Home > FLASS Caring Teacher Award Scheme

Caring Teacher Award Scheme

The FLASS Caring Teacher Award Scheme aims to construct an inclusive and encouraging atmosphere to motivate FLASS staff to engage in the larger mission of disseminating and teaching Life, Positive, and Values Education (hereafter “LPVE”).
The awards are established to acknowledge and reward excellence in teaching among FLASS staff, as well as to emphasize the University’s commitment to:
(a) exhibit overall pastoral care of students; and
(b) practice LPVE actualization in classroom / project / field experience / practicum / university life.

Nomination Guidelines, Selection Processes and Nomination Form

Please click here for details. [For graduates, please contact us by email (flass@eduhk.hk) for details about the nomination.]

List of Awardees

Caring Teacher Awards 2023/24
Caring Teacher Awards 2022/23
Caring Teacher Awards 2021/22