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副教授, 署理系主任
(852) 2948 8225
M.S. & Ph.D., Psychology, Tufts University
B.A., Psychology & Linguistics, Haverford College
Cherry obtained her PhD degree in cognitive psychology at Tufts University. Before joining the SEC department at EdUHK, Cherry was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences at The University of Hong Kong. Her interests cover bilingualism and second language learning, focusing on reading and writing processes across languages or writing systems. Her recent work has used the ERP method to examine the neural correlates of visual word processing and language learning among bilingual/multilingual populations.
Ad-hoc reviewer for Experimental Brain Research; Frontiers in Language Sciences; Language Learning; Neuropsychologia; Psicologica; Psychophysiology; Scientific Studies of Reading
副教授, 副系主任
(852) 2948 8547
BSSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. HE Wu Jing Mavis, PhD, is Associate Professor of the Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include creativity, giftedness, and gifted education. Her research works aim to contribute to uncovering the critical factors that may facilitate creativity development and gifted education. She has published research findings that highlight the critical roles of cognitive appraisals, gender, enrichment, personality traits, and school climate in facilitating creativity development. Dr. He has substantial teaching experience in training pre-service and in-service teachers on gifted education, and in developing curriculums and programs in gifted and special educations. She also serves as member of the Curriculum Development Council – Gifted Education of the Education Bureau in Hong Kong in 2013–2019.
副教授, 副系主任
(852) 2948 8639
哲學博士, 心理學, 香港中文大學
署理助理院長(學與教), 高級講師II, 副系主任
(852) 2948 7378
Lee, B., Tsui, J. & Ho, C.Y. (2014 July) Presentation on “Comprehensive Guidance Programme and Individual Student Planning (ISP) in Hong Kong”. The Second International Conference on School Guidance in the Chinese Communities(第二屆兩岸四地學校輔導國際研討會). Shanghai, China: East China Normal University. 4 July 2014.
Tsui, J., Yau, F., Tsang., J. Leung, L. & Lee, Y.Y. (2014 July) Presentation on “Career Education as a Pivot in Comprehensive Guidance Programme: From Macro Planning to Micro Classroom Implementation in Hong Kong”. International Symposium of School Guidance and Counseling: New Perspectives on School Guidance and Counseling in Asian Countries and United States. Hiroshima, Japan: Hijiyama University. 27 July 2014.
Yuen, M. & Tsui, J. (2016 July) Presentation on “The Role of Meaning in Life and Connectedness in the Career and Talent Development of Chinese Learners”. 14th Asia Pacific Conference on Giftedness, Macau. 13 July 2016.
Yuen, M., Yau, F., Tsui, J., Tsang, J., & Lee, B. (2017 May). “Career Education and Vocational Training in Hong Kong”. Invited country paper. NYPI International Conference and International Conference of ARACD 2017. Seoul, South Korea: Sheraton Seoul Palace Gangnam Hotel. 17 May 2017.
Tsui, J. & Ip, R. (2021 March). Thematic Seminar for Secondary School Teachers on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Services for Students – Group Guidance Skills, 2020/21 School Year. Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 4 March 2021.
Yuen, M., Tsui, J. & Yau, F. (2021 May). Thematic Seminar for Secondary School Teachers on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Services for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), 2020/21 School Year. Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 28 May 2021.
Lee, Q. & Tsui, J. (2022 May). Thematic Seminar for Secondary School Teachers on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance Services for Students – Group Guidance Skills, 2021/22 School Year. Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education. 26 May 2022.
副教授, 副系主任
(852) 2948 8408
Ph.D., National University of Tainan, Taiwan
M.Phil., National University of Tainan Taiwan, R.O.C.
B.Ed., National University of Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Dr. WANG, Li-Chih Angus obtained his Ph.D. in special education from the National University of Tainan in Taiwan. Before joining our department this year, he served as an Associate Professor at National Tsing Hua University and EdUHK. He had previously taught in various educational settings within the realm of special education, encompassing preschool, primary, and secondary stages. His research interests include the cognitive and linguistic abilities related to Chinese SpLD, with a main focus on temporal processing. This extends to studies aimed at enhancing these cognitive and linguistic capabilities, as well as refining the pedagogical and assessment methods tailored to this population. Additionally, his research interests encompass the mental health and school life of students with Chinese SpLD, and how these conditions impact their reading performance or learning. Over recent years, he has been the recipient of research grants funded by the Research Grant Council (Hong Kong), Education Bureau (Hong Kong), National Science and Technology Council (Taiwan), Ministry of Education (Taiwan), and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Malaysia).
(852) 2948 8590
PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MPhil, University of Ghana
BA, University of Ghana
Dr Ahorsu is a result-oriented clinical psychologist with over a decade of experience in conducting research. He is currently serving as an academic editor at PLos One, and an early career editorial board member at the Asian Journal of Psychiatry. He has served in several clinical capacities including heading the employee assistance programme (EAP). As a clinical psychologist, the ultimate outcome of any research is to make life better, longer, and worth living. Guided by this assertion, my research mainly focuses on translating knowledge in psychology and neuroscience into understanding the thinking, feeling, and action of people with different health conditions so as to proffer appropriate treatment for them. Hence, my research interest can be partitioned into three areas. The first is on psychometrics—construction, validation, assessment, and other related activities. The second is on neuroscience (affective and cognitive)—understanding how people process various forms of information. The third is on (neuro)psychological intervention or neurocognitive rehabilitation—examining factors that affect the optimal functioning of humans and designing interventional techniques to remediate it. Broadly, the focus of my research interest is to assess and understand people with mental illness using traditional and cutting-edge research techniques so as to treat or recommend appropriate treatment for them.
Teaching Areas
Research Interests
Academic Conference and Presentation
Community and Professional Services
*Corresponding author
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
(852) 2948 7172
鄧沁麗博士於香港大學教育學院獲得博士學位。在加入特殊教育與輔導學系前,鄧博士獲得政府資助並擔任香港大學教育學院的博士後研究員。鄧博士的研究興趣聚焦於探討閱讀困難或聽障兒童語言處理的神經機制及雙語讀寫能力的發展。鄧博士曾於多份國際期刊發表論文,包括Neuropsychologia, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Annals of Dyslexia等。此外,鄧博士亦為多本國際同行評審期刊擔任審稿人,包括British Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education等。
期刊審查者: Learning and Instruction, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, First Language, Frontiers, Journal of Learning Disabilities, The Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading
遴選會員: The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR)
(852) 2948 8303
PhD in Educational Psychology, The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Winnie Chan is interested in children’s learning and development. In particular, her research focuses on children’s mathematical learning and difficulties. Her recent projects examine how home environment including parent-child activities and interactions can support children’s mathematical development. As an educational psychologist, Dr. Winnie Chan works on intervention projects to devise learning strategies and programs to support children’s learning.
(852) 2948 8618
Ph.D. (2015), The University of Hong Kong
*Corresponding authors
講師 I
(852) 2948 6621
(852) 2948-6345
EdD, University of Bristol, UK
MAESP, City University of Hong Kong
PGSK, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registered secondary/primary school teacher
Dr Hastings Chim has been a registered primary and secondary school teacher as well as a lecturer in previously Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and currently the Education University of Hong Kong for more than twenty years. His serving schools have been diverse in which he once served as an English teacher in a primary school, the English panel head in a secondary school populated with 80-90% of students with SEN and also a high banding secondary school. Dr Hastings Chim is now majorly involved in frontline teacher education in catering learning diversity and various faculty and departmental funded projects. He received his Doctor of Education in University of Bristol with his research interest in Inclusive Teacher Education, Specific Learning Difficulties and Inclusive Education. Dr Hastings Chim is at present a teacher educator and an active researcher.
2017- 19
Internal Service
(i) Multi-media instructional strategies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE0T61D3vJ0
(ii) Classdojo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtD1VxPA2Wg
(iii)The production of toondoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLcQ7dLZkMs
講座教授 (數據分析及多元教育)
(852) 2948 8602
PhD (Education, Mathematics, Science and Technology), University of California in Berkeley
EdM (Interactive Technology), Harvard University
BS (Computer Science), Columbia University, magna cum laude
短片簡介 (將於新視窗開啟)
(852) 2948 8945
Ph.D, Monash University
PGDE, Monash University
M.Ed (I&SE), Monash University
M.Ed (TESOL), Monash University
B.Com, The University of Melbourne
Dr Emily Chow, a lecturer at the Department of Special Education and Counselling, is a qualified special education teacher in Melbourne, Australia. Her research specialisation revolves around inclusive education, particularly for students with autism and diverse learning needs. Emily has led funded projects as the primary investigator and has organised professional development programs for teachers at local public and international schools. Furthermore, she teaches courses designed to support in-service teachers from regular primary and secondary schools in accommodating students with diverse learning needs.
Chow, W. S. E. (2023, September). The perceived support needs of teachers for including students with disabilities in the classroom: A scoping review study. Presented at the International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching, Melbourne, Australia.
Chow, W. S. E. (2018, September). A systematic review on teachers’ perceived needs to include students with disabilities in regular classrooms. Presented at International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan.
Chow, W. S. E. (2018, September). Perception of teachers’ support needs in the implementation of inclusive education in the past ten years. Presented at the MERC conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Chow, W. S. E. (2018, August). How do students with autism help me to be a better teacher? Presented at Aspect Autism in Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
助理院長(研究及研究課程), 副教授
(852) 2948 8659
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
BSc, Beijing Normal University
It Is Never Too Late to Learn: Leveraging Goals to Increase Learning Behaviors in Older Adulthood . Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (RGC/GRF) (Ref: 18623922). Role: Principal Investigator. HK$ 920,958 (2023-2025)
Staying Alone but Happy? Elucidating Age Differences in the Relationship between Solitude and Well-Being. Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (RGC/GRF) (Ref: 18610421), HK$ 594,029 (Principal Investigator; 2022-2024)
Protecting older people from loneliness during the coronavirus (Covid-19) and other novel infectious disease pandemic. Funded by the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) for One-off CRF Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Novel Infectious Disease (NID) Research Exercise (Ref: C8105-20GF) HK$ 5,487,015 (Co-Principal Investigator; 2021-2023)
Are Older Adults Lonely? Elucidating Age Differences in the Relationships between Solitude and Well-being. Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council Early Career Scheme (RGC/ECS), HK$1,013,372 (PI:2020-2022).
Age Differences in Marital Satisfaction: The Role of Emotional Goal. Funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$80,000 (Principal Investigator; 2019-2020).
Personal, Social, and Community Well-being. Funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$625,000 (Co-Investigator; 2019-2021).
The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Relation to Executive Function in Chinese and Australian Adolescents with ADHD. Funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$180,000 (Co-Investigator; 2019-2021).
When Being Alone May Not Be So Lonely: The Role of Negative Affect Valuation. Internal Research Grant, funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$99,985 (Principal Investigator; 2017-2018).
The Benefits of Negative Affect Valuation: The Role of Culture. Start-up Fund, funded by the Education University of Hong Kong, HK$30,000 (Principal Investigator; 2017-2018).
Valuing Negative Affect Buffers the Negative Effects of Marital Conflicts on Marital Satisfaction. Funded by Department of Special Education and Counselling, Education University of Hong Kong. Role: Principal Investigator. HK$50,000 (Principal Investigator; 2017-2018).
Can Being Alone Benefit the Mental Health of Older Adults? The Roles of Culture and Migration, funded by South China Programme Research Grant of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Co-Investigator; 2015-2017).
Daily Marital Interaction and Older Adults’ Short-term and Long-term Well-being, funded by Direct Grant of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Co-Investigator; 2012-2014).
Jiang, D.*, Lee, C. K. J., Kong, D. X., & Chiu, M. M. (in press). Intergenerational Support and Relationship Quality: A Daily Dairy Study among Aging Parents and Adult Children.Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. (IF2022 = 6.2; 5-yr IF = 5.7; SSCI: Q1).
Choi, Y., Lay, J., Lu, M., Jiang, D., Fung, H. H., Graf, P., & Hoppmann, C. A. (in press). Age Differences in the Daily Experience of Happiness: The Role of Thinking about the Future. Psychology and Aging. (IF2022 = 4.201; 5-yr IF = 4.359; SSCI: Q1).
Guan, Y., Jiang, D.*, Wu. C. R., Deng, H., Su, S. Y., Chen, S. X., Buchtel, E. E. (in press). Distressed yet bonded: A longitudinal investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic’s silver lining effects on life satisfaction. American Psychologist. (IF2022 = 16.358; 5-yr IF = 15.445; SSCI: Q1).
Jiang, D.* & Lee, C. K. J. (in press). Entity theory of Emotion Was Associated with More Daily Negative Affect during Quarantine: Evidence from A 14-Day Diary Study among Healthy Young Adults. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 1-18, . https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12379. (IF2022 = 7.521; 5-yr IF = 6.580; SSCI: Q1)
Chan, K. K. S., Lee, J. C. K.*, Yu, E. K. W., Chan, A. W. Y., Leung, A. N. M., Cheung, R. Y. M., Li, C. W., Kong, R. H. M., Chen, J., Wan, S. L. Y., Tang, C. H. Y., Yum, Y. N., Jiang, D., Wang, L., & Tse, C. Y. (in press). The impact of compassion from others and self-compassion on psychological distress, flourishing, and meaning in life among university students. Mindfulness.
Cheung, R. Y.*, Jiang, D., Yum, Y. N., & Bhowmik, M. K. (2022). Intercultural sensitivity and prosocial behavior towards South Asians in Hong Kong: Mediating mechanisms of warmth and stigma. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 86, 56-63.
Jiang, D.*, & Fung, H. H. (2022). Daily reciprocity and well-being: A diary study of intergenerational support between mothers and adult children during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 77(4), e46-e56.
Jiang, D.*, Li, M., Wu, H., & Liu, S. (2021). Learning from COVID-19: Infectious Disease Vulnerability Promotes Pro-Environmental Behaviors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8687.
Jiang, D.*, Chiu, M. M., & Liu, S. (2021). Daily Positive Support and Perceived Stress During COVID-19 Outbreak: The Role of Daily Gratitude within Couples. Journal of Happiness Studies. 1-15. DOI:10.1007/s10902-021-00387-0.
Jiang, D.* †, Liu Shuang†, Lee, C. K. J. & Li, M. W. L. (2021). Revisiting the Relationship between Disaster Focus and Materialism: The Mediating Roles of Mortality Salience and Gratitude. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Xia, W., Li, L. M. W.*, Jiang, D., & Liu, S. (2021) Dynamics of Stress and Emotional Experiences during the COVID-19 Results from Two 14-day Daily Diary Studies. International Journal of Stress Management.
Li, M. W. L.*, & Jiang, D. (2021). Marital Satisfaction can Backfire: The Magnifying Effect of Marital Satisfaction on the Dyadic Effect of Disabilities on Life Satisfaction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18105352
Li, W-Q., Li, L. M. W.*, Jiang, D., Liu, S. (2021). Fate control and ingroup bias in donation for the fight with the coronavirus pandemic: The mediating role of risk perception of COVID-19. Personality and Individual Differences. 171, 110456. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110456
Jiang, D. (2022). Feeling gratitude is associated with better well-being across the life span: A daily diary study during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 77(4), e36-e45.
Jiang, D. (2020). Perceived stress and daily well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak: the moderating role of age. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 571873.
Jiang, D., Warner, L. M., Chong, A. M. L., Li, T., Wolff, J. K., & Chou, K. L. (2021). Benefits of volunteering on psychological well-being in older adulthood: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Aging & Mental Health, 25(4), 641-649.
Fung, H. H.*, Chu, T. W. S., Jiang, D.*, & Chen, X. (2020). Contrasting the Effects of Mortality Salience and Future Time Limitation on Goal Prioritization across Adulthood. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 75(10), 2112-2121. DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbz133 (*= Co-Corresponding author)
Lay, J. C., Fung, H. H., Jiang, D., Lau, C. H., Mahmood, A., Graf, P., & Hoppmann, C. A*. (2020). Solitude in context: On the role of culture, immigration, and acculturation in the experience of time to oneself. International Journal of Psychology, 55(4), 562-571. DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12641
Jiang, D.,* Warner, L. M., Chong, A. M. L., Li, T., Wolff, J. K., & Chou, K. L. (2019). Promoting volunteering among older adults in Hong Kong: A randomized controlled trial. The Gerontologist, 60(5), 968-977. DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnz076.
Jiang, D.,* Fung, H. H., Lay, J. C., Ashe, M. C., Graf, P., & Hoppmann, C. A (2019). Everyday solitude, affective experiences, and well-being in old age: The role of culture versus immigration. Aging and Mental Health, 1, 1095-1104. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1479836.
Warner, L. M.,* Jiang, D., Chong, A. M. L., Li, T., Wolff, J. K., & Chou, K. L. (2019). Study protocol of a multi-center RCT testing a social-cognitive intervention to promote volunteering in older adults against an active control. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), 22-35. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-019-1034-1.
Jiang, D.,* Diane, H., Burns, R., & Anstey, K. J. (2019). Volunteering benefits life satisfaction over 4 years: The moderating role of social network size. Australian Journal of Psychology, 71(2), 183-192. DOI: 10.1111/ajpy.12217.
Sims, T.,* Koopmann-Holm, B., Young, H. R., Jiang, D., Fung, H., & Tsai, J. L. (2018). Asian Americans respond less favorably to excitement (vs. calm)-focused physicians compared to European Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 24(1), 1-14. DOI: 10.1037/cdp0000171
Tsai, J. L.,* Sims, T., Qu, Y., Thomas, E., Jiang, D., & Fung, H. H. (2018). Valuing excitement makes people look forward to old age less and dread it more. Psychology and Aging, 33, 975-992. DOI: 10.1037/pag0000295
Hosking, D. E.,* Jiang, D., Sargent-Cox, K. A., & Anstey, K. J. (2017). Informant-Reported Cognitive Decline and Activity Engagement across Four Years in a Community Sample. Gerontology, 63(5), 469-478. DOI: 10.1159/000475594
Tsai, J. L.,* Ang, J. Y. Z., Blevins, E., Goemandt, G., Fung, H. H., Jiang, D., Elliott, J., Kolzer, A., Uchida, Y., Lee, Y., Lin, Y., Zhang, X., Govindama, Y., Haddouk, L. (2016). Leaders’ smiles reflect cultural differences in ideal affect. Emotion. DOI: 10.1037/emo0000133
Jiang, D., Fung, H. H.,* Sims, T., Tsai, J. L., & Zhang, F. (2016). Limited Future Time Increases the Value of Calm. Emotion, 16, 52-62. DOI: 10.1037/emo0000094
Jiang, D., Li, T., & Hamamura, T.* (2015). Societies’ tightness moderates age differences in moral judgment. European Journal of Ageing, 12, 333-340. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-015-0346-z.
Sims, T., Tsai, J. L.,* Jiang, D., Wang, I., Fung, H. H., & Zhang, X. (2015). Wanting to Maximize the Positive and Minimize the Negative: Implications for Affective Experience in American and Chinese Contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109,292-315. DOI: 10.1037/a0039276
Chan, S., Jiang, D., & Fung, H. H.* (2015). Role conflict and satisfaction in work-family context: Age differences in the moderating effect of role commitment. PsyCh Journal, 4, 20-27. DOI: 10.1002/pchj.89
Wong, L. P., Fung, H. H.,* & Jiang, D. (2015). Associations between Death Attitudes and Religiosity: Differences between Christians and Buddhists? Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 7, 70-79. DOI: 10.1037/a0037993
Tam, K-P.*, Lau, H-P & Jiang, D. (2012). Culture and subjective well-being: A dynamic constructivist view. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, (43),23-31. DOI: 10.1177/0022022110388568.
(852) 2948 8194
AuD, Central Michigan University, USA
MBA, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
MSc (Audiology), The University of Hong Kong
BSc (Speech & Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong
Member of Register of Audiologists
Member of Register of Speech Therapists
Fellow of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology
International fellow of the American Academy of Audiology
Dr Anna Kam obtained her doctorate degree in Audiology in The Central Michigan University. She is an audiologist and also has a bachelor degree in speech pathology. She was the Vice-Chairperson of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology during 2000-2004 and she is the Vice-Chairperson of the Continuing Professional Development Board of the Hong Kong Society of Audiology (2014-2020). Her research interests include advanced technologies in aural rehabilitation, automated hearing screening, tinnitus management and auditory processing.
Teaching Areas
Research Interests
Recent and Ongoing Research Projects
Refereed Journal Articles
Book Chapter
Conference papers
Other Publications
Patent Granted
Patent Allowed
Honorary Appointment
Professional Societies
Community & Professional Services
Awards and Honors
(852) 2948 8861
MA (Special Need), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MA (Curriculum Development and Teaching of Liberal Studies), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BEd(Hon) (Student Counselling), The Hong Kong Baptist University
Registered Teacher, Education Bureau, 1998
Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF)-Hong Kong
Centre for Credentialing & Education (CCE) of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC),2015
Member Instructors (Basic and Youth Course) ,The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong,2016
International Accredited Professional Mediator and Assessor,
International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute,2019
Yvonne Kan Pui Wai has special education working experience over 20 experience. She joined the Department of Special Education and Counselling in EUDHK as Lecturer I in 2014, and have been teaching and co-ordination Professional Development Programs for teachers from Secondary, Primary and Special School. She has special interest and expertise in strategies to cope with students with and to support the learning of students with emotional and behavioral problems. Before she joined the university, she had worked in Secondary School for 14 years. She taught special need students with Special Learning Difficulties, AD/HD, Autism or Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. Since 2010, she was invited by EDB to serve as a seconded teacher. She visited to secondary schools with students of special education need and helped to develop appropriate learning strategies for teachers. She also worked with the schools’ LS panel heads in designing co-teaching lessons and in helping them to tailor-make the curriculum for special needs students.
School Advisor
St Paul Secondary School,2014- present
Chairperson of Education Committee
Hong Kong Medication Centre,2019- present
Honorary Advisor
Hong Kong Association for ADHD,2018-present
(852) 2948 8370
EdD, University of Hong Kong
MSW (Mental Health Counselling), California State University, USA
PgD (Sex Therapy), Florida Postgraduate Sex Therapy Training Institute
PgD (Sexuality Studies), University of Amsterdam
B.Soc.Sci (Social Work), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registered Social Worker (HKSWRB)
Approved Clinical Supervisor (HKPCA)
Certified Sex Therapist (HKASERT)
Dr. Diana Kwok is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling (SEC). She obtained her EdD from the University of Hong Kong. Diana is a registered social worker, approved counselor supervisor, and a certified sex therapist. She used to work in school, family, mental health, and LGBT service settings, in Hong Kong, and in the U.S.. She provides professional training and clinical supervision to social workers, counsellors, and mental health practitioners on mental health, sexuality education, and sexual diversity in various universities, NGOs, and government organizations. Diana's research interest focuses on the experience of gay/lesbian/queer/transgender students, sexuality education, and professional training/development/cultural competence of teachers/counselors / social workers working with sexual minorities and SEN students in the Chinese context.
Teaching areas
Research Interests
Sexual and Gender Diversity
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Counselling and Counsellor Education
Research Projects
Teaching Award (SEC Department, EDUHK, Dec 2018)
Early Career Award (UGC/Research Grants Council 2014/2015)
Refereed Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Other Publications/Related Research Activities
Community Service, Consultancy and Professional Involvement
Knowledge Transfer
Public Education and Professional Training Workshops/Seminar(selected)
Media articles/commentaries in relation to social issues
平等性教育計劃 (Sexuality For ALL)
(852) 2948 8274
BSc. (Speech and Hearing Science), Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
MSc. (Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences, Best dissertation award), Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Medical Speech-language Pathologist (SLP), NTEC Cluster, Hospital Authority (1996-2013)
Member of Clinical Neuroscience Team, Prince of Wales Hospital
Member of Cochlear Implant Team, Prince of Wales Hospital
Department in-charge of Speech Therapy Department of Cheshire Hone, Shatin and North District Hospital
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy teacher training under Hong Kong Centre of Mindfulness and Oxford Mindfulness Centre since 2016
Advanced teacher training in Mindful Parenting under Professor Susan Bögels, University of Amsterdam in 2018
Teach .b Foundation teacher training under Mindful in Schools Project, UK and Mindful School Culture Project, HKU in 2019
Kwok Yee Tak, Esther served as Speech-language-pathologist at Hospital Authority for over 17 years with rich and extensive clinical expertise and experiences. Esther well understood the importance of mind-body connection with mental & physical health. Being a Mindfulness teacher, Esther is devoted to teach Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Mindful parenting and . b Foundation Programme for parents of SEN children, in-service teachers, social workers/administrative staff, graduates, undergraduates and staff members of EdUHK as well as serving NGOs.
As the Programme Leader of Positive Education, Esther devoted at passing the invaluable vision of Positive Psychology, Positive Education and Mindfulness through organizing conference, workshops and educational video. Collaborative project on Mindfulness Education with University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters (HKACMGM)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy teacher training under Hong Kong Centre of Mindfulness and Oxford Mindfulness Centre
講師 I
(852) 2948 8953
Candidate of EdD (Educational Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
PGDE, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Joffee Lam is currently a candidate of Doctor of Education in Educational Psychology in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has acquired Master of Philosophy and Bachelor of Science in Statistics. Joffee is a qualified teacher who possesses frontline teaching experience in local mainstream and special schools. His teaching areas cover a wide range from guidance and counselling, psychoeducational assessment and testing to learning support for students with special educational needs.
As a statistician, Joffee has been developing his research interest on educational measurement, test development and validation, identifying and supporting students with special educational needs.
(852) 2948 8766
MSocSc (CityU)
Mr. Andy Lam obtained his Bachelor Degree in Social Science (Psychology) from Queensland University of Technology and Master’s Degree in Applied Psychology from City University of Hong Kong. Being a registered teacher, he is committed to the promotion of Integrated Education and the support of students with special educational needs (SEN) in general and specifically with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has established his teaching scholarship and tutorship in tertiary education for many years. He is interested in knowledge transfer; and coordinated projects, for tertiary education students with SEN , on the development of Mobile Applications and the use of 3D modelling tools for the support of children’s diverse learning needs. He is also experienced in using e-learning and various EdTech tools for learning support.
Teaching Areas
Research Interests
(852) 2948 8060
Ph.D (Educational Psychology), The University of Birmingham, UK
B.Phil (Educational Psychology), The University of Birmingham, UK
Registered Teacher (HK)
Dr. Lai obtained a Bachelor degree in Education and a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from the University of Birmingham, UK. He was a registered teacher in Primary, secondary and special schools and has considerable experience in counseling students with special needs. Dr. Lai is currently serving in the Department of Special Education and Counselling of the Hong Kong University of Education. The courses includes how to help students with ADHD, ASD and EBD. Dr Lai is the programme Leader of the programme PDP-CDLN which is focus on training current teachers on inclusive education and how to deal with students with special needs. Also, he is responsible for the planning of the Field Experience for the PGDE programme.
Lin, S. F. and Lai, C. L. (2016). School Bullying & cyberbullying in HK. In P. K. Smith, K. Kwak & Y. Toda (2016). (Ed.). School bullying in Different Cultures. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 7.
Lin, S. F. and Lai, C. L. (2016). Interventions against bullying in Hong Kong. InP. K. Smith, K. Kwak & Y. Toda (2016). (Ed.). School bullying in Different Cultures. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 19.
黎子良 (2017) 自殺防治(一):校園防火牆。林少峯主編 In Lin, S. F., Ed., (2017) 自殺?他殺?青少年為何走上絕路 (增訂版)? Why Youth Committed Suicides? “Homicides” or “Suicides”? 2nd Edition. Chung Hwa Publishing.中華書局。《第七章 p.99-129》.
黎子良 (2016) 自殺防治(二):校園防火牆。林少峯主編 In Lin, S. F., Ed., (2016) 自殺?他殺?青少年為何走上絕路 ? Why Youth Committed Suicides? “Homicides” or “Suicides”? Chung Hwa Publishing.中華書局。《第七章 p.111-136》
黎子良博士 Lai, C. L. <Co-authored, Book> (2016). 當父母遇上愛恩斯坦- 學會學習。 How Children Learn- When Parents meet “Einstein”, Chung Hwa Publishing. 中華書局。
黎子良博士 Lai, C.L. <Co-authored, Book> (2014). 望子成龍的迷思。 The Myth of developing your off-springs to Dragon-like persons. [Psycho-social Development of Children and its implications for Parenting.], Chung Hwa Publishing. 中華書局。
(852) 2948 8107
Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong
M.Sc (Audiology), The University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. (Speech & Hearing Science), The University of Hong Kong
(852) 2948 8304
Journal Paper Reviewer :
(852) 2948 6795
Ph.D. (Psychology), The Education University of Hong Kong
Huinan’s core research interest is mental health problems and deviant behaviors. Along this line, she is interested in the underlying mechanism of psychological resilience and pathway of desistance among the juvenile offenders.
Teaching Areas
Research method
Child and Adolescent Development
Stress and Health
Research Interests
Youth mental health
Deviant behaviors
Community rehabilitation
Academic Conference and Presentation
Liu, H., Hou, W. K., & Bonanno, G. A.(2023, May). Psychopathology and Resilience Among Juvenile Offenders: Multi-Level Predictors for Longitudinal Trajectories. The 2023 APS Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., USA. Poster presentation; Flash talk.
Liu, H., Mok, Y. C., Lau, K. L., & Hou, W. K. (2023, Mar). Measuring everyday adaptation after imprisonment: The post-release living inventory for ex-prisoners (PORLI-ex). The 2023 International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Brussels, Belgium. Poster presentation.
Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2021, Oct). Meta-analysis of Trauma and Mental Health Among Correctional Population. Greater Bay Area Young Scholar Forum on Psychological Science. Oral presentation.
Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2021, July). Meta-analysis of Trauma and Mental Health Among Correctional Population. 41st International Conference of the Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, and Resilience (STAR) Society. Haifa, Israel. Session chair; Oral presentation.
Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2021, July). Meta-analysis of Trauma and Mental Health Among Correctional Population. 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Prague, Czech Republic. Oral presentation.
Community and Professional Services
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for International Peer-Reviewed Journals
Membership of Professional Associations
Li, J., Xiao, M., & Liu, H. (corresponding author, accepted) A latent profile analysis of subjective exercise experience among physically vulnerable college students and psychiatric symptoms correlates during three phases of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. Frontiers in Psychology.
Liu, H., Mok, Y. C., Lau, K. L., & Hou, W. K. (2023). Measuring everyday adaptation after imprisonment: The post-release living inventory for ex-prisoners (PORLI-ex). International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 23(2), 100352. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijchp.2022.100352
Hou, W. K., Li, T. W., Liang, L., Liu, H., Ettman, C. K., Hobfoll, S. E., Lee, T. M. C., & Galea, S. (2022). Trends of depression and anxiety during massive civil unrest and COVID-19 in Hong Kong, 2019–2020. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 145, 77-84. https://10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.11.037
Ho, P.L., Li, T.W., Liu, H., Yeung, T.F., Hou, W. K. (2022) Testing a New Protocol of Nature-Based Intervention to Enhance Well-Being: A Randomized Control Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19073931
Li, T. W., Liang, L., Ho, P. L., Yeung, E. T. F., Liu, H., Hobfoll, S. E., & Hou, W. K. (2022). Coping resources mediate the prospective associations between disrupted daily routines and psychiatric symptoms: A population-based cohort study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 152, 260-268.
Liu, H., Li, T. W., Liang, L., & Hou, W. K. (2021). Trauma exposure and mental health of prisoners and ex-prisoners: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 102069. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2021.102069
Hou, W. K., Lee, T. M. C., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H., Ettman, C. K., & Galea, S. (2021). Civil unrest, COVID-19 stressors, anxiety, and depression in the acute phase of the pandemic: a population-based study in Hong Kong. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 56(8), 1499–1508. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-021-02037-5
Hou, W. K., Lee, T. M. C., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H., Tong, H., Ben-Ezra, M., & Goodwin, R. (2021). Psychiatric symptoms and behavioral adjustment during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from two population-representative cohorts. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41398-021-01279-w
Liang, L., Ben-Ezra, M., Chan, E. W., Liu, H., Lavenda, O., & Hou, W. K. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of the Adjustment Disorder New Module-20 (ADNM-20): A multi-study analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 81, 102406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2021.102406
Hou, W. K., Tong, H., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H, Ben-Ezra, M., Goodwin, R., & Lee, T. M. C.*(2021). Probable anxiety and components of psychological resilience amid COVID-19: A population-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 594-601. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.12.127
Chan, E. W. W., Liang, L., Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2021). The moderated associations of self-compassion with physiological and psychological stress responses: Comparisons between cancer caregivers and non-caregivers. Journal of Health Psychology, 1, 12. https://doi.org/10.1177/13591053211030994
Hou, W. K., Hall, B. J., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H., & Galea, S. (2021). Probable depression and suicidal ideation in Hong Kong amid massive civil unrest. Annals of Epidemiology, 54, 45-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.09.006
Tong, H., Hou, W. K., Liang, L., Li, T. W., Liu, H., Lee, T. M. C. (2021). Age-related effects of rumination on the loneliness-depression relationship: Evidence from a population-representative cohort. Innovation in Aging, 5(4), igab034. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igab034
Hou, W. K., Liu, H., Liang, L., Ho, J., Kim, H., Seong, E., Bonanno, G. A., Hobfoll, S. E., & Hall, B. J. (2020). Everyday life experiences and mental health among conflict-affected forced migrants: A meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 264, 50-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.11.165
Li, T. W., Lee, T. M. C., Goodwin, R., Ben-Ezra, M., Liang, L., Liu, H., & Hou, W. K. (2020). Social capital, income change, and psychobehavioral responses amid COVID-19: A population-based analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 8888. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17238888
亓培超和刘慧楠 心理测试技术在判断犯罪意图和过失中的应用[J].中国刑事警察, 2019,185(1):27-32.
(852) 2948-8079
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Sisi Liu received her PhD in Educational Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research has two themes. She is interested in understanding reading development in typically developing children and children with dyslexia. She also conducted research with students and adults to identify cognitive and emotive correlates of creativity. Her current research examines the roles of attention in reading and creativity.
Teaching Areas
Research Interests
Recent and Ongoing Research Projects
Academic Conference and Presentation
Community and Professional Services
(852) 2948 8098
Ph.D. (Social Welfare), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MSSc (Social Work), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BSSc (Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Julia Lo is a registered social worker and a qualified family therapist in Hong Kong. She is also a fellow of the Asian Academy of Family Therapy and a professional member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Her research focuses on the use of family-based intervention, such as family therapy and Multiple Family Therapy, in helping Chinese families of children and adolescents with special education needs such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disabilities (ID).
Teaching Areas
Research interests
Refereed Journal Articles
Conference presentation
Newspaper or Online Articles
Community and Professional Services
Advisor, Hong Kong Association for AD/HD
Ad hoc Reviewer, Children & Youth Services Review
Ad hoc Reviewer, Child & Family Social Work
Knowledge Transfer
Public Education and Professional Training Workshops/Seminar (selected)
(852) 2948 8474
PhD, The University of Hong Kong
MEd, The University of Hong Kong
BSc (Speech and Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong
Member of Register of Speech Therapists (HKIST)
Committee member (Registration Committee, HKIST)
Dr. Lorinda Kwan-Chen is an experienced clinical researcher, clinical educator and practitioner of speech-language pathology. Her professional expertise is on the assessment and intervention of primary progressive aphasia, post-stroke aphasia, dysarthria, and apraxia of speech in multilingual Chinese populations with dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or stroke.
Dr. Kwan-Chen has been a lecturer and clinical educator in different universities, instituting and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of speech-language pathology. She has trained more than 800 speech therapists, and consults numerous government and non-government, local and overseas organizations for the betterment of the profession. In her endeavour to improve speech therapy service, Dr. Kwan-Chen has helped to set up regional community-based speech and language rehabilitation services, and since 2016, she has also jump-started the first regular tele-health speech therapy for local patients with neurological speech and language disorders.
Primary progressive aphasia
Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech
Telehealth speech therapy
Journal Articles
Book Chapter
Conference Paper
Knowledge Transfer
Research Grants awarded
Honorary Appointment
研究教授,執行所長 (ISENIE)
(852) 2948 7758
(852) 2948 7303
M.Soc.Sc (Counselling), University of Hong Kong
PGDE, B.Sc, HKPAC member, PEERS® Young Adult Certified Providers
Grace is a registered teacher and a member of Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association. She served in primary and secondary schools, taught and supported students with special educational needs for many years. She has joined the Education University of Hong Kong since 2015 and has been teaching and organizing programmes to support students with SEN in local schools. Her expertise is in teaching students with executive function deficits and counselling students with ASD and ADHD.
(852) 2948 7295
Ph D, Educational Psychology, McGill University, Canada
Dr. Wang Hui received her doctoral degree in Educational Psychology at McGill University, Canada. Her research focuses on teachers’ achievement motivation, emotions, and psychological well-being, as well as the impact of teacher motivation and emotions on students’ motivational, behavioral, and achievement outcomes.
Determinants of Hong Kong secondary students’ senses of belonging to school, city, country, and the world (Principal Investigator, Public Policy Research Fund, Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of Hong Kong, May 2022 - Aug 2023). Amount: HK$425,543.70
Genuine, faking, & hiding emotions in teachers: A longitudinal investigation of teachers’ emotional labor, psychological well-being, and perceived student engagement (Principal Investigator, Start-up Research Grant, Apr 2019 - Jun 2020). Amount: HK$30,000
(852) 2948 7974
Ph.D (Family Medicine), The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Wong has expertise in integrating various fields of study to examine the relationship between health and behavior across the lifespan. Her main focus is on understanding how biological, psychological, and social factors impact how people respond to stressors and why there are differences between individuals. Her research also delves into exploring the advantages and disadvantages of using digital technology and how to effectively use it to promote health education for various groups of people in the population.
Teaching Areas
Research Interests
Recent and Ongoing Research Projects
As first author
As corresponding author
As co-author
(852) 2948 7954
PhD (Developmental Psychology), The University of Hong Kong.
MS, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
BS, South China Normal University, China
Dr. Xiao completed her Ph.D. in developmental psychology in the Department of Psychology of the University of Hong Kong, and received her postdoctoral training in the Department of Special Education and Counselling and the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests focus on dyslexia, special education, and literacy development. She contributed to the development of The Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Junior Secondary School Students (Second Edition) in the READ & WRITE project which aimed to provide comprehensive educational support to children with reading and writing difficulties in local schools. She also contributed to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study which is an international assessment of reading achievement of primary Grade 4 students worldwide conducted every five years from 2001.
(852) 2948 8832
許崢燁博士在香港教育大學獲得博士學位,並獲得香港大學教育資助委員會的研資局博士後獎學金。她的研究重點是應用具身認知原理來理解學習困難並提出新的學習策略。具身認知是一個強調認知過程中心理、身體和環境之間複雜關係。她的研究成果已發表在權威期刊上, 如Journal of Educational Psychology。此外,她還成功開發了基於遊戲的應用程序,可有效評估和訓練有學習困難的兒童。她還擔任各種國際同行評審期刊的審稿人,包括Annals of Dyslexia, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Language Learning, and Reading and Writing.
特設審查者: Annals of Dyslexia; Dyslexia; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Journal of Psycholinguistic Research; Language Learning; Reading & Writing
Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, ARWA (2017 - 現在)
The Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, SSSR (2023 - 2024)
體育活動和心理因素對中國兒童具身認知和讀寫能力發展之間關聯的影響,香港教育大學,07/2022 - 06/2023。
研發香港小學生中文詞彙庫,香港教育大學,07/2021 - 06/2022。
(852) 2948 8227
M.Ed (ITE), The University of Hong Kong
B.Sc. (Speech & Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong
Karen is a qualified Speech Therapist with frontline and clinic education experience. Upon her graduation, she had been working at special schools as school based speech therapist, she worked with other professionals to facilitate language development of students with different types and degrees of challenges (e.g. intellectual disabilities, communication disorders, ASD… etc.). She became a clinical educator and worked at the University of Hong Kong for almost nine years, her major roles included the design and implementation of learning experiences in the clinic curriculum for student clinicians at different stages of learning; teaching and clinic coordination. She worked at an NGO as a team leader of speech therapists before joining HKIED. The work as a team leader offered her opportunities to work beyond frontline and supervisory roles; she was also involved in the quality assurance, development of services and also the qualification for speech therapists.
Supporting students with communication and language disorders
Language and communication disorders in children
Au, Y.C., Ng, K.Y., Lau, T.Y., Yu, K.K.M. & Ng, M.L. Developing a new electrolarynx with better sound quality. Paper presented at Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium, October, 2012
Whitehill, T. L., Yu, K., Kwan, L. & Ho, D. W. L.(2010). Peer, Self and Supervisor Assessment: Piloting a reflective week in fieldwork education. In L. McAllister, M. Paterson, J. Higgs & C. Bitchell (Eds.) Innovations in allied Health Fieldwork Education: A Critical Appraisal (pp. 261-270). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Ciocca. V, Ma. J.K.Y., Ho, W.L., Kwan Chen, L.L.Y., Yu, K.K.M. & Whitehill, T.L. Relationship between the process of learning and clinical performance. Paper presented at Problem Based Learning in Speech-Language Pathology Programmes, May, 2006
Guest Speaker, Department of Special Education & Counselling, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (2013 - 2014).
(852) 2948 7603
Dr. Kevin YUEN Chi Pun is an Associate Professor at the Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He is also the Director of Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL), Faculty of Education & Human Development, EdUHK. Dr. Yuen has dual professional qualifications as an audiologist and a speech-language pathologist (or speech therapist). He is also an experienced cochlear implant clinical specialist audiologist. Dr. Yuen received his undergraduate degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences and master’s degree in Audiology from The University of Hong Kong, and Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Yuen has a strong research interest in sound perception and speech recognition of children with normal hearing and children with deafness and hard-of-hearing (DHH) in both quiet and noise environments. He investigated the contribution of frequency-specific temporal envelope and periodicity components (without any fine structure components) for lexical tone recognition in normal hearing and DHH listeners. Dr. Yuen developed the Cantonese Lexical Neighbourhood Test (CLNT), the Computerized Cantonese Disyllabic-word Lexical Tone Identification Test in Noise (CANDIWIT-N-A), and the Computerized Mandarin Pediatric Lexical tone & Disyllabic-word Picture identification test (MAPID-A) in Noise to serve the Cantonese- and Mandarin- speaking populations in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
One of Dr Yuen's new research areas is to identify and remediate young individuals in the Chinese communities with Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD) and to investigate the impact of CAPD on speech and language development, learning. The latest innovative test development from his research team is The Cantonese Pediatric Lexical Tone Dichotic Listening Test (CaPeLeTo DLT) which was developed for the identification of young children with CAPD.
Identification of young Cantonese-speaking children with language learning disorders via lexical tone dichotic listening by profiling their instructional-driven (top-down) and stimulus-driven (bottom-up) information processing abilities.(Health and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, 2015-2017). Cheif Investigator.
A Pediatric Developmental Study of Lexical Tone Dichotic Listening in Divided Attention versus Directed Attention Modes: A Step towards Identifying Cantonese- Speaking Children with Auditory Processing Disorder (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.
Croucher Foundation Sponsorship for Conferences 2011-2012: First Conference on Developing Assessment Tools and Intervention Programs for Childhood Auditory Processing Disorders in the Chinese Communities (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.
Global conference on disorders in auditory processing, literacy, and related sciences (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.
Piloting divided-attention versus directed attention dichotic listening and alternating inter-aural listening development in children: a step towards identifying Cantonese-speaking children with auditory processing disorder (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.
Using spatial separation advantage from The Computerized Mandarin Pediatric Lexical Tone & Disyllabic- Word Picture Identification Test in Noise (MAPPID-N) to assess the spatial hearing functions of normal hearing and hearing-impaired children - A step towards identifying Mandarin-speaking children with Auditory Processing Disorder (2011-2012). Chief Investigator.
Construction and validation of the Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test (SWORT) to measure the word perception ability of Cantonese-speaking children (General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, 2009-2012). Co-investigator.
Development of speech processing algorithms on digital hearing aids for improved perception on tonal languages (Earmarked Research Grant, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, 2006-2009). Co-Investigator.
The development of the Cantnese Lexical Neighborhood Tests in noise (CLNTN) – an outcome measurement tool for children with hearing impairment (Direct Grant for Research Round 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004-2005). Principal investigator.
Doctor of Education University of Georgia, Georgia, USA, 1979.
Master of Education Clemson University, South Carolina, USA, 1976.
Bachelor of Arts University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1971.
Professional Membership:
Selected Publications
Books Published
Book Chapters Published
Research Reports Published
Case Studies
Articles Published in Refereed Journals
Invited Lectures
Peer Reviewed Paper Presentations (Selected)
Chan, T. C. (2011, April). Technology Application and Technology Equity: Are They Related to Student Achievement? A paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Turan, S., & Chan, T. C. (2010, October). School Principals’ Profiles: Comparing Turkey and the United States. A paper presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Educational Planning, Washington, DC, USA.
Ed.D. (Educational Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
M.Ed. (Counselling), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Teaching Areas
Research Interests
Recent and Ongoing Research Projects
Refereed Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Conference Presentations
Other Publications
Community & Professional Services
Membership of Professional Associations
(852) 2948 7777
Ph.D., University of New South Wales
Scholarly Books, Monograaphs and Chapters
PhD (Educational Psychology), The University of Hong Kong
M.S.A, Central Michigan University
Bachelor of Arts (Major Psychology, Minor Sociology), The University of British Columbia
Dr Kean Poon is a chartered educational psychologist of the British Psychological Society and a registered educational psychologist of the Hong Kong Association of Educational Psychologists. She is currently a senior lecturer in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales, Sydney and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling at The Education University Hong Kong (EdUHK). Before joining EdUHK, Dr Poon obtained her doctoral degree in educational psychology at the University of Hong Kong, specialising in cognitive deficits in students with reading difficulties (RD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Her research interests are (1) executive function in special education; (2) adolescents with ADHD and/or RD; and (3) juvenile delinquency. She has also developed three evidence-based electronic training applications: i-maze, Task-switching, and the Mr Fox games. Dr Poon won the silver medals and special awards at the 2019 Silicon Valley International Invention Festival as well as at the 2020 and 2022 International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada. She was selected among the Top 10 best woman inventors of the competition. In recognition of her outstanding contributions in knowledge transfer to the local and international fields, Dr Poon was awarded the 2020/21 President’s Award for Outstanding in Knowledge Transfer.
Membership of Professional Societies
Awards and Honors
Teaching Areas
Recent and Ongoing Research Projects
Refereed Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Other Publications
Community and Professional Services
Public Talks
姓名 | 職位 | 電話 | 電郵 |
陳倩楚女士 | 教學助理 | (852) 2948 6469 | nscchan@eduhk.hk |
陳思慧女士 | 行政助理 | (852) 2948 8949 | szewai@eduhk.hk |
鄭愷琳女士 | 教學助理 | (852) 2948 8733 | rhlcheng@eduhk.hk |
張芷晴女士 | 項目助理 | (852) 2948 8592 | cheungtc@eduhk.hk |
韓葆欣女士 | 行政助理 | (852) 2948 8066 | emilyhon@eduhk.hk |
甘鎮堅先生 | 項目主任 [MA(EC)] | (852) 2948 7683 | kchunkin@eduhk.hk |
羅行芝女士 | 二級行政主任 | (852) 2948 8816 | ehclaw@eduhk.hk |
羅有成先生 | 教學助理 | (852) 2948 7828 | lawys@eduhk.hk |
李寶珊女士 | 行政助理 | (852) 2948 7899 | leeps@eduhk.hk |
莫梓萱女士 | 助理項目經理 [賽馬會「校本多元」計劃] | (852) 2948 7045 | sthmok@eduhk.hk |
吳洛瑤女士 | 項目助理 [賽馬會「校本多元」計劃] | (852) 2948 8434 | nlokyiu@eduhk.hk |
孫綺婷女士 | 行政助理 | (852) 2948 8676 | ytsuen@eduhk.hk |
鄧婉宜女士 | 項目助理 [MSc(ESLPLD)] | (852) 2948 6498 | candytang@eduhk.hk |
董晉瑋先生 | 二級行政主任 | (852) 2948 7534 | mcwtung@eduhk.hk |
曾慧雲女士 | 項目主任 [MSc(ESLPLD)] | (852) 2948 8674 | wwtsang@eduhk.hk |
王婷婷博士 | 高級研究助理 | (852) 2948 7687 | wangt@eduhk.hk |
黃詠琳女士 | 項目助理 [MSc(ESLPLD)] | (852) 2948 7689 | wwinglam@eduhk.hk |
姚潔玲女士 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 7298 | klyiu@eduhk.hk |
姓名 | 職位 | 電話 | 電郵 |
陳雪儀女士 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 8691 | suetychan@eduhk.hk |
鄭詠詩女士 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 8820 | chengws@eduhk.hk |
陳煜琛先生 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 8611 | eyschan@eduhk.hk |
朱禮俊先生 | 項目助理 | (852) 2948 7465 | mlcchu@eduhk.hk |
黎浩琳先生 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 8938 | laihl@eduhk.hk |
賴朗軒先生 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 8741 | olhlai@eduhk.hk |
盧家恩女士 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 6232 | lkylo@eduhk.hk |
吳家瑩女士 | 助理項目經理 | (852) 2948 7786 | ngkaying@eduhk.hk |
吳少玲女士 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 6884 | lslng@eduhk.hk |
戴瑩瑩女士 | 項目主任 | (852) 2948 7538 | cyytai@eduhk.hk |
姓名 | 職位 | 電話 | 電郵 |
Dr Buenconsejo, Jet Uy | 博士後研究員 | (852) 2948 7960 | jubuenconsejo@eduhk.hk |
馮子凌女士 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 7241 | fzilinga@eduhk.hk |
洪亞南女士 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 6444 | hongy@eduhk.hk |
劉曦元女士 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 8289 | dhylau@eduhk.hk |
劉湘琪女士 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 8193 | vsklau@eduhk.hk |
李向飛博士 | 博士後研究員 | (852) 2948 8362 | lxiangfei@eduhk.hk |
梁狄超先生 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 7880 | dliang@eduhk.hk |
呂成傲女士 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 6476 | lyuc@eduhk.hk |
彭靖壹女士 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 7357 | jpeng@eduhk.hk |
張芹女士 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 7243 | zqin@eduhk.hk |
鄭秀琳女士 | 研究助理 | (852) 2948 7779 | xzheng@eduhk.hk |
姓名 | 職位 | 電話 | 電郵 |
陳文瑤女士 | 客席講師 | rmychan@eduhk.hk | |
陳燕明女士 | 客席講師 | cymchan@eduhk.hk | |
張展圖博士 | 客席講師 | ctjackycheung@eduhk.hk | |
張浩原先生 | 客席講師 | cheunghy@eduhk.hk | |
張麗雲女士 | 客席講師 | olivia@eduhk.hk | |
張佩琦博士 | 客席講師 | epkcheung@eduhk.hk | |
蔣天慧博士 | 客席講師 | twchiang@eduhk.hk | |
趙程德蘭博士 | 客席講師 | tlchiu@eduhk.hk | |
蔡舒琪女士 | 客席講師 | choisk@eduhk.hk | |
莊美恩女士 | 客席講師 | mychong@eduhk.hk | |
崔煒鞱先生 | 客席講師 | rwtchui@eduhk.hk | |
鍾志源博士 | 客席講師 | chungcy@eduhk.hk | |
方貴瀚先生 | 客席講師 | khfong@eduhk.hk | |
馮敬詩女士 | 客席講師 | ksfung@eduhk.hk | |
馮鳴龍先生 | 客席講師 | fungml@eduhk.hk | |
高鳳展先生 | 客席講師 | fzgao@eduhk.hk | |
何福全博士 | 客席講師 | fcho@eduhk.hk | |
何碧盈博士 | 客席講師 | hopikying@eduhk.hk | |
劉俐君女士 | 客席講師 | laulk@eduhk.hk | |
羅啟康先生 | 客席講師 | khlaw@eduhk.hk | |
李子軒先生 | 客席講師 | jlee@eduhk.hk | |
李文偉博士 | 客席講師 | bmwlee@eduhk.hk | |
梁韻生女士 | 客席講師 | lwleung@eduhk.hk | |
梁盈盈博士 | 客席講師 | kleung@eduhk.hk | |
伍詠光先生 | 客席講師 | nwingkwong@eduhuk.hk | |
黃家雯博士 | 客席講師 | cwooi@eduhk.hk | |
彭俏姿女士 | 客席講師 | pchiuchi@eduhk.hk | |
徐偉東先生 | 客席講師 | wttsui@eduhk.hk | |
徐雲生先生 | 客席講師 | dwstsui@eduhk.hk | |
王尚齊郭博士 | 客席講師 | sqgwang@eduhk.hk | |
黃雪美女士 | 客席講師 | smwong@eduhk.hk | |
楊浩達先生 | 客席講師 | htyeung@eduhk.hk | |
葉靜雯博士 | 客席講師 | yipcm@eduhk.hk |