument for children. Poster presentation in the 16th Annual Convention & Expo of the American Academy of Audiology, Salt Lake City, USA.
  • Kam, A.C.S. (2003). Outcome measures of digital hearing aid benefit in children with severe to profound hearing loss. Paper presented at the 5th Hearing International Scientific Conference, Beijing, PRC.
  • Kam, A.C.S. & Wong, L.L.N., (1998). Comparison of performance with wide dynamic range compression and linear amplification. Poster presentation in the 10th Annual Convention & Expo of the American Academy of Audiology, Los Angeles, USA.


Other Publications

  • Chung, K., Kam, A.C.S., Chan, J. & Wong, L. (2012). A hearing report from Hong Kong. Audiology Today, 24(1):44-51.


Patent Granted

  • "Method and System for Self-Managed Sound Enhancement" (Taiwan)
    Publication No.: 201216255
  • "Method and System for Self-Managed Sound Enhancement" (South Africa)
    Publication No.: PA158445/ZA


Patent Allowed

  • "Method and System for Self-Managed Sound Enhancement" (US non-provisional)
    Publication No.: 20120189130
  • "Method and System for Self-Managed Sound Enhancement" (South Korea)
    Publication No.: 10-2013-0045917


Honorary Appointment

  • Member of the Occupational Deafness Medical Committee (June 2015 – May 2021)
  • Honorary Scientific Officer (Medical) of Hospital Authority (since 2014)
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery) (Since 2014)


Professional Societies

  • Fellow, Hong Kong Society of Audiology, since April 2012
  • Life member, Hong Kong Society of Audiology, since August 1998
  • International member, American Academy of Audiology, since April 2000
  • International fellow, American Academy of Audiology, since May 2009


Community & Professional Services

  • Vice Chairperson of the Continuing Professional Development Board of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology, 04/2014 – 03/2020
  • Chairperson of the Continuing Professional Development Board of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology, 04/2011 – 03/2014
  • Board member of the Continuing Professional Development Board of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology, 04/2008 – present
  • External program coordinator of the Continuing Professional Development Board of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology, 04/2008 – 03/2011
  • Member of the Education & Local Service sub-committee of the Hear Talk Foundation, 08/2007 – 2014
  • Editorial Board Member of the World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
  • Reviewer of:
    -       Annals, Academy of Medicine Singapore
    -       Brain Stimulation
    -       International Journal of Audiology
    -       Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
    -       Medical Science Monitor
    -       Noise and Health


Awards and Honors

  • Bronze Award, 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2019
  • Faculty “Quality Journal Article” Award 2016/17
  • One of the inventors of ACEHearing™
  • Bronze Award and Audience Choice Award, the Wall Street Journal Asian Innovation Awards 2011
  • Overall Category Winners – Community Impact, The Talent Unleashed Award, 2014
  • Second Prize of Innovation Award of Excellence, 2014 World Innovation Day, Innovation for Health Competition



(852) 2948 8861

(852) 2948 8861
(852) 2948 7792

MA (Special Need), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MA (Curriculum Development and Teaching of Liberal Studies), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BEd(Hon) (Student Counselling), The Hong Kong Baptist University

Registered Teacher, Education Bureau, 1998
Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF)-Hong Kong
Centre for Credentialing & Education (CCE) of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC),2015
Member Instructors (Basic and Youth Course) ,The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong,2016
International Accredited Professional Mediator and Assessor,
International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute,2019


Yvonne Kan Pui Wai has special education working experience over 20 experience. She joined the Department of Special Education and Counselling in EUDHK as Lecturer I in 2014, and have been teaching and co-ordination Professional Development Programs for teachers from Secondary, Primary and Special School. She has special interest and expertise in strategies to cope with students with and to support the learning of students with emotional and behavioral problems. Before she joined the university, she had worked in Secondary School for 14 years. She taught special need students with Special Learning Difficulties, AD/HD, Autism or Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. Since 2010, she was invited by EDB to serve as a seconded teacher. She visited to secondary schools with students of special education need and helped to develop appropriate learning strategies for teachers. She also worked with the schools’ LS panel heads in designing co-teaching lessons and in helping them to tailor-make the curriculum for special needs students.


  • Inclusive Education
  • Curricular adaptation
  • Supporting children with AD/HD and EBD
  • Mental Health


  • Supporting children with AD/HD and EBD
  • Teacher Self-efficacy and Well-being


School Advisor

St Paul Secondary School,2014- present
Chairperson of Education Committee
Hong Kong Medication Centre,2019- present
Honorary Advisor
Hong Kong Association for ADHD,2018-present


  • Invited guest speaker from Hong Kong Association for ADHD 2019 Conference:「如何為有行為、情緒及社交發展障礙的學生作適異性課堂教學設計」on 19 October,2019
  • Invited guest speaker from The Man Kwan Edu. Quailed College, 「照顧不同學習需要學生之適性教學示例」on 26 September,2019
  • Invited guest speaker from HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No. 3 Secondary, “Understanding disagreements, conflicts and dispute” on 25 April,2019
  • Invited speaker from Evangelical Free Church of China- Hong Fok Church, “Early Identification and Intervention for Autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability in a bible class ” on 22 July and 12 August,2018
  • Invited speaker from Education Bureau(Curriculum Development Institute) for Professional Teacher Seminar,高中通識教育科知識增益系列 :在通識教育科課堂處理學習多樣性的 適異教學策略工作坊 (新辦 ) on 22 March,2018
  • Invited guest speaker from S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School for Teachers’ Professional Development Day, 「法、理、情」照顧有特殊需要學生 on 29 September,2017
  • Invited speaker from Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities,「如何 與教師協作支援言語障礙的學生 ?」 on 23 March,2016
  • Invited speaker from Education Bureau(Curriculum Development Institute) for Professional Teacher Seminar,處理「注意力不足/過度活躍症」學生的教學策略on 29 February,2016
  • Invited speaker from Chiu Sheung School, Hong Kong Teachers’ Professional Development Day,「教師如何實踐照顧學習差異」on 28 August,2015
  • Invited speaker from PO AI SOCIAL WORK SERVICE for Professional Sharing Seminar, 「認識專注力不足及過度活躍症的特質、徵狀和原因 」on 4 September,2015
  • Invited speaker from PO AI SOCIAL WORK SERVICE for Professional Sharing Seminar,「 認識專注力不足/過度活躍症及情緒行為障礙學生的行為管理:處理學生的挑戰行為的策略和衝突調解」on 5 September,2015
  • Invited speaker from PO AI SOCIAL WORK SERVICE for Professional Sharing Seminar,「專注力不足/過度活躍症及怖緒行為問題對學生帶來的衝擊、挑戰和教育需要 on 5 September,2015
  • Invited speaker from Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Education and Youth Affairs Bureau for Teachers’ Professional Seminar, Classroom Management:注意力不足/過度活躍症學童的認識與教導 on 14-15 March,2014
  • Invited speaker from Education Bureau(Curriculum Development Institute) for Professional Teacher Seminar,「如何提醒有學習困難學生之議題探究能力」on 24 November,2011
  • Invited speaker from Education Bureau(Curriculum Development Institute) for Professional Teacher Seminar,中層管理人員研討會:新高學制課程及評估規劃「因材施教、關懷需要- 幫助有學習困難的學生改進學習之課程及評估規畫」on 18 April,2011



  • Invited Global Career Development Facilitator from School of Continuing and Professional Studies( CUHK) : “Career Development”on 18 January to February,2020
  • Invited guest speaker form Yu Chun Keung Memorial College,如何提昇學生自尊感」on 13 September,2019
  • Invited Counsellor as served 10 ASD family from LoveXpress Foundation Limited on 2018-19
  • Invited speaker from HK Association for AD/HD for Professional Sharing Seminar,「同ADHD年青人傾下偈」on28 August,2017
  • Invited guest speaker from The HKSYC&IA Wong Tai Shan Memorial College,「路,同行」on 25 June,2019
  • Invited Global Career Development Facilitator from School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUHK) for High Diploma Students, “Career Development” on February to mid-April,2017
  • Invited Counsellor as served 10 ASD family from LoveXpress Foundation Limited on 2017-18



  • Invited course trainer from St Paul Secondary School: Youth Mental Health First Aids Courseon 27-30 August,2019
  • Invited course trainer from St Paul Secondary School, Education of Mediation course on 27-30 August,2019 Invited course trainer form BA (Hons) in Special Education: Youth Mental Health First Aids Course on 23 and 26 August,2019
  • Invited course Trainer from The Hong Kong Asso. School Discipline and Counselling: Youth Mental Health First Aids Course on 23 and 30 March,2019
  • Invited course Trainer from Evangelical Free Church of China-Tung Fook Church: Youth Mental Health First Aids Course on 5,19 January and 2,16 February,2019
  • Invited course Trainer from The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong: Mental Health First Aids Basic Course on 23 October and 1 November,2018
  • Invited course trainer from St. Paul’s School (Lam Tin) for Teachers’ Workshop “Mental Health First Aid Course” on 6 July and 14 July,2016
  • Invited course trainer from Pentecostal School for Teachers’ Workshop “Mental Health First Aid Course” on 30 June and 7 July,2016



  • Invited guest speaker from The Methodist Church, HK , Mediation: 「拆牆建橋」on 20 Nov,2019
  • Invested Mediator Assessor from International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute on 4 Sept and 24 October,2019
  • Invited guest speaker from Caritas Wu Cheng- Chung Secondary,「和諧從何來?」on 23 August, 2019
  • Invited Assessor from International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute on 26 September and 24 Ocober, 2019



  • Presenter from BAT 2019 Mini- Conference: Review for implementation of the Advanced Course on 6 September,2019
  • Presenter from BAT 2018 Mini- Conference: Reflection on Practicum of Advanced Course on 5 September,2018
  • Presenter from BAT 2017 Mini- Conference: Teaching Package on Advanced Course on 22 September,2017
  • Presenter from BAT 2016 Mini- Conference: Behavioral, Emotional and Social Development Needs of Advance Course on 31 August,2016



(852) 2948 8370

(852) 2948 8370
(852) 2948 7794
專門: 多元的性與性別,性教育, 輔導及輔導員教育

EdD, University of Hong Kong
MSW (Mental Health Counselling), California State University, USA
PgD (Sex Therapy), Florida Postgraduate Sex Therapy Training Institute
PgD (Sexuality Studies), University of Amsterdam
B.Soc.Sci (Social Work), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Registered Social Worker (HKSWRB)
Approved Clinical Supervisor (HKPCA)
Certified Sex Therapist (HKASERT)



 Dr. Diana Kwok is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling (SEC). She obtained her EdD from the University of Hong Kong. Diana is a registered social worker, approved counselor supervisor, and a certified sex therapist. She used to work in school, family, mental health, and LGBT service settings, in Hong Kong, and in the U.S.. She provides professional training and clinical supervision to social workers, counsellors, and mental health practitioners on mental health, sexuality education, and sexual diversity in various universities, NGOs, and government organizations. Diana's research interest focuses on the experience of gay/lesbian/queer/transgender students, sexuality education, and professional training/development/cultural competence of teachers/counselors / social workers working with sexual minorities and SEN students in the Chinese context.


Teaching areas

  • Sexuality-Embracing Diversity
  • Sex Education
  • Counselling Supports to Children with Special Educational Needs
  • Counseling Ethics; Counseling Theories and Practices
  • Counselling Supervision
  • PhD thesis supervision - Sexuality Education for students affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (PhD candidate)
  • EdD thesis supervision - Parents with children affected by dyslexia: Experience in parent-school collaboration (EdD candidate)
  • MPhil thesis supervision - Parental experience: Parents with transgender children (MPhil student)
  • Second Major/Minor in Counselling Program Coordinator


Research Interests

Sexual and Gender Diversity

  • Sexual prejudice, transgender prejudice and social services/schools
  • Help-seeking barriers, community service needs,  and service accessibility
  • Parents and families of LGB and transgender students
  • School, family, and community support for LGBTQIA students

Comprehensive Sexuality Education

  • SEN (ASD) students and sexuality education
  • Parental and family support to SEN students with sex education needs
  • Social justice and comprehensive sexuality education

Counselling and Counsellor Education

  • Counsellor education and cultural competence
  • Sexual prejudice and counsellor competence
  • Sexual prejudice and teacher competence
  • Social work education and cultural competence
  • Mental health counselling


Research Projects

  • Students from Marginalized Groups : Accessibility of Sex Education (RGC-Research Matching Grant 2021-2023, P.I.)
  • Understanding health care experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals with disabilities in social services (Research Seed Grant 2021-2022, P.I.)
  • Remaking Chinese Families: Narratives and Practices of Adoptive Families in Hong Kong. (Research Grants Council General Research Fund/GRF2020-2022). (Co-I)
  • Diversity, Equity and Social Inclusion Research Group. (Co-I)
  • Empowering Teachers to Challenge Transprejudice. (Research Grants Council General Research Fund/GRF2019-2021). (P.I)
  • Empowering Teachers in Sexual Diversity Training to Combat Sexual Prejudices. (Research Grants Council Early Career Scheme/ECS 2015-2018). (PI).
  • Enhancing Social Workers' Sexual Diversity Competence through Sexual Prejudice Reduction Program. (Research Grants Council General Research Fund/GRF2016-2019).(P.I)
  • Sex Education and Victim Counselling Program (Collaborate with NGOs, CUHK, CityUHK,  2018-2020)
  • Genderism and Transgender People in Transition: Experiences in Families and Community Support Programs (Collaborate with NGOs, 2018-2020) (P.I)
  • Gender and Sexual-Orientation Harassment Experiences of LGBTQ Students (Equal Opportunities Commission Fund 2014-2015) (P.I)



  • Teaching Award (SEC Department, EDUHK, Dec 2018)

  • Early Career Award (UGC/Research Grants Council 2014/2015)


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Chan, K.W.A., Fang, T. & Kwok, D.K. (in press). Uncovering the Challenges and Needs of Chinese Adoptive Parents in Hong Kong. Child and Family Social Work.
  • Kwok, K., & Kwok, D. K. (2023). Experiencing double silence: Sexuality education of south Asian minority youth in Hong Kong. Sex Education, 23(6), 740-755. 
  • Kwok, K. & Kwok, D. K. (2023). Community Matters: Barriers and Opportunities to Sexual Health and Sexuality Education of Young Female Migrants in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. (Online)
  • Kwok, D. K. & Kwok, K. (2022). Navigating Transprejudice: Chinese Transgender Students’ Experiences of Sexuality Education in Hong Kong. Sex Education, Sexuality, Society and Learning (SSCI/SJR Q1, MS Ranking A)
  • Kwok, D.K. & Kwok, K. (2022). Chinese Sexual Minority Students Experiencing Microaggressions: Implications for Sexuality Education. Children. (Online) (SCIE, JCR Q2)
  • Tam, H.-L., To, S.-M., Kwok, D. K., & Chan, D. K. Y. (2021). Life routinization and clandestine photo-taking behavior among young people in Hong Kong: Implications for social work practice. Qualitative Social Work, Online. (SSCI Q2).
  • Kwok, D. K. (2021). Contesting Sexual Prejudice to Support Sexual Minorities: Views of Chinese Social Workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (6).  (SSCI Q1, MS Ranking A).
  • Kwok, K & Kwok, D.K. (2020). More Than Comfort and Discomfort: Emotion Work of Parenting Children with Autism in Hong Kong, Children and Youth Services Review. Online. (SSCI/SJR Q1, MS Ranking A)
  • To, S.M., Wong, P.K.S., Tam, H.L., Kwok, D.K., & Lau, C.D. (2019). Sexual Compulsivity, Sexual Self-Concept, and Cognitive Outcomes of Sexual Behavior of Young Chinese Hong Kong Males with Compulsive Sexual Behavior: Implications for Intervention and Prevention. Children and Youth Services Review. Online.  (SSCI/SJR Q1, MS Ranking A)
  • Kwok, D. K. (2019). Training educators to support sexual minority students: Views of Chinese teachers. Sex Education, Sexuality, Society and Learning.  19(3), 346-360. (SSCI/SJR Q1, MS Ranking A)
  • Kwok, D.K. (2018). Community support for Chinese trans* students experiencing genderism. Sex Education, Sexuality, Society and Learning. 18(4), 406-419(SSCI/SJR Q1, MS Ranking A)
  • Kwok, D.K. (2016). School Experience of Chinese Sexual Minority Students in Hong Kong. Journal of LGBT Youth, 13 (4), 378-396. (SJR Q2, MS Ranking B)
  • Kwok, D.K., Wu, J. (2015). Chinese attitudes towards sexual minorities in Hong Kong: Implications for mental health. International Review of Psychiatry, 27(5), 444-454.(SSCI, SJR)
  • Kwok, D. K., Wu, J., & Shardlow, S. M. (2013). Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men Among Hong Kong Chinese social work students. Journal of Social Work Education, 49(2), 337-352.(SSCI; SJR)
  • Wu. J., & Kwok D. K. (2013). Attitudes towards sexual minorities among Chinese people: implications for mental health. International Psychiatry, 40(2), 33-34.
  • Kwok, D. K., Winter, S., & Yuen, M. (2012). Heterosexism in School: The Counselling Expereience of Chinese Tongzhi students in Hong Kong. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 40(5), 561-575.(SSCI, SJR)
  • Wu, J. & Kwok D. K. (2012) Psychometric properties of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay men Scale with Chinese university students. Psychological Reports, 110(2), 521.(SSCI, SJR)


Book Chapters

  • Kwok, D. K. (2024). Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and School Life in Hong Kong. In M. Kasai, Y. Toda, & S. Russell (Eds.), SOGI Minority and School Life in Asian Contexts: Beyond Bullying and Conflict Toward Inter-Minority Empathy (101-118). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, D.K. (2024). Chinese Transgender Students and Teacher Allies. L. Allen, & M.L. Rasmussen (Eds), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Sexuality Education. (1-9). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • 郭勤 (2024) 性傾向跨性別偏見:同志跨性別學生的聲音。羅金義編輯《弱勢者視角下的未來》。 香港城市大學出版社出版
  • Kwok, D. K. (2024). Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and School Life in Hong Kong. In M. Kasai, Y. Toda, & S. Russell (Eds.), SOGI Minority and School Life in Asian Contexts: Beyond Bullying and Conflict Toward Inter-Minority Empathy (pp.101-118). Routledge.
  • Kwok, D.K (2021) . Genderism and Trans Students in Hong Kong Higher Education. In N. Harrison (Ed), Marginalised Communities in Higher Education: Disadvantage, Mobility and Indigeneity (p.64-78). UK: Routledge.
  • Kwok, D.K. (2020). Sexuality and teacher education: LGBT students and teacher education. In M.A. Peters(Ed), Encyclopedia of Teacher Education (xx-xx). Singapore: Springer.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2019). Community support for Chinese trans* students. In J. Sinclair-Palm and J.Gilbert (Eds.), Trans Youth in Education (xx-xx). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2018). Section Introduction: Contesting sexual and transgender prejudice: Advocating human rights of LGBTQ students in Asia. In K. J. Kennedy & Z. J. Li (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia (853-856). New York: NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2018). Supporting transgender students: Chinese school social workers as transgender allies. In K. J. Kennedy & Z. J. Li (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia (889-896). New York: NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, D. K., & Lee, J. (2018). Sexual prejudice and school experience of LGBQ students in South Korea and Hong Kong. In K. J. Kennedy & Z. J. Li (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia (857-863). New York: NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, D. K., & Lee, M. W. B. (2018). Contesting school heterosexism: Rights-based sexuality education for LGBQ students. In K. J. Kennedy & Z. J. Li (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia (872-879). New York: NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, K., & Kwok, D. K. (2018). Community support services for LGBQ students in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In K. J. Kennedy & Z. J. Li (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Schools and Schooling in Asia (880-888). New York: NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, D.K. & Kwok, K. (2017). Contesting gender binaries in school counselling: Supporting students encountering transgender harassment. In M. T. Hue (Ed.), School Counselling in a Chinese Context: Supporting Students in Need in Hong Kong (79-93). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, D.K. (2017). Empowering Chinese lesbian, gay and bisexual (Tongzhi) students: Affirmative school counseling practice in Hong Kong. M.T. Hue,School counselling in Chinese Context: School practice for helping students in needs in Hong Kong (120-136). New York: NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kwok, K. & Kwok, D.K (2015). When new migrants meet old migrants: Indonesian ethnic economy in Hong Kong. In Y. W. Chan, D. W. Haines, & J. H. X. Lee (Eds.), The age of Asian migration: continuity, diversity, and susceptibility (192-210). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2014) Narratives of Hong Kong sexual minority students in secondary schools – Reflections and implications for school counseling. In S. Ngai et al. (Eds),Chinese Social Welfare Policy. National University of Taiwan Press (In Chinese, accepted).
  • Kwok, K. & Kwok, D. K. (2014). Diverging Opportunities: Chinese Workers in the Transnational Immigrant Economy in Vienna. In Zhang Jijiao and Ellen R. Judd (eds), Migration, Labor Market and Human Resource: Comparative Study among EU, North America and Asia (Accepted): Springer.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2013). Social work students’ learning experience on sexuality issues in Hong Kong. In C. M. See (Ed.), Research and practice: Counselling and social work in the new frontier of helping (162-170). Malaysia: USM Press.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2012). Teaching sexual diversity in Hong Kong: Challenging Homophobia. B. C. Eng, A Chinese Perspective on Teaching and Learning(121-137). New York: NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Lau, Y.K. Tsang, Y.B. & Kwok, D.K. (2010). Dropping out children and children back to school, in Theory and Practice of Youth Studies (P.36-53). China Bejin: Social Science Publishing. (劉玉琼、曾育彪及郭勤(2010)。<香港學童輟學的情況: 輟學學童與成功復課學童之經驗比較>。《信息時代新青年議題: 理論, 政策與實務》。第36-53頁。中國 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社。)
  • Lau, Y.K., Tsang, B.Y.P., & Kwok, D.K. (2007). Cultural issues of school dropouts in Hong Kong. International Journal on School Disaffection, 5(1), 7-10. 


Conference Papers

  • Kwok, D.K. & Shiu W.F. (2018, August). Inclusive Sexuality Education, Perspectives from Trans* People affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The 2nd  Asia-Pacific Conference on Inclusive Education, June 8-9 June, 2018 Special Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University.
  • Shiu W.F & Kwok, D.K.  (2018, August). Young people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A review of literature of their sexuality educational needs in Asian Chinese societies. International conference on Sexualities, Genders and Intersectionalities, August 8-10, 2018 University of Montreal, Canada,
  • Kwok, D.K.  (2018, August). Help-seeking Barriers Faced by LGBTQ survivors of IPV: Perspectives from Social Workers. International conference on Sexualities, Genders and Intersectionalities, August 8-10, 2018 University of Montreal, Canada.
  • Kwok, D.K.  (2017, July). Sexual Prejudice in Social Services - Voices of Chinese Social Workers. International Conference on Breaking Boundaries, Sexuality, Gender, Reproduction, Health and Rights, July 10-15, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Kwok, D.K.  (2017, June). Cultural competence of Chinese teachers working with Tongzhi students. International Conference on Applied Psychology, June 29-30, 2017, Singapore; East Asian Research Center.
  • Kwok, D.K.  Lee, B; Ho, W.Y.; Shiu, W.F.; Wan, H.M. (2016, June). Conceptualizing Chinese transgender prejudice – themes found from a qualitative study. 24th Biennial World Professional Association for Transgender Health Symposium, June 17-21, 2016, University of Amsterdam.
  • Kwok, D.K. (2016, October). Sexual Prejudice and Sexual Diversity Training for Chinese Teachers Preliminary Themes Identified from Qualitative Interviews.International Conference: Protecting the Weak – Concepts and East Asian Evidence Lingnan University, Hong Kong, October 7-8, 2016
  • Kwok, D.K. (2016, June). Sexual Prejudice In Hong Kong: Implications For Mental Health Of Sexual Minorities. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016, Seoul, Korea.
  • Kwok, D.K. (2016, August). Conceptualizing Sexual Prejudice and Barriers in Seeking Social Services Voices from Chinese Sexual Minorities.  Sexuality and Social Work Conference, 2016, Olten, Switzerland.
  • Kwok, D.K. (2015, Dec). Sexual Prejudice and Institutional Barriers: Service Accessibility of Sexual Minority Youth in Hong Kong. International Conference on Outreach Work, City University of Hong Kong.
  • Kwok, D.K. (2015, June). What have been missing in our sexuality education – perspectives from young people in Hong Kong. Cross-Strait Hong Kong and Macau Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, Macau.
  • Kwok, D.K. (2014, August). Protecting the rights of sexual minority students in schools. Symposium on “Education for Equality: Challenges and Strategies”, Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2014, July). Supporting transgender students in Hong Kong Schools. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Melbourne Australia.
  • Kwok, D.K.  (2014, July). Contesting genderism in Hong Kong Chinese counselling students’ learning experience on transgender concerns. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Melbourne Australia.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2013). Bullying of Tongzhi Youth – Preliminary results from a qualitative investigation in Hong Kong. International Conference of LGBT Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2013.
  • Kwok, D. K. (2011) Heteronormativity and experience of LGBQ social work students in Hong Kong, Paper presented at the International Conference “Naming and Framing: The Making of Sexual (In)Equality”, organized by the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), July, at Madrid, Spain.


Other Publications/Related Research Activities

  • Kwok, D. K. (2014) Embracing sexual and gender diversities – a teaching and learning casebook in Hong Kong Chinese society. Sexuality Practice Research Project, City University of Hong Kong (Chinese).
  • Kwok, D. K. (2011) Experiences of Chinese gay & bisexual youth in "Project Touch” - empowerment-based HIV/AIDS prevention project. Sexuality Practice Research Project, City University of Hong Kong (Chinese).
  • Kwok, D. K. (2010) Experiences of Chinese gay & bisexual youth in "Project Touch” - empowerment-based HIV/AIDS prevention project. Sexuality Practice Research Project, City University of Hong Kong.
  • Kwok, D. K. & Queer Sisters HK (2009) How to work with sexual minorities in Hong Kong – Video demonstration for counselors and social workers. Queer Sisters and Sexuality Counseling Practice Research Project, Department of Applied Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong.
  • Kwok, D. K. & Queer Sisters HK (2009) How to work with sexual minorities in Hong Kong. Queer Sisters and Sexuality Counseling Practice Research Project, Department of Applied Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong.


Community Service, Consultancy and Professional Involvement

  • Committee Service
    Disciplinary Panel and Assessment Panel of the Hong Kong Social Workers Registration Board.
  • Board Member of the Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists.
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer: Sex Education (Sexuality Society and Learning); Journal of Social Work; Transcultural Psychiatry; Culture Health and Society; Journal of Homosexuality; International Journal of Transgenderism; Journal of LGBT Youth; The Journal of Sex Research.
  • Clinical Consultant, Adviser, or Trainer for front-line practitioners in government, non-government organizations, and community support groups, such as counselors, social workers and teachers on cultural competence of working with LGBTQI population. Examples of collaborative organizations include Radio Hong Kong- HKSAR Government; Social Welfare Department - HKSAR Government; Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; Po Leung Kuk; Hong Kong YWCA; Aids Concern; Hong Kong BGCA; Queer Sisters; Caring Community for the Queers; Transgender Resource Center; Rainbow of Hong Kong, Caritas Hong Kong – Youth and Community Services; The Hong Kong Teachers' Centre (HKTC); The Hong Kong Council of Social Services; The Hong Kong Social Workers Association; Richmond Fellowships of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups; The Church of United Brethren in Christ, Parents Resources Centre; The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong; Teen’s Key Hong Kong; Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service Hong Kong; Asso.of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists; Vocational Training Council; The Education University of Hong Kong – Professional Development Program; University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education; City University of Hong Kong Division of Applied Social Science; City University of Hong Kong Department of Applied Social Studies; Caritas High Education (Social Work Program); Baptist University of Hong Kong (Department of Social Work); Polytechnic University (Family Therapy Program)


Knowledge Transfer

Public Education and Professional Training Workshops/Seminar(selected)

  • “Embracing diversities: sexuality education for students with Special Educational Needs”, workshop for sex educators from the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong.
  • “Transmen and transwomen in transition: sexual desire, partner intimacy, and religious identity”, workshop for sex therapists and frontline practitioners, organized by the Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists.
  • “Sexuality education for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in mainstream schools”, training workshop for social workers from The Church of united Brethren in Christ, Parents Resources Centre.
  • "Sexuality education for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders ", series of workshops organized by the Hong Kong Vocational Training Council.
  • "Sexual intimacy, multiple identities, and trans* couples - reflections from qualitative interviews", workshop for frontline social workers, organized by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. 
  • "Help-seeking barriers faced by LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence: perspectives from social workers", in Symposium on Combating Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence, the Hong Kong Council of Social Services
  • "Understanding sexual and gender fluidity of non-binary trans* people - reflections from sex therapy sessions", organized by the Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers & Therapists.
  • "Rights-based sexuality education - addressing diversities of SEN students in sexuality education", organized by professional training program, the Education University of Hong Kong.
  • "Cultural competence of social workers working with gender variant service users in faith-based substance abuse shelter services", organized by faith-based social service organizations.  
  • "Intimacy and sexuality - Sexuality education needs of young people affected by Austistic Spectrum Disorders", organized by the Yang Memorial Methodist Social Services
  • "Working with sexual and gender minority clients in mental health services - implications for social work practice", organized by Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong
  • "Respecting Diversities - Sexuality Education for Students with Intellectual Disability and Austistic Spectrum Disorders", organized by special schools in Hong Kong 
  • "Meaning behind sexual offending behaviors of young people affected by ASD, insights learned from a qualitative study", organized by Caritas Hong Kong
  • "Supporting LGBQ service users in social work intervention", organized by the Social Welfare Department, Hong Kong SAR Government
  • “Understanding sexual pleasure in sexuality education, a human rights perspective”, organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. 
  • "Sexuality education for social workers", organized by Caritas Hong Kong.
  • "HIV prevention and sexuality education", organized by St John’s Cathedrals, HIV prevention service.

Media articles/commentaries in relation to social issues 

  • Sexuality Education: Children’s Book Featuring LGBTQ Themes (Standnews, 25/06/2018)
  • Gender Recognition and Human Rights  (Sing Tao, 7/12/2017)
  • Is sexual orientation needed to be changed? (Sing Tao, 02/6/2017)
  • Transgirl’s voice: I am your daughter, everything goes well!”  (Sing Tao, 17/11/2017)
  • Transgender: RTHK programme (25/5/2017)
  • Standing Up to Transgender Prejudice in Hong Kong Schools (Sing Tao, 20/1/2017)
  • "If you can't go to Heaven, I can't either" By Dr Diana Kwok (Sing Tao, 13/9/2016)
  • Parents Talking about Sex - Empowerment and Sex Positive Approach
    家長「放下身段」與子女談性  星島日報  20.01.2016
  • Sexuality Education - Girls Exploring Sexual Pleasure 
    提供空間正視性歡愉感受  明報  01.12.2015
  • Sexuality Education for Visually Impaired Students 
    感受人體溫暖視障孩子的性教育  星島日報  17.11.2015
  • Girls Talking about Virginity
    第一次性體驗  明報  20.10.2015
  • Sexuality Education for Children Affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorders   
    特殊需要孩子的性成長需要  星島日報  23.06.2015
  • Sexuality Education - Embracing Family Diversities     
    性教育應呈現多元家庭素材  星島日報  23.04.2015
  • Youth Sexuality Education - Embracing Diversities      
    對四個青少年人故事的回應  衛生署紅絲帶中心  02.12.2014
  • Sexuality Education - Insights Learned from Transgender Students    
    跨性別學生的故事  星島日報  25.11.2014
  • Sexuality Education for Tongzhi/LGBQ Students in Schools
    學校並不安全 保障同志學生權益  星島日報  24.09.2014

平等性教育計劃 (Sexuality For ALL)

  • 非二元性别青少年:超越男與女?
  • 跨性别學生一㸃也不困惑!
  • 理想世界,就是沒有人會被遺忘
  • 跨性別、特殊學習困難及多重偏見
  • 消除性傾向偏見:是一教育和生命體驗的過程
  • 消除偏見:守住信仰尊重每個人的權利
  • 消除性傾向偏見:威廉王子公開支持同志
  • 同志家人和孩子的精神健康!
  • 性暴力和性别平等教育
  • 瞭解視障文化性教育才能著地
  • 性沉溺存在嗎?専業協會的立場
  • 性教育: 特殊需要孩子的家長增權
  • 自閉症孩子的性教育-阿仔坐巴士



(852) 2948 8274

(852) 2948 8274
(852) 2948 7794
專門: 言語語言病理理學,臨床神經科學,正向心理學,正向教育及靜觀/正念教育

BSc. (Speech and Hearing Science), Faculty of  Education, University of Hong Kong
MSc. (Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences, Best dissertation award), Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Medical Speech-language Pathologist (SLP), NTEC Cluster, Hospital Authority (1996-2013)
Member of Clinical Neuroscience Team, Prince of Wales Hospital
Member of Cochlear Implant Team, Prince of Wales Hospital
Department in-charge of Speech Therapy Department of Cheshire Hone, Shatin and North District Hospital
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy teacher training under Hong Kong Centre of Mindfulness and Oxford Mindfulness Centre since 2016
Advanced teacher training in Mindful Parenting under Professor Susan Bögels, University of Amsterdam in 2018
Teach .b Foundation teacher training under Mindful in Schools Project, UK and Mindful School Culture Project, HKU in 2019


Kwok Yee Tak, Esther served as Speech-language-pathologist at Hospital Authority for over 17 years with rich and extensive clinical expertise and experiences.  Esther well understood the importance of mind-body connection with mental & physical health.  Being a Mindfulness teacher, Esther is devoted to teach Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Mindful parenting and . b Foundation Programme for parents of SEN children, in-service teachers, social workers/administrative staff, graduates, undergraduates and staff members of EdUHK as well as serving NGOs.

As the Programme Leader of Positive Education, Esther devoted at passing the invaluable vision of Positive Psychology, Positive Education and Mindfulness through organizing conference, workshops and educational video. Collaborative project on Mindfulness Education with University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters (HKACMGM) 



  • Clinical Education and Supervision on Speech-language pathology
  • Positive Psychology
  • Positive Education
    Mindfulness Education
  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  • Mindful parenting
  • Mindfulness culture in school initiatives (.b Foundation)



  • Medical Speech-Language Pathology and Clinical Neuroscience
  • Motor Speech, Voice and communication disorders associated stroke and Parkinson's Disease undergone Deep Brain Stimulation
  • Positive Education
  • Mindfulness Education

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy teacher training under Hong Kong Centre of Mindfulness and Oxford Mindfulness Centre



  • Chan W.Y., Cho H.O., Kwok Y. T. Esther., Tang. H.O., Tai Y.Y. (2017) Enhancing students’ capacity to cope with challenges by using strength-based approach (Faculty Grant for Leaders of Learning. Nov 2017 – present)
  • Co-leading and organizing the Mindful Oasis, Mindful and Resilience Project (MRC), SEC (2019- present)



  • The Jockey Club “Peace and Awareness” Mindfulness Culture in Schools Initiative (PandA 賽馬會「樂天心澄」靜觀校園文化行動, as led by Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong (2019-present)
  • Mindfulness-based Support to Teachers and Students in Social Unrest (給守望者運動) as organized by PandA team and the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters (HKACMGM 香港輔導教師協會) to launch (2019-present)
  • Mindfulness Workshop for carers of elderly at ELCHK Lutheran, Shatin Caring Centre 信義會護老者 - 護老護己 靜觀體驗工作坊 (June 2019) 
  • Teacher Professional Development Day 自我照顧 靜觀體驗工作坊 at Sacred Heart Canossian School嘉諾撒聖心學校 (Nov 2019)
  • Teacher Professional Development Day Mindful Connection in School and Home靜觀 師生父母心 at Clementi Secondary School金文泰中學 (Oct 2019)
  • Mindful Parenting workshop to parents with Autistic children, Introductory Workshop on Mindfulness for Parents and Caretakers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)為自閉症兒童家長及照顧者而設的靜觀入門工作坊as organized by Macau Autism Association (Jan 2018)
  • Mindfulness teaching to the social workers and administrators of The Neighbourhood
  • Advice-Action Council (Allied Health Professionals) 香港鄰舍輔導會(專職醫療人士) (Feb 2018)



  • Mindfulness Education to local schools e.g. 8-weeks Mindful-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) teaching at Pat Heung Central Primary School, Yuen Long (2019)
  • DLTC L&T sharing session: "The integration of Positive Psychology in Voice Care for Teachers and Educators" (May 2018)
  • Mindful education to all academic and teaching staff of SEC on Mindfulness with on-site practice at SEC departmental retreat (Mar 2018)


  • Kwok Y.T. Esther (Apr 2016) “Effects of Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation on Speech and Voice in Parkinson’s Disease” at PCS Health Care Conference in Budapest, Hungary
  • Kwok Y.T. Esther (Sept 2015) "Update on the Management of Parkinson’s Disease -preliminary research topic about Deep Brain Stimulation” at Annual Scientific Meeting co-organized by Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapist, Nethersole School of Nursing and Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation.
  • Kwok Y.T. Esther (Sept 2018) Mindfulness Opens the Door to Compassion 靜觀恩情at SEC Positive Education Conference: Cultivate the Visible Wellbeing Cum I-WELL’s 2nd Anniversary Ceremony (June 2018)


  • Programme Leader of PDP Positive Psychology Programme (BWP 127)
  • Co-opt member of Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL)
  • Co-organizer of SEC Positive Education Conference: Cultivate the Visible Wellbeing Cum I-WELL’s 2nd Anniversary Ceremony (June 2018)
  • Academic Advisor Coordinator for MScSLPLD since 2015



  • Leading Mindfulness workshop to EdUHK staff as invited by Human Resources Office, EdUHK (Nov 2018)
  • Leading Lunch Time Mindful Oasis: Mindful connection in school and home for EdUHK staff and students as co-organized with IWELL Centre, (Oct 2019)



  • Departmental Award for the achievement of High Student Evaluation of Teaching Scores (2015-2016)
  • Appreciation award of Gratitude project at Hong Kong Character Day (HKCD) 2016


講師 I

(852) 2948 8953

講師 I
(852) 2948 8953
專長﹕ Educational measurement, Test development and validation, Guidance and counselling, Learning Support for students with special educational needs

Candidate of EdD (Educational Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
PGDE, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Mr. Joffee Lam is currently a candidate of Doctor of Education in Educational Psychology in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has acquired Master of Philosophy and Bachelor of Science in Statistics. Joffee is a qualified teacher who possesses frontline teaching experience in local mainstream and special schools. His teaching areas cover a wide range from guidance and counselling, psychoeducational assessment and testing to learning support for students with special educational needs. 
As a statistician, Joffee has been developing his research interest on educational measurement, test development and validation, identifying and supporting students with special educational needs.



  • Guidance and counselling
  • Supporting students with special educational needs in Chinese Learning
  • Psychoeducational assessment and testing



  • Educational measurement
  • Test development and validation
  • Learning support for students with special educational needs



  • Hong Kong Cantonese Language Assessment for Preschool Children (HKCLASS-P) 香港粵語能力測試 (學前版) (2022)
  • Aphasia screening test for the Cantonese-speaking population (2019)
  • 澳門兒童語言發展篩查量表 (MacQUEST) (2018)
  • The Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test (CanSWORT)
     香港粵語口語雙字詞辨識測驗 (2016)
  • Macao Cantonese Language Screening Scale for Preschool Children (MacCLASS-P) 澳門粵語學前語言篩查測驗 (2016)
  • Employability Assessment Tool for People with Intellectual Disability
    智障人士通用就業能力評估工具 (2014)
  • The Cantonese Tone Identification Test (CANTIT)
    粵語聲調辨識測驗 (2012)



  • Programme Leader, Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Special Needs), The Education University of Hong Kong (2022 – now)
  • Honorary Research Associate, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2016 – now)



  • Professional training on the application of Hong Kong Cantonese Language Assessment for Preschool Children (HKCLASS-P) for Child Assessment Centre (CAC) of Department of Health, HKSAR  (Sep 2022)
  • Public lecture in the dissemination seminar of Hong Kong Cantonese Language Assessment for Preschool Children (HKCLASS-P) organized by Speech and Hearing Enterprise and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (July 2022)
  • Public lecture in the dissemination seminar of Macao Cantonese Language Screening Scale for Preschool Children (MacCLASS-P) organized by Macau Deaf Association (Dec 2016)
  • Public lecture in the dissemination seminar of Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test (CanSWORT) organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Jun 2016)



  • Lee, K.Y.S., Lam, J.H.S., Lau, T.H.M., Yu, W.S., & Ng, I.H.Y. (2022). Hong Kong Cantonese Language Assessment for Preschool Children (HKCLASS-P) (香港粵語能力測試 (學前版). Speech and Hearing Social Enterprise Limited.
  • Tammy H. M. Lau, Kathy Y. S. Lee, Emily Y. C. Lam, Joffee H. S. Lam, Chris K. M. Yiu, and Gladys W. L. Tang (2019). Oral language performance of deaf and hard-of-hearing students in mainstream schools. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2019, 1-11.
  • Kathy Y. S. Lee, Joffee H. S. Lam, Kit T. Y. Chan, Charles Andrew van Hasselt & Michael C. F. Tong (2017). Applying Rasch model analysis in the development of the Cantonese tone identification test (CANTIT). International Journal of Audiology; 56: S60-S73.
  • Iris Hoi-Yee NG, Joffee Ho-Suen LAM, Kathy Yuet-Sheung LEE (2016). The Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test (CanSWORT) (香港粵語口語雙字詞辨識測驗). The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Iris H.-Y. NG, Kathy Y.S. LEE, Joffee H.S. LAM, C. Andrew VAN HASSELT, & Michael C.F. TONG (2016). An Application of the Item Response Theory and the Rasch Model in Speech Recognition Test Materials. American Journal of Audiology; 25, 142-152.
  • Kathy Y. S. LEE, Kit. T. Y. CHAN, Joffee H. S. LAM, C. A. VAN HASSELT & Michael C. F. TONG (2015). Lexical tone perception in native speakers of Cantonese. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2015; 17(1): 53-62.
  • CHEUNG K. L. Karen., LAU H. Y. Ada, LAM. H. S. Joffee, LEE Y. S. Kathy (2014). Cantonese tone production performance of mainstream school children with hearing impairment. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16 (6), 624-36. doi: 10.3109/17549507.2014.89694.
  • KAN P. K. Peggy, LEE Y. S. Kathy, LAM H. S. Joffee (2013). Association between understanding perspective and communication initiation of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Social Thinking Training approach. Hong Kong Psychological Society Newsletter, vol.47, no.6, 2013, pp.3



  • CHO L. S., LEE Y. S. Kathy, LAM H.S. Joffee (2019). Development and validation of a new aphasia screening test for the Cantonese-speaking population. Health Research Symposium 2019 Genomics and Big Data in Health and Disease, Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR
  • Lee K. Y. S., Lam E. Y. C., Lau T. H. M., Lam J. H. S., Tang G. W. L., Yiu C. K. M. (2017). Language performance of children with hearing impairment in mainstream education. 10th Biennial Asia Pacific Conference of Speech, Language and Hearing (APCSLH 2017)
  • LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung, LAU Hui Mei, LAM Yuk Chau, LAM Ho Suen Joffee, TANG Wai Lan Gladys, YIU Kun Man. (2014) The oral language development of deaf children in a sign bilingualism and co-enrollment program. The 2014 Symposium on Sign Bilingualism and Deaf Education, CUHK
  • LEE Kathy Yuet Sheung, LAM Ho Suen Joffee, KOU Sandy Lao Ieng, HOI Ronald Mang Hong. (2014) The first step to early identification of preschoolers with communication disorders in Macau: The development of a new language screening tool. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2014, CUHK
  • Emily LAM, Tammy Hui-mei LAU, Joffee H.S. LAM, Kathy LEE, Gladys TANG & Chris YU. (2012) The Oral Language Profile of Cantonese-speaking Children with Hearing Impairment. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, CUHK
  • Karen CHEUNG, Ada LAU, Kathy LEE, Joffee H.S. LAM. (2012) Cantonese tone production performance of mainstream schoolers with hearing-impairment. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, CUHK
  • Rachel WONG, Kathy LEE, Joffee H. S. LAM, Kristy CHUNG (2012). Early Identification of Children with Specific Reading Disability – A study on reading and cognitive profile in typically developing and language impaired children. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, CUHK
  • Thomas LAW, Kathy LEE, Joffee H.S. LAM, Eric C. H. TANG, C.A. VAN HASSELT, Michael C.F. TONG (2012). The more the merrier – The role of group climate in effective group voice therapy. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, CUHK
  • Joffee H.S. LAM, Thomas LAW, Kathy LEE (2012). Using many-faceted Rasch model in assessing rater consistency in perception evaluation of voice. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, CUHK
  • Peggy KAN, Kathy LEE, Joffee H.S. LAM & Karine NGAI (2012). Association between understanding perspective and communication initiation of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Social Thinking Training approach. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2012, CUHK
  • K. T. Thomas LAW, Y.S. Kathy LEE, Fiona HO, Eric TANG, T. Y. Kit CHAN, H. S. Joffee LAM, C.A. VAN HASSELT, C. F. Michael TONG (2010). Voice disorders among primary school teachers in Hong Kong: Prevalence and risk factors. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium 2010, CUHK




(852) 2948 8766

(852) 2948 8766
Specialization: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Special Education in Tertiary Education

MSocSc (CityU)


Mr. Andy Lam obtained his Bachelor Degree in Social Science (Psychology) from Queensland University of Technology and Master’s Degree in Applied Psychology from City University of Hong Kong. Being a registered teacher, he is committed to the promotion of Integrated Education and the support of students with special educational needs (SEN) in general and specifically with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has established his teaching scholarship and tutorship in tertiary education for many years. He is interested in knowledge transfer; and coordinated projects, for tertiary education students with SEN , on the development of Mobile Applications and the use of 3D modelling tools for the support of children’s diverse learning needs.  He is also experienced in using e-learning and various EdTech tools for learning support.

Teaching Areas

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Children with Emotional and Behaviour Problems
  • Supporting Children with Special Needs

Research Interests

  • Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Tertiary Education
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Special Education
  • lnclusive Education



(852) 2948 8060

(852) 2948 8060
(852) 2948 7794
專門 : ﹕專注力不足/過度活躍症、情緒和行為障礙

Ph.D  (Educational Psychology), The University of Birmingham, UK
B.Phil (Educational Psychology), The University of Birmingham, UK
Registered Teacher (HK)


Dr. Lai obtained a Bachelor degree in Education and a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from the University of Birmingham, UK. He was a registered teacher in Primary, secondary and special schools and has considerable experience in counseling students with special needs.  Dr. Lai is currently serving in the Department of Special Education and Counselling of the Hong Kong University of Education. The courses includes how to help students with ADHD, ASD and EBD.  Dr Lai is the programme Leader of the programme PDP-CDLN which is focus on training current teachers on inclusive education and how to deal with students with special needs. Also, he is responsible for the planning of the Field Experience for the PGDE programme. 


  • Inclusive Education
  • Children with special needs
  • Supporting children with AD/HD, LD and ASD



  • Inclusive education
  • Whole school approach and new funding mode
  • Supporting children with AD/HD, LD and ASD



  • Lin, S. F. and Lai, C. L. (2016). School Bullying & cyberbullying in HK.  In P. K. Smith, K. Kwak & Y. Toda (2016). (Ed.). School bullying in Different Cultures.  Cambridge University Press. Chapter 7.

  • Lin, S. F. and Lai, C. L. (2016). Interventions against bullying in Hong Kong.  InP. K. Smith, K. Kwak & Y. Toda (2016). (Ed.). School bullying in Different Cultures.  Cambridge University Press. Chapter 19.

  • 黎子良 (2017) 自殺防治():校園防火牆。林少峯主編  In Lin, S. F., Ed., (2017) 自殺?他殺?青少年為何走上絕路 (增訂版)? Why Youth Committed Suicides? “Homicides” or “Suicides”? 2nd Edition. Chung Hwa Publishing.中華書局。《第七章 p.99-129.

  • 黎子良 (2016) 自殺防治():校園防火牆。林少峯主編  In Lin, S. F., Ed., (2016) 自殺?他殺?青少年為何走上絕路 ? Why Youth Committed Suicides? “Homicides” or “Suicides”? Chung Hwa Publishing.中華書局。《第七章 p.111-136

  • 黎子良博士 Lai, C. L. <Co-authored, Book> (2016).  當父母遇上愛恩斯坦學會學習 How Children Learn- When Parents meet “Einstein”, Chung Hwa Publishing. 中華書局。

  • 黎子良博士 Lai, C.L. <Co-authored, Book> (2014). 望子成龍的迷思 The Myth of developing your off-springs to Dragon-like persons. [Psycho-social Development of Children and its implications for Parenting.], Chung Hwa Publishing. 中華書局。



  • Programme coordinator for the Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Teachers (Catering for Diverse Learning Needs) (Basic level and Advanced Level). 
  • Departmental Field experience coordinator 
  • 'How to do counselling for the children with mental health disorder" Ma Tau Chung government primary school, 2017.
  • ‘How to help students with ASD in the school setting’ Ma Tau Chung government primary school, 2016.
  • ‘How to help students with ADHD in the school setting’ Ma Tau Chung government primary school, 2015.
  • “Educational research and action research” for the澳門教育暨青年局(Macau Education and youth Bureau) Macau Advanced Course for the Special Education Teachers  2013.
  • External inspector for the澳門教育暨青年局(Macau Education and youth Bureau) to do the school inspection 學校綜合評鑑工作  2011.



(852) 2948 8107

(852) 2948 8107
(852) 2948 7794
專門: 言語、語言、溝通障礙、聽力復康及輔導

Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong
M.Sc (Audiology), The University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. (Speech & Hearing Science), The University of Hong Kong





  • 言語、語言、溝通發展與障礙
  • 言語、語言及溝通障礙之評估及治療
  • 聽力復康 
  • 學校指導及輔導



  • 言語發展
  • 兒童言語及語言障礙
  • 構音肌能之學習 



  1. Part-time Honorary Lecturer, Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (2004 – 2013).
  2. Part-time Visiting Lecturer, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2007 – 2011).
  3. Clinical Consultant, Speech Therapy Team, Hong Kong Christian Service (2005-2006).
  4. Full-time Clinical Instructor, Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (1999 – 2004).
  5. Part-time Instructor, The School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. (1996).
  6. Part-time Honorary Lecturer, Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (1995 – 1996).
  7. Part-time Project Tutor, Early Childhood Education Program, Hong Kong Baptist University. (1995).



  1. Project Co-supervisor and Lead Developer
    (Project: “Harnessing Online Technologies for Quality Access to Education and Lifelong Learning: Innovations @FEHD and the Next Level”; Central Research Allocation Fund of EdUHK; 2018 – 2020)
  2. Principle Investigator
    (Project: An eLearning Clinical Teaching Package for the MScESLPLD”; Teaching Development Seed Fund of SEC; 2018 - 2019)
  3. Co-investigator
    (Project: Intervention Efficacy of Assistive Listening Devices for Chinese Children with Dyslexia – a Randomized Controlled Trial; Health and Medical Research Fund: Project Reference Number: 14150431; 2017 - 2019)
  4. Consultant Speech Therapist
    (Project: “An Educational Story Series on Parent Education and Children Development”; Child Care Services of Po Leung Kuk; 2017 - 2018)
  5. Consultant Speech Therapist
    (Project: “An Online Platform for Individualized Education Plan”; Po Leung Kuk Child Care Services; 2017 - 2018)
  6. Principle Investigator
    (Project: “An Evidence-based Clinical Education Model for the MScESLPLD”; Teaching Development Seed Fund of SEC; 2015 - 2016)
  7. Principle Consultant
    [Project: A teaching package on social communication - “Visual & Video Modelling (VIVID)”; Po Leung Kuk Child Care Services; 2014 - 2016)



  1. Clinical Consultant, YWCA Wong Chuen King Student Development Centre (2016 – now)
  2. Clinical Consultant, Po Leung Kuk Child Care Services (2014 – now)
  3. Guest Speaker, The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong (2007 – now)
  4. Honorary Advisor, Rehabilitation & Youth Services, Yan Chai Hospital (2004 – now)
  5. Clinical Consultant, K.C. Liang Po Lam Early Education and Training Service of Haven of Hope Christian Service (2013 - now, 2005-2006)
  6. Clinical Consultant, Haven of Hope Sunnyside Enabling Centre, Haven of Hope Christian Service (2013 – 2018)
  7. Academic Member, Expert Panel of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (2013  - 2016)



  1. Yiu, EML., Murdoch, B., Hird, K., Lau, P., Ho, EM. (2008). Cultural and language differences in voice quality perception: A preliminary investigation using synthesized signals. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 60, 107 – 119.
  2. Yuen, K.C., Kam, A.C. & Lau, P.S. (2006). Comparative performance of an adaptive directional microphone system and a multichannel noise reduction system. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. 17(4), 241‐252.
  3. Yiu EM, Murdoch B, Hird K, Lau P. (2002). Perception of synthesized voice quality in connected speech by Cantonese speakers. Journal of Acoustic Society of America, 112, 1091–1101.



  • International Affiliated Member, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2004 – Present).
  • Life Member, Hong Kong Society of Audiology (1998 - Present).
  • Full Member, Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapist (1994 - Present).



(852) 2948 8304

(852) 2948 8304
(852) 2948 7794
專門﹕: 遊戲治療及家庭教育
PhD (Psychology), The University of Melbourne
President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer 2018/19


  • Member of The Australian Psychological Society
  • Member of Division of Developmental and Educational Psychologists, The Australian Psychological Society
  • Chartered Psychologist (with practicing certificate) of The British Psychological Society
  • School Manager of ECLC


  • Educational Counselling
  • Human Development
  • Educational Psychology
  • Children with Special Needs



  • Play and Play Assessments
  • Educational Technology and SEN
  • Teacher Beliefs
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of an Information Technology Entrepreneurship Training Program for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong. (PPRF – Public Policy Research Fund)
  • Multiculturalism in the Classroom: Hong Kong Preschool Teachers' Beliefs and Practices. (HK$335,000 RGC GRF, 2015-2016).
  • University Support, Adjustment and Mental Health in Tertiary Education Students in Hong Kong. (HK$99,840 HKIED Internal Research Grant, 2013-2014).
  • Developing a Newly Designed Cognitive EduPlay (CEduP) Training to Preschool Teachers. (2013-2014).
  • Developing and evaluating e-portfolio for the final year project (FYP). (HK$163,421 HKIED Teaching Development Grants 2010-2011).
  • Use of Filial Play Model to Enhance Teacher-Child and Parent-Child Relationships, and children’s social competence. (HK$274,000 funded by Quality Education Fund, 2011-2012)
  • Relapse prevention and intervention of both internalizing and externalizing problems with use of Filial Play Training Model extended to parents. (HK$38,200 funded by Knowledge Transfer Initiative, HKIED).
  • “Business Simulation and Learning Project: Co-curricular learning programmes to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning for business related courses of self-funded sub-degree and top-up degree programmes. (HK$720,000 funded by Quality Enhancement Grant Scheme (QEGS) in collaboration with Ng, C.W., HKBU-CIE, 2009 - 2010).
  • Enhancing social competence and child-teacher relationship using filial play training model. (HK$167,314 HKIED Internal Research Grant, 2008-2009).
  • Developing the OBTL curriculum with blended learning in the module of RMCS (Research Methods of Childhood Study) and RC (Research in Childhood). (HK$183,590 HKIED Teaching Development Grants 2009-2010).
  • International Study Visit to Jonkoping University and Inclusive Schools in Sweden. (HK$129,835 International Study Visit Funds, 2008 – 2009)
  • An experimental study of play and social competence among preschool students in Hong Kong. (HK$12,400 HKIED Small Scale Research Fund, 2008)
  • A study of play and socio-emotional development among primary school students in Hong Kong. (HK$50,000. HKBU Faculty Research Grants, 2008)
  • 灣仔區婦女服務需要調查 (HK$120,000. 灣仔區議會, 2007)
  • Leung, C. H. & Mu, Y. (2021). Spiritual and Mental Health of Students in Hong Kong and in Mainland China under the Impact of COVID-19. Asian Education and Development Studies. https://doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-04-2021-0076
  • Leung, C. H., & Pong, H. K. (2021). Cross-sectional study of the relationship between the spiritual wellbeing and psychological health among university students. PLoS One, 16(4). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0249702
  • Leung, C.H., (2020). Teachers’ Multicultural Sensitivity Predicts Developmentally Appropriate Beliefs and Practices in the Classroom. Asian Education and Development Studies. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/AEDS-09-2020-0201/full/html.
  • Leung, C.H., & Hue, M.T. (2020). Factor structure of MTCS in Hong Kong. https://doi.org/10.14221/ajte.2020v45n7.1, 45(7).
  • Pong, H. K., Leung, C. H., & Lung, C. L. (2019). Validating the Chinese-translated version of the Spiritual Health and Life-orientation Measure (SHALOM) amongst the Chinese youth populations in 2010 and 2018. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/13617672.2019.1693823
  • Pong, H.K., Leung C.H., & Lung, C.L. (accepted, 2019). Validating the Chinese-translated version of the Spiritual Health and Life-orientation Measure (SHALOM) amongst the Chinese youth populations in 2010 and 2018. Journal of Beliefs & Values
  • Leung, C.H. (2015). Factor Structure of PPBS with Chinese preschoolers from low-income families. Journal of Child and Youths Services Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2015.04.002
  • Hue, M.T., Leung, C.H., Kennedy, K. (2015). Ethnic minority students’ conceptions of assessment: Towards ‘no loser’ classrooms for all students in Hong Kong schools. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 27, 253 -273.
  • Chan S. M. & Leung C. H. (2014). Factor Structure of the Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorder (SCARED) in a Community Sample of Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 46(5), 671-682. DOI: 10.1007/s 10578-014-0509-8
  • Cheung, H. P. R., & Leung, C. H. (2014). Preschool Teachers' Perceptions of Creative Personality Important for Fostering Creativity: Hong Kong Perspective. Thinking Skills and Creativity12 (1), 78-89.
  • Leung, C. H.. (2014). Enhancing social competence and child-teacher relationship using child-centred play training model. The International Journal of Early Childhood, 47(1), 135-152.
  • Leung, C. H. (2013). Validation of the Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale with preschool children in low-income families in Hong Kong. Early Child Development and Care, Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2013.773990, 184 (1), 118-137. (DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2013.773990)
  • Leung, C.H., Wong, B.K.M., Wong, J. (2013). Conceptions of Learning among pre-service and in-service ECE Students. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 38 (2), 57-67.
  • Leung, C.H. (2012). Developing the OBTL curriculum with blended learning to enhance student learning. New Horizons in Education, 60, 51-63.
  • Leung, C.H. (2012). Teacher beliefs and practices of kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong. The Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 37(1), 38-54.
  • Leung, C.H., Ng, R.C.W., & Chan, E.P.O. (2011). Can co-curricular activities enhance learning effectiveness among sub-degree students in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(3), 329 – 341.
  • Leung, C.H. (2011). An experimental study of eduplay and social competency among preschool children In Hong Kong. Early Child Development and Care, 181(4), 535-548.
  • Li, Y.L., Leung, C.H., Wu, Y, S., & Lau, P.L. (2010). Fostering and assessing young children's moral and social development: Enhancing early childhood organizations' knowledge of implementing and evaluating program innovations. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9(1), 79-81.
  • Leung, C.H., & Choi, E. (2010). A Qualitative Study of Self-Esteem, Peer Affiliation, and Academic Outcome among Low Achieving Students in Hong Kong. New Horizons in Education, 58(1), 22-42.
  • Leung, C.H., & Mak, K.Y. (2010). Training, understanding, and the attitudes of primary school teachers regarding inclusive education in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(8), 829-842.
  • 吳宏球和梁智熊(2010):《故事結構教學能否提升語言發展遲緩兒童的口語表達能力。》,特殊教育季刊,00,1-32。
  • Leung, C.H., & To, H.K. (2009). The relationship between stress and bullying among secondary school students. New Horizons in Education, 57(1), 33-42.
  • Leung, C.H. (2005). Modeling of parenting style, attribution, achievement motivation, and learning approaches among junior high school students. Journal of Basic Education, Vol.14(1), 23-48.
  • Leung, C.H. (2000). A path model of self-concept and family acceptance of adolescents with mild intellectual disability in Australia. Shue Yan Academic Journal, 266 - 297.
  • 吳宏球、梁智熊。(2012) (In press) 。 故事結構教學能否提升語言發展遲緩兒童的口語表達能力。特殊教育季刊。Special Education Quarterly.
  • 梁智熊,黃國賢 (2000, May). 探討小學生性別角色與其自尊的關係. Shue Yan Academic Journal, 298-327.



  • Leung, C. H. (2012). Modelling of parenting style, achievement variables, and learning approaches. NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.



  • Leung, C.H. (Aug, 2018). Teachers Who Are Multiculturally Competent Also Use More Developmentally Appropriate Practices: A Study of Hong Kong Kindergartens. 2018 International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), Paris.
  • Leung, C.H. (Jun, 2019). Walk Along with kids ; An ecological model. 2019 International Conference of Education and Social Science in Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • Leung, C.H. (May. 2017). University Support, Adjustment, and Mental Health in Tertiary Education Students in Hong Kong. 2017 Prague International Academic Conference Business & Economics Education & Social Sciences.
  • Cheung, H. W. C., Kennedy, K. J., Hue, M. T., & Leung, C. H. (2017, November). The influence of religious education on Hong Kong & Taiwanese students’ civic and social values development. Paper presented at the WERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference 2017 (WERA-HKERA 2017): Innovation, Reform and Education Change in a Contemporary World, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
  • Leung, C.H. (2012, July). Developing and evaluating e-portfolio for the final year project (FYP). Paper presented at International Conference: The Future of Education, Florenece, Italy.
  • Leung, C.H. (2011, June). Developing the OBTL Curriculum with Blended Learning to Enhance Student’s Learning Effectiveness. Paper has been accepted to present at the Annual Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – Washington, DC.
  • Leung, C.H. (2010, June). Teacher beliefs and practices of in-service and pre-service kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 8th International Conference of Comparative Education and Teacher Training 2010, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
  • Leung, C.H. (2009, May). An experimental study of eduplay and social competence among preschool children in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Early Childhood Council 2009, Rotorua, New Zealand.
  • Leung, C.H. (2004, July). Modeling of Parenting style – a cross cultural study of Hong Kong Chinese and Anglo-Australian. Paper presented at SMABS 2004, Jena University, Germany.
  • Leung, C. H. (2000, May). Modeling of parenting style, attribution, achievement motivation, and learning approaches among junior high school students. Paper presented at the 1st International Congress of Doctoral Research, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Leung, C.H. (1997, November). A path model of self-concept and family acceptance of adolescent with mild intellectual disability. Paper presented at 13th Asian Conference on Mental Retardation, Bangladesh.



  • Leung, C.H., & Ng, C.H. (2010, August). 青少年對防範賭博的認知調查。平和基金、循道衛理中心輔導及就業綜合服務
  • Leung C.H., & Ng, C.H. (2009, August). 都市更新與生活素質工作坊 : 成效評估報告。聖雅各福群會。
  • Leung, C.H. (2007, September). 灣仔區婦女服務需要調查. 灣仔區議會。



Journal Paper Reviewer :

  • New Horizons in Education
  • The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
  • The Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood.
  • The British Journal of Educational Psychology.
  • The Australian Journal of Early Childhood Education.
  • Early Child Development & Care.
  • Educational Psychology.
External Placement Supervisor: Monash University, Australia, (2 – 11/2008)

External Examiner: Open University of Hong Kong (8/2010 – 8/2011)

External Master Thesis Supervisor: Griffith University, Australia, (11/2003 – 6/2004)

Collaboration with Schools
  • Academic Consultant of Guideposts Kindergarten Group, 2007 – 2009, 2009- 2012
  • Professional Consultant of Lutheran Philip House Ltd, 2011 – 2013
  • Research Consultant of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, 2011 – 2012 School Manager of HKIED ECLC



(852) 2948 6795

(852) 2948 6795
Specialisation: Youth mental health, Deviant behaviors, Community rehabilitation

Ph.D. (Psychology), The Education University of Hong Kong



Huinan’s core research interest is mental health problems and deviant behaviors. Along this line, she is interested in the underlying mechanism of psychological resilience and pathway of desistance among the juvenile offenders.


Teaching Areas

  • Research method

  • Child and Adolescent Development

  • Stress and Health


Research Interests

  • Youth mental health

  • Deviant behaviors

  • Community rehabilitation


Academic Conference and Presentation

  • Liu, H., Hou, W. K., & Bonanno, G. A.(2023, May). Psychopathology and Resilience Among Juvenile Offenders: Multi-Level Predictors for Longitudinal Trajectories. The 2023 APS Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., USA. Poster presentation; Flash talk.

  • Liu, H., Mok, Y. C., Lau, K. L., & Hou, W. K. (2023, Mar). Measuring everyday adaptation after imprisonment: The post-release living inventory for ex-prisoners (PORLI-ex). The 2023 International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Brussels, Belgium. Poster presentation.

  • Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2021, Oct). Meta-analysis of Trauma and Mental Health Among Correctional Population. Greater Bay Area Young Scholar Forum on Psychological Science. Oral presentation.

  • Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2021, July). Meta-analysis of Trauma and Mental Health Among Correctional Population. 41st International Conference of the Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, and Resilience (STAR) Society. Haifa, Israel. Session chair; Oral presentation.

  • Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2021, July). Meta-analysis of Trauma and Mental Health Among Correctional Population. 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Prague, Czech Republic. Oral presentation.


Community and Professional Services

Ad-Hoc Reviewer for International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • BMC Public Health
  • BMC Psychiatry
  • BMC Geriatrics
  • Cogent Medicine


Membership of Professional Associations

  • Graduate membership of Hong Kong Psychological Society



  • Li, J., Xiao, M., & Liu, H. (corresponding author, accepted) A latent profile analysis of subjective exercise experience among physically vulnerable college students and psychiatric symptoms correlates during three phases of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. Frontiers in Psychology.

  • Liu, H., Mok, Y. C., Lau, K. L., & Hou, W. K. (2023). Measuring everyday adaptation after imprisonment: The post-release living inventory for ex-prisoners (PORLI-ex). International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 23(2), 100352. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijchp.2022.100352

  • Hou, W. K., Li, T. W., Liang, L., Liu, H., Ettman, C. K., Hobfoll, S. E., Lee, T. M. C., & Galea, S. (2022). Trends of depression and anxiety during massive civil unrest and COVID-19 in Hong Kong, 2019–2020. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 145, 77-84. https://10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.11.037

  • Ho, P.L., Li, T.W., Liu, H., Yeung, T.F., Hou, W. K. (2022) Testing a New Protocol of Nature-Based Intervention to Enhance Well-Being: A Randomized Control Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19073931

  • Li, T. W., Liang, L., Ho, P. L., Yeung, E. T. F., Liu, H., Hobfoll, S. E., & Hou, W. K. (2022). Coping resources mediate the prospective associations between disrupted daily routines and psychiatric symptoms: A population-based cohort study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 152, 260-268.

  • Liu, H., Li, T. W., Liang, L., & Hou, W. K. (2021). Trauma exposure and mental health of prisoners and ex-prisoners: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 102069. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2021.102069

  • Hou, W. K., Lee, T. M. C., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H., Ettman, C. K., & Galea, S. (2021). Civil unrest, COVID-19 stressors, anxiety, and depression in the acute phase of the pandemic: a population-based study in Hong Kong. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 56(8), 1499–1508. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-021-02037-5

  • Hou, W. K., Lee, T. M. C., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H., Tong, H., Ben-Ezra, M., & Goodwin, R. (2021). Psychiatric symptoms and behavioral adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from two population-representative cohorts. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41398-021-01279-w

  • Liang, L., Ben-Ezra, M., Chan, E. W., Liu, H., Lavenda, O., & Hou, W. K. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of the Adjustment Disorder New Module-20 (ADNM-20): A multi-study analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders81, 102406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2021.102406

  • Hou, W. K., Tong, H., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H, Ben-Ezra, M., Goodwin, R., & Lee, T. M. C.*(2021). Probable anxiety and components of psychological resilience amid COVID-19: A population-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 594-601. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.12.127

  • Chan, E. W. W., Liang, L., Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2021). The moderated associations of self-compassion with physiological and psychological stress responses: Comparisons between cancer caregivers and non-caregivers. Journal of Health Psychology1, 12. https://doi.org/10.1177/13591053211030994

  • Hou, W. K., Hall, B. J., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H., & Galea, S. (2021). Probable depression and suicidal ideation in Hong Kong amid massive civil unrest. Annals of Epidemiology, 54, 45-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.09.006

  • Tong, H., Hou, W. K., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H., Lee, T. M. C. (2021). Age-related effects of rumination on the loneliness-depression relationship: Evidence from a population-representative cohort. Innovation in Aging, 5(4), igab034. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igab034

  • Hou, W. K., Liu, H., Liang, L., Ho, J., Kim, H., Seong, E., Bonanno, G. A., Hobfoll, S. E., & Hall, B. J. (2020). Everyday life experiences and mental health among conflict-affected forced migrants: A meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 264, 50-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.11.165

  • Li, T. W., Lee, T. M. C., Goodwin, R., Ben-Ezra, M., Liang, L., Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2020). Social capital, income change, and psychobehavioral responses amid COVID-19: A population-based analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 8888. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17238888

  • 亓培超和刘慧楠 心理测试技术在判断犯罪意图和过失中的应用[J].中国刑事警察, 2019,185(1):27-32.



  • Postgraduate Students Publication Award (A*) 2021-22, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
  • Whole Person Development Award, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
  • Outstanding Graduation Thesis Presentation Award, Department of Psychology, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
  • HKSAR Government Outreach Scholarship Award, Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong SAR, China



(852) 2948-8079

(852) 2948-8079
專門: Cognitive Development, Educational Psychology, Reading Development

PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Dr. Sisi Liu received her PhD in Educational Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research has two themes. She is interested in understanding reading development in typically developing children and children with dyslexia. She also conducted research with students and adults to identify cognitive and emotive correlates of creativity. Her current research examines the roles of attention in reading and creativity.


Teaching Areas

  • Supporting parents and families with diverse needs
  • Creative and critical thinking, and problem solving
  • Honours project supervision


Research Interests

  • Cognitive psychology
  • Reading development
  • Creativity and creative cognition
  • Attention and executive control


Recent and Ongoing Research Projects

  • The effect of bilingualism on creativity. Research Seed Fund, funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$50,000 (Principal Investigator; 2022-2023).
  • Self-expansion and creativity: A field study on design and advertising creativity. Start-up Research Grant, funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$150,000 (Principal Investigator; 2023-2024).
  • The association between self-expansion experience and creativity. Direct Grant, funded by Lingnan University, HK$79,955 (Principal Investigator; 2021-2022).
  • Improving children’s Chinese literacy performance by developing an educational computer game for training morphological skills. Funded by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), HK$1,742,890. (Co-Investigator; 2018-2020)
  • Facilitating reading acquisition in Hong Kong Chinese children with an education game. Knowledge Transfer Funds, funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$149,950 (Co-Investigator; 2016-2017)


Academic Conference and Presentation

  • Liu, S., Peng, M., Tang, Y. P., & Lewandowski, G. W. (Aug 2022). Self-expansion and creativity: The effect of broadening one's horizons. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention 2022, online.
  • Liu, D., Liu, S., & Xu, Z. (Mar 2021). The effects of stimulus-driven and goal-directed attentional control on word reading skills among first-grade Chinese children. Paper presented at the fifth Annual Meeting of The Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, online, hosted by Taiwan Normal University.
  • Liu, D., Liu, S. (Feb 2018). The deficit of Chinese children with poor reading abilities in visual-spatial attention. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Tsukuba, Japan. 
  • Xu, H. X., Liu, S. (Mar 2017). Unpacking the pattern of identity statuses of Hong Kong secondary school students and its relationship with community service engagement. Paper presented at the 2017 Spring Annual Conference of Comparative Education Society of Asia, Hong Kong.
  • Liu, S. & Lee, N. Y. L. (Dec 2012). Promoting creativity at the university: Some pedagogical suggestions. Paper presented at the 2012 Annual Conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education, Newport, UK.


Community and Professional Services

  •  Ad-hoc reviewer for PLOS ONE; Journal of Learning Disabilities; Journal for the Study of Education and Development; Journal of Education and Training Studies



  • Liu, S., Xu, Z. Y., & Liu, D. (accepted). The effects of stimulus-driven and goal-directed attentional control on word reading skills among first-grade Chinese children. Journal of Research in Reading.
  • Liu, S., Peng, M., & Lewandowski, G. W., Jr. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of a Chinese translation of the relational and individual self-expansion scales. Current Psychology. doi:10.1007/s12144-021-02585-8
  • Xu, H. X. & Liu, S. (2021). Exploring the association between community service participation and identity development among middle adolescents: A study in Hong Kong. Self and Identity. doi:10.1080/15298868.2021.1961853 
  • Liu, S. & Liu, D. (2020). Visual-spatial Attention and Reading Achievement in Hong Kong Chinese Children: Evidence from a One-year Longitudinal Study. Scientific Studies of Reading, 24(3), 214-228. doi:10.1080/10888438.2019.1648475
  • Liu, S., Wang, L. C., & Liu, D. (2019). Auditory, visual, and cross-modal temporal processing skills among Chinese children with developmental dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(6), 431-441.doi: 10.1177/0022219419863766
  • Liu, S., Wang, L. C., & Liu, D. (2019). Deficits of visual search in Chinese children with dyslexia. Journal of Research in Reading, 42(2), 454–468. doi: 10.1111/1467-9817.12277
  • Liu, S. & Peng, M. (2018). Does scope of attention affect creativity? Testing the attentional priming hypothesis. Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(2), 423-435. doi:10.1002/jocb.378
  • Liu, S., Liu, D., Pan, Z, & Xu, Z. (2018). The Association between reading abilities and visual-spatial attention in Hong Kong Chinese children. Dyslexia, 24(3), 263-275. doi:10.1002/dys.1584
  • Chan, J. C. S., Xu, H., & Liu, S. (2018). Enhancing students’ interpersonal capabilities through service learning: A Hong Kong case. Journal of Youth Studies, 21(2), 91-104.
  • Liu, S. (2016). Broaden the mind before ideation: The effect of conceptual attention scope on creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 22, 190-200. doi:10.1016/j.tsc.2016.10.004



(852) 2948 8098

(852) 2948 8098
專門: Systemic-developmental approach, Family-based intervention, Practice Research

Ph.D. (Social Welfare), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

MSSc (Social Work), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

BSSc (Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Dr. Julia Lo is a registered social worker and a qualified family therapist in Hong Kong. She is also a fellow of the Asian Academy of Family Therapy and a professional member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Her research focuses on the use of family-based intervention, such as family therapy and Multiple Family Therapy, in helping Chinese families of children and adolescents with special education needs such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disabilities (ID).


Teaching Areas

  • Child and Adolescent Counseling
  • Practicum


Research interests

  • Family-based intervention
  • Developmental disabilities
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Lo, J. W. K., & Ma, J. L. C. (in press). The perceived helpfulness of Structural Family Therapy in caring for Hong Kong Chinese families of an adolescent with intellectual disabilities: a qualitative inquiry. British Journal of Learning Disabilities.
  • Lo, J. W. K., Ma, J. L. C., Wong, M. M. C., & Yau-Ng, M. L. T. (2022). Virtual Care during the Pandemic: Multi-Family Group Sessions for Hong Kong Chinese families of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. DOI: 10.1177/17446295221076693
  • Lo, J. W. K., & Ma, J. L. C. (2022). Use of Nature in a Multi-Family Therapy for Chinese Families of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Photo-elicitation Study. Journal of Family Therapy. DOI: 10.1111/1467-6427.12398
  • Siu, A. F. Y., & Lo, J. W. K. (2020). Promising effect of a Family Rugby Programme for ADHD children: Promoting Parent-child relationship and Perceptual Change on Child’s behaviors. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 39.  DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2020.101135
  • Ma, J. L. C., Wong, C. Y., Xia, L. L. L., Lo, J. W. K. (2019). Repairing the Parent-Child Relationship for a Hong Kong Family of an Adult Daughter with High Functioning Autism (HFA) Through Family Therapy and Multiple Family Therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-019-09529-2.
  • Lo, J. W. K., & Ma, J. L.C. (2019). Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder from the Social-ecological and Evolutionary perspectives: Implication to an alternative psychosocial intervention for Chinese families of adolescents with ADHD. Movement and Nutrition in Health and Disease, 3, 42-47. DOI: 10.5283/mnhd.20.
  • Wan, E. S. F., Lo, J. W. K., Ma, J. L.C., Yau-Ng, M. L.T., & Lai, K. Y.C. (2018). Parental Experience in Multi-Family Therapy for Chinese Families of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Exploring the Role of Mutual Aid. Asian Journal of Family Therapy, 2(1), 62-76.
  • Ma, J. L.C., Lai, K. Y. C., & Lo, J. W. K. (2017). Impact of Age and Symptom Severity on Parent-Child Relationships and Self-Perception among Chinese Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Social Work in Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2016.1261752
  • Ma, J. L.C., Lai, K. Y. C., & Lo, J. W. K. (2016). Perceived social support in Chinese parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a Chinese context: Implications for social work practice. Social Work in Mental Health, 1-19.
  • Wan, E. S. F., Ma, J. L.C., Lai, K. Y.C., & Lo, J. W. K. (2016). The Subjective Experiences of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder of Chinese Families in Hong Kong: Co-Construction of Meanings in Multiple Family Groups. Health & Social Work41(3), 164-172.


Conference presentation

  • Ma, J. L.C., Lo, J. W.K., Yau-Ng, M. L. T., & Tam, A. (Mar 2021). Effectiveness of an onsite/online hybrid mode of a Competency-based Family Therapy Training for Mental Health Professionals who work with Chinese Families of Parental Depression in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2021 IFTA Conference World Family Therapy Congress (Virtual conference),
  • Lo, J. W.K. & Ma, J. L.C. (Jun 2019). Multi-Family Group for Chinese families of Adolescents with ADHD: the use of nature, the helpful factors and the perceived changes. Paper presented at the ADHD conference, Regensburg, Germany.
  • Lo, J. W.K. & Ma, J. L.C. (Oct 2018). The Family Developmental Vacation” Multi-Family Group for Chinese Families of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Paper presented at the AAFT 5th Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lo, J. W.K. & Ma, J. L.C. (Sept 2018). Family Experience of Participation in Multi-Family Group for Chinese Families of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 7th Qualitative Research in Mental Health Conference, Berlin, Germany.
  • Lo, J. W.K. & Ma, J. L.C. (Mar 2018). The Use of Family camp in Multi-Family Group with Chinese families of adolescents with ADHD. Papers presented at the 2018 IFTA Conference World Family Therapy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Wan, E. S. F., Lo, J. W.K. & Ma, J. L.C. (Mar 2018). Parental Experience in Multi-Family Therapy for Chinese Families of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Exploring the Role of Mutual Aid. Papers presented at the 2018 IFTA Conference World Family Therapy Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Ma, J. L.C., Lai, K. Y. C., & Lo, J. W.K. (Jun 2016). Impact of Age and Symptom Severity on Parent-Child Relationships and Self-Perception among Chinese Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Singapore.
  • Wan, E. S. F., Ma, J. L.C, Lai, K. Y.C., &, Lo, J. W.K. (Mar 2015). The Subjective Experiences of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder of Chinese Families in Hong Kong: Co-Construction of Meanings in Multiple Family Groups. Paper presented at the 23rd International Family Therapy Conference World Family Therapy Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11.3. 2015 – 13.3.2015.


Newspaper or Online Articles

  • Han, M., Lo, J. W. K., & Ma, J. L. C. (2022). Stop Institutional Child Abuse: Restructuring the staff training system. (終止院舍兒童受虐 重構員工培訓系統). Ming Pao, 31.1.2022. (in Chinese)
  • Lo, J. W. K., Han, M., & Ma, J. L. C. (2022). Stop Institutional Child Abuse: Improve the organizational management. (終止院舍兒童受虐  須改革機構管理). Ming Pao, 25.1.2022. (in Chinese)
  • Ma, J. L. C., Wong, M. M. C., Ng, M. L. T., Lo, J. W. K., & Chen, Y. (2021). Exchange of gifts between families of special needs children through an online intervention group. (特殊需要家庭衝破「困獸鬥」 線上交換「禮物」添歡樂). Ming Pao, 29.3.2021. (in Chinese) 
  • Ma, J. L. C., & Lo, J. W. K. (2016). Stop the aggression in families of children with ADHD (“家有ADHD小孩易生摩擦  家庭治療讓親子停火”). Ming Pao, 19.12.2016. (in Chinese)
  • Lo, J. W.K. (2013). Changes in the systems (“系統互動 改變在其中”). Rthk eTVonline, 18.3.2013. http://utalks.etvonline.hk/article16.php (in Chinese)


Community and Professional Services

Advisor, Hong Kong Association for AD/HD

Ad hoc Reviewer, Children & Youth Services Review

Ad hoc Reviewer, Child & Family Social Work


Knowledge Transfer

Public Education and Professional Training Workshops/Seminar (selected)

  • Conducting Multi-Family Group for Chinese families of adolescents with intellectual disabilities” for Social workers in rehabilitation services (the Haven of Hope), 26.4.2022, with Prof. Joyce Ma.
  • Conducting Online Groups and Programmes in Family and Child Welfare Services” for the Certificate course for Family and Children Service Workers (the Hong Kong Academy of Social Work, Hong Kong Social Workers Association), 7.4.2022.
  • “Multi-family group and Family development” for parents of school-age children (The Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong). 5.3.2022
  • “Positive Psychology: Family Resilience and Self-efficacy in the changing era” for Secondary School Students (The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong) 16.11.2020
  • “Chinese families of young people with ADHD and positive family mental health” for parents and helping professionals (The Hong Kong Association For AD/HD). 20.10.2018



(852) 2948 8474

(852) 2948 8474
Fax: (852) 2948 7794
專門: 粵語或多語言人口的柏金遜症,腦退化症,中風 或 腦神經病症導致的言語語言障礙 ,網上遠距言語治療,臨床教育。

PhD, The University of Hong Kong
MEd, The University of Hong Kong
BSc (Speech and Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong
Member of Register of Speech Therapists (HKIST)
Committee member (Registration Committee, HKIST)



Dr. Lorinda Kwan-Chen is an experienced clinical researcher, clinical educator and practitioner of speech-language pathology.  Her professional expertise is on the assessment and intervention of primary progressive aphasia, post-stroke aphasia, dysarthria, and apraxia of speech in multilingual Chinese populations with dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or stroke.

Dr. Kwan-Chen has been a lecturer and clinical educator in different universities, instituting and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of speech-language pathology. She has trained more than 800 speech therapists, and consults numerous government and non-government, local and overseas organizations for the betterment of the profession. In her endeavour to improve speech therapy service, Dr. Kwan-Chen has helped to set up regional community-based speech and language rehabilitation services, and since 2016, she has also jump-started the first regular tele-health speech therapy for local patients with neurological speech and language disorders.



  • Speech, Language and Communication Disorders
  • Assessment and Intervention of Speech, Language, Communication and Learning Disabilities
  • Practicum and Advanced Practicum ( Clinical Education of pre-qualified speech-language therapists) on Speech, language, Communication Disorders, and Swallowing Disorders in people with Parkinson's Disease, Stroke ( Cerebral-vascular Accidents), Dementia, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and other neurological conditions.
  • Tele-health and face-to-face speech therapy intervention strategies.
  • Evidence-based Practice in Speech-Language Pathology and Research Methodology
  • Evidence-based Capstone Projects
  • Overview of Language, Physical and Sensory Difficulties
  • Education Projects



  • Dysarthria, Primary progressive aphasia, Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech in Cantonese, Mandarin, and bilinguals.
  • Telehealth speech therapy
  • Curriculum development and clinical education of pre-qualification speech therapists




  • Longitudinal study of impact of STN-DBS on speech in Cantonese-speakers with Parkinson’s disease
  • RCT of hybrid tele-practice speech therapy for people with dysarthria
  • Emotional Prosody in Diagnosing Hypokinetic Dysarthria
  • Cantonese contour lexical tones produced by speakers with Parkinson's disease
  • Dysprosody in speakers with and without hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson’s disease
  • Tone distortion in ataxic dysarthria associated with spinocerebellar atrophy


Primary progressive aphasia

  • Development of Cantonese language battery for Primary Progressive Aphasia ( CLAP)
  • Dyslexia presentation in Chinese speaking primary progressive aphasia individuals
  • Lexical Tone Characteristics of Chinese speaking Primary Progressive Aphasia.
  • Cantonese Speech and Language battery for the diagnosis of non-fluent variant Primary Progressive Aphasia in multi-lingual speaker
  • Establishment treatment  effectiveness of Primary Progressive Aphasia


Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech

  • Grammatical morphology in aphasia: Evidence from Cantonese classifiers
  • Communication Capacities and Barriers in Parents with Aphasia and their Adolescence Children


Telehealth speech therapy

  • RCT of telepractice speech therapy for people with dysarthria



Journal Articles

  • Tee, B.L. De Leon, J., Kwan-Chen, L. L Y., Miller, B; Lo, R.,Europa, E., Sudarsan, S., Grasso, S., Gorno-Tempini, M. L. (2021). Tonal and orthographic analysis in a Cantonese-speaking individual with nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia' Neurocase. https://doi.org/10.1080/13554794.2021.1925302
  • Kwan-Chen, L. L. Y., & Whitehill, T. L. (2011). Perception of Speech by Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: A Review. Parkinson's Disease, 2011, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.4061/2011/389767
  • Whitehill, T. L., Kwan-Chen, L. L. Y., Lee, F. P. H., Chow, M. M. N. (2011). Effect of LSVT on Lexical Tone in Speakers with Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's Disease, 2011, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.4061/2011/897494

Book Chapter

  • 關陳立穎(2012):帕金遜症引起的言語障礙與治療,輯於余毓靈醫生,楊漢明醫生編,緣兮帕金遜(增訂版),(81-87),香港,經濟日報出版社。 
  • Whitehill, T. L., Yu, K., Kwan, L., & Ho, D. W. L. (2010). Peer, self and supervisor assessment: Piloting a reflective week in fieldwork education. In L. McAllister, J. Higgs, & C. Bithell (Eds.), Innovations in allied health fieldwork education: A critical appraisal (pp. 261-270). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Conference Paper

  • Ho, KY., & Kwan-Chen, L. (2020, Feb). Tone distortion in ataxic dysarthria associated with spinocerebellar atrophy. 2020 Biennial Motor Speech Conference, Santa Barbara, California, US
  • Tee, B. Gorno-Tempini, M. & Kwan-Chen, L. (2019, June). Dyslexia presentation in Chinese speaking primary progressive aphasia individuals. Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 57th Annual Meeting, Hong Kong. 
  • Chan, T., & Kwan-Chen, L. (2019, May). Grammatical morphology in aphasia: Evidence from Cantonese classifiers. Front. Hum. neurosci. conference abstract: academy of aphasia 57th annual meeting, Hong Kong.
  • Mak, LLA., Kwan-Chen L Wang LC. (2019, June). What does emotional prosody tell us about early-onset Parksinson’s Disease?. Paper presented at World Parkinson’s Congress, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Tee, B. Gorno-Tempini, M. & Kwan-Chen, L. (2019, June). Dyslexia presentation in Chinese speaking primary progressive aphasia individuals. Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 57th Annual Meeting, Hong Kong.
  • Chan, T., & Kwan-Chen, L. (2019, May). Grammatical morphology in aphasia: Evidence from Cantonese classifiers. Front. Hum. neurosci. conference abstract: academy of aphasia 57th annual meeting, Hong Kong.
  • Tee, BL., Deleon, J., Kwan-Chen LLY., Yang FP., Lo, RY., Chen TF., Gorno-Tempini M.L. (2019, April). Linguistic Tone Characteristics of Chinese speaking Primary Progressive Aphasia. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) Satellite Symposium, San Paulo, Brazil.
  • Boon-Lead Tee, Jessica Deleon, Kwan-Chen Lorinda, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini (2018, November). Use of novel Cantonese Speech and Language battery for the diagnosis of non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia in a multi-lingual speaker. International Congress of Fronto-Temporal Dementias ( ICFTD), Sydney, Australia.
  • Cheng Cheuk Yui Clara, Kwan-Chen Li Ying Lorinda (2018, November). Is Emotional Prosody more informative than MPT and Discourse Reading in Diagnosing Hypokinetic Dysarthria?. Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2018, Hong Kong.
  • Ko Ka Yan Cherry, Kwan-Chen Lorinda (2018, November). The Production of Emotional Prosodies in School-age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2018, Hong Kong.
  • Lau Ka Yuk Camay, Kwan-Chen Lorinda (2018, November). Perception of Emotional Prosodies in School-age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2018,, Hong Kong.
  • Tam Wing Sum & Kwan-Chen Lorinda (2018, November). Exploring the Difference between Communication Capacities and Barriers in Parents with Aphasia and their Adolescence Children. Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2018,, Hong Kong.
  • Kwan-Chen, L. (2018, February). Dysprosody in speakers with and without hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson’s disease. Paper presented at Nineteenth Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Savannah, Georgia.
  • Huen, J. Y. H., Yuen, K. C. P., & Kwan-Chen, L. L. W. (2018, February). Typical listeners’ recognition of monosyllabic words carrying Cantonese contour lexical tones produced by speakers with Parkinson's disease. Paper presented at Nineteenth Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Savannah, Georgia.
  • Kwan-Chen, L., & Ng, M. (2018, February). Emotional Dysprosody in Speakers with Hypokinetic Dysarthria Associated with Parkinson’s Disease. Paper presented at Nineteenth Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Savannah, Georgia, USA.
  • Kwan-Chen, L. (2017, November). On-Line Speech Therapy (Tele-Health) Service for People with Parkinson’s Disease. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation 15th Anniversary Celebration Symposium, Hong Kong.
  • Kwan-Chen, L. (2017, November). The Emotional Side of Hypokinetic Dysarthria, and Its Implication to the Assessment and Intervention of People with Parkinson's Disease. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation 15th Anniversary Celebration Symposium, Hong Kong.
  • Kwan-Chen, L. (2017, September). The Emotional Prosodies of People with Dysarthria Associated with Parkinson ’s Disease. Paper presented at the 10th Asia Pacific Conference of Speech, Language, and Hearing, Narita, Japan.
  • Kwan-Chen Lorinda, Chin Chi On (2016, August). Constructing sentences with the semantic role of instrument by a Cantonese speaker with Broca's Aphasia. 30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP),, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Kwan-Chen Lorinda, La Pointe, Leonard (2016, August). Having a parent with aphasia- a case report. 30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP),, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Kwan, LYC Lorinda; Ng, L. Manwa.; Tang H.Hannah.; Whitehill, L. Tara (2016, March). Listener's perception of emotion prosody in Cantonese speakers with hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson's disease. 2016 Motor Speech Conference, California, US.


Knowledge Transfer

  • 柏金遜症吞嚥障礙:照顧者錦囊 2021 4月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】58期 
  • 柏金遜症言語障礙:照顧者錦囊 2021 2月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】57期
  • 疫中存希望----網上言語治療 2020 11月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】56期 
  • 自我評估吞嚥能力,儘早開始言語治療. 2020 7月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】55期 
  • 自我評估說話能力,儘早開始言語治療. 2020 4月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】54期
  • 深腦刺激法會造成言語障礙嗎?2020。1月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】53期
  • 你有語意問題嗎?快查找病徵。2019,11月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】52期
  • 言語障礙多面睇,不同階段,不同症狀2019.8月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】51期
  • 言語治療 助你講得好,吞得到 2019.1月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】49期
  • 非典型的柏金遜病症,非典型的言語吞嚥障礙? 2018.11月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】48期
  • 【柏金遜病症吞嚥障礙】冷知識 2018.8月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】47期
  • 突破地點限制 網上言語治療送到你家。 2017 12 月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】44期
  • 聽聲音就能診斷柏金遜症?2017 8月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】43期
  • 嘈雜環境有助練大聲?2017 5月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】42期
  • 為什麼柏金遜病者會口吃?2017.3月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】41期
  • 什麼是低運動型構音障礙? 2016.12月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊 10週年特刊【柏友新知】40期
  • 言語治療新科技 2016. 8月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】39期
  • 網上遙距言語治療免去舟車勞頓 2016. 5月香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】38期
  • 減低吞嚥障礙有良方 2016 2月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】37期
  • 深腦刺激法會影響言語功能嗎?2015 7月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】35期
  • 言語障礙是柏金遜症早期的病徵嗎?2015 4月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】34期
  • 柏金遜症患者拒人於千里之外?2015 1月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】33期
  • 音樂治療能治療柏金遜症的言語障礙嗎?2014 7月 香港柏金遜症基金會季刊【柏友新知】31期
  • 關陳立穎(2012):帕金遜症引起的言語障礙與治療,輯於余毓靈醫生,楊漢明醫生編,緣兮帕金遜(增訂版),(81-87),香港,經濟日報出版社。
  • Whitehill, T. L., Yu, K., Kwan, L., & Ho, D. W. L. (2010). Peer, Self and Supervisor Assessment: Piloting a reflective week in fieldwork education. In L. McAllister, M. Paterson, J. Higgs & C. Bitchell (Eds.), Innovations in allied Health Fieldwork Education: A Critical Appraisal (261-270). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.


Research Grants awarded

  • Establishing evidence to speech and language intervention of Cantonese Speakers with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)[ funded by Research Seed Fund 2019 - 20]HKD 50,000.
  • Investigation of speech outcome in people with Parkinson’s disease after bilateral sub-thalamic deep-brain stimulation[ funded by Research Seed Fund 2017-18], HKD 50,000.
  • Speech disorders in Cantonese-speaking people with early on-set and later on-set of Parkinson’s disease [funded by Departmental Research Seed Fund 2015-16], HKD 20,000
  • Longitudinal investigation of dysarthria in Cantonese-speakers with Parkinson’s disease [funded by Start-up Research Grant by HK Institute of Education], HKD 50, 000
  • Impact of Speech Outcome in Cantonese-Speakers with Parkinson's Disease by Deep Brain Stimulation — A Pilot Study [funded by Internal Research Grant 2015-16 by EdUHK], HKD 70,000
  • Support of school-age children of parents with acquired brain-based communication disorders [風語橋-中風人士親子溝通]funded by Knowledge Transfer Fund 2014-15 by EdUHK], HKD 130,136


Honorary Appointment

  • Committee member (Registration Committee, The Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (2018 - )
  • Honorary Speech Therapist, Hospital Authority (2019 – 2020)
  • Collaborator, ALBA Language Neurobiology Lab, Memory and Aging Centre, UCSF


研究教授,執行所長 (ISENIE)

(852) 2948 7758

研究教授,執行所長 (ISENIE)
(852) 2948 7758
(852) 2948 7794



(852) 2948 7303

(852) 2948 7303
(852) 2948 7792
專門: 情緒及行為困難、執行功能

M.Soc.Sc (Counselling), University of Hong Kong
PGDE, B.Sc, HKPAC member, PEERS® Young Adult Certified Providers



Grace is a registered teacher and a member of Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association. She served in primary and secondary schools, taught and supported students with special educational needs for many years. She has joined the Education University of Hong Kong since 2015 and has been teaching and organizing programmes to support students with SEN in local schools. Her expertise is in teaching students with executive function deficits and counselling students with ASD and ADHD.



  • Supporting students with Special Educational Needs
  • Executive Function Skills training
  • Counselling students with ADHD and EBD



  • Executive Function Skills training
  • Supporting students with ADHD and ASD



(852) 2948 7295

(852) 2948 7295
(852) 2948 7794

Ph D, Educational Psychology, McGill University, Canada


Dr. Wang Hui received her doctoral degree in Educational Psychology at McGill University, Canada. Her research focuses on teachers’ achievement motivation, emotions, and psychological well-being, as well as the impact of teacher motivation and emotions on students’ motivational, behavioral, and achievement outcomes.



  • Positive Psychology
  • Inclusive Education
  • Learning Disabilities



  • Psychological Well-being
  • Achievement Motivation
  • Emotions
  • Emotion Regulation


  • Understanding the Roots of Teacher Turnover: A Transactional Model (Principal Investigator, RGC Early Career Scheme, Jul 2023 - Jun 2025). Amount: HK$750,638 
  • The examination of a workshop intervention to promote Hong Kong preservice teachers’ psychological well-being (Principal Investigator, RGC Research Matching Grant, Jul 2022 - Jun 2025). Amount: HK$563,750 
  • Job demands-resources analysis of kindergarten teachers’ emotional labor and its antecedents and consequences: A tale of three cities (Co-Investigator, RGC General Research Fund, Jan 2023 - Dec 2024). Amount: HK$661,600 
  • Enhancing Hong Kong pre-service teachers’ mental health and well-being: Adaptation and evaluation of the RESST Program (Co-Principal Investigator, Research Grant, WYNG Foundation, Jan 2022 - Dec 2024). Amount: CA$210,000 (HK$1,312,500) 
  • Determinants of Hong Kong secondary students’ senses of belonging to school, city, country, and the world (Principal Investigator, Public Policy Research Fund, Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of Hong Kong, May 2022 - Aug 2023). Amount: HK$425,543.70


  • Technology-enabled futures of education: Harnessing emerging technologies to enhance education equity, quality, and efficiency (Co-Investigator, Central Reserve Allocation Committee (CRAC) Fund, Sep 2022 - Aug 2024). Amount: HK$3,018,000 
  • A better place to learn: School and student well-being (Co-Investigator, Strategic Areas in Learning & Teaching Fund, Jan 2020 - Jan 2023). Amount: HK$3,803,253 
  • The role of emotion regulation strategies in relation to executive function in Chinese and Australian adolescents with ADHD (Co-Investigator, Faculty Internationalization and Exchange Research Fund, Aug 2019 - Sep 2022). Amount: HK$180,000 
  • Teachers’ and principals’ psychological well-being: The case of value congruence (Principal Investigator, University Internal Research Grant, Jun 2021 - Sep 2022). Amount: HK$80,000 
  • Harnessing the power of assessment to support pre-service teachers’ learning and professional development through an innovative blended learning approach (Co-Investigator, Teaching Development Grant, May 2020-May 2022). Amount: HK$958,736 
  • Fostering teachers’ skills to support students with behavioral and emotional needs (Co-Investigator, Focused Knowledge Transfer Grant, Apr 2020 - Apr 2022). Amount: HK$150,000 
  • The relations between teachers’ and students’ motivation, emotions, and psychological well-being: A multilevel and longitudinal investigation (Principal Investigator, Complex Analysis Grant, Jan 2020 - Jan 2022). Amount: HK$200,000 
  • Regulating Emotions and Stress in Teachers (REST) program: A pilot study in Hong Kong (Principal Investigator, Positive Psychology and Education Knowledge Transfer Fund, Oct 2020 - Aug 2021). Amount: HK$20,000 
  • The antecedents and consequences of teachers’ emotional labor in Hong Kong (Principal Investigator, University Internal Research Grant, Jun 2019 - Dec 2020). Amount: HK$100,000 
  • What makes me a better future teacher? An investigation into pre-service teachers’ career adaptability and psychological well-being (Principal Investigator, Departmental Research Seeds Fund, Oct 2019 - Sep 2020). Amount: HK$50,000  
  • Genuine, faking, & hiding emotions in teachers: A longitudinal investigation of teachers’ emotional labor, psychological well-being, and perceived student engagement (Principal Investigator, Start-up Research Grant, Apr 2019 - Jun 2020). Amount: HK$30,000 


  • Wang, H., King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2021). Conflicting or compatible? Evaluating teachers’ self-transcendence versus self-enhancement values from a multilevel perspective. Current Psychology.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02009-7
  • Wang, H., King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2021). Ability grouping and student performance: A longitudinal investigation of teacher support as a mediator and moderator. Research Papers in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02671522.2021.1961293
  • Wang, H., & Hall, N. C. (2021). Exploring relations between teacher emotions, coping strategies, and intentions to quit: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of School Psychology, 86, 64-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsp.2021.03.005
  • Wang, H., Hall, N. C., Chiu, M. M., Goetz., T., & Gogol, K. (2020). Exploring the structure of teachers’ emotional labor in the classroom: A multitrait-multimethod analysis. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 39(3), 122-134. https://doi.org/10.1111/emip.12353
  • Wang, H., & Hall, N. C. (2019). When “I care” is not enough: An interactional analysis of teacher values, value congruence, and well-being. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86, xx-xx. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2019.102906
  • Wang, H., Hall, N. C., & Taxer, J. L. (2019). Antecedents, correlates, and consequences of teachers’ emotional labor: A systematic review and meta-analytic investigation. Educational Psychology Review, 31, 663-698doi:10.1007/s10648-019-09475-3
  • Wang, H., & Hall, N. C. (2018). A systematic review of teachers’ causal attributions: Prevalence, correlates, and consequences. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:2305. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02305
  • McInerney, D. M., Korpershoek, H., Wang, H., & Morin, A. J. S. (2018). Teachers’ occupational attributes and their psychological well-being, job satisfaction, job self-concept, and quitting intentions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 145-158. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2017.12.020
  • Czajkowska, Z., Wang, H., Hall, N. C., Sewitch, M., & Körner, A. (2017). Validation of the English and French versions of the brief Health Care Climate Questionnaire. Health Psychology Open, 4(2), 1-9. doi:10.1177/2055102917730675
  • Rahimi, S., Hall, N. C., Wang, H., & Maymon, R. L. (2017). Upward, downward, and horizontal social comparisons: Effects on adjustment, emotions, and persistence. Interdisciplinary Education and Psychology. 1(1), 10. doi:10.31532/InterdiscipEducPsychol.1.1.010
  • Wang, H., Hall, N. C., Goetz, T., & Frenzel, A. C. (2017). Teachers’ goal orientations: Effects on classroom goal structures and emotions. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 90-107. doi:10.1111/bjep.12137
  • Wang, H., Hall, N. C., & Rahimi, S. (2015). Self-efficacy and causal attributions in teachers: Effects on burnout, job satisfaction, illness, and quitting intentions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 47, 120-130. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2014.12.005



(852) 2948 7974

(852) 2948 7974
Specialization: Resilience and Social-Emotional Development

Ph.D (Family Medicine), The University of Hong Kong



Dr. Wong has expertise in integrating various fields of study to examine the relationship between health and behavior across the lifespan. Her main focus is on understanding how biological, psychological, and social factors impact how people respond to stressors and why there are differences between individuals. Her research also delves into exploring the advantages and disadvantages of using digital technology and how to effectively use it to promote health education for various groups of people in the population. 


Teaching Areas

  • Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties
  • Resilience Development
  • Strength-Based Approach
  • Health and Behavior


Research Interests

  • Social-Emotional Development
  • Resilience Development
  • Digital Technology Use
  • Health promotion


Recent and Ongoing Research Projects

  • Profiles and predictors of behavioral resilience among children living in disadvantaged areas: a 6-year longitudinal study from preschool to primary school (Co-investigator, General Research Fund, 2023-2025)  
  • A cross-sectional survey of parent-adolescent dyads on family influence on adolescent healthy eating (Co-investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund, 2023-2024)
  • Investigating the Long-Term Effects of Rapid Repeat Pregnancy and Early Child Maltreatment among Young Mothers and Their Children in Hong Kong (Co-investigator, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, 2020-2021) 
  • Identifying Factors that Facilitate Social Cohesion and Reconciliation (Co-investigator, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round), 2020) 
  • Safe city: a game-based educational approach to promote child safety knowledge and behaviours (Co-investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund, 2019-2022)  
  • In-depth exploration of a bidirectional parent-child health relationship and its mediating and moderating factors among low-income families in Hong Kong (Co-investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund, 2017-2020) 



As first author  

  • Wong, R.S., Tung, K.T.S., Chan, K.L. et al. Evidence of individual differences in the long-term social, psychological, and cognitive consequences of child maltreatment. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health 16, 88 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13034-022-00524-4 
  • Wong RS, Tung KTS, Chan YWK, Chan BNK, Leung W-C, Yam JC, Ip P. Adequate Dietary Intake and Vitamin D Supplementation: A Study of Their Relative Importance in Determining Serum Vitamin D and Ferritin Concentrations during Pregnancy. Nutrients. 2022; 14(15):3083. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14153083 
  • Wong RS, Tung KTS, Rao N, Chan KL, Fu K-W, Yam JC, Tso WWY, Wong WHS, Lum TYS, Wong ICK, Ip P. Using Latent Class Analyses to Examine Health Disparities among Young Children in Socially Disadvantaged Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(13):7893. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19137893 
  • Wong, R.S., Tung, K.T.S., Ho, F.K.W. et al. Associations between childhood maltreatment and psychiatric disorders: analysis from electronic health records in Hong Kong. Translational Psychiatry 12, 231 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41398-022-01986-y 
  • Wong RS, Tung KTS, Mak RTW, Leung WC, Yam JC, Chua GT, Fung GPG, Ho MHK, Wong ICK, Ip P. Vitamin D concentrations during pregnancy and in cord blood: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition Reviews, 2022;, nuac023, https://doi-org.eproxy.lib.hku.hk/10.1093/nutrit/nuac023 
  • Wong, R.S., Tung, K.T.S., Li, X. et al. Examining family pre-pandemic influences on adolescent psychosocial wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curr Psychol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-02736-5 
  • Wong, R.S., Tung, K.T.S., Chow, K.H.T. et al. Exploring the role of family communication time in the association between family dinner frequency and adolescent psychological distress. Curr Psychol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02639-x 
  • Wong, R.S., Tung, K.T.S., Leung, H.E. et al. Comorbidity of ADHD and allergic diseases in early adolescence: The role of parental smoking at home. Curr Psychol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02693-5 
  • Wong, R.S., Tung, K.T.S.(co-first), Chan, B.N.K. et al. Early-life activities mediate the association between family socioeconomic status in early childhood and physical fitness in early adolescence. Scientific Reports 12, 81 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-03883-8 
  • Wong, R. S., Tung, K. T., Fu, K. W., Bacon-Shone, J., Molasiotis, A., Li, W. O., ... & Ip, P. (2021). Examining social context and the pathways to mental wellness in young adults during social movement: A parallel mediation analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 294: 876-882; doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.07.100 
  • Wong, R.S. (co-first); Tung, K.T.S. (co-first); So, H.-K.; Wong, W.H.S.; Wong, S.Y.; Tsang, H.W.; Tung, J.Y.L.; Chua, G.T.; Ho, M.H.K.; Wong, I.C.K.; Ip, P. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Serum Vitamin D Level among Infants and Toddlers: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis and before-and-after Comparison. Nutrients 2021, 13, 1270. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13041270 
  • Wong, R.S.; Tung, K.T.S.; Rao, N.; Ho, F.K.W.; Chan, K.L.; Fu, K.-W.; Tso, W.W.Y.; Jiang, F.; Yam, J.C.S.; Coghill, D.; Wong, I.C.K.; Ip, P. A Longitudinal Study of the Relation between Childhood Activities and Psychosocial Adjustment in Early Adolescence. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 5299. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18105299 
  • Wong, C.K.H. (co-first), Wong, R.S. (co-first), Cheung, J.P.Y. et al. Impact of sleep duration, physical activity, and screen time on health-related quality of life in children and adolescents. Health Qual Life Outcomes 19, 145 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12955-021-01776-y 
  • Wong, R. S., Tung, K. T., Rao N., Leung, C., Hui, A.N.N., Tso, W.W.Y., Fu, K-W., Jiang, F., Zhao, J., & Ip, P. (2020). Parent Technology Use, Parent-Child Interaction, Child Screen Time, and Child Psychosocial Problems among Disadvantaged Families. The Journal of Paediatrics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2019.11.006
  • Wong RSM, Yu EYT, Wong TWL, Fung CSC, Choi CSY, Or CKL, Liu KSN, Wong CKH, Ip P, Lam CLK. (2020). Development and pilot evaluation of a mobile app on parent-child exercises to improve physical activity and psychosocial outcomes of Hong Kong Chinese children. BMC Public Health 20, 1544. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09655-9 
  • Wong RSM, Ho FKW, Tung KTS, Fu KW, Ip P. (2020). Effect of Pokémon Go on Self-Harm Using Population-Based Interrupted Time-Series Analysis: Quasi-Experimental Study. JMIR Serious Games, 8(2):e17112 
  • Wong RS, Tung KTS, Wong HT, Ho FKW, Wong HS, Fu KW, Pong TC, Chan KL, Chow CB, Ip P. (2020). A Mobile Game (Safe City) Designed to Promote Children’s Safety Knowledge and Behaviors: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocol, 9(6):e17756.  
  • Tso, W.W.Y. (co-first), Wong, R.S. (co-first), Tung, K. T. S., Rao, N., Fu, K-w., Yam, J.C.S, Chua, G. T., Chen, E. Y. H., Lee, T. M.C, ... & Ip, P (2020). Vulnerability and resilience in children during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-020-01680-8
  • Wong, R.S.; Tung, K.T.S.; Wong, W.H.S.; Ho, F.K.W.; Tso, W.W.Y.; Yip, P.S.F.; Wong, C.K.H.; Fan, S.Y.S.; Ip, P. Associations of Family Meals with Adolescent Perception of Family Relationship and Compliance with Parental Guidance in Hong Kong: Results of a Representative Cross-Sectional Survey. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 5402. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18105402 
  • Wong, R. S., Tung, K. T., Cheng, A. W., Shiu, Y. K., Wong, W. H., Tso, W. W., ... & Chow, C. B. (2019). Disentangling the Effects of Exposure to Maternal Substance Misuse and Physical Abuse and Neglect on Child Behavioral Problems. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260519849661. 
  • Wong, R. S. M., Yu, E. Y. T., Guo, V. Y., Wan, E. Y. F., Chin, W. Y., Wong, C. K. H., ... & Tiwari, A. F. Y. (2018). A prospective cohort study to investigate parental stress and child health in low-income Chinese families: protocol paper. BMJ Open, 8(2), e018792. 
  • Wong, R.S., Tung, K.T.S., Wong, W.H.S., Tso, W.W.Y., Ho, F. K.W.,… & Ip, P. (2018). Impact of maternal risky behaviors on the behaviors of children born to adolescent and young mothers. China Journal of Paediatrics, 56(2): 116-121.  
  • Wong, R. S. M., Ho, F. K. W., Wong, W. H. S., Tung, K. T. S., Chow, C. B., Rao, N., ... & Ip, P. (2018). Parental Involvement in Primary School Education: its Relationship with Children’s Academic Performance and Psychosocial Competence through Engaging Children with School. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-12. 
  • Wong, R.S., Guo, V. Y., Ip, P., Wong, C. K. H., Yu, E. Y. T., Fung, C. S. C., & Lam, C. L. K. (2016). Mothers’ health-related quality of life: its relationship with children’s health-related quality of life and behavior in low-income families. Family Medicine and Community Health, 2016. 4(4): p. 4-12. 


As corresponding author 

  • Wong RS, Tung KTS, Ho FKW and Man KKC (2023) Editorial: Digital media use and mental health. Front. Psychiatry 14:1253846. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1253846 
  • Tung, K.T.S.; Wong, R.S. (co-corresponding author); Tsang, H.W.; Wong, W.H.S.; Tso, W.W.Y.; Yam, J.C.; Lum, T.Y.S.; Chan, G.C.F.; Wong, I.C.K.; Ip, P. Family Financial Pressure in Childhood and Telomere Length in Early Adolescence: A Prospective Study. Genes 2022, 13, 721. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13050721 
  • Tung, K.T.S., Wong, R.S. & Mak, R.T.W. Maternal n-3 PUFA Intake During Pregnancy and Perinatal Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review of Recent Evidence. Curr Nutr Rep (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13668-023-00484-x 


As co-author  

  • Ng, A. P. P., Cheng, J. K. Y., Lam, J. S. M., Wong, C. K. H., Cheng, C. K. H., Tse, E. T. Y., Chao, D. V. K., Choi, E. P. H., Wong R. S. M., & Lam, C. L. K. (2023). Patient Enablement Moderates the Effect of Pain on Health-related Quality of Life of Primary Care Patients with Chronic Back and Knee Problems. British Journal of General Practice. https://doi.org/10.3399/BJGP.2022.0546
  • Man, K.K.C., Gao, L., Lau, W.C.Y… Wong, R.S., Lee, T.M.C., Rao, N., Wing, Y.K., Ip, P. & Wong, I.C.K., Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, physical abuse and methylphenidate treatment in children. Nat. Mental Health 1, 66–75 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44220-022-00008-6 
  • Yip K-M, Wong SWS, Chua GT, So H-K, Ho FK, Wong RS, Tung KTS, Chan EYN, Tso WWY, Chow B-C, Fung GPG, Wong WHS, Ip P. Age- and Sex-Specific Physical Fitness Reference and Association with Body Mass Index in Hong Kong Chinese Schoolchildren. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(22):15346. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192215346 
  • So H-K, Chua GT, Yip K-M, Tung KTS, Wong RS, Louie LHT, Tso WWY, Wong ICK, Yam JC, Kwan MYW, Lau K-K, Kong JKW, Wong WHS, Ip P. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on School-Aged Children’s Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Sleep in Hong Kong: A Cross-Sectional Repeated Measures Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(17):10539. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710539 
  • Tung KTS, Wong RS, Ho FK, Chan KL, Wong WHS, Leung H, Leung M, Leung GKK, Chow CB, Ip P. Development and Validation of Indicators for Population Injury Surveillance in Hong Kong: Development and Usability Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill 2022;8(8):e36861. doi: 10.2196/36861. 
  • Tung, K.T.S.; Wong, R.S.; Cheung, C.K.M.; Ko, J.K.Y.; Chan, B.N.K.; Lee, A.; So, H.-K.; Wong, W.H.S.; Leung, W.-C.; Ip, P. Total 25(OH)D Concentration Moderates the Association between Caffeine Consumption and the Alkaline Phosphatase Level in Pregnant Women. Nutrients 2022, 14, 1616. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14081616 
  • Chan, V. K. Y., Cheung, E. C. L., Chan, S. S. M., Knapp, M., Hayes, J. F., Fan, M., Lai, F. T. T., Luo, H., Lum, T., Wong, R. S. M., Lau, L. K. W., Wan, E. Y. F., Wong, G. H. Y., Chan, E. W. Y., Ip, P., Wong, I. C. K., & Li, X. (2022). Mortality-causing mechanisms and healthcare resource utilisation of treatment-resistant depression: A six-year population-based cohort study. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 100426. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanwpc.2022.100426  
  • Leung C., Hui A.N.N., Wong R.S.M., Rao N., Karnilowicz W., Chung K., Chan J. and Ip P., Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Parenting Intervention for Promoting Social-Emotional School Readiness Among Children From Low-Income Families in Hong Kong, JAMA Pediatrics. 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.6308 
  • Tso, WWY, Chan, KL, Lee, TMC, Rao N, Lee, SL, Jiang F, Chan, SHS, Wong, RS, Tung, KTS,…, & Ip, P. Mental health & maltreatment risk of children with special educational needs during COVID-19. Child Abuse & Neglect, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105457
  • Chan, E. W. W., Leung, M. T. Y., Lau, L. K. W., Leung, J., Lum, D., Wong, R. S. M., ... & Lai, F. T. T. (2021). Comparing self-reported reactogenicity between adolescents and adults following the use of BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) messenger RNA Covid-19 vaccine: a prospective cohort study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2021.12.354 
  • Ho FK, Rao N, Tung KTS, Wong RS, et al. Association of Early Nutritional Status With Child Development in the Asia Pacific Region. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(12):e2139543. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.39543 
  • Lo, C.K.M., Ho, F.K., Emery, C., Chan, K.L., Wong, R.S., Tung, K. T., & Ip, P. (2021). Association of harsh parenting and maltreatment with internet addiction, and the mediating role of bullying and social support. Child Abuse & Neglect, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.104928
  • Ho, F. K., Tung, K. T., Wong, R. S., Chan, K. L., Wong, W. H., Ho, S. Y., ... & Ip, P. (2021). An Internet Quiz Game Intervention for Adolescent Alcohol Drinking: A Clustered RCT. Pediatrics, 148(6). 
  • Gao, L., Leung, M. T., Li, X., Chui, C. S., Wong, R. S., Yeung, S. L. A., ... & Wong, I. C. (2021). Linking cohort-based data with electronic health records: a proof-of-concept methodological study in Hong Kong. BMJ open, 11(6), e045868. 
  • Tung, K. T., Ho, F. K., Wong, W. H., Wong, R. S., Tsui, M. S., Ho, P., ... & Ip, P. (2021). Quantification of injury burden using multiple data sources: a longitudinal study. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-8. 
  • Ha, A. S., Wong, R. S., & Ng, J. Y. (2021). Effect of family income and physical activity on children’s quality of life. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 1-7. 
  • Keith T. S. Tung, Catherine M. W. Hung, Ko Ling Chan, Rosa S. Wong, Hing Wai Tsang, Wilfred H. S. Wong, Camilla K. M. Lo, Winnie W. Y. Tso, Gilbert T. Chua, Benjamin K. Yee, Ian C. K. Wong, W. C. Leung, Patrick Ip, "Influence of Maternal Infection and Pregnancy Complications on Cord Blood Telomere Length", Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol. 2021, Article ID 3339456, 9 pages, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/3339456 
  • Ha, A. S., Ng, J. Y. Y., & Wong, R. S. (2021). Examining the relationship between children's health-related quality of life and their perception of parental support toward physical activity: A longitudinal study. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 1– 14. https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12308 
  • Tung, K.T.S.; Wong, R.; Tsang, H.-W.; Chua, G.T.; Chan, D.; Chan, K.C.; Wong, W.H.S.; Yam, J.C.; Ho, M.; Tham, C.C.; Wong, I.C.K.; Chan, G.C.F.; Ip, P. Impact of Snoring on Telomere Shortening in Adolescents with Atopic Diseases. Genes 2021, 12, 766. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes12050766 
  • Tung, K.T.S.; Wong, R.S.; Tsang, H.W.; Chan, B.N.K.; Wong, S.Y.; So, H.-K.; Tung, J.Y.L.; Ho, M.H.K.; Wong, W.H.S.; Ip, P. An Assessment of Risk Factors for Insufficient Levels of Vitamin D during Early Infancy. Nutrients 2021, 13, 1068. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13041068 
  • Tung, J. Y. L., Ho, F. K. W., Tung, K. T. S., Wong, R. S. M., Wong, W. H. S., Chow, B. C., & Ip, P. (2021). Does obesity persist from childhood to adolescence? A 4-year prospective cohort study of chinese students in Hong Kong. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1), 1-7. 
  • Chua, G. T., (co-first), Tung, K. T. S. (co-first), Kwan, M. Y. (co-first), Wong, R.S., Chui, C.S, Li, X., Wong, W.H.S., Tso, W.W.Y ... & Ip, P (2021). Multilevel factors affecting healthcare workers’ perceived stress and risk of infection during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Public Health, 66.  
  • Ho, F. K., So, H-K, Wong, R. S., Tung, K.T.S., Louie, L.H.T., Tung J., Mirpuri, S., Chow, B., Wong, W.H.S., Lee, A., & Ip, P. (2020). The reciprocal relationship between body mass index categories and physical fitness: A 4‐year prospective cohort study of 20 000 Chinese children. Pediatric Obesity, doi.org/10.1111/ijpo.12646. 
  • Chua, G. T., Ho, F. K., Tung, K. T., Wong, R. S., Cheong, K. N., Yip, P. S., ... & Li, S. X. (2020). Sexual behaviors and intention for cervical screening among HPV-vaccinated young Chinese females. Vaccine, 38(5), 1025-1031. 
  • Tung, K. T., Wong, R. S., Wong, W. H., Lam, A. L., Tso, W. W., Ho, M. S., ... & Ip, P. (2020). Risk of child maltreatment in Chinese teenage and young mothers with rapid repeat pregnancy: the moderating role of family cohesion and support from friends. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260520905079. 
  • To, K.K., Chua, G.T., Kwok, K.L., Wong, J.S., Au, D.C.Y., Lam, Y.Y., Wong, W.H., Ho, M.H., Chan, G.C., Chui, C.S. Li, X., Tung, K.T.S, Wong, R.S.,… & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2020). False-positive SARS-CoV-2 serology in three children with Kawasaki disease. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, p.115141. 
  • Xiong, X., Chua, G.T., Chi, S., Kwan, M.Y.W., Wong, W.H.S., Zhou, A., Shek, C.C., Tung, K.T., Qin, H., Wong, R.S., ... & Ip, P. (2020). Haematological and Immunological Data of Chinese Children Infected with Coronavirus Disease 2019. Data in Brief. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2020.105953
  • Xiong, X., Chua, G.T., Chi, S., Kwan, M.Y.W., Wong, W.H.S., Zhou, A., Shek, C.C., Tung, K.T., Qin, H., Wong, R.S., ... & Ip, P. (2020). A Comparison Between Chinese Children Infected with COVID-19 and with SARS. The Journal of Pediatrics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.06.041
  • Chan, C.W.H.; Choi, K.C.; Chien, W.T.; Sit, J.W.H.; Wong, R.; Cheng, K.K.F.; Li, C.K.; Yuen, H.L.; Li, C.K. Health Behaviors of Chinese Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Comparison Study with Their Siblings. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 6136. 
  • Chua, G. T., Tung, K. T., Wong, I.C.K., Lum, T.Y.S., Wong, W.H.S., Chow, C.B., Ho, F.K., Wong, R. S., Ip, P. (2020). Mortality Among Children with Down Syndrome in Hong Kong: A Population-Based Cohort Study from Birth. The Journal of Paediatrics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2019.11.006
  • Lo, C.K.M.; Ho, F.K.; Wong, R.S.; Tung, K.T.S.; Tso, W.W.Y.; Ho, M.S.P.; Chow, C.B.; Chan, K.L.; Ip, P. Prevalence of Child Maltreatment and Its Association with Parenting Style: A Population Study in Hong Kong. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1130. 
  • Lo, C. K. M., Ho, F. K. W., Chan, K. L., Wong, W. H. S., Wong, R. S. M., Chow, C. B., ... & Ip, P. (2018). Linking Healthcare and Social Service Databases to Study the Epidemiology of Child Maltreatment and Associated Health Problems: Hong Kong's Experience. The Journal of Pediatrics
  • Guo, V. Y., Wong, C. K., Wong, R. S., Esther, Y. T., Ip, P., & Lam, C. L. (2018). Spillover Effects of Maternal Chronic Disease on Children’s Quality of Life and Behaviors Among Low-Income Families. The Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, 1-11. 
  • Wu, C. S. T., Wong, R.S., Mak, Y-W, Yip, Y. T., & Mak, H. (2018) Brief take-home laughter yoga practice (B-TLYP): impact on multi-dimensional affects among Chinese adults in Hong Kong, Advances in Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/18387357.2018.1526094 
  • Wu, C. S. T., Wong, R. S., & Chu, W.H. (2018) The Association of Pet Ownership and Attachment with Perceived Stress among Chinese Adults. Anthrozoös, 31:5, 577-586, DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2018.1505269 
  • Guo, V. Y., Yu, E. Y. T., Wong, R. S. M., Ip, P., Tiwari, A. F. Y., Wong, C. K. H., ... & Lam, C. L. K. (2017). Maternal mental quality of life mediates the associations between intimate partner abuse against mothers and their children’s behaviours and quality of life in low-income Chinese families. Quality of Life Research, 1-10. 
  • Lo, C.K., Tung, K.T., Chan, K.L., Yip, P.S., Lau, J.T., Wong, W.H., Wong, R.S., Tsang, A.M., Tsang, H.Y., Tso, W.W. and Ip, P., 2017. Risk factors for child physical abuse and neglect among Chinese young mothers. Child Abuse & Neglect, 67, pp.193-206.  
  • Chan CWH, Wong RS, Law PTW, Wong CL, Tsui SKW, & Tang WPY. Environment Factors Associated with Altered Gut Microbiota in Children with Eczema: A Systematic Review. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17(7), 1147; doi: 10.3390/ijms17071147 
  • Chan, C. W., Choi, K. C., Wong, R. S., Chow, K. M., So, W. K., Leung, D. Y., ... & Goggins, W. (2016). Examining the Cervical Screening Behaviour of Women Aged 50 or above and Its Predicting Factors: A Population-Based Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(12), 1195. 
  • Ip, P., Wong, R. S., Li, S. L., Chan, K. L., Ho, F. K., & Chow, C. B. (2015). Mental Health Consequences of Childhood Physical Abuse in Chinese Populations: A Meta-Analysis. Trauma Violence Abuse. doi: 10.1177/1524838015585317 
  • Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Thurston SW, Harrington D, Mulhern MS, McAfee AJ, van Wijngaarden E, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Watson GE, Zareba G, Cory-Slechta DA, Lynch M, Wallace JM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Stokes-Riner A, Sloane-Reeves J, Janciuras J, Wong R, Clarkson TW, Myers GJ. Maternal PUFA status but not prenatal methylmercury exposure is associated with children’s language functions at age 5 years in the Seychelles. J Nutr 2012 Nov; 142(11): 1943-9. 
  • Ho SM, Ho JW, Pau BK, Hui BP, Wong RS, Chu AT. Hope-based intervention for individuals susceptible to colorectal cancer: a pilot study. Fam Cancer 2012 Dec; 11(4): 545-51. 



(852) 2948 7954

(852) 2948 7954
(852) 2948 7792
專門: 特殊學習困難,發展性讀寫障礙

PhD (Developmental Psychology), The University of Hong Kong.
MS, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
BS, South China Normal University, China



Dr. Xiao completed her Ph.D. in developmental psychology in the Department of Psychology of the University of Hong Kong, and received her postdoctoral training in the Department of Special Education and Counselling and the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests focus on dyslexia, special education, and literacy development. She contributed to the development of The Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Junior Secondary School Students (Second Edition) in the READ & WRITE project which aimed to provide comprehensive educational support to children with reading and writing difficulties in local schools. She also contributed to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study which is an international assessment of reading achievement of primary Grade 4 students worldwide conducted every five years from 2001.



  • Inclusive education
  • Supporting children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)



  • Developmental dyslexia
  • Special education
  • Language and literacy development



  • Xiao, X. Y. (2022). How motivational constructs predict reading amount and reading achievement: the role of reading attitude and reading self-concept. Power and Education, 0(0), 1-21.
  • Xiao, X. Y. (2022). Student, parent, home, and reading achievement. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 12, 518-535.  
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2020). Modeling the relationships between language skills and sentence comprehension among Chinese junior elementary graders. Language and Literacy, 22(2), 80-116.
  • Chung, K. K.-H., Lo, J. L.-C., Ho, C. S.-H., Xiao, X. Y., & Chan, D. W. (2014). The influence of morphological, syntactic, and discourse skills on reading in Chinese-speaking adolescents. Annals of Dyslexia. doi: 10.1007/s11881-014-0095-2
  • Tse, S. K., & Xiao, X. Y. (2014). Differential influences of affective factors and contextual factors on high-proficiency readers and low-proficiency readers: A multilevel analysis of PIRLS data from Hong Kong. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 2(1), 1-24.
  • Tse, S. K., Xiao, X. Y. (correspondent author), Ko, H. W., Lam, J. W. I., Hui, S. Y., & Ng, H. W. (2014). Do reading practices make a difference? The analysis of PIRLS data for Hong Kong and Taiwan fourth-grade students. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. doi: 10.1080/03057925.2014.927732
  • Tse, S. K., Xiao, X. Y., & Lam, J. W. I. (2013). The influence of gender, reading ability, independent reading, and context on reading attitude: A multilevel analysis of Hong Kong data from PIRLS. Written Language & Literacy, 16(2), 241-272.
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2013). Weaknesses in semantic, syntactic, and oral expression contribute to reading difficulties in Chinese dyslexic children. Dyslexia, 20, 74-98.
  • Wong, S. W.-L., Xiao, M. X.-Y., & Chung, K. K.-H. (2012). Issues of culture and language in developmental disorders: the case of dyslexia in Chinese learners in C. R. Marshall (Ed.), Current Issues in Developmental Disorders. In the series "Current Issues in Developmental Psychology". London, UK: Psychology Press.
  • Xiao, X. Y., Feng, C., & Gao, D. (2009). The effects of grapheme-to-phoneme and body-rime on the phonological processing of English words or pseudo-words for Chinese speakers (in Chinese). Journal of Psychological Science, 32(3), 531-534.
  • Wu, M., Gao, D.-G., Xiao, X. Y., & Zhang, R. (2006). A study of learning reading and writing Chinese characters by CSL learners from Korea, Japan and Western countries (in Chinese). Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies, 6, 64-71.
  • Gao, D., & Xiao, X. Y. (2005). How Chinese speakers’ English reading abilities influence their phonological skills in English (in Chinese). Journal of Psychological Science, 28(3), 619-621.



  • Xiao, X. Y. (2023). How Motivational Constructs Predict Reading Amount and Reading Achievement: the Role of Reading Attitude and Reading Self-concept. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Port Douglas, Australia, and July 19-22, 2023.
  • Xiao, X. Y. (2014). Modeling the relationships between language skills and sentence comprehension among Chinese junior elementary graders. Paper accepted for poster presentation at the 14th Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media (IGEL), Turin, Italy, July 21-25, 2014.
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Tse, S. K. (2014). Explaining the remarkable improvement in the reading achievement of Hong Kong Grade 4 students in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Studies between 2001 and 2011. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, New Mexico, USA, July 16-20, 2014.
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Tse, S. K. (2013). Do reading practices make a difference? The analysis of PIRLS data for Hong Kong and Taiwan fourth-grade students. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Hong Kong, July 10-13, 2013.
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Tse, S. K. (2013). The influence of gender, reading ability, independent reading, and context on reading attitude: A multilevel analysis of Hong Kong data from Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Paper accepted for poster presentation at the 9th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE), Paris, France, June 11-13, 2013.
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2009). Syntactic development in Chinese normally-achieving children. Paper accepted for poster presentation at the Research Postgraduate Conference. Hong Kong, April 25, 2009.
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2009). Syntactic, semantic skills and oral language abilities in Chinese sentence comprehension. Paper accepted for oral presentation at the Joint CityU-HKPS Conference. Hong Kong, June 27, 2009. 
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2008). Syntactic and reading-related cognitive skills in Chinese children. Paper accepted for poster presentation at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin, Germany, July 20-25, 2008.
  • Xiao, X. Y., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2007). Development of syntactic awareness in Chinese children. Paper accepted for poster presentation at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Prague, CZ, July 12-14, 2007.



(852) 2948 8832

(852) 2948 8832





許崢燁博士在香港教育大學獲得博士學位,並獲得香港大學教育資助委員會的研資局博士後獎學金。她的研究重點是應用具身認知原理來理解學習困難並提出新的學習策略。具身認知是一個強調認知過程中心理、身體和環境之間複雜關係。她的研究成果已發表在權威期刊上, 如Journal of Educational Psychology。此外,她還成功開發了基於遊戲的應用程序,可有效評估和訓練有學習困難的兒童。她還擔任各種國際同行評審期刊的審稿人,包括Annals of Dyslexia, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Language Learning, and Reading and Writing.



  • 學習困難
  • 研究方法



  • 具身認知
  • 讀寫發展
  • 書寫



  • 特設審查者: Annals of Dyslexia; Dyslexia; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Journal of Psycholinguistic Research; Language Learning; Reading & Writing



  • Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, ARWA (2017 - 現在)

  • The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, SSSR (2023 - 2024)



  • 共同研究人員
    • 體育活動和心理因素對中國兒童具身認知和讀寫能力發展之間關聯的影響,香港教育大學,07/2022 - 06/2023。

    • 研發香港小學生中文詞彙庫,香港教育大學,07/2021 - 06/2022。


  • Xu, Z., Liu, D., & Wang, L. C. (2024). The impact of temporal processing on reading in dyslexia with rapid automatized naming deficits. Dyslexia, 30(3), Article e1776. https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.1776
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2024). The role of body-object interaction in children’s concept processing: Insights from two Chinese communities. Cognitive Processing, 25, 457–465. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-024-01185-1
  • Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Lin, H.-H., Chung, K. K.-H., & Xu, Z. (2024). The effectiveness of diverse designs of Chinese stem-deriving instruction for Chinese children with dyslexia. Exceptional Children. 90(3), 295-312. https://doi.org/10.1177/00144029231220308
  • Xu, Z., Wang, L. C., Chung, K. K. H, Zhang, X., Li, N., & Liu, D. (2023). Contributions of cognitive flexibility to reading comprehension in Chinese beginning readers. Reading and Writing. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-023-10451-1
  • Liu, D., Wang, L, Xu, Z., Li, M., Joshi, R. M., Li, N., & Zhang, X. (2023). Understanding Chinese children’s word reading from the view of the componential model of reading. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 73, Article 102163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2023.102163
  • Wang, L. C., Liu, D., Yum, Y. N., Chung, K.K.H., Chu, S.Y., Tai, P.L., Xu, Z., Kuo, H. C., & Chang, C. C. (2023). The relationship between auditory temporal processing, phonological processing, and reading in Hong Kongese and Taiwanese children: From kindergarten to primary school. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 80, Article 101883. https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2023.2197348
  • Liu, S., Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2023). The effects of stimulus-driven and goal-directed attentional control on word reading skills among first-grade Chinese children. Journal of Research in Reading, 46(1), 104-121. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12416
  • Wang, L. C., Xu, Z., Liu, D., Kwan-Chen, L. L. Y., Chung, K. K. H., Cho, H. Y., & Chen, J. K. (2022). Age differences in the relation between Chinese students’ prosodic sensitivity and reading comprehension: From nine to fifteen years. Cognitive Development, 64, Article 101234. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2022.101234
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2022). Perceptual simulation in language comprehension and Chinese character reading among third-grade Hong Kong children. Educational Psychology, 42(5), 587-606. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2022.2031891
  • Liu, D., Xu, Z., & Wang, L. C., (2022). The interaction between morphological awareness and word detection skills in predicting speeded passage reading in primary and secondary school Chinese readers. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 461. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.802005
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2022). Body-object interaction effect in word recognition and its relationship with screen time in Chinese children. Reading and Writing, 37(4), 841-868. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-021-10238-2
  • Xu, Z., Liu, D., & Joshi, R. M. (2020). The influence of sensory-motor components of handwriting on Chinese character learning in second- and fourth-grade Chinese children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(7), 1353–1366. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000443
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2020). A comparison of embodied methods to improve Chinese children’s reading comprehension: Observed and participant-performed manipulation. Journal of Research in Reading, 43(4), 556–576. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12329
  • Xu, Z., Wang, L. C., Liu, D., Chen, Y., & Tao, L. (2020). The moderation effect of processing efficiency on the relationship between visual working memory and Chinese character reading. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 1899. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01899
  • Wang, L. C., Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (2019). Distinct effects of visual and auditory temporal processing training on reading and reading-related abilities in Chinese children with dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia, 69(2), 166–185. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11881-019-00176-8
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2019). The relationship between the processing of semantic relation information and morphological awareness among Hong Kong Chinese children. Reading and Writing, 32(2), 357–375. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-018-9869-y
  • Liu, S., Liu, D., Pan, Z. H., & Xu, Z. (2018). The association between reading abilities and visual-spatial attention in Hong Kong Chinese children. Dyslexia, 24(3), 263–275. https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.1584



  • Xu, Z., Liu, S., & & Liu, D. (2024, February). The roles of visual-motor integration and handwriting in reading in Chinese children [Poster session]. The 8th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Korea.
  • Liu, D., Wei, Z., Xu, Z., Li, N., & Zhang, X. (2024, February). Psychological and ecological factors predict subsequent reading motivation in Chinese primary children: A two-year investigation [Paper presentation]. The 8th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Korea.
  • Xu, Z., Chan, M., Lau, S., Li, Y., & Liu, D. (2023, July). Using machine learning to explore the predictions of multilevel linguistic features to the readability of Hong Kong elementary school textbooks [Poster session]. The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference 2023, Australia.
  • Liu, D., Wang, L., Xu, Z., Li, M., Joshi, M., Chen, X., Li, N., & Zhang, X. (2023, July). Identifying important predictors of reading comprehension in Chinese early readers from cognitive, psychological, and ecological domains [Poster session]. The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference 2023, Australia.
  • Wang, L. C., Liu, D., Chung, K.K.H, & Xu, Z. (2023, July). The effectiveness of diverse designs of Chinese stem-deriving instruction for Chinese children with dyslexia [Poster session]. The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference 2023, Australia.
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2023, February). The impacts of an application-based morphological intervention on reading in Chinese children [Poster session]. The 7th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong.
  • Liu, D., Wang, L., Xu, Z., Zhang, X. & Li, N. (2023, February). The association between mental health status and word reading in first-grade Chinese children [Paper presentation]. The 7th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong.
  • Wang, L., Liu, D., Xu, Z., Zhang, X. & Li, N. (2023, February). Identifying differences in cognitive and ecological profiles in young children with word reading difficulty: A latent profile analysis [Paper presentation]. The 7th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong.
  • Liu, S., Liu, D., Xu, Z., & Wang, L. (2023, February). Visual search and working memory uniquely predict Chinese reading comprehension: Examining the Simple View of Reading [Poster session]. The 7th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong.
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2022, February). Body-object interaction effect in lexical processing in Chinese children from Mainland China and Hong Kong [Poster session]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong.
  • Liu, D., Xu, Z., & Wang, L. C. (2022, February). The role of morphological awareness on speeded passage reading in primary and secondary school Chinese readers: The moderation role of word detection skills [Paper presentation]. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong.
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2021, March). Body-object interaction effect in word recognition and its relationship with screen-time in Chinese children [Paper presentation]. The 5th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taiwan.
  • Liu, D., Liu, S., & Xu, Z. (2021, March). The effects of stimulus-driven and goal-directed attentional control on reading abilities among first-grade Chinese children [Paper presentation]. The 5th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taiwan.
  • Xu, Z., Liu, D., & Wang, L. C. (2020, September). The unique impact of temporal processing on reading in dyslexia with a deficit in rapid automatized naming. [Poster session]. The 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, China.
  • Liu, D., Xu, Z., Wang, L., Wang, L. C. & Joshi, R. M. (2020, September). The associations of psychological and ecological factors with word reading in first grade Chinese children [Paper presentation]. The 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, China.
  • Wang, L. C., Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (2020, September). The moderation effect of rapid temporal processing on the relationship between working memory and Chinese character reading [Poster session]. The 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, China.
  • Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (2018, December). How to understand the relationships between handwriting and Chinese character learning [Paper presentation]. The 2018 EdUHK-BNU-NTNU Tripartite Conference: Learning Difficulties in Chinese Reading and Writing, Hong Kong, China.
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2018, October). Writing in character learning among Chinese children: from an embodied cognition perspective [Paper presentation]. The 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asia Language and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition Joint Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2018, February). ERP evidence for the association between visual-spatial attention and character reading among Chinese adults [Paper presentation]. The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Tsukuba, Japan.
  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2017, February). Semantic relation processing in Chinese compounds of children with good and poor morphological awareness [Poster session]. The 1st Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong, China.
  • Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (2017, February). Perceptual simulation in language comprehension of Chinese children with poor reading abilities [Poster session]. The 1st Annual Meeting of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Hong Kong, China.



  • Xu, Z., & Liu, D. (2023). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors of Handwriting and Their Impacts on Reading: A View from Embodied Cognition. In Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and Spelling (pp. 136-148). Routledge.
  • Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (2022). How to understand dyslexia: From domain-specific to domain-general factors. In M.T. Hue & S. Karim (Eds.), Supporting diverse students in Asian inclusive classrooms: From policies and theories to practice (pp. 73-89). Routledge.
  • Liu, D., & Xu, Z. (2017). Typewriting on electronic devices and Chinese children’s literacy development. In K. Sheehy & A. Holliman (Eds.), Education and new technologies: Perils and promises for learners (pp. 48–64). Routledge.



(852) 2948 8227

(852) 2948 8227
(852) 2948 7794
專門: 兒童的語言及溝通障礙、臨床教學


M.Ed (ITE), The University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. (Speech & Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong



Karen is a qualified Speech Therapist with frontline and clinic education experience.  Upon her graduation, she had been working at special schools as school based speech therapist, she worked with other professionals to facilitate language development of students with different types and degrees of challenges (e.g. intellectual disabilities, communication disorders, ASD… etc.).  She became a clinical educator and worked at the University of Hong Kong for almost nine years, her major roles included the design and implementation of learning experiences in the clinic curriculum for student clinicians at different stages of learning; teaching and clinic coordination. She worked at an NGO as a team leader of speech therapists before joining HKIED. The work as a team leader offered her opportunities to work beyond frontline and supervisory roles; she was also involved in the quality assurance, development of services and also the qualification for speech therapists.


Supporting students with communication and language disorders


Language and communication disorders in children


  • Au, Y.C., Ng, K.Y., Lau, T.Y., Yu, K.K.M. & Ng, M.L. Developing a new electrolarynx with better sound quality. Paper presented at Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium, October, 2012

  • Whitehill, T. L., Yu, K., Kwan, L. & Ho, D. W. L.(2010). Peer, Self and Supervisor Assessment: Piloting a reflective week in fieldwork education. In L. McAllister, M. Paterson, J. Higgs & C. Bitchell (Eds.) Innovations in allied Health Fieldwork Education: A Critical Appraisal (pp. 261-270). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

  • Ciocca. V, Ma. J.K.Y., Ho, W.L., Kwan Chen, L.L.Y., Yu, K.K.M. & Whitehill, T.L. Relationship between the process of learning and clinical performance. Paper presented at Problem Based Learning in Speech-Language Pathology Programmes, May, 2006


  • Full-time Assistant Lecturer, Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (2013).
  • Full-time Clinical Instructor, Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (2004 – 2013).
  • Part-time Honorary Assistant Professor, Division of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. (2004). 



  • Guest Speaker, Department of Special Education & Counselling, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (2013 - 2014).


  • Full Member, Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapist
  • Full Member, Asia Pacific Society for the Study of Speech, Language and Hearing (APSSLH)



(852) 2948 7603

(852) 2948 7603
(852) 2948 7794

Ph D, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
M Sc (Audiology), The University of Hong Kong
B Sc (Speech & Hearing Sc), The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Kevin YUEN Chi Pun is an Associate Professor at the Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He is also the Director of Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL), Faculty of Education & Human Development, EdUHK. Dr. Yuen has dual professional qualifications as an audiologist and a speech-language pathologist (or speech therapist). He is also an experienced cochlear implant clinical specialist audiologist. Dr. Yuen received his undergraduate degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences and master’s degree in Audiology from The University of Hong Kong, and Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Yuen has a strong research interest in sound perception and speech recognition of children with normal hearing and children with deafness and hard-of-hearing (DHH) in both quiet and noise environments. He investigated the contribution of frequency-specific temporal envelope and periodicity components (without any fine structure components) for lexical tone recognition in normal hearing and DHH listeners. Dr. Yuen developed the Cantonese Lexical Neighbourhood Test (CLNT), the Computerized Cantonese Disyllabic-word Lexical Tone Identification Test in Noise (CANDIWIT-N-A), and the Computerized Mandarin Pediatric Lexical tone & Disyllabic-word Picture identification test (MAPID-A)  in Noise to serve the Cantonese- and Mandarin- speaking populations in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

One of Dr Yuen's new research areas is to identify and remediate young individuals in the Chinese communities with Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD) and to investigate the impact of CAPD on speech and language development, learning. The latest innovative test development from his research team is The Cantonese Pediatric Lexical Tone Dichotic Listening Test (CaPeLeTo DLT) which was developed for the identification of young children with CAPD.


  • Sensory impairments - hearing impairments and visual impairments
  • Human communication sciences and disorders
  • Audiology
  • Assessment of individuals with hearing impairments, speech recognition difficulties and auditory processing disorders
  • Normal and disordered speech acoustics
  • Research methods
  • Capstone research project supervision 


  • 言語辨認測試材料的研發
  • 評估、培建及康復患有聽覺處理異常(Auditory processing disorder)及聽覺障礙的兒童
  • 患有聽覺處理異常(Auditory processing disorder)及聽覺障礙的兒童在學習、言語、語言及學業上所面對的挑戰
  • 正常聽力與聽力障礙人士的廣東話及普通話詞匯聲調辨認能力
  • Identification of young Cantonese-speaking children with language learning disorders via lexical tone dichotic listening by profiling their instructional-driven (top-down) and stimulus-driven (bottom-up) information processing abilities.(Health and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, 2015-2017). Cheif Investigator.

  • A Pediatric Developmental Study of Lexical Tone Dichotic Listening in Divided Attention versus Directed Attention Modes: A Step towards Identifying Cantonese- Speaking Children with Auditory Processing Disorder  (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.

  • Croucher Foundation Sponsorship for Conferences 2011-2012: First Conference on Developing Assessment Tools and Intervention Programs for Childhood Auditory Processing Disorders in the Chinese Communities (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.

  • Global conference on disorders in auditory processing, literacy, and related sciences (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.

  • Piloting divided-attention versus directed attention dichotic listening and alternating inter-aural listening development in children: a step towards identifying Cantonese-speaking children with auditory processing disorder (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.

  • Using spatial separation advantage from The Computerized Mandarin Pediatric Lexical Tone & Disyllabic- Word Picture Identification Test in Noise (MAPPID-N) to assess the spatial hearing functions of normal hearing and hearing-impaired children - A step towards identifying Mandarin-speaking children with Auditory Processing Disorder (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.

  • Construction and validation of the Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test (SWORT) to measure the word perception ability of Cantonese-speaking children (General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, 2009-2012). Co-investigator.

  • Development of speech processing algorithms on digital hearing aids for improved perception on tonal languages (Earmarked Research Grant, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, 2006-2009). Co-Investigator.

  • The development of the Cantnese Lexical Neighborhood Tests in noise (CLNTN) – an outcome measurement tool for children with hearing impairment (Direct Grant for Research Round 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004-2005). Principal investigator. 

  • Qiu, X. Y., Yuen, K. C. P., & Mou, H. Y. (2019). The binaural redundancy, binaural squelch and head shadow speech-recognition-in-noise benefits in unilateral cochlear implanted preschool children with hearing aids fitted in contralateral ears - an intra-participant statistical investigation. Revista medico-chirurgicală̆ ̆̆ a Societă̆ ̆̆t ̧̜ii de Medici ş̜i Naturaliş̜ti din Iaş̜I, 123(3), 112-113.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Mak, C. C. Y., Fung, F. K. H., Mou, H. Y., Cheung, C. M. K., Qiu, X. Y., & Sam, S. K. L. (2019). The Cantonese Pediatric Lexical Tone Dichotic Listening Test (CaPeLeToDLT) detects abnormal auditory processing and within-participant ear advantage in very young children. Journal of Hearing Science, 9(1), 67.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Qiu, X. Y., Mou, H. Y., & Xi, X. (2019). The MAndarin spoken word—Picture IDentification test in noise—Adaptive (MAPID-A) measures subtle speech-recognition-in-noise changes and spatial release from masking in very young children. PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0209768. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0209768
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (in press). Developing a new generation of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) with competences in the management of literacy disorders and learning disabilities in Hong Kong. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica.
  • Lim, L. H. Y., Xiang, L., Lee, N. Y. M., Yuen, K. C. P., & Li, R. J. L. (2014). Validation of the Pediatric Hearing Impairment Caregiver Experience Questionnaire in the Singapore population. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, (in press), .-.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., & Yuan, M. (2014). Development of spatial release of masking in Mandarin-speaking children with normal hearing. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 57(5), 2005-23. doi:10.1044/2014_JSLHR-H-13-0060.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2012). The development of a lexical tone dichotic listening test for Cantonese-speaking chidlren - a research proposal. Journal of the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Taiwan, 29, 23-44.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2011). Normal hearing and cochlear-implanted Mandarin-speaking children's word and lexical tone recognition in noise under spatially mixed versus spatially separated conditions: An account on the development of spatial separation advantage. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 75(S1), 44.
  • Lee, A., Tong, M. C., Yuen, K. C. P., Tang, P., & van Hasselt, C. A. (2010) Hearing Impairment and Depressive symptoms in an Older Chinese Population. Journal of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, 39(5), 498-503.
  • Yuan, M., Lee, T., Yuen, K. C. P., Soli, S. D., van Hasselt, C. A., & Tong, M. C. (2009). Cantonese tone recognition with enhanced temporal periodicity cues. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(1), 327-337. 
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Cao, K. L., Wei, C. G., Luan, L., Li, H., & Zhang, Z. Y. (2009). Lexical tone and word recognition in noise of Mandarin-speaking children who use cochlear implant and hearing aids in opposite ears. Cochlear Implants International, 10 S1, 120-129.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Yuan, M., Lee, T., Tong, M., Soli, S., & van Hasselt. (2009). Development of the Computerized Cantonese Disyllabic-word Lexical Tone Identification Test in Noise (CANDILET-N). Cochlear Implants International, 10 S1, 130-137.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Luan, L., Li, H., Yuan, M., Wei, C. G., Cao, K. L., & Lee, T. (2009). Development of the Conputerized Mandarin Pediatric Lexical tone & Disyllabic-word Picture identification test in Noise (MAPPID-N). Cochlear Implants International, 10 S1, 138-147.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Tong, M. C., van Hasselt, C. A., Yuan, M., Lee, T., Soli, S. D. (2009). Cantonese lexical tone recognition from frequency-specific temporal envelope and periodicity components in the same versus different noise band carriers. Cochlear Implants International, 10 S1, 148-158.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Ng, I. H. Y., Luk, B. P. K., Chan, S. K. W., Chan, S. C. S., Kwok, I. C. L., Yu, H. C., Chan, T. M. Y., Hung, T. C. W., Tong, M. C. F. (2008). The development of Cantonese Lexical Neighborhood Test – A pilot study. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 72, 1121-1129.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Yuan, M., Lee, T., Tong, M., Soli, S. & van Hasselt. (2007). Frequency-specific temporal envelope and periodicity components for lexical tone identification in Cantonese. Ear and Hearing. 28(2 Suppl), 107S-113S.
  • Yuan, M., Lee T., Yuen, K. C. P., Soli S. D., Tong, M. C., van Hasselt, C. A. (2007). Band-specific temporal periodicity enhancement for Cantonese tone perception with noise-excited vocoder. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 1, 694-697.
  • Chan, V., Tong, M., Yue, V., Wong, T., Leung, E., Yuen, K. C. P., van Hasselt A. (2007) Performance of older adult cochlear implant users in Hong Kong. Ear and Hearing. 28(2 Suppl), 52S-55S.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Kam, A. C. S, Lau, P. S. H. Lau. (2006). Comparative performance of an adaptive directional microphone system and a multi-channel noise reduction system. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 17(4)241-252.
  • Tang, T. P. Y., McPherson, B. Yuen, K. C. P., Wong, L. L. N. & Lee, J. S. M. (2004). Auditory neuropathy/auditory dys-synchrony in school children with hearing loss: frequency of occurrence. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 68(2), 175-183.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. & McPherson, B. D. (2002). Audiometric configurations of hearing impaired children in Hong Kong: implications for amplification. Disability and Rehabilitation, 24 (17), 904-913.
  • Lee J. S. M., McPherson B, Yuen K. C. P., Wong L. L. N. (2001) Screening for auditory neuropathy in a school for hearing impaired children. International Journal of Pediatric Otolaryngology, 61, 39-46.
  • Stokes, F. S., Whitehill, T. L., Yuen, K. C. P., & Tsui, A. M. Y. (1996). EPG treatment of sibilants in two Cantonese-speaking children with cleft palate. Clinical Linguistics, 10, 265-280.
  • Chung, K. K. H., Yuen, K. C. P., & McInerney, D. M. (Eds.) (2014). Understanding developmental disorders of auditory processing, language and literacy across languages: International perspectives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2013). Twice-exceptional students with deafness or hard-of-hearing and giftedness. In S. N. Phillipson, H. Stoeger & A. Ziegler (Eds.), Exceptionality in East-Asia: Explorations in the Actiotope model of giftedness (212-231). London: Routledge.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Yuan, M., Mou, M., & Sam., S. K. L. (2013, December). Development of a Mandarin lexical tone dichotic listening test based on a two-parameter logistic item response theory model – a step towards identifying individuals with auditory processing disorders. Invited paper presented at the Audiology for Tomorrow - International Conference on Recent Developments in Audiology, Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. & Yuan, M. (2013, November). Spatial release from masking in Mandarin-speaking children and adults with normal hearing. Paper presented at the Audiology for Tomorrow - International Conference on Recent Developments in Audiology, Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2013, August). Developing a new generation of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) with competence in the management of Literacy and Learning Disorders in Hong Kong. Invited paper presented at the Education for Speech and Language Pathology Committee Symposium 2 - Educating Speech-Language Pathologists for Professional Practice in Different Environments, 29th World Congress of The International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Turin, Italy.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2013, August). Development of Cantonese lexical tone dichotic listening test – a step towards identifying individuals with auditory processing disorders. Paper presented at the Audiology Short Seminar 5, 29th World Congress of The International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Turin, Italy.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2013, June). How do we assess sound perception and speech recognition in hearing-impaired children?. Invited paper presented at The 3rd Forum on the Development of Speech Perception Assessment Tools – Focused on Outcome Measurement of Pediatric Cochlear Implantation in China, Dalin, China.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2013, June). The development of Mandarin Pediatric Lexical Tone and Disyllabic-word Picture Identification Test in Noise (MAPPID-N). Invited paper presented at The 3rd Forum on the Development of Speech Perception Assessment Tools – Focused on Outcome Measurement of Pediatric Cochlear Implantation in China, Dalin, China.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2012, October). Development of a lexical tone dichotic listening test – a pilot study on young adults. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Symposium, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2012, October). The Development of a lexical tone dichotic listening test – a step towards identifying individuals with auditory processing disorders. Keynote paper presented at the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics Taiwan Composium, The Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Taiwan, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2011, November). Clinical aspects of Chinese language learning among school-aged children - How to maximize the availability of speech and other meaningful sounds for hearing-impaired children to develop speech and language learning?. Paper presented at the International Conference on Chinese Language and Teaching in the Digital Age, Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2011, May). Benefits of new pre-processing/ sound coding strategies in cochlear implants for children: fact or fiction?. Invited paper presented in K. Yuen (Chair), Deaf children today: new issues in audiology, device fitting, rehabilitation and speech & language outcomes. Round table conducted at the 10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, Athens.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2011, May). Selection and fitting of hearing aids. Invited paper presented at the Audiology day – hearing aids workshop at the 10th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, Athens.
  • Yuen, K. C. P. (2010, October). Mandarin-speaking children’s word and lexical tone recognition in noise under spatially mixed and spatially separated conditions. Paper presented at the Advanced audiological rehabilitation for better rehabilitation workshop of the Advances in otology and related sciences 2010 conference, Hong Kong.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Luan, L., Li, H., Yuan, M., Wei, C. G., Cao, K. L. & Lee, T. (2008). Computerized Mandarin Pediatric Lexical tone & Disyllabic-word picture identification test in Noise (MAPPID-N): development and standardization. Paper presented at the XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, China, 8 -12 Jun 2008.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Yuan, M., Lee, T., Tong, M., Soli, S. & van Hasselt. (2008). Cantonese lexical tone recognition from frequency-specific temporal envelope and periodicity components in the same versus different noise band carriers. Paper presented at the XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, China, 8 -12 Jun 2008. 
  • Cao, K.L., Wei, C. G., Yuen, K. C. P., Luan, L., Huan, L. & Zhang, Z. Y. (2008). Lexical tone and word recognition in noise of Mandarin-speaking children who use cochlear implants and hearing aids in opposite ears. Paper presented at the XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, China, 8 -12 Jun 2008.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Yuan, M., Lee, T., Tong, M., Soli, S. & van Hasselt. (2008). Computerized CANtonese DIsyllabic LExical Tone Identification Test in Noise (CANDILET-N): development and standardization. Paper presented at the XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, China, 8 -12 Jun 2008.
  • Chang, H. S. & Yuen, K. C. P. (2008). Effects of emotional tone of voice on the acoustic characteristics of Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at the XXIXth International Congress of Audiology, Hong Kong, China, 8 -12 Jun 2008.
  • Yuan, M., Lee, T., Yuen, K. C. P., Soli S. D., Tong, M. C. & van Hasselt, C. A. (2007). Band-specific temporal periodicity enhancement for Cantonese tone perception with noise-excited vocoder. Paper presented at the IEEE International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Lyon, France, August 23-26, 2007.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Luan, L., Li, H., Yuan, M., Wei, C. G., Cao, K. L. & Lee, T. (2007). Computerized Mandarin Pediatric Lexical tone & Disyllabic-word picture identification test in Noise (MAPPID-N). Paper presented at the 6th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences, Sydney, Australia, 30 Oct -2 Nov 2007.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Yuan, M., Lee, T., Tong, M., Soli, S. & van Hasselt. (2007). Cantonese lexical tone recognition from frequency-specific temporal envelope and periodicity components in the same versus different noise band carriers. Paper presented at the 6th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences, Sydney, Australia, 30 Oct – 2 Nov 2007.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Yuan, M., Lee, T., Tong, M., Soli, S. & van Hasselt. (2007). Computerized CANtonese DIsyllabic LExical Tone Identification Test in Noise (CANDILET-N). Paper presented at the 6th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences, Sydney, Australia, 30 Oct – 2 Nov 2007.
  • Yuan, M., Lee T., Yuen, K. C. P., Soli S. D., Tong, M. C., van Hasselt, C. A. (2007). F0-related periodicity enhancement in temporal envelope for Cantonese tone recognition. Paper presented at the 6th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences, Sydney, Australia, 30 Oct – 2 Nov 2007.
  • Yuan, M., Yuen, K. C. P., Lee, T., Tong, M., Soli, S. & van Hasselt. (2006). Frequency-specific expansion of periodicity components for lexical tone identification in Cantonese. Paper presented at the International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, California, 16-20 Aug 2006.
  • Yuen, K. C. P., Yuan, M., Lee, T., Tong, M., Soli, S. & van Hasselt. (2005). Frequency-specific temporal envelope and periodicity components for lexical tone identification in Cantonese. Paper presented at the 5th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences, Hong Kong, 26–28 Nov 2005.  





專門:Educational Leadership, School Finance, Educational Research, Educational Planning, International Education, School Business Management, Special Education Administration and Facilities Planning

Doctor of Education     University of Georgia, Georgia, USA, 1979.
Master of Education     Clemson University, South Carolina, USA, 1976.
Bachelor of Arts           University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1971.

Professional Membership:

  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
  • International Society of Educational Planning (ISEP)
  • Georgia Educational Research Association (GERA)
  • Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association (CAERDA)
  • Southern Regional Council for Educational Administration (SRCEA)



  • Distinguished Service Award, International SIG, American Educational Research Association (2016)
  • Jack Greer Distinguished Achievement Award, Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration (2013)
  • KSU Foundation Scholarship and Creative Activities Award Finalist, Kennesaw State University (2013)
  • KSU Foundation Scholarship and Creative Activities Award Finalist, Kennesaw State University (2012)
  • Distinguished Graduate Scholarship Award, Graduate School, Kennesaw State University (2011)
  • Distinguished Scholarship Award, Bagwell College of Education, Kennesaw State University (2011)
  • Outstanding Presidential Leadership Recognition, International Society for Educational Planning (2010 and 2011)
  • Distinguished Service Award, College of Education, Kennesaw State University (2010)
  • Distinguished Leadership Recognition, Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration (2010)
  • Outstanding Contributions Recognition, Program Chair, Southern Regional Council for Educational Administration (2009)
  • Distinguished Teacher Education Research Award, Georgia Association of Teacher Educators (2007)
  • Exceptional Service Award, International SIG, American Educational Research Association (2007, 2009 and 2011)
  • Distinguished Scholarship Award, Bagwell College of Education, Kennesaw State University (2006)
  • Kennesaw State University Foundation Publication Award for distinguished publication in the field of education, Kennesaw State University (2004)
  • Award for Faithfulness and Outstanding Service, International Society for Educational Planning (2004)
  • Distinguished Service Award, Southern Regional Council for Educational Facility Planning, USA (1983)


Selected Publications

Books Published

  • Chan, T. C., Mense, E., Lane, K., & Richardson, M. D. (Eds.) (2014). Marketing the green school: Forms, functions and the future. Los Angeles, CA: IGI Publisher.
  • Chan, T. C., Jiang, B. & Ouyang, R. (Eds.) (2013). Administration of elementary and secondary Schools in the United States. Beijing, China: People’s University Press.
  • Koo, R., Choi, B. C., Lucas, M. R., & Chan, T. C. (Eds). (2009). Education policy, reform, and school innovations in the Asia-Pacific Region. Hong Kong and Macao, China: The Association for Childhood Education International.
  • Ouyang, R., & Chan, T. C. (2007). (Eds.) Education. Series on Western Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Beijing, China: China Renmin University Press.
  • Chan, T. C., & Richardson, M. D.  (2005). Ins and outs of school facility management. Scarecrow Education Publishing Company.
  • Jiang, Y. S., & Chan, T. C. (1990). A conceptual framework of modern educational administration. Guangdong, China: Guangdong Higher Education Press.
  • Chan, T. C.  (1980). The age of school building and the academic achievement of eighth grade students in the State of Georgia. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilm, Inc.

Book Chapters Published

  • Chan, T. C., Saunders, R., & Lashley, L. (2014). Green school leadership: What does it really mean? In T. C. Chan, E. Mense, K. Lane, & M. D. Richardson (eds.). Marketing the green school: Forms, functions and The future. Los Angeles, CA: IGI Publisher, p. 232-242,
  • Griffin, D., & Chan, T. C. (2014). PPBES: How one school district goes green. In T. C. Chan, E. Mense, K. Lane, & M. D. Richardson (eds.). Marketing the green school: Forms, functions and the future. Los Angeles, CA: IGI Publisher, p. 258-266.
  • Chan, T. C., Mense, E. G., Crain-Dorough, M., Richardson, M. D., & Lane, K. E. (2013). Observations through a keyhole: The changing dimensions of global higher education. In S. Mukerji, & P. Tripathi (eds.) The Handbook of Research on Transnational Higher Education Management. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publisher, p. 59-78.
  • Chan, T. C. (2013). Planning in education. In, T. C. Chan, B. Jiang & R. Ouyang (eds.) Administration of elementary and secondary schools in the United States. Beijing, China: People’s University Press, p. 68-82.
  • Chan, T. C. (2013). Administration of school business affairs. In, T. C. Chan, B. Jiang & R. Ouyang (eds.) Administration of elementary and secondary schools in the United States. Beijing, China: People’s University Press, p. 257-271.
  • Chan, T. C. (2011). Conclusion: Where does multicultural education in Asia countries lead? In J. Phillion, M. T. Hue, & Y. Wang (Eds.). Minority students in East Asia: Government policies, school practices and teacher responses. New York: Routledge.  P. 249-256.
  • Rhodes, E., Ennis, W., Crain-Dorough, M., Richardson, M., & Chan, T. C. (2011). Financing distance education in a time of economic challenges. In U. Demiray and S. Sever (2011). Marketing online education program: Frameworks for promotion and communication. Turkey: Anadolu University, p. 315-327.
  • Chan, T. C. (2010). Introduction: Educational leadership program: Challenges of today and tomorrow. Yearbook 2009, the Southern Regional Council on Education Administration.
  • Koo, R., Chan, T. C., & Richardson, M. (2009). The development of educational technology in China. In R. Koo, B. C. Choi, M. R. Lucas, & T. C. Chan (Eds). Education policy, reform, and school innovations in the Asia-Pacific Region, p. 425-446.
  • Wang, C., Richardson, M., Chan, T. C., & Koo, R. (2009) Merit pay in China: How one university acts. In R. Koo, B. C. Choi, M. R. Lucas, & T. C. Chan (Eds). Education policy, reform, and school innovations in the Asia-Pacific Region, p. 131-138.
  • Jiang, B., Patterson, J., & Chan, T. C. (2009) Meeting the redesign criteria of educational leadership programs in Georgia: Innovative acts of one university.  In R. Koo, B. C. Choi, M. R. Lucas, & T. C. Chan (Eds). Education policy, reform, and school innovations in the Asia-Pacific Region, p. 165-192.
  • Chan, T. C. (2009). Meeting educational challenges of the new century: An examination of  China’s strategic planning. In R. Koo, B. C. Choi, M. R. Lucas, & T. C. Chan (Eds). Education policy, reform, and school innovations in the Asia-Pacific Region, p. 107-130
  • Morris, R., & Chan, T. C. (2007). Analyzing professional perspectives that support school improvement. 2007 Yearbook of the Southern Regional Council of Educational Administration, p. 49-60.
  • Zhu, X., & Chan, T. C. (2007). Educational system and management in the United States. In R. Ouyang & T. C. Chan (Editors), Education. Beijing, China: China Remmin University Press, p. 23-48.
  • Chan, T. C. (2007). Education in the New Century. In R. Ouyang & T. C. Chan (Editors), Education. Beijing, China: China Remmin University Press, p. 321-330.
  • Tubbs, J. E., & Chan, T. C. (2006). How to create a quality collaborative educational leadership practicum experience. The Southern Regional Council of Educational Administration Yearbook, p. 43-49.
  • Chan, T. C. (2005). School enrollment and employment. In Jing Luo (Editor), China today: An encyclopedia of life in the People’s Republic.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, p. 534-537.
  • Chan, T. C. (2005). Educational administration: Educational finance, policies, and laws. In Jing Luo (Editor), China today: An encyclopedia of life in the People’s Republic.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, p. 142-5. 

Research Reports Published

  • Chan, T. C. (2013). An examination of green school practices in Atlanta schools. Kennesaw, GA: Department of Educational Leadership, Kennesaw State University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED543509).
  • King, P., & Chan, T. C. (2011). Teachers’ and students’ perception on teachers’ caring behaviors.  (ERIC
  • Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED525290).
  • Chan, T. C.  (2007). The impact of technology facilities on student achievement in Georgia schools. Research Report to the Council of Educational Facility Planners, International, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Chan, T. C. (2004). A comparison of student attitude, behavior, and achievement in portable and permanent classrooms. Research report to the Council of Educational Facility Planners, International, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Chan, T. C., Webb, L., & Bowen, C. (2003). Are assistant principals prepared for principalship? How do assistant principals perceive? (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED481543).
  • Chan, T. C. & Pool, H. (2002).  Principals’ priorities versus their realities: Reducing the gap. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED 465 230). 
  • Chan, T. C., & Martin, K. (2001) HOT Program: A success story of community support for education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED 453 927).
  • Chan, T. C., Curran, T., & Deskin, C.  (1997).  Employment myths and realities in speech and language pathology. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED 416 730).
  • Chan, T. C.  (1996).  Environmental impact on student learning  (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED 406 722).
  • Chan, T. C.  (1997).  Physical environment and student safety in South Georgia schools.(ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED 405 640).
  • Chan, T. C.  (1982).  A comparative study of pupil attitudes toward new and old school buildings. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service,  No.:  ED 222 981)
  • Chan, T. C.  (1982). Initial costs vs. operational costs. A study of building improvement projects in fourteen Schools in the School District of Greenville County, South Carolina. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No.: ED 208 492)
  • Chan, T. C. (1981).  Physical environment and middle grade achievement. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service,  No.: ED 198 645)
  • Chan, T. C. (1979).  The impact of school building age on pupil achievement.  (ERIC Document Reproduction Service,  No.: ED 191 138)

Case Studies

  • Patterson, J., Vella, B., & Chan, T. C. (2009). Together, we are better. In K. Henson (2009). Curriculum Planning. (4th ed.)  Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc. p. 206-211.
  • Chan, T. C. (2005). Contract management in school construction. Journal of Ethics in Leadership, 1(2), 108-115.
  • Tubbs, J. E., Terry, D., & Chan, T. C. (2006). As the crows fly. In K. Henson (2006). Curriculum Planning. (3rd ed.) Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc. p. 190-196.


Articles Published in Refereed Journals

  • Patterson, J.P., Jiang, B., Chandler, M., & Chan, T.C. (2012, Fall).  Educational leadership program effectiveness: Evaluation from graduates and their principals. Georgia Educational Researcher, 9(1), 40-60.
  • Chan, T. C., Crain-Dorough, M., Richardson, M. D. (2012). Educational accountability: The role of efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. Southern Journal of Educational Administration, 1(1), 19-26. Available online at  http://cstl-coe.semo.edu/pwatkins/SRCEA_Jrl/Index.htm
  • Chandler, M., & Chan, T. C. (2012) Implementation of professional learning standards in Georgia schools: An examination of the current reality. Journal of Educational Research- New Waves, 15(1), 89-106.
  • Turan, S., & Chan, T. C. (2011). Profiles of elementary school principals: Comparing Turkey and the United States. Journal of Education and Humanities. 2(4). 93-108. (Available online at http://www.egitimbirsen.org.tr/eibd/eibd4.pdf )
  • Cheurprakobkit, S., & Chan, T. C. (2011). The development of criminal justice program in Georgia high schools. Eastern Education Journal, 40(1), 75-84. Available online:  http://castle.eiu.edu/edjournal/
  • Chan, T. C., & Dishman, M. (2011). Maintaining a safe and healthy school environment for learning. The American Clearinghouse on Educational Facilities (ACEF) Journal, 1(1), 5-13. Available online: http://www.acefacilities.org/ACEFJournal.aspx
  • Chan, T. C. (2011). How do technology application and equity impact student achievement? International Journal of Cyber Ethics in education, 1(2), 1-14.  Available online: http://resources.igi-global.com/marketing/journals/IJCEE1(2).pdf
  • Chan, T. C. (2010). Faculty’s perception of a performance-based educational leadership program. Educational Planning, 19(4), 32-43.
  • Chan, T. C. (2010). Signs and symbols of educational planning. Educational Planning, 67(2), 3-10.
  • Chan, T. C., Chandler, M., Jiang, B., & Patterson, J. (2010). How do administrators, teachers, and parents Perceive the impact of facility on student achievement? Journal of School Business Management, 22(2), 34-41.
  • Chan, T. C. (2009). Meeting the challenge of accountability: The case study of a university in China. Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 10(3), 13-24.
  • Chan, T. C., & Jiang, B. (2009). How school principals assist beginning teachers.  Studies in Educational Leadership, 1,114-123.
  • Morris, R., Chan, T. C., & Patterson, J. (2009). Principals’ perceptions of school public relations. Journal of School Public Relations, 30(2), 166-185.
  • Patterson, J., Chandler, M., Jiang, B., & Chan, T. C. (2009). Portable classrooms: Immediate solutions to a Growing problem. School Business Affairs, 75(6), 23-25.
  • Chan, T. C., Patterson, J., & Chandler, M. (2009) Best practices for the best interests of students: Principals’ strategies in managing portable classrooms. Journal of School Business Management, 21(1), 28-36.
  • Chan, T. C. (2009). Do portable classrooms impact teaching and learning? Journal of Educational Administration, 47(3), 290-304.
  • Jiang, B., Patterson, J., Chandler, M., & Chan, T. C. (2009). Practicum experience in an educational leadership program: Perspectives of supervisors, mentors and candidates. Educational Administration-Theory and Practice, 15(57), 77-108.
  • Chan, T. C., Terry, D., & Bessette, H. (2009). Fourth and fifth grade departmentalization: A transition to middle school. Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences, 13(2), 5-13.
  • Jiang, B., & Chan, T. C. (2008) Working with beginning teachers: What effective strategies do principals use? Eastern Education Journal, 37(1), 8-19. (Available at www.eiu.edu/~edjournal
  • Chan, T. C., & Du, R. (2008). School principals’ profiles: Comparing U.S and China. Journal of Global Initiatives, 3(1), 87-106.
  • Chan, T. C., & Wan, Y. (2008). The feasibility of implementing Total Quality Management principles in Chinese education: Chinese educators’ perspectives. Educational Planning, 17(20), 10-22.  


Invited Lectures

  • Chan, T. C. (2015, October). Mentoring faculty to employ innovative approach to classroom teaching. Guangxi Teachers College, Nanning, Guangxi, China.
  • Chan, T. C. (2015, October). A current development of open education in the United States. A presentation to the faculty of Guangxi Open Education University, Nanning, Guangxi, China.
  • Chan, T. C. (2014, June). An update of development in elementary education in the United States. A presentation to The faculty and students of Huzhou Teachers’ College, Huzhou, China.
  • Chan, T. C. (2014, June). Elementary education development in the United States: The present and the future. A presentation to the faculty and students of Hunan First Teachers’ College, Changsha, China.
  • Chan, T. C. (2014, June). Educational research development in the United States. A presentation to the faculty and students of Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China.
  • Chan, T. C. (2014, June). Educational research and dissemination in the United States. A presentation to the faculty and students of Central South University, Changsha, China.
  • Chan, T. C. (2013, December). Faculty induction and mentoring in US schools and colleges. A presentation to the faculty and students of Jinan University, Guangzhou, China.
  • Chan, T. C. (2013, December). Faculty induction and mentoring: The US model. A presentation to the faculty and students of the University of Macau, Macau, China.
  • Chan, T. C.  (2013, November). Educational research wants you. Dean’s Speaker Series, Bagwell College of Education, Kennesaw State University.
  • Chan, T. C. (2012, December). A showcase of love and care in the world. A presentation to students at Shin Pyeong High School, Shinpyeong-Myeon, Dangjin-Gun, Chungnam, Republic of Korea.
  • Chan, T. C. (2011, May). How principals assist new teachers to succeed. A lecture delivered to the faculty and students of Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.
  • Chan, T. C., & Jiang, B. (2010, May). How to make best use of community resources in support of education?A lecture delivered to the faculty and students of Shanghai Normal University, China.


Peer Reviewed Paper Presentations (Selected)

  • Chan, T. C., Xu, M., & Shu, Z. (2016, April). How do Chinese school administrators manage school financial business? A paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Chan, T. C. (2016, April). How do Atlanta public schools manage their finance at economically difficult times?A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Morris, R. (2016, April). How do Atlanta schools support the green school initiative? A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Society of Professors of Education, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Chan, T. C. (2015, November). Working with doctoral students in the dissertation process. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C. (2015, October). An examination of school financial practices in China. A paper presented to the annual conference of The International Society for Educational Planning, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • Bowen, C., & Chan, T. C. (2014, October). Ethical decision making: An intentional component of all teacher and educational leader preparation classes. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Chandler, M. (2014, October). Financial practices exercised by public schools in Atlanta. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Xu, M., & Shu, Z. (2014, October). How do school administrators in China manage school financial business? A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, Atlanta, Ga. USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Xu, M., & Shu, Z. (2014, October). Educational finance practices: How does it work in China? A paper presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Jiang, B., Chan, T. C., Xu, M., & Shu, Z. (2014, April). Significance of school community relations to Chinese educators. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Chandler, M., Turan, S., Kpeglo, S., & Du, R. (2014, April). Comparing school principals’ roles and responsibilities in five countries. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Shu, Z. (2014, April). An examination of educational finance practices in China. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • Lokey-Vega, A., & Chan, T. C. (2014, March). Learning from international curriculum exemplars to refine the common core standards. A presentation to the annual conference of the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development at Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Saunders, R. (2013, October). How green are the Atlanta schools? A paper presented to the annual conference of The International Society for Educational Planning, Niagara Falls, NY, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Jiang, B., Xu, M., & Shu, Z. D. (2013, October). How do Chinese educators perceive school community relations? A paper presented to the annual conference of The International Society for Educational Planning, Niagara Falls, NY, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Chandler, M., Turan, S., Kpeglo, S., & Du, R. (2013, October). How do school principals in five different countries perform their daily duties? A paper presented to the annual conference of The International Society for Educational Planning, Niagara Falls, NY, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Saunders, R. (2013, October).  An examination of green school practices in Atlanta schools. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Jiang, B., Xu, M., & Shu, Z. D. (2013, October). School community relations: An examination of Chinese educators’ perspectives. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Saunders, R. (2013, October). The green features of Atlanta schools. A paper presented to the annual conference of The Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, Oklahoma City, OK, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Jiang, B., Xu, M., & Shu, Z. D.  (2013, October). School community relations: Its’ significance to Chinese educators. A paper presented to the annual conference of The Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, Oklahoma City, OK, USA.
  • Amlaner, B., & Chan, T. C. (2013, October). A climate assessment instrument for the Seventh-day Adventist schools. A paper presented to the annual conference of The Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, Oklahoma City, OK, USA.
  • Morris, R., Chan, T. C., & Putney, D. (2013, October). A critical review of technology decision making and School usage. A paper presented to the annual conference of The Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, Oklahoma City, OK, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Jiang, B., & Shu, Z. (2013, April). Perceptions of Chinese educators on school community relations. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Kpeglo, S., Chan, T. C., & Morris, R. (2013, May). Ghana teacher college principals: Self-perception of their roles and responsibilities. A paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C.  & Kpeglo, S. (2012, October). How principals of teacher colleges in Ghana perceive their roles and responsibilities. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C.  & Kpeglo, S. (2012, October). Teacher college principalship in Ghana: Principals’ Self-perception. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Kansas City, MO, USA.
  • Morris, R., & Chan, T. C. (2012, September). Technology decision making by school leaders. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Jiang, B., & Shu, Z. (2012, September). Chinese principals’ roles in new teacher induction. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C.  & Kpeglo, S. (2012, September). Ghana teacher college principals: Self-perception of their roles and responsibilities. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council for Educational Administration, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & King, P.  (2012, May). Teacher caring: A strategic approach to classroom management. A paper presented at the International Symposium on Classroom Management and Motivation for Learning, Wuhan, China.
  • Crain-Dorough, M., Mense. E. G., Stringer, J. C., Campbell, K. T., Richardson, M. D., & Chan, T. C. (2012). School improvement process filters into the classroom management: Transending international borders. A paper presented at the International Symposium on Classroom Management and Motivation for Learning, Wuhan, China.
  • Lane, K. E., Mense, E., Richardson, M. D., Chan, T. C. (2012, May). Developing simulations on critical thinking and decision making:  Ways to motivate student learning. a paper presented to the international symposium on classroom management and motivation for learning, wuhan, china.
  • Jiang, B., Chan, T. C., & Shu Z. (2012, May). Helping new teachers to start a career in education: Perspectives of Chinese principals. Paper presented at the US- China Symposium on Educational, Technology and Teacher Leadership, Shanghai, China.
  • Mense, E., Lane, K. E., Richardson, M. D., & Chan, T. C. (2012, May). The use of technology in higher education: The role of accountability. Paper presented at the US- China Symposium on Educational, Technology and Teacher Leadership, Shanghai, China.
  • Chandler, M., Chan, T. C., & Jiang, B. (2012, April). The effectiveness of embedded approach to practicum experiences in educational leadership: Program candidates’ perspectives. A paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Chandler, M., & Chan, T. C. (2012, April). How are professional learning standards implemented in Georgia schools? A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Jiang, B., & Chan, T. C. (2012, April). How do school principals work with beginning teachers in China? A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Chan, T. C. (2011, November). My dissertation process. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council for Educational Administration, St. Louis, MO, USA.
  • King, P., & Chan, T. C. (2011, October). Teachers’ and students’ perceptions on teachers’ caring behaviors. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Mozer, L., & Chan, T. C. (2011, October). A comparison of student achievement: Online and face-to-Face. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA, USA.  
  • Chan, T. C., & Kpeglo, S. (2011, October). How are Ghana elementary school principals different from those of the United State?. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Kpeglo, S. (2011, October). Profiles of elementary school principals: Comparing Ghana and The United States. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Chan, T. C. (2011, October). A safe and healthy school is an AYP school. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Chandler, M., Chan, T. C., & Jiang, B. (2011, April). The embedded approach to practicum experiences in an educational leadership program: Candidates perspectives. A paper presented  at the Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C. (2011, April). Technology Application and Technology Equity: Are They Related to Student Achievement? A paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, USA.

  • Turan, S., & Chan, T. C. (2010, October). School Principals’ Profiles: Comparing Turkey and the United States. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Washington, DC, USA.

  • Chandler, M., & Chan, T. C. (2010, October). An examination of the implementation status of professional learning communities in Georgia schools. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council for Educational Administration, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Chandler, M., Patterson, J., & Jiang, B. (2010, April). How school facilities impact student achievement: Perceptions of principals, teachers and parents. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, Denver, CO, USA.
  • Chandler, M., & Chan, T. C. (2010, April-May). School principal profiles: Comparing Hungary and the U.S. A paper presented at the annual conference of American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, USA.
  • Morris, R. C., Chan, T. C., & Patterson, J. (2010, April-May). School public relations as perceived by school principals. A paper presented at the annual conference of American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, USA.
  • Chandler, M., Chan, T. C., Patterson, J., & Jiang, B. (2009, October). How do principals, teachers and parents perceive the impact of facility on student achievement? A paper presented at the annual conference of the Georgia Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chandler, M., & Chan, T. C. (2009, October). Principals’ self-perception of their roles and responsibilities: Comparing Hungary and the United States. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Southern Regional Council for Educational Administration, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Williamson, J., & Chan, T. C. (2009, October). The impact of technology access, technology integration and teacher technology proficiency on student achievement in Georgia schools. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Patterson, J., & Chandler, M. (2009, October). The impact of facility on student achievement: Principals’, teachers’, and parents’ perspectives. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chandler, M., & Chan, T. C. (2009, October). School principal profiles: Comparing Hungary and the United States. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Bowen, C., & Chan, T. C. (2009, October). Preparing for the 21st Century: Increasing ethics instruction in educator preparation programs. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Jiang, B., Chandler, M., Patterson, J. & Chan, T. C. (2009, April). Practicum Experience in an Educational Leadership Program: Perspectives of Supervisors, Mentors and Candidates. A paper presented at the annual conference of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C. (2009, April). Faculty’s perception of a performance-based educational leadership program. A paper presented at the annual conference of Chinese Association of Educational Research and Development, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Jiang, B., Patterson, J., & Chandler, M. (2009, April). Perceptions of practicum experiences: Supervisors’ and mentors’.   A paper presented at the annual conference of Chinese Association of Educational Research and Development, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • Patterson, J., Jiang, B., Chandler, M., & Chan, T. C. (2009, February). Stakeholders’ perceptions of educational leadership practicum experiences. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the Georgia Conference on College and University Teaching, Kennesaw, GA, USA. 
  • Patterson, J., Chandler, M., Jiang, B., & Chan, T. C. (2009, February). Stakeholders’ perceptions of Educational leadership practicum experiences. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Dallas, TX, USA.
  • Cheurprakobkit, S., & Chan, T. C. (2008, November). The criminal justice curriculum in Georgia’s high schools. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the Criminal Justice Association of Georgia, Savannah, GA, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Patterson, J., Chandler, M., & Jiang, B. (2008, October). Strategies of planning and managing portable classrooms. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the Southern Regional Council of Educational Administration at Charleston, WV, USA.
  • Patterson, J., Chan, T. C., Jiang, B., Bowen, C., & Chandler, M. (2008, October). Multiple perspectives of an educational leadership program’s practicum experiences. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the Southern Regional Council of Educational Administration at Charleston, WV, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Morris, R. (2008, October). Principals’ perceptions of school community relations. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the Southern Regional Council of Educational Administration at Charleston, WV, USA.
  • Bowen, C., Chan, T. C., & Patterson, J. (2008, October). Ethics in the 21st Century – Higher Education’s Responsibility. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the Southern Regional Council of Educational Administration at Charleston, WV, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., Chandler, M., Patterson, J., & Jiang, B. (2008). Stakeholders’ perceptions of an educational Leadership program’s practicum experiences. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Georgia Association of Teacher Education, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Chandler, M., Chan, T. C., Patterson, J., & Jiang, B. (2008, October). Practicum experience in an educational leadership program: Multiple perspectives. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the International Society of Educational Planning at Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Chan, T. C., Patterson, J., & Chandler, M. (2008, October). Best practices for the best interests of students: Principals’ strategies in managing portable classrooms. A paper presented to the annual meeting of the International Society of Educational Planning at Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Jiang, B., Patterson, J., Chan, T. C., & Bowen, C. (2008, May).  An Educational Leadership Program Redesign: Insights from Graduates and School Administrators. A paper presented at the International Conference on Educational Renewal and School Development in an Era of Cultural Diversity, Wuhan, China.
  • Chan, T. C., Jiang, B., & Patterson, J. (2008, March) Redesigning educational leadership programs: Graduates and their principals can help. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, USA.
  • Chan, T. C., & Jiang, B. (2008, March) Principals’ role in working with beginning teachers. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association, New York, NY, USA.
  • Jiang, B., Patterson, J., & Chan, T. C. (2008, February). Involving graduates and their school employers in redesigning the educational leadership program. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA, USA.




專門: Specialisation: Animal-assisted Intervention, Guidance and Counselling, Counsellor Education

Ed.D. (Educational Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

M.Ed. (Counselling), The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Teaching Areas

  • Guidance and Counselling
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Group Counselling
  • Counselling Supervision


Research Interests

  • Canine-assisted Intervention for Children with SEN
  • Counselling and Psychotherapy
  • Humane Education


Recent and Ongoing Research Projects

  • Evaluation of a Play Therapy Program with Chinese Disadvantaged Families: A Pilot Study [A project supported by the EdUHK - Internal Research Grant (2019/2020 UGC Block Grant; RG83/18-19R), PI]
  • An Investigation of Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes toward Animals and Empathy toward Humans: Implications for Humane Education Development (2016/2019, Project Code: 2539120, PI)
  • Effect of a Canine-assisted Read-Aloud Program on the Reading Fluency and Accuracy of Third-Graders with Poor Reading Performance: a Pilot Study [A project supported by the SEC Department (2017/2018 Research Support Scheme; SEC/RSS2017-18-10), PI]
  • Attitude to Animals and Empathy among Chinese Adolescents and Young Adults [A project supported by the Internal Research Grant (2016/2017 Start-up Grant; RG99/2016-2017R), PI]
  • Attitude to Animals among Chinese Pre-service Teachers in Early Childhood Education [A project supported by the SEC Department (2016/2017 Research Support Scheme; SEC/RSS2016-17-010), PI].


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Fung, S. C., & Chan, R. C. H. (2023). Evaluation of a person-centred psychotherapy programme for children with developmental disabilities and parents in disadvantaged families. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. Doi:10.1002/capr.12638.
  • Chan, R. C. H., & Fung, S. C. (2022). Elevated levels of COVID-19-related stress and mental health problems among parents of children with developmental disorders during the pandemic. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(3), 1314-1325 Doi:10.1007/s10803-021-05004-w.
  • Fung, S. C., & Zhou, Sili (2020) An Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Animals and Empathy Toward Humans: Implications for Humane Education Development, Anthrozoös, 33(3), 415-426, DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2020.1746531
  • Fung, S. C. (2019). Counsellors in Hong Kong Primary Schools: On Becoming Visible Counselling Professionals. Global Journal of Health Science, 11(12), 80-90. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v11n12p80
  • Fung, S. C. (2019). Effect of a Canine-Assisted Read Aloud Intervention on Reading Ability and Physiological Response: A Pilot Study. Animals, 9(8), 474; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9080474
  • Fung, S. C. (2019). Effects of an Experiential Training Group on Psychological Wellness and Professional Efficacy for Counsellors-in-Training. Global Journal of Health Science, 11(9), 22-33. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v11n9p22
  • Fung, S. C. (2019). Humane Attitudes and Empathic Tendencies in Chinese Young People: Implications for Humane Education. International Education Studies, 12(1), 53-60. doi:10.5539/ies.v12n1p53
  • Fung, S.C. (2017). An Observational Study on Canine-assisted Play Therapy for Children with Autism: Move Towards the Phase of Manualization and Protocol Development. Global Journal of Health Science. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5539/gjhs.v9n7p67
  • Fung, S.C. (2017). Canine-assisted Reading Programs for Children with Special Educational Needs: Rationale and Recommendations for the Use of Dogs in Assisting Learning. Educational Review. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2016.1228611
  • Fung, S.C. (2015). Increasing the Social Communication of a Boy with Autism Using Animal-Assisted Play Therapy: A Case Report. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 29(3):27-31.
  • Fung, S.C. (2014). Effect of Animal-Assisted Play Therapy on Facilitating Social Behavior for Children with Autism: A Preliminary Comparison Study. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 2(2), 40-59.
  • Fung, S. C. & Leung, S. M. (2014). Pilot study investigating the role of therapy dogs in facilitating social interaction among children with autism. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 44(4), 253-262. doi: 10.1007/s10879-014-9274-z
  • Lau, S. Y. P. & Fung, S. C. (2008). School guidance and counselling in an international context: A reaction paper. Asian Journal of Counselling, 15(2), 207-228.


Book Chapters

  • 馮淑珍、陳俊豪 (2022). 抗疫。抗逆:網上視像小組輔導輔導員訓練手冊,香港: 香港教育大學編印 [ISBN : 9789881676276]
  • Fung, S. C. (2017). School-based humane education programme in Hong Kong: Current implementation and future direction. In M.T. Hue (Ed.), School counselling in a Chinese context: Supporting students in need in Hong Kong. New York: Routledge.
  • Fung, S. C. (2017). Therapeutic use of companion animals: Applying animal-assisted therapy in supporting students with special educational needs. In M.T. Hue (Ed.), School counselling in a Chinese context: Supporting students in need in Hong Kong. New York: Routledge.
  • Fung, S. C. (2013). Ethics in School Counselling. In Pattie Y. Y. Luk-Fong & Yuk Ching Lee-Man (Eds.), School Guidance and Counselling: Trends and Practices (pp. 219-238). Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press.
  • 馮淑珍 (2011): 學校輔導的倫理議題,輯於陸方鈺儀、李文玉清編《學校輔導﹕趨勢與實務》,(頁199 – 217) ,香港: 香港大學出版社


Conference Presentations

  • Fung, S. C. (2014, December). Increasing the Social Communication of a Boy with Autism Using Animal-Assisted Play Therapy: A Case Study. Paper presented at International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEAP) 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Fung, S.C. (2012, March). Animal-Assisted Therapy: an option of the Autism Rehabilitation. Paper presented at Seminar on Autism in Hong Kong 2012, Centre for Special Needs & Studies in Inclusive Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  • Fung, S. C. (2011, March). The utilization of Animal-Assisted Therapy in facilitating social interaction for children with Autism: an experimental study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Seminar on Autism in Hong Kong 2011, Centre for Special Needs & Studies in Inclusive Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education.


Other Publications

  • Fung, S. C. (2019 April). Early Intervention of Students’ Mental Health Problem. Sky Post. April 24 2019
  • Yu, C.Y.I., Fung, S.C., Fung, L.C.A., Siu, F.Y.A., Tse, S.K.S., Sun, T.l.C., Li, W.O.A., Fu, W., Young, K.Y.D., Lam Yeung, K.S., & Yuen, M. (2018 May). LegCo Members, Counselling Academics from Universities, Primary School Principals and School Counsellors Urge for Holistic Counselling Services Supported by “One School Social Worker and One School Counsellor for Each School”. Public Forum Press Release. Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong Shue Yan University. May 27 2018.
  • Fung, S. C. (Oct. 2016). The Story of Jingles and Johnny: The Origin of Animal-assisted Therapy. Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association, Newsletter.
  • 馮淑珍 (2016):未夠好、未夠好!我還是未夠好!(自尊感上篇 /中篇 /下篇 ),傾計堂,https://www.facebook.com/thelittleear/?fref=nf
  • 馮淑珍 (2014. 7):融合教育政策與本地專業輔導的發展,香港專業輔導協會,通訊.
  • 馮淑珍 (2007. 2 .10):生活簡單 足夠便好,月刋《健康教室》,第26期,12-13.
  • 馮淑珍 (2006. 11 .10):你的感覺 你的選擇,月刋《健康教室》,第23期,16-17.
  • 馮淑珍 (2006. 9 .10):大人都愛自尋煩惱,月刋《健康教室》,第21期,20- 21.
  • 馮淑珍 (2006. 8 .10):爸爸媽媽,你們懂得聽話嗎?,月刋《健康教室》,第20期,12-13.
  • 馮淑珍 (2006. 7 .10):讚賞:讓人快樂的心靈妙品,月刋《健康教室》,第19期,6-7.


Community & Professional Services

  • Panel Member of the HKCAAVQ’s Accreditation Exercise (2/2019 – 4/2019 & 11/2016 – 1/2017)
  • Council Member of the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA) (2012-2018)
  • Member of Program Accreditation sub-committee of the HKPCA (2015-2016)
  • Editorial Board Member: Journal of Counselling Profession & Human Animal Interaction Bulletin
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions; Journal of Counselling Profession; Educational Review; Animals
  • School Management Committee Member of the Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School (25/07/2019 – 21/02/2020)
  • Fung, S.C. (2016, October). An exploration of Animal-assisted Therapy. Talk given at a seminar for counselling professionals, organized by Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association.
  • Fung, S.C. (2016, July). Support Families of Children with Autism. Talk given at a training seminar for social workers, organized by Against Child Abuse.
  • Fung, S.C. (2014, Nov.). Animal-Assisted Therapy: an alternative therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Talk given at a seminar for social workers, organized by Heep Hong Society.
  • Fung, S.C. (2014, Jan.). Support Children with Autism. Talk given at a seminar for voluntary workers, organized by Animals Asia Foundation.
  • Fung, S.C. (2013, Jan.). Characteristics of Children with Autism. Talk given at a seminar for voluntary workers, organized by Animals Asia Foundation.
  • Mentor of Ying Wa Boys (2012/2013). Mentorship Project organized by Ying Wa College.


Membership of Professional Associations

  • Registered Teacher, Education Bureau, The Government of the HKSAR
  • Certified Counsellor, The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (2012-2020)
  • Associate Fellow, The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (2012-2020)



(852) 2948 7777

(852) 2948 7777
(852) 2948 7794
專門 : ﹕學習障礙

Ph.D., University of New South Wales


  • 自閉症
  • 閱讀困難
  • 融合教育
  • 智能障礙
  • 研究方法


  • 融合教育
  • 特殊教育


  • Implementation of Theory of Mind (ToM) Learning Activities: Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders[Quality Education Fund (QEF), 2010-2012, F.C. Ho (PI)]
  • The QEF Thematic Network Scheme - Serving Students with Dyslexia (3rd phase)  [Quality Education Fund (QEF), 2010-2012, F.C. Ho (PI)]
  • Study on Equal Learning Opportunities for Students with Special Educational Needs under the Integrated Education System [EOC, 2010-2011, K. Sin (PI), C. Forlin, F.C. Ho, M.L Au & Z. Yan (Co-Is)]


Scholarly Books, Monograaphs and Chapters

  • Ho, F. C. (2012). Theory of mind III: Teaching children with autism spectrum disorders emotions. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho. F. C. (2012). Professional development for teachers of students with autism spectrum disorders in Hong Kong. In C. Forlin (Ed.), Future directions for inclusive teacher education: An international perspective (pp.151-159). New York: Routledge.
  • Ho, F. C. (2012). QEF Thematic Networking - Serving students with dyslexia: Reading and writing strategies IV. Hong Kong: QEF and HKIEd.
  • Ho, F. C. (2012). QEF Thematic Networking - Serving students with dyslexia: Reading and writing strategies III. Hong Kong: QEF and HKIEd.
  • Chu, S. S. W., Chung, K. K. H., & Ho, F. C. (2011). Ka-ho, a case study of dyslexia in China. In Anderson, P. L., & Meier- Hedde, R. (Eds.), International Case Studies of Dyslexia (pp. 46-64). New York: Routledge.
  • Ho, F.C. (2010). A Collaborative Mode of Professional Development for Teachers in Special Schools. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Special Schools Council and Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho, F. C. (2010). QEF Thematic Networking - Serving students with dyslexia: Reading and writing strategies II. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho, F. C. (2010). Writing strategies for students with learning disabilities in Hong Kong. In F. C. Ho (Ed.), QEF Thematic Networking - Serving students with dyslexia: Reading and writing strategies II (ch1,pp. 12-26). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Quality Education Fund.
  • 何福全、冼權鋒合編(2010):《「合作學習」在特殊學校的實踐與啟示》,香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
  • 何福全(2010):以合作模式為特殊學校教師作專業發展計劃的理念及施行,何福全編,以合作模式為特殊學校教師作專業發展,(7-15),香港,香港教育學院、香港特殊學校議會、優質教育基金。
  • 何福全(2010):在特殊學校推行的學習圈合作學習計劃,冼權鋒和何福全編,合作學習:在特殊學校的實踐與啟示,(5-14),香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
  • 冼權鋒和何福全編(2010):合作學習:在特殊學校的實踐與啟示,香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
  • 容佩雯、謝利明和何福全(2010):實踐合作學習以推動音樂教學的效能,冼權鋒和何福全編,合作學習:在特殊學校的實踐與啟示,(15-17),香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
  • 梁飛龍和何福全(2010):透過合作學習於體育科中跨越技能訓練,冼權鋒和何福全編,合作學習:在特殊學校的實踐與啟示,(18-22),香港,香港教育學院特殊學習需要與融合教育中心。
  • Ho, F. C. (2009). Reflection on using theory of mind to teach children with autism spectrum disorders. In F. C. Ho (Ed.),Theory of Mind II: Teaching Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Emotions (pp.17). Hong Kong: Education Bureau.
  • Ho, F. C. (Ed.) (2009). Theory of Mind II: Teaching Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Emotions. Hong Kong: Education Bureau.
  • Ho, F. C. (2008). Using strategies to teach students with special needs reading and writing. In F. C. Ho (Ed.), School Networking Programme: Reading and Writing Strategies (pp.1-7). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho, F. C. (Ed.) (2008). School Networking Programme: Reading and Writing Strategies. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education and Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho, F. C. (2007). Including students with learning disabilities. In S. N. Phillipson (Ed.), Learning Diversity in the Chinese Classroom: Contexts and Practice for Student with Special Needs. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
  • 何福全(2005):「想法解讀」與自閉症的關係,輯於《融合教育教學資源文集》,(頁3),香港,中華基督教會基順學校。
  • Hui, L.H., Sin, K.F., Ho, F.C. & Chan, H.K. (2004). Partnership in staff development: A school-institute project in Shanghai and Hong Kong. In J. Lee (Ed.). Partnership and Change. The Chinese University Press.
  • Ho, F.C., Heung, W.K., Sin, K.F. & Yip-Ng, S.Y. (Eds.) (2003). Dyslexia: Awareness and Teaching. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Quality Education Fund.
  • Liu, W.Y. & Ho, F.C. (2003). Case analysis. In F.C. Ho and others (Eds.). Dyslexia: Awareness and Teaching. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho, F.C., Heung, W.K. & Sin, K.F. (2003). Children with dyslexia: Characteristics, assessment and teaching methods. In F.C. Ho and others (Eds.). Dyslexia: Awareness and Teaching. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Quality Education Fund.
  • Tsang, W.F. & Ho, F.C. (2003). Using “Mastery Learning” to teach children with learning difficulties Mathematics. In L.H. Hui & Sin, K.F. (Eds.). SNE Action research. HK: HKIEd. (in Chinese)
  • Sin, K.F., Ho, F.C. & Hui, L.H. (Eds.) (2003). Information Technology in Special Education: Action Research. Hong Kong : Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  • Ho, F.C., Cheng-Lau, L.H., Chiu-Ching, T.L., Fung-Fung, W.Y., Sin, K.F. & Yip-Ng, S. Y. (2003). Using Theory of Mind to Teach Children with Autism. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho, F.C. (2000). Curriculum for Children with mental handicap in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong Association of Workers Serving the People with Mental Handicap (Ed.), Exchange Conference for Workers for the People with Mental handicap in the New Century. Hong Kong.
  • Ho, F.C. (2000). Co-teaching in Inclusive Settings. In K.F. Sin & S.W. Tao (Eds.). Making Integration Successful. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Quality Education Fund.
  • Tse, J., Chiu, H., & Ho, F.C. (1992). An Ecological Curriculum for Students with Mental Retardation. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Journal Publications
  • Ho, F. C., & Siegel, L. (in press). A study of the relationships among Chinese multi-character words, sub-types of readers and instructional methods. Journal of Learning Disabilities.

  • 冼權鋒、呂明、晏子、何福全、區美蘭和霍艾蓮 (2013) : 「融合教育制度下殘疾學生的平等學習機會研究」的啟示,《香港特殊教育論壇》,15,頁106-110。
  • Ho, F. C., & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2013, In Press). An evaluation of the collaborative mode of professional development for teachers in special schools in Hong Kong. British Journal of Special Education. 
  • Ho, F. C., & Yan, Z. (2013, In Press). Identification of the Patterns of Chinese Character Recognition in Students with Learning Disabilities Requiring Tier-2 Support: A Rasch Analysis. Educational Psychology.
  • Ho, F.C. & Siegel, L. (2012). Identification of sub-types of students with learning disabilities in reading and its implications for Chinese word recognition and instructional methods in Hong Kong primary schools. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25(7), 1547-1571.
  • Ho, F. C., & Au-Mansukhani, R. H. L. (2010). A collaborative mode of professional development for teachers of special schools in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Special Education Forum, 12, 37-48.
  • Ho, F. C. (2007). Case study: Using "theory of mind" to teach a student with Autism. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 6 (1), 25-33.
  • Ho, F.C. & Liu, W.Y. (2005). Teaching children with dyslexia reading and writing in Hong Kong. Proceedings of Hong Kong Red Cross Special Education & Rehabilitation Service 50th Anniversary International Conference.
  • Ho, F.C. (2004). Reading Patterns of Children with Learning Difficulties in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Special Education Forum, 7, 34-46.
  • Ho, F.C. & Elliott, R. (1999). Role of phonological awareness in teaching dyslexic children to read. Hong KongSpecial Education Forum, 2, 56-60.
Conference Papers
  • Ho, F. C. (2009, June). A collaborative mode of professional development for teachers in special schools. Paper presented at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2009, Singapore.
  • Ho, F. C.(2009,5):A school network: Strategies for teaching children with learning disabilities reading and writing,Paper presented at the International Conference on Reading and Writing: Updating on Managing Dyslexia,Hong Kong。
  • Ho, F. C. (2009, May). Reading errors of reading disabled children with surface and phonological dyslexic patterns in Chinese. Paper presented at the 2009 PANSIG Conference, Japan.
  • Ho, F. C. (2008, December). A discussion of the teaching of children with specific learning disabilities and children with autistic spectrum disorders in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Conference on Reading and Writing: Updating on Managing Dyslexia, Macau.
  • Ho, F. C. (2008, November). A school network for serving students with dyslexia in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference 2008, Singapore.
  • Ho, F. C. (2007, November). A comparison of the effectiveness of computer and flash card programme for children with learning disabilities to learn to read. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference 2007, Perth, Australia.
  • Ho, F. C. (2007, August). Effects of analytic and whole-word methods on teaching average and learning disabled readers to read Chinese characters. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Reading, Berlin.
  • Ho, F. C. (2007, June). Using "Theory of mind" to teach a student with Autism. Paper presented at the International Forum & Workshop on Autism, Beijing.
  • Ho, F. C. (2007, June). Using different teaching methods to teach children with learning disabilities Chinese characters. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of International Asoociation of Special Education, Hong Kong.
  • Ho, F. C. (2007, May). Effects of different instructional programmes on teaching children with learning disabilities to read Chinese characters. Paper presented at the Redesigning Pedagogy Conference, Singapore.
  • Mok, M. M. C., Callingham, R., Philipson, S. N., Heene, M., Bond, T. G., & Ho, F. C. (2006, November). Using Rasch measurement for educational research. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong.
  • Sin, K. F., Ho, F. C., & Leung, Y. W. (2006, November). The analysis of parental expectations and preferences for further education and career placement after the graduation of their children with disabilities. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong.
  • Ho, F. C., & Bond, T. (2006, June). Evidence of surface and phonological dyslexic patterns in Chinese. Paper presented at the Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium, Hong Kong.
  • Ho, F. C. (2006, May). Using theory of mind to teach children with Autism in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Educational Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.
  • Ho, F. C. (2006, April). The effectiveness of analytic and whole-word approaches for teaching Chinese dyslexic children. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Reading Disability, Canton.
  • Ho, F. C. (2005, December). Incorporating multi-sensory approach into focused word recognition method to teach children with learning difficulties in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Australian Association for Research in Education, Australia.
  • Ho, F. C., & Liu, W. Y. (2005, July). Teaching children with dyslexia reading and writing in Hong Kong. In the Proceedings of Hong Kong Red Cross Special Education & Rehabilitation Service 50th Anniversary International Conference, Hong Kong.
  • Hui, L.H., Sin, K.F., Chan, H.K., Kwok, D., Dowson, C., Ho, F.C., Tong, C.L., Tsui, K.T. & Wong, V. (2002). The Multiplicity of Handicaps among Students of Aided Schools, Practical Schools and Skills Opportunity Schools. Report to EMB.
  • Dowson, C., Heung, V., Ho, F.C., Hong, A., Hui, P., Luk, P. Sin, K.F., Yip, E. & Yuen, C. (2003). Case Studies of Four Integrated Schools in Hong Kong. Report to the Support Group on Integration Education.
  • Lin, J., Ho, F.C., Chiu-Ching, T.L., Tse, A., Yung, K.K., Leung-Yeung, S., Ng, K.H., Li-Cheung, C. & Fung, C.M. (2002).Constructing a School-based Curriculum on the Basis of Generic Skills (Part 1). Report to CDI, EMB.
  • Lin, J., Ho, F.C., Chiu-Ching, T.L., Tse, A., Yung, K.K., Leung-Yeung, S., Ng, K.H., Li-Cheung, C. & Fung, C.M. (2003).Constructing a School-based Curriculum on the Basis of Generic Skills (part II). Report to CDI, EMB.
  • Ho, F.C. (2010). Networking for Reading and Writing Strategies II. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education and Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho, F.C. (2008). Networking for Reading and Writing Strategies I. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education and Quality Education Fund.
  • Ho, F.C. (2008). Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Manage Emotions (ToM). Hong Kong: Education Bureau.
  • Ho, F.C., Heung, W.K. & Sin, K.F. & Yip-Ng, S.Y. (2003). Paradise for word identification. HKIEd and QEF.
  • Ho, F.C., Cheng-Lau, L.H., Chiu-Ching, T.L., Fung-Fung, W.Y., Sin, K.F. & Yip-Ng, So, Y. (2003). Using Theory of Mind (ToM) to Teach Children with Autism.


  • The QEF Thematic Network Scheme - Serving Students with Dyslexia (2nd phase)  [Quality Education Fund (QEF), 2008-2010, F.C. Ho (PI)]
  • Using a Collaborative Mode to Strengthen the Professional Skills of Teachers in Special Schools [Quality Education Fund (QEF), 2008-2010, F.C. Ho (PI)]
  • Training Theory of Mind Skill to Enhance Social Interaction in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB), 2008-2009, F.C. Ho (PI)]
  • Using an Analytic vs Whole-word Approach to Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities  [IRG, 2007-2008, F.C. Ho (PI)]
  • The QEF Thematic Network Scheme - Serving Students with Dyslexia (1st phase)  [Quality Education Fund (QEF), 2006-2008, F.C. Ho (PI)]
  • Teaching Students with Autism: Home-School Partnerships [Quality Education Fund (QEF), 2001-2003, F.C. Ho (PI), L. Cheng, R. Chiu, A. Fung, K. Sin, & S.Y Yip-Ng (Co-Is)]
  • Dyslexia: Awareness and Teaching [Quality Education Fund (QEF), 2000-2002, F.C. Ho (PI), K. Sin, V. Heung & S.Y Yip-Ng (Co-Is)]


  • Member of CDC Committee on Special Educational Needs, Curriculum Developmental Institute, EDB (2007 to present)
  • Reviewer of the articles for New Horizons in Education, Australian Association for Research in Education, Evaluation and Research in Education, Reading and Writing, Educational psychology




專門: 執行功能、青少年犯罪行為、情緒及行為困難、教育心理學

PhD (Educational Psychology), The University of Hong Kong

M.S.A, Central Michigan University

Bachelor of Arts (Major Psychology, Minor Sociology), The University of British Columbia


Dr Kean Poon is a chartered educational psychologist of the British Psychological Society and a registered educational psychologist of the Hong Kong Association of Educational Psychologists. She is currently a senior lecturer in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales, Sydney and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling at The Education University Hong Kong (EdUHK). Before joining EdUHK, Dr Poon obtained her doctoral degree in educational psychology at the University of Hong Kong, specialising in cognitive deficits in students with reading difficulties (RD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Her research interests are (1) executive function in special education; (2) adolescents with ADHD and/or RD; and (3) juvenile delinquency. She has also developed three evidence-based electronic training applications: i-maze, Task-switching, and the Mr Fox games. Dr Poon won the silver medals and special awards at the 2019 Silicon Valley International Invention Festival as well as at the 2020 and 2022 International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada. She was selected among the Top 10 best woman inventors of the competition. In recognition of her outstanding contributions in knowledge transfer to the local and international fields, Dr Poon was awarded the 2020/21 President’s Award for Outstanding in Knowledge Transfer.


Membership of Professional Societies

  • Associate Fellow, The Hong Kong Psychological Society
  • Chartered Psychologist (Educational Psychology), The British Psychological Society
  • Registered Educational Psychologist, Division of Educational Psychology (DEP), The Hong Kong Psychological Society
  • Member, The Hong Kong Association of Educational Psychologists
  • Accredited Mediator, Hong Kong International Arbitration Center
  • Accredited Mediator, The Accord Group (Australia)


Awards and Honors

  • President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer 2020/21
  • Best Woman Inventor Award, 5th International Invention Innovation Competition, iCAN 2020
  • Silver Award, 5th International Invention Innovation Competition, iCAN 2020
  • Special Award, Toronto International Society of Innovation and Advanced Skills, 5th International Invention Innovation Competition, iCAN 2020
  • Silver Award, Silicon Valley International Invention Festival 2019
  • 2018/2019 FEHD Top 10% Teaching Award
  • 2016/2017 FEHD Top 10% Teaching Award
  • 2015/16 Departmental Award for the Achievement of High Student Evaluation of Teaching Scores


Teaching Areas

  • School Guidance and Managing Diversity
  • Understanding Students with Special Needs
  • Education Project


Recent and Ongoing Research Projects

  • Effects of Aerobic Exercise and High-Intensity Interval Training on the Mental Health of Adolescents Living in Poverty (Principal Investigator, RGC Research Matching Grant Scheme, 2021-2023)
  • Understanding and Promoting the Wellbeing of Students with SENs (Principal Investigator, Beijing-Hong Kong Universities Alliance (BHUA) Activities Fund, 2021-2022)
  • Web-based Learning for Students with Diverse Needs (Reading and Writing) at the Junior Secondary Level (Principal Investigator, Quality Education Fund Thematic Network, 2021-2022)
  • Working Memory Application for Pre-School Children from Low-Income Families (Principal Investigator, Innovation & Technology Fund, 2021-22)
  • Effectiveness of Music Therapy in Social Skill Intervention for Children with ASD/ID: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Co-Investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund, 2020-2022)
  • Examining the Effectiveness of Working Memory Training App in Students with ADHD and/or RD (Principal Investigator, Knowledge Transfer Seed Fund, 2020-2021)
  • Mind and Study Matter: Tutoring and Counselling Programme (Principal Investigator, HSBC Private Banking and Asian Charity Services, 2020-2022)
  • InnoTech for SEN Students (Co-Investigator, Faculty Strategic Area Fund, 2020-2023)
  • The Good Shepherd Project (Principal Investigator, Advance Children Medical and Education Foundation, 2020-2022)
  • Developing an English Version of the Task-Switching Training App for Adolescents with Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (Principal Investigator, Department Knowledge Transfer Seed Fund, 2019-2020)
  • Enhancing Executive Functioning in Children Living in Low Income Families: Cantonese Opera and Social-emotional Learning Intervention (Co-Investigator, General Research Fund, 2019-2021)
  • The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Relation to Executive Function in Chinese and Australian Adolescents with ADHD (Principal Investigator, FEHD Internationalization and Exchange Research Scheme, 2019-2022)
  • Aggressive Youth in Hong Kong: Subtypes, Neuropsychological Risk and Intervention (Principal Investigator, Internal Research Grant, 2018-2019)
  • Improving Children’s Chinese Literacy Performance by Developing an Educational Computer Game for Training Morphological Skills (Co-Investigator, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, 2018-2020)
  • Intervention Efficacy of Assistive Listening Devices for Chinese Children with Dyslexia: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Co-Investigator, Health and Medical Research Fund, 2017-2019)
  • Relationship between Poverty and Neurocognitive Skills (Co-Investigator, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, 2017-2020)
  • Enhancing Executive Functioning of Children Living in Poverty: A Randomized Experiment Study (Principal Investigator, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, 2016-2018)
  • Working Memory Training in Young Children with ADHD and/or RD: A randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial (Principal Investigator, Departmental Collaborative Research Fund, 2016-2017)
  • Development of Hot and Cool Executive Functions in Chinese Delinquent Adolescents (Principal Investigator, Internal Research Grant, 2015-2016)


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Wang, L. C., Chen, J. K., & Poon, K. (accepted). Relationships between the state anxiety and reading comprehension of Chinese students with and without dyslexia: A cross-sectional design. Learning Disability Quarterly
  • Poon. K. (2022). Effects of aerobic exercise and high-intensity interval training on the mental health of adolescents living in poverty: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(1), e34915.
  • Poon,K., Ho, M. S. H., & Wang, L. C. (2021). Examining the distinctive working memory profiles in Chinese children with the predominantly inattentive subtype of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading difficulties. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 718112.
  • Yum, Y. N., Lau, W. K. W., Poon, K., & Ho, F. C. (2020). Music therapy as social skill intervention for children with comorbid ASD and ID: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 20(1), 545. 
  • Poon, K. (2020). Evaluating dual-process theory of decision-making in Chinese delinquent adolescents. Australian Psychologist, 55(3), 257–268. 
  • Poon, K. (2020). The impact of socioeconomic status on parental factors in promoting academic achievement in Chinese children. International Journal of Educational Development, 75, 107175. 
  • Poon, K., Ho, M. S. H., Chu, P. C. K., & Chou, K. L. (2020). Transferability and sustainability of task-switching training in socioeconomically disadvantaged children: A randomized experimental study. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 32(8), 747–763. 
  • Poon, K. (2018). Hot and cool executive functions in adolescence: Development and contributions to important developmental outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2311. 
  • Poon, K. (2016). Understanding risk-taking behavior in bullies, victims, and bully victims: Using cognitive- and emotion-focused approaches. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1838.
  • Poon, K., & Ho, C. S. H. (2016). Risk-taking propensity and sensitivity to punishment in adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms and/or reading disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 53–54, 296–304.
  • Poon, K., & Ho, C. S. H. (2015). Contrasting deficits on psychosocial outcomes in Chinese delinquent adolescents with reading disability and/or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 26(1), 38–59.
  • Poon, K., & Ho, C. S. H. (2014). Contrasting deficits on executive functions in Chinese delinquent adolescents with reading disability and/or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(11), 3046–3056. .


Book Chapters

  • Poon, K., & Raine, A. (in press). Antisocial and moral behavior: A review and synthesis. In P. Robbins & B. F. Malle (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Poon, K. (2022). Executive functioning intervention for students with ADHD. In M. T. Hue & S. Karim (Eds.), Supporting diverse students in Asian inclusive classrooms: From policies and theories to practice (pp. 211-226). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.


Conference Papers

  • Poon, K. (2018, July). Enhancing executive functioning of children living in poverty: A randomized experiment study. Poster session presented at the 25th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
  • Poon, K. (2017, November). Enhancing executive functioning of children living in poverty: A randomized experiment study. Paper presented at the International Research Symposium on Public Management in Asia: Innovation and Transformation, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2017, April). Chinese adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and reading disabilities. Paper presented at the Ebenezer 120th Anniversary International Research Symposium, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2017, March). Addiction and cognition: Hot and cool executive functions in adolescence: Development and contributions to important developmental outcomes. Poster session presented at 4th International Medicine in Addiction Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Poon, K. (2016, July). Working memory training in young children with ADHD and/or RD. Paper presented at the Conference on Catering for Diverse Learning Needs, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2016, June). Cognitive appraisal and behavioral measure of risk in Chinese bully, victim and bully-victim adolescents. Poster session presented at 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  • Poon, K. (2016, March). Risk-taking in adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and reading disabilities. Keynote address presented at the Consortium of Asia-Pacific Education Universities (CAPEU), Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2015, March). Risk-taking propensity and sensitivity to punishment in adolescents with reading disability and/or ADHD symptoms. Poster session presented at the Inaugural International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Other Publications

  • Poon, K. (2021, July). Introducing The Good Shepherd Project. Health Plus Magazine.
  • Poon, K. (2021, April). Introducing The Good Shepherd Project. Hong Kong Economic Times.
  • Poon, K. (2020, September). Task-switching training app for students with low socioeconomic status. Good School Magazine (Issue 027).
  • Poon, K. (2019, January). Sharing experience as an educational psychologist and educator regarding the support in facilitating learning for children with special educational needs. Young Post, The South China Morning Post.
  • Poon, K. (2018, August). How to improve students' concentration and execution skills. Ta Kung Pao, Ming Pao, Sing Tao and HK01.


Community and Professional Services

  • Member of the Committee on Candidates with Specific Learning Disabilities, The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
  • Member of the Executive Committee of The EdUHK Schools Limited
  • Member of the Faculty Human Research Ethics Committee, EdUHK
  • Member of the Rehabilitation Subcommittee of the Riding for the Disabled Association
  • School Manager, Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch)
  • Ad hoc reviewer of Journal of Psychiatry and Universal Journal of Educational Research


Public Talks

  • Poon, K. (2021, December). Computerized working memory training for students with ADHD and/or RD. Learning and Teaching Expo, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2020, December). Children with learning difficulties. Alliance Française de Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2020, November). Supporting families of children with special educational needs. POPA Channel. 
  • Poon, K. (2020, October). Children with developmental delay and their special educational needs. 830 Magazine Programme, Radio Television Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2020, August). How to help children with ADHD engage in e-learning?.
  • Poon, K. (2020, August). Special education, whole school approach, and supporting students with ADHD. Han Academy, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2019, December). Managing children with ADHD. S.K.H Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2019, September). Introduction to the concept of cognitive function and its impact on children with special educational needs. HKSKH St. Stephen’s Church, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2019, September). The latest social movement in Hong Kong: Empathy towards youth. RTHK’s Morning News Programme, Radio Television Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2019, June). Evidence-based and practical measures in managing primary students with ADHD. Ho Yu Primary School, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2019, April). Children with special educational needs and parenting. All Virtues Baptist Church, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2017, September). Training workshop for teachers on 「高分低能?」淺談執行能力及其提升方法》.Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2017, June). Professional development sharing to school-based educational psychologists on executive function: Implications for educational psychology services. Po Leung Kuk, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2017, March). Training workshops for EdUHK students on the concepts of working memory, basic theories of computerized intervention on RD and/or ADHD, research skills, procedures, and ethics. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2016, May-November). Training workshops for EdUHK students on the concepts of executive function, basic theories of cognitive development and intervention, research skills, procedures, and ethics. The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2016, January). Children with special educational needs and parenting. All Virtues Baptist Church, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2015, November – Present). Youth pathology. The Hong Kong Police Force, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2015, September). School guidance and disciplinary approach. Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long), Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2015, July). Executive functioning skills development in adolescence. Christ College, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2015, May). Parenting issues. The Phoenix Satellite Television Co. Ltd., Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2015, March-September). Parenting issues. All Virtues Baptist Church, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2015, February). Training workshop for teachers on executive functioning skills development in adolescence. Christ College, Hong Kong.
  • Poon, K. (2014, November). Professional sharing seminar on 「從理論基礎及本地研究出發: 探討讀障或專注力不足及過渡活躍症學生行為問題的成因」.The Society of Boys’ Centres Hui Chung Sing Memorial School, Hong Kong.
  • Poon. K. (2014, November). The new face in FEHD.
  • Poon, K. (2014, October). Professional development seminar on 「從理論及本地研究看讀寫障礙和專注力不足及過渡活躍症學童在群育學校的教育」. The Hong Kong Juvenile Care Centre Chan Nam Cheong Memorial School & The Society of Boys’ Centres, Hong Kong.


姓名 職位 電話 電郵
陳倩楚女士 教學助理 (852) 2948 6469 nscchan@eduhk.hk
陳思慧女士 行政助理 (852) 2948 8949 szewai@eduhk.hk
鄭愷琳女士 教學助理 (852) 2948 8733 rhlcheng@eduhk.hk
張芷晴女士 項目助理 (852) 2948 8592 cheungtc@eduhk.hk
韓葆欣女士 行政助理 (852) 2948 8066 emilyhon@eduhk.hk
甘鎮堅先生 項目主任 [MA(EC)] (852) 2948 7683 kchunkin@eduhk.hk
羅行芝女士 二級行政主任 (852) 2948 8816 ehclaw@eduhk.hk
羅有成先生 教學助理 (852) 2948 7828 lawys@eduhk.hk
李寶珊女士 行政助理 (852) 2948 7899 leeps@eduhk.hk
莫梓萱女士 助理項目經理
(852) 2948 7045 sthmok@eduhk.hk
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(852) 2948 8434 nlokyiu@eduhk.hk
孫綺婷女士 行政助理 (852) 2948 8676 ytsuen@eduhk.hk
鄧婉宜女士 項目助理 [MSc(ESLPLD)] (852) 2948 6498 candytang@eduhk.hk
董晉瑋先生 二級行政主任 (852) 2948 7534 mcwtung@eduhk.hk
曾慧雲女士 項目主任 [MSc(ESLPLD)] (852) 2948 8674 wwtsang@eduhk.hk
王婷婷博士 高級研究助理 (852) 2948 7687 wangt@eduhk.hk
黃詠琳女士 項目助理 [MSc(ESLPLD)] (852) 2948 7689 wwinglam@eduhk.hk
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行政人員 (BAT 課程)

姓名 職位 電話 電郵
陳雪儀女士 項目主任 (852) 2948 8691 suetychan@eduhk.hk
鄭詠詩女士 項目主任 (852) 2948 8820 chengws@eduhk.hk
陳煜琛先生 項目主任 (852) 2948 8611 eyschan@eduhk.hk
朱禮俊先生 項目助理 (852) 2948 7465 mlcchu@eduhk.hk
黎浩琳先生 項目主任 (852) 2948 8938 laihl@eduhk.hk
賴朗軒先生 項目主任 (852) 2948 8741 olhlai@eduhk.hk
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姓名 職位 電話 電郵
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劉曦元女士 研究助理 (852) 2948 8289 dhylau@eduhk.hk
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李向飛博士 博士後研究員 (852) 2948 8362 lxiangfei@eduhk.hk
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張芹女士 研究助理 (852) 2948 7243 zqin@eduhk.hk
鄭秀琳女士 研究助理 (852) 2948 7779 xzheng@eduhk.hk

教學人員 (兼職)

姓名 職位 電話 電郵
陳文瑤女士 客席講師 rmychan@eduhk.hk
陳燕明女士 客席講師 cymchan@eduhk.hk
張展圖博士 客席講師 ctjackycheung@eduhk.hk
張浩原先生 客席講師 cheunghy@eduhk.hk
張麗雲女士 客席講師 olivia@eduhk.hk
張佩琦博士 客席講師 epkcheung@eduhk.hk
蔣天慧博士 客席講師 twchiang@eduhk.hk
趙程德蘭博士 客席講師 tlchiu@eduhk.hk
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莊美恩女士 客席講師 mychong@eduhk.hk
崔煒鞱先生 客席講師 rwtchui@eduhk.hk
鍾志源博士 客席講師 chungcy@eduhk.hk
方貴瀚先生 客席講師 khfong@eduhk.hk
馮敬詩女士 客席講師 ksfung@eduhk.hk
馮鳴龍先生 客席講師 fungml@eduhk.hk
高鳳展先生 客席講師 fzgao@eduhk.hk
何福全博士 客席講師 fcho@eduhk.hk
何碧盈博士 客席講師 hopikying@eduhk.hk
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梁盈盈博士 客席講師 kleung@eduhk.hk
伍詠光先生 客席講師 nwingkwong@eduhuk.hk
黃家雯博士 客席講師 cwooi@eduhk.hk
彭俏姿女士 客席講師 pchiuchi@eduhk.hk
徐偉東先生 客席講師 wttsui@eduhk.hk
徐雲生先生 客席講師 dwstsui@eduhk.hk
王尚齊郭博士 客席講師 sqgwang@eduhk.hk
黃雪美女士 客席講師 smwong@eduhk.hk
楊浩達先生 客席講師 htyeung@eduhk.hk
葉靜雯博士 客席講師 yipcm@eduhk.hk
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