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Message from the Head

Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (LML).


Founded in 2012 following the restructuring of the former Faculty of Languages into the Faculty of Humanities (FHM), LML has grown significantly over the past decade. Our department is dedicated to excellence in teaching, curriculum development, academic research, Knowledge Transfer, and student training.


LML offers a diverse range of linguistics courses designed to provide robust subject knowledge to students in both Education and Education-plus programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In addition to courses on Chinese and English, we also offer classes in Translation, French, Korean, and Japanese, promoting multilingualism and multiculturalism to enhance students' global awareness. We have also developed several Minor Programs in French Studies, Japanese Studies, Translation, and Language and Society.


Our faculty members are actively engaged in academic research and Knowledge Transfer, covering a wide array of topics such as corpus linguistics, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, language and gender, phonetics and phonology, Chinese linguistics, Cantonese studies, clinical linguistics, multilingualism, and translation studies. Many of our research findings have been translated into Knowledge Transfer projects that bring significant social impact. Notable examples include The Corpus-Aided Platform for Language Teachers led by Dr. Angel Ma.


Beyond teaching and research, LML is committed to preparing our students for the job market by exploring internship opportunities and providing comprehensive training in language-related disciplines. We also offer supervision for research postgraduate students in linguistics.


Feel free to explore our webpage for more information about LML. For any inquiries, please contact us at


WANG Lixun

Acting Head of LML