​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​April 2013

Faculty of FHM Newsletter | 人文學院通訊 人文學院 Issue 1 第一期 四月April 2013 Opening of a NewChapter Humanities Faculty Founding Ceremony cum Excellence in Teaching Awards Learning beyond the Classroom: A Visit to Catalonia, Spain Alumni Interview: An International Graduate's Perspective on MATESOL

Contents Dean’s Message Faculty Spotlight Founding Ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities cum Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony 2011/12 人文學院開幕典禮暨2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮 Excellence in Teaching Awards 2011/2012 2011至2012年度卓越教學獎 Department & Centre Highlights Department of Chinese Language Studies 中國語言學系 Department of English Language Education 英語教育學系 Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies 語言學及現代語言系 Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 文學及文化學系 Centre for Language in Education 語文教育中心 Research Centre for Chinese Literature & Literary Culture 中國文學文化研究中心 Centre for Popular Culture and Education 流行文化與教育研究中心 Alumni Interview: An International Graduate’s Perspective on MATESOL Alumni Column Learning beyond the Classroom: A Visit to Catalonia, Spain Faculty News & General Research Fund New Staff Profiles Student Activities Upcoming Events & Our Programmes 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 Editorial Committee Advisor Prof. CHAN Kwok Kou, Leonard 陳國球教授 Dean Editor Prof. CHENG Kat Hung, Dennis 鄭吉雄教授 Associate Dean (Research & Postgraduate Studies) Editorial Board Prof. LI Chor Shing, David 李楚成教授 Head (CLE) Dr. LI Yuen Mei, Fanny 李婉薇博士 Lecturer (LCS) Dr. MA Qing, Angel 馬清博士 Assistant Professor (LML) Dr. John TRENT Associate Head (ELE) Ms. WANG Chanjuan 王嬋娟女士 Teaching Fellow (CHL) Executive Editor Ms. Carmen M. Y. AU 區敏賢小姐 Project Assistant (FHM) Contact Information Faculty of Humanities The Hong Kong Institute of Education B4-1/F-51, No. 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong 2948 7237 fhm@ied.edu.hk www.ied.edu.hk/fhm

Welcome to the first issue of the Faculty of Humanities’ Newsletter. It has been eight months since the Faculty of Languages was restructured to and renamed the Faculty of Humanities (人文學院) on 1 July 2012. As a strategic move of HKIEd towards its destination of becoming a multidisciplinary University of Education, the restructuring is an important milestone which will provide valuable opportunities for the future development of our Faculty and for individual academic and teaching members to excel in their pursuit of teaching and research in their areas of expertise. This will also enrich our students’ competency and open up additional career pathways. Such preparations for mobility in manpower are beneficial to HKIEd and to the society of Hong Kong. The Faculty of Humanities (FHM) comprises four Departments, namely Chinese Language Studies, English Language Education, Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, and Literature and Cultural Studies, along with the Centre for Language in Education, with some 130 academic, teaching and research staff. Building upon our pre-existing strengths in the discipline areas of Language, Literature and Culture, we focus on high quality programme offerings in a wider spectrum of Humanities related disciplines like Language Studies, General and Applied Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and History of Thoughts, with the development of other new areas in the ensuing years. Our Faculty will also provide a more comprehensive learning environment and balanced emphasis on academic knowledge, cross-cultural awareness and language competences which helps to groom our students. Our new Faculty logo is built from the Chinese characters of “Humanities” featuring a bilingual tagline of “Where human defines the world 人能弘道”. The saying comes from Confucius’ Analects or Lunyu: 人能弘道,非道弘 人, meaning that it is not truth that makes man great but man that makes truth great. Therefore we should learn and better equip ourselves before we can make truth great. This serves as a guiding principle for us to nurture our students, contributing to the advancement of the humanities education and the betterment of the community. The Faculty of Humanities will continue to strive for excellence and I look forward to working closely with all the stakeholders of our Faculty in the coming days. Prof. Leonard Chan Dean, Faculty of Humanities The Faculty of Humanities Marks a New Milestone for HKIEd Dean’sMessage 人文學院的成立是香港教育學院新的里程碑 自2012年7月1日起至今,語文學院易名為人文學院已經有八個月時間了。教院目前正朝向以教育為本、 建設多元學科的教育大學的目標前進,而重組語文學院正是配合教院發展策略的舉動。學院的重組具有里 程碑式的意義,重組後的人文學院將為院系的長遠發展,研究與教學人員在各自專業領域的追求卓越, 締造寶貴的機遇。同時,這也將增強我們學生的競爭力,為他們開拓更廣闊的職業道路。我們相信,語文 學院改組成為人文學院,對於教院乃至於香港社會都是有所裨益的。 人文學院下設中國語言學系、英語教育學系、語言學及現代語言系、文學及文化學系及語文教育中心, 共有大約130位教學與研究人員。學院秉承一貫的使命,在語文、文學及文化等既有的學術領域上,專注發 展人文學科相關的課程,涵蓋範疇包括語文研究、普通語言學及應用語言學、文學、文化研究和思想史, 日後並會開展更多科目。 人文學院的新標誌由「人文」兩字組成,同時包含雙語口號“Where human defines the world 人能弘道”。 這句話出自《論語•衛靈公》:「人能弘道,非道弘人」,意思是人能夠使道發揚光大,而不是道使人的才能 擴大。因此人必須先修養自身,充實自己,才可以把道發揚光大。我們以此作為培養學生的宗旨,對發展 人文教育,促進社會提升必有助益。 我期待未來和學院的同仁一起為人文學院的卓越而繼續奮鬥! 陳國球教授 人文學院院長 3 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Founding Ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities cum Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony 2011/12 Faculty Spotlight The Founding Ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities cum Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony 2011/12 was held on 9 Oct 2012 on HKIEd campus in Taipo. The ceremony was well-attended by some 120 students of BA (Language Studies), BEd (Chinese Language) and BEd (English Language) programmes as well as the academic, teaching and administrative staff members of the Faculty. Prof. Chan Kwok Kou Leonard, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (FHM) delivered welcome remarks to the participants introducing the new FHM and the recent achievements of the Institute. He also encouraged all students to work hard and enjoy school life. To signify and officiate the founding of the new FHM, the Dean, Associate Deans, Heads of Departments and the Centre for Language in Education, Programme Leaders of undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes of FHM were invited to host a lighting ceremony on stage to present the new logo of the Faculty. The new logo is built from the Chinese characters of “Humanities” featuring a bilingual tagline of “Where human defines the world 人能弘道”. “The saying comes from Confucius’ Analects or Lunyu: 人能弘道,非道弘人, meaning that it is not truth that makes man great but man that makes truth great. Therefore we should learn and better equip ourselves before we can make truth great,” said Prof. Chan. During the Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony, Prof. Chan presented the Excellence in Teaching Award to Dr. Bidisha Banerjee from the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies and the Certificate of Merit to Dr. Tang Pui Ling from the Department of Chinese Language Studies for their dedication and enthusiasm in teaching which has made invaluable contribution to the Faculty and students. 人文學院開幕典禮暨2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮 人文學院於2012年10月9日在教院大埔校園舉行了人文學院開幕典禮暨2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮, 約120名就讀語文研究、中國語文教育、英國語文教育學士課程的同學及人文學院教職員出席。 人文學院院長陳國球教授於開幕典禮上致辭,並簡介人文學院的架構及教育學院近期的成就。陳教授勉勵同學 在積極學習之餘,亦要好好享受校園生活的樂趣。 陳國球教授與學院各副院長、學系主任及語文教育中心主任、學士課程及碩士課程主任,一同在開幕典禮上主 持亮燈儀式,標示人文學院正式成立。人文學院的新標誌由「人文」兩字組成,包含學院的雙語口號:「Where human defines the world 人能弘道」。陳院長表示:「此語出自《論語‧衛靈公》篇:人能弘道,非道弘人。意思是 人能夠使道發揚光大,而不是道使人的才能擴大,因此人必須先修養自身,充實自己,才可以把道發揚光大。」 同場並舉行了2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮,陳國球教授分別頒發了卓越教學獎予文學及文化學系 Dr. Bidisha Banerjee及表揚狀予中國語言學系鄧佩玲博士,以表揚他們傑出的教學表現,及對學院和同學的貢獻。 Students and staff attended the Founding Ceremony cum Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony 2011/12 人文學院同學及教職員出席人文學院開幕典禮暨2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮 4 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

人文學院於2012年10月10日舉辦了「教學的有效策略—知識的深化與擴展」分享 會,並由兩位獲獎老師分享教學心得及感受,演講題目分別是「文學的教學分 享」及「傳統語言學的教學分享」,吸引了不少教職員和同學出席。人文學院院長 陳國球教授亦於分享會上發表了歡迎辭。 Dr. Bidisha Banerjee專研英國文學,她以創新的教學方法,運用於文學教學中, 並安排有趣的課堂活動,引導學生欣賞文學和文化的精髓。她使用創作有趣的評 核方法,例如博客文章,激發學生的學習興趣,培養他們批判反思的能力,以及 對多元文化和道德的了解。 鄧佩玲博士專研古代中國語言學,擅長運用生活化的例子和簡單的言語,闡述深 奧的學術理論。她為課堂量身制定教學資源和活動,激發學生的學習興趣。 人文學院恭賀Dr. Bidisha Banerjee及鄧佩玲博士獲獎,並感謝她們對學生和人文 學院在教與學方面作出的貢獻。 有關人文學院的資料,請瀏覽 http://www.ied.edu.hk/fhm Excellence in Teaching Awards 2011/12 2011至2012年度卓越教學獎 Faculty Spotlight A fruitful and enjoyable Sharing Session on Effective Strategies for Deepening and Broadening Student Learning by Dr. Bidisha Banerjee and Dr. Tang Pui Ling was held on 10 October 2012. Prof. Leonard Chan, Dean of FHM delivered welcome remarks to the mix of student and Faculty staff participants. Topics shared by the awardees included “Sharing on Teaching Literature” and “Sharing on Teaching Classical Chinese Linguistics”. Dr. Banerjee is an expert on English literature. She shared her experience in using innovative methods in teaching literature in classroom. She also organised interesting activities which help students to appreciate the essence of literature and culture. Her innovative and interesting assessment methods such as blog posts have also been very effective in stimulating the interests of students, nurturing their critical and reflective thinking, multicultural competence and ethical understanding. Dr. Tang specialises in the Classical Chinese Linguistics. She is very good at illustrating profound academic theories by using everyday occurrence and simple language in teaching. She showed her teaching resources and tailor-made activities which inspired students in their learning. Congratulations to Dr. Banerjee and Dr. Tang for their substantial contributions to the advancement of teaching and learning for our students and the Faculty of Humanities. For more information about FHM, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/fhm Prof. Leonard Chan hosted a lighting ceremony with members of the Faculty’s senior management 陳國球教授與學院各副院長、學系主任及語文教育中心主任、學士課程及碩士課程主任, 一同在開幕典禮上主持亮燈儀式,標示人文學院正式成立 Prof. Leonard Chan presented the Excellence in Teaching Award to Dr. Bidisha Banerjee 陳國球教授頒發卓越教學獎予文學及文化 學系的Dr. Bidisha Banerjee Prof. Leonard Chan presented the Certificate of Merit to Dr. Tang Pui Ling 陳國球教授頒發表揚狀予中國語言學系的 鄧佩玲博士 5 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

第四屆「方潤華講座」 以文學、語言、文化三個領域為主題的「方潤華講座」是學院年度重要學術活動, 自2009年開辦至今已是第四屆,講座作為開放的學術交流平台,為兩岸三地高等院 校和研究機構的學者提供了分享研究成果和交流學術觀點的機會。 文化講座於2012年9月28日舉辦,邀請清華大學國學研究院院長陳來教授主講「《論 語》的德行倫理體系」。陳教授從德性倫理學角度闡述了孔子德行倫理的特點,及其 與亞里斯多德德性倫理學的同異。隨後與對談嘉賓香港中文大學哲學系劉笑敢教授 進行了深入的探討。講座完畢後,兩位教授與現場其他嘉賓一起出席了香港教育學 院孔子像揭幕典禮。 文學講座於2012年11月5日舉辦,邀請中國社會科學院文學研究所研究員劉躍進教授主講「文學史研究的時空觀念」。劉教 授以《秦漢文學編年史》等書籍編纂過程中的若干問題作為切入點,具體而細微地論述了文學編年研究、文學地理研究的 學術意義和學術方法問題。對談嘉賓香港浸會大學中國語言文學系張宏生教授也就此提出了自己的真知灼見。 語言講座於2012年11月16日舉辦,邀請中國社會科學院民族學與人類學研究所副所長黃行教授主講「語言多樣性—中國 少數民族語言面面觀」。黃教授介紹了中國民族語言身份認證和譜系分類問題,並從歷史類型學角度討論中國民族語言 多樣性的形成機制。對談嘉賓香港中國語文學會主席姚德懷先生對此課題作了細緻的提問和探討。 「方潤華講座」向公眾開 放,每次講座均吸引眾多 本院師生、其他院校的 學者和學生及公眾人士參 與。講座將繼續以推進學 術交流和發展為宗旨,提 高人文知識的普及與認識 水平,幫助未來人才關注 並有機會進行相關研究。 陳來教授(左二)主講「《論語》的德行倫理體系」 「語言多樣性—中國少數民族語言面面觀」講座嘉賓與方潤華籌委會成員及來賓合照 系主任的話 中國語言學系(Department of Chinese Language Studies)是人文學院重組過程中,在原中文學系(CHI)之語文教育 (Chinese Language Education)和漢語語言學(Chinese Linguistics)兩個範疇的基礎上組建的新的學系,承擔人文學院以及 本校其他院系各類課程在中國語文教育和漢語語言學兩個範疇科目的教學。學系認同「教師不但是知識的傳授者,同時也 是知識的創造者」,以及「學術研究是高水準教學工作的基礎」的理念,鼓勵每一位教師在承擔教學工作的同時,開展高水 準的中國語文教育及/或漢語語言學的研究工作。為此,學系重視與包括本地在內的大中華地區和國際中國語言學及中國 語文教育學界的學術交流,致力促進和推動大中華地區中國語文教育和漢語語言學教學和研究的現代化和國際化。學系的 中長期發展目標是成為大中華地區具有重要影響力的中國語文教育和漢語語言學兩個領域的教學與研究中心,在中、小學 中國語文教育、漢語語言學和漢語作為第二語言的教學和研究方面達到國際水準。 朱慶之教授 (Prof. Zhu Qingzhi) 中國語言學系主任 Department of Chinese Language Studies 中國語言學系 Department & Centre Highlights 6 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

「學術講座系列」和中國文化藝術活動 以提升未來人才的教研能力和人文素養為宗旨,中國語言學系舉辦「學術講座系列」和中國文化藝術活動,增進學 生人文思維、拓展人文知識視野。學系在2012年9至11月先後邀請了北京大學中文系胡敕瑞教授和暨南大學中文系 邵敬敏教授分享語言學領域的研究成果,兩場學術講座不僅具有理論深度,且輔之以具體實例,深入淺出,讓同 學們更好地理解語言理論並增進研究興趣。學系也邀請了香港教育學院教學顧問謝志穎先生、梁鳳屏女士以「能 力導向校本語文課程規劃」為題,介紹校本評核理念和運作方式及其對語文教學提出的新要求,幫助準教師進一 步瞭解中國語文科新課程。此外,學系亦邀請蘇州市評彈團到校演出曹禺經典話劇《雷雨》,演出於2012年11月8 日舉行,實力派演藝家的傾情演繹,是經典劇作和蘇州評彈完美結合。演出使得在座逾百位師生讚歎不已。 講座系列四 漢文化心理在現代漢語中的體現 講者:李煒教授(中山大學中文系主任) 日期:2013年1月11日 胡敕瑞教授 演講 何文勝博士到聖 公會基福小學為 該校中文科老師 主持講座「課改 下的語文教學要 求」 東莞同鄉會方樹 泉學校的老師來 訪教院參加何文 勝博士關於校本 語文課程規劃理 論的講座 蘇州市評彈 團演出 講座系列一 兩類事件結構 講者:胡敕瑞教授(北京大學中文系教授) 日期:2012年9月21日 講座系列二 教院教學顧問講座—能力導向校本 語文課程規劃 講者:謝志穎先生、梁鳳屏女士(2009-10「行政長官卓 越教學獎嘉許狀」、香港教育學院教學顧問) 日期:2012年10月13日 講座系列三 論語氣詞“啊”在疑問句中的作用暨 方法論的反思 講者:邵敬敏教授(暨南大學中文系) 日期:2012年11月22日 (一) 「語文及國際漢語教育改革的深化工作」 國際研討會 講座日期:2012年12月7日至11日 主辦單位:蘇州大學、香港教育學院 (二) 第二屆「語文教育與思想文化」學術研討會 會議日期:2012年12月27日至29日 主辦單位:屏東教育大學中文系、香港教育 學院中國語言學系 (三) 「2012香港小學中國語文教育伙伴協作 計劃」活動 為落實校本語文課程的課改精神,深化語文 課程改革,建立本系與本港小學之間的伙伴 協作網絡關係,中國語言學系一直致力於 推廣「香港小學中國語文教育伙伴協作計 劃」。2012年,「香港小學中國語文教育伙伴 協作計劃」舉辦了多場理論課程講座,協助 本地學校提升語文教師的專業素養。 其他活動: 「雷雨」─蘇州市評彈團根據曹禺同名劇作改編演出 演出:盛小雲、徐慧新、吳靜、吳偉東、毛謹謹 文學顧問、改編指導:朱棟霖 日期:2012年11月8日 有關中國語言學系的資料,請瀏覽 http://www.ied.edu.hk/chl Department & Centre Highlights 7 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Message from Head The newly formed Department of English Language Education (ELE), as the title suggests, consists of academic and teaching staff who focus on language pedagogy. Within the Faculty of Humanities, ELE hosts those courses that specialise in the teaching of English in schools. The main programme associated with ELE is the BEd (English Language) which prepares future teachers of English language for local schools. However, our academic and teaching staff also contribute to other programmes in the Faculty including MATESOL and BA (Language Studies). ELE is especially strong in its offerings to Professional Development Programmes, such as the training of teachers in English as a Medium of Instruction as well as Catering for Learner Differences and the New Senior Secondary Curriculum. ELE academic staff is also active in research, especially in the areas of language acquisition, teacher identity and teacher education. With this new departmental focus, ELE expects to continue to contribute towards the excellence of English teaching in Hong Kong. Dr. Paul Stapleton Head, ELE Department of English Language Education 英語教育學系 Date Topic Speaker 2013/4/6 Pragmatics: How Do We Speak Appropriately and Politely? Dr. Lixun Wang 2013/4/13 Dangerous English Dr. John Trent 2013/4/20 From Ace to Zero: What’s so Attractive about an Unconventional English Name? Prof. David C. S. Li 2013/4/27 Pop Culture English Prof. Phil Benson 2013/5/4 Idioms: Revealing the Color of English Expressions Dr. Paul Stapleton 2013/5/25 Why Language Rules Rarely Work? Dr. Randal Holme Upcoming Lecture Series The English you didn’t learn in school Almost everyone remembers studying English in school. For the most part in Hong Kong, that memory is of learning grammar, vocabulary, and how to read and write. Although you may have some pleasant memories of learning English in school, it was probably mostly hard work. Yet, after all that studying, you may still be somewhat dissatisfied with your ability to speak and understand English. This is partly because learning a foreign language is a lifelong endeavour. However, your dissatisfaction may also be because there was something missing in your education. Because language is composed of so many components and nuances, it is impossible to teach everything in school. The present lecture series attempts to provide participants with a taste for some of the other aspects of language learning that are seldom taught in traditional language courses. Although it is impossible to fill in all those gaps in your learning in a few evenings, we hope to provide you with some insight about English and language learning in general. Please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/ele/pls for full details. Department & Centre Highlights 8 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Addressing Teachers’ Professional Development Needs English Language Education Saturday Seminar Series The Department of English Language Education presented a series of Saturday seminars for English teachers and subject teachers of both primary and secondary schools between 17 November and 15 December 2012. The seminars aimed to enhance teachers’ professional development in areas relating to language in learning, strategies of using English as a medium of instruction, curriculum development beyond NSS and strategies to cater for learner diversity. The seminars also provided a channel for the department to introduce different professional development programmes (PDPs) to teachers after they had had a taste of the issues of the topics presented. These 3-hour seminars held on Saturday mornings at the HKIEd Tai Po Campus were well attended. They attracted an application of more than 450 teachers and post-seminar comments were highly positive. The following is a summary of the seminars offered: Department & Centre Highlights For more information about ELE, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/ele Date Topic Speaker 2012/11/17 Strategies that Work: An Introduction to Using English as the Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong Schools Dr. Paul Stapleton and Dr. John Trent 2012/11/24 Understanding and Catering for Learner Differences Dr. Timothy Taylor 2012/12/1 Strategies for Planning and Teaching Science Using English as the Medium of Instruction Dr. Stella Kong 2012/12/1 Strategies for Planning and Teaching Mathematics Using English as the Medium of Instruction Dr. Elizabeth Walker 2012/12/8 Beyond NSS: What Can Teachers Do? Dr. Ruth Wong 2012/12/15 Preparing Primary Students for EMI Secondary Education Dr. Stella Kong 9 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies 語言學及現代語言系 Message from Head The Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (LML) was established in 2012 upon the restructuring of the Faculty of Languages, now re-titled the Faculty of Humanities. LML aspires to seek knowledge for advancing our understanding of the triangulated relation between language, mind and society. Because of the progress in information technology, human communications have been changing drastically. Now we often found ourselves communicating via multimedia devices that allow multilingual switching. Records of communication can be stored and transmitted instantly with very little limitations. The impacts of these changes to human language system, its learning and its use have yet been dully gauged. LML, avowedly the youngest linguistics department in Hong Kong, will make its best effort in this exciting and challenging scientific inquiry. With the above undertakings, we also anticipate synergies between general linguistics and applied linguistics in the curriculum development of language education and language studies, which will further contribute to the growth of the Faculty of Humanities. Prof. Cheung Hin Tat(張顯達教授) Head, LML Dynamic Dissemination, Sharing and Promotion of Research in Linguistics: Seminars and Forums Organized by LML The Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies has organised a number of successful seminars and forums of a varied nature during the past few months, either independently or as a joint effort with other bodies, and they reached out to a wide audience. The seminars involving a joint effort, notably, collaboration with the Research Centre on Linguistics and Language Information Sciences or the Department of English Language Education, covered diverse topics in both English and Chinese linguistics, and from both the pure and applied linguistic paradigms. These joint seminars were intended to bring together good theoretical and empirical work in linguistic research and share with those interested both inside and outside the Institute, locally and non-locally. In addition, the department has scheduled a series of departmental seminars specifically for the staff. Each time two or three academic staff members will introduce their research background and present their current research projects. Sessions have been held by Prof. Cheung Hin Tat, Prof. Phil Benson, Dr. Rebecca Chen, Dr. Andy Chin, Dr. Zoe Luk, Dr. Shin Takaoka, and Dr. Xie Qin. This type of intra-departmental seminar has effectively promoted knowledge and information sharing, built up a good team research spirit, and increased the collegial atmosphere within the department. Justifying the Uses of Language Assessments Department & Centre Highlights 10 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Joint or Departmental Open Seminars For more information about LML, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/lml Date Seminar Title Speaker 2012/8/28 語言資訊科學研究中心與本系合辦「趙元任與語言學」 學術論壇 RCLIS and LML Joint Research Forum: “Y. R. Chao and Linguistics” Keynote speakers: Prof. Anne Yue-Hashimoto (University of Washington) Prof. Samuel H. Cheung (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Prof. Ting Pang-Hsin (University of California, Berkeley) 2012/10/11 RCLIS, LML and ELE Joint Research Seminar: Latin and Greek Roots “in” and “of” English: How this Knowledge Helps Foreign Students of English to Recognise and Deduce the Meanings of Latin and Greek Derived Word Mr. Stephen Pearl (Former Head of the EnglishInterpretation Department, The United Nations) 2012/10/15 Justifying the Uses of Language Assessment Prof. Lyle F. Bachman (University of California, Los Angeles) 2012/11/1 RCLIS and LML Joint Research Seminar: Automatic Detection of Semantic Change Words in a Chinese Newspaper Corpus of Words in a Chinese Newspaper Corpus Dr. Zhao-Ming Gao (National Taiwan University) 2012/12/1 RCLIS and LML Joint Research Seminar: The 2012 Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong RCLIS and LML 2013/3/1 Aspectual Asymmetry in Language Processing: Implications for the Acquisition of Tense-aspect Marking Dr. Foong Ha Yap (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 2013/3/14 Phonology/Lexical Link: A Cross Linguistic and Developmental Perspective Using Eye Tracking to Unveil How Word Form Characteristics Affect Early Work Learning Dr. Thierry Nazzi (Senior Scientist of National Center for Scientific Research of France) Dr. Silvana Poltrock (Postdoctoral Researcher of Speech Perception Group, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Paris) Department & Centre Highlights 11 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Message from Head The Department of Literature and Cultural Studies (LCS) is comprised of academic and teaching staff specialising in Chinese literature, English literature, comparative literature, and cultural studies. Such a combination is a novel idea in the setting of tertiary education in Hong Kong. The Department aspires to become a centre of research excellence and quality higher education as well as a hub for vibrant cross-cultural exchange. Currently, the Department is concentrating its research efforts on such areas as traditional Chinese literature, intellectual history, children’s literature, Hong Kong literature, new English literatures, and film studies. We are in the process of recruiting new academic staff to strengthen the fields of canonical English literature and cultural studies. Promoting creative writing in both Chinese and English is another mission of the Department. Given the uniqueness of HKIEd as an institute of teacher training, we will not lose sight of the great contribution of literary works and pop culture artefacts to language learning. However, we do not see literary and cultural texts as mere pedagogical tools in the language classroom. Instead, we aim to offer students a solid training in literary and cultural studies to help them sharpen their critical acumen and develop into self-reflexive, interculturally sensitive, and socially responsible individuals. Towards the above-mentioned goals, my colleagues and I will make every endeavour. Prof. Eric K. W. Yu(余君偉教授) Head, LCS 日期 講者 講題 2012/9/18 司徒元傑先生 香港藝術館中國書畫館長 盧瑋鑾教授主持 談豐子愷的藝術與美育 2012/11/21 李春青教授 北京師範大學文藝學研究中心主任 暨文學院教授 第四屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區藝術論壇 —香港教育學院文學及文化專題講座 中國審美趣味的歷史演變 —對中國古今審美範式嬗變的一點思考 2012/12/5 譚志明博士 本系一級專任導師 有效教學途徑:引起學習興趣及促進學生的自學能力 2012/12/10 李婉薇博士 本系講師 晚清粵語寫作的反叛精神 2013/1/24 王良和博士 本系副教授 文學創作的教與學 2013/2/26 Prof. Edward Shaughnessy 芝加哥大學東亞語言文明系教授 香港中文大學中國文化研究所擔任訪問教授 漢學的語言:與夏含夷的討論 2013/2/18 陳萬雄博士 聯合出版(集團)有限公司副董事長兼總裁 讀人‧讀世‧讀三國—「三國」的魅力 2013/3-4 須文蔚教授 台灣東華大學華文文學系 系列講座:台港兩地的現代主義、台港兩地的副刊學、 數位文學 2013/4-5 藤井省三教授 東京大學文學部 系列講座:村上春樹作品跨媒體、跨地域的傳播 學術講座一覽 Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 文學及文化學系 Department & Centre Highlights 12 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

文學及文化學系學術活動 2012年下半年,文學及文化學系舉辦多次學術活動,為校內外的專家學者提供交流機會,擴展學生的知識 領域,有效促進校園的學術氣氛。 在11月21日,該系與中國文學文化研究中心共同主辦「第四屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區藝術論壇—香港教育學 院文學及文化專題講座」,並邀得北京師範大學文藝學研究中心主任暨文學院教授李春青教授擔任講者, 獲得校內外的專家、學者和學生的熱烈支持。 李教授以「中國審美趣味的歷史演變—對中國古今審美範式嬗變的一點思考」為題,帶領聽眾穿越中國悠久 歷史,以旁徵博引的手法和幽默風趣的語言,介紹其中多次的趣味轉變。 文學及文化學系主任余君偉教授(右)向李春青教授致送紀念旗 李春青教授演講引起與會 者熱烈的提問 文學及文化學系於12月份主辦兩次講座,邀請系內老師 分享教學心得及學術研究成果。譚志明博士(一級專任 導師)在12月5日主講「有效教學途徑:引起學習興趣及 促進學生的自學能力」,李婉薇博士(講師)在12月10日 主講「晚清粵語寫作的反叛精神」。兩位講者提出有趣的 思考方法,以新穎的角度切入議題。兩場演講吸引不少 老師和學生到場分享,討論氣氛熱烈。 2013年初,系內教師兼著名詩人王良和博士以「文學創 作的教與學」為題,率先在1月24日與校內外師生分享他 的創作教學經驗。王博士的演講材料豐富,解說生動, 與會者均感獲益良多。本年春,學系邀請台灣東華大學 華文文學系的須文蔚教授和東京大學文學部的藤井省三 教授到訪一個月,進行多場演講和座談,為學院帶來極 具亞洲視野的學術眼光和交流機會。 For more information about LCS, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/lcs 譚志明博士指出,文學創作的教學宜避免抽象理論 王良和博士 主講「文學 創作的教與 學」 Department & Centre Highlights 13 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Centre for Language in Education 語文教育中心 Message from Head Centre for Language in Education (CLE) is a service unit under the new Faculty of Humanities. According to the new language policy effective from September 2012/13, CLE’s core mission is to support HKIEd students’ development in Chinese, English and Putonghua with the help of comprehensive enhancement programmes. Another important part of our mission is to promote learner autonomy, with the ultimate aim of enhancing the language development of Hong Kong teachers and other professionals. CLE continues to support the Institute’s vision through language enhancement programmes and activities that nurture knowledgeable, caring and responsible students, Education and non-Education majors alike. We do this by enhancing their multilingual competencies, raising their cross-cultural awareness and helping them set a realistic plan for lifelong language learning as part of their goal toward developing professionalism in their chosen field and career. In addition, the Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre (ASLLC) will continue to provide a range of self-access resources, independent learning materials and multi-media facilities. Support activities such as individual and small-group language advising will be strengthened. The International Language and Culture Exchange Club (Club IEd) will continue to provide a variety of language-rich and culture-focused activities to foster informal interaction and cultural exchange. Prof. David C. S. Li(李楚成教授) Head, CLE Activities held at the International Language and Culture Exchange Club (Club IEd) The Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre (ASLLC) For more information about CLE, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/cle Department & Centre Highlights 14 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Research Centre for Chinese Literature & Literary Culture 中國文學文化研究中心 中國文學文化研究中心(Research Centre for Chinese Literature & Literary Culture, RCCLLC)是基於香港教育學院的發展,知識創 發趨勢,以及香港社會需求,於二零零九年八月成立。中心集合了人文學院、文學及文化學系及中國語言學系的資源,至今 已舉辦了數十項學術活動,爭取了多個研究項目的資助。本中心重視文學知識的生產與文學傳播及教育之聯繫,同時致力於 在香港本土的文化脈絡下,全方位推動中國文學與文化的研究,以期對地區性和國際性的中國文學研究產生重要影響。 2012年9月18日,中國文學文化研究中心與文學及文化學系合辦 了「談豐子愷的藝術與美育」講座,邀請了香港藝術館虛白齋館長 司徒元傑先生作主講及香港中文大學香港文學研究中心顧問盧瑋 鑾教授作嘉賓主持。司徒元傑先生在2012年在香港成功策劃了豐 子愷畫展,他介紹了香港藝術館努力收集豐子愷畫作的歷程,將 對豐子愷的藝術與美育理念的理解,從豐子愷的畫貫串到畫面之 外的人與事之中,與現場的聽眾分享。而畢生致力於香港文學研 究的盧瑋鑾教授講述了豐子愷先生與香港文學之間的一段緣分, 並借此闡發了她對當前香港文學教育的獨到理解。主講與嘉賓幽 默機智而不失懇切,現場氣氛熱烈。 2012年10月17日,中國文學文化研究中心舉辦 了「諾貝爾文學獎與中國文學—從莫言獲獎談 起」講座,由本院兼任教授陳學超教授主講, 陳國球教授主持。陳學超教授的演講深入淺 出,生動有趣,現場學生提問積極踴躍。 2012年11月8日,中國語言學系與中國文學文化 研究中心合辦了根據曹禺同名劇作改編演出的評 彈「雷雨」劇目,本劇由蘇州市評彈團演出,演員 陣容強大,包括盛小雲、徐慧新等一眾評彈界“大 腕”,現場觀眾爆滿,掌聲不斷。 2012年12月10日,中國文學文化研究中心舉辦「中 國文學原典選讀」第二十次次讀書會,由香港城市 大學中文、翻譯及語言學系助理教授張萬民導讀, 題目為〈詩集傳〉與朱熹的解詩體系。 有關中國文學文化研究中心的資料,請瀏覽 http://www.ied.edu.hk/rccllc 學術活動 2012年11月21日,文學及文化學系與中國文學文化研究中心合辦了「中國審美趣味 的歷史—對中國古今審美範式嬗變的一點思考」的講座,由北京師範大學李春青教 授主講,余君偉教授主持。李教授在文藝學研究方面素有學養,聽眾受益匪淺。 Department & Centre Highlights 15 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Centre for Popular Culture and Education 流行文化與教育研究中心 The Centre for Popular Culture and Education (CPCE) is a focal point for research on popular culture and education in Hong Kong. Taking a broad view of popular culture and education, the Centre supports research in a variety of areas, including New Literacies, Media Education, Digital Media and Learning, Learning and Play, and Public Pedagogy. Popular Culture in English Language Education In September 2009, the Hong Kong school system launched an ambitious and exciting new English Language curriculum for the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE). In 2012, the first cohort of the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum graduated, and more than 150 of these graduates have now entered the Institute as first-year students in the new 5-year BEd (English Language) and 4-year BA (Language Studies) programmes. The NSS English curriculum is of great interest to the CPCE, because of its emphasis on Language Arts and the inclusion of an elective called “‘Learning English through Popular Culture”. The CPCE has been tracking the development of the new curriculum through several research projects since the launch of the Centre in July 2010 and this is now coming to fruition with the launch of a series of reports, under the title: Popular Culture in the Hong Kong Senior Secondary School English Curriculum. Benson, P., & Patkin, J. (2013) Popular Culture in the Hong Kong Senior Secondary School English Curriculum: Part 1. A critical review of documents and resources. Benson, P., & Patkin, J. (2013) Popular Culture in the Hong Kong Senior Secondary School English Curriculum: Part 2. Students’ engagement with popular culture and their attitudes to its use in English language teaching. Benson, P., & Patkin, J. (2013) Popular Culture in the Hong Kong Senior Secondary School English Curriculum: Part 3. Graduates’ experiences of popular culture in English language teaching. Parts 1 and 2 were published in January 2013 and Part 3 will be published shortly. Through this series of reports, the Centre aims to contribute a critical perspective on this important educational initiative, which will contribute to the development of English language teaching in schools and lead to further academic publications. In order to foster knowledge transfer to the educational community, the reports are published as high quality PDF documents that can be downloaded from the Centre’s revamped website (under ‘Publications’at http://www.ied.edu.hk/cpce/). Forthcoming Book Following the successful 2nd International Conference on Popular Culture and Education held at the Institute in December 2011, the Centre Director is co-editing a collection of papers from the conference under the title, Popular Culture, Pedagogy and Teacher Education: International Perspectives. The book is currently under contract to Routledge, UK, and is due to appear in late 2013. For more information about CPCE, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/cpce Department & Centre Highlights 16 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

An International Graduate’s Perspective on MATESOL Ryosuke Takagishi is an international graduate from the Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MATESOL) programme. Ryosuke had taught English for over four years at a secondary school in Japan before coming to HKIEd. His inspiration for becoming a teacher came from his father, an unconventional teacher who encouraged students to make self-improvements constantly. Ryosuke believes that it is important for teachers to integrate theories into practice and postgraduate studies would enable him to learn the theoretical frameworks behind teaching and learning English as a Second Language. Here Ryosuke shares his experiences on the programme and HKIEd. What attracted you to our programme? A lot of people asked me why I chose to study at HKIEd as opposed to a university abroad. For me, the main purpose of coming here is to get to know how teachers in Hong Kong teach English in a multilingual setting. HKIEd provides such an environment whereas in the U.S. or U.K., it’s very difficult to observe non-native teachers teaching English to non-native students. What made HKIEd different from other universities you have been to? A professor in Japan recommended HKIEd because this is the only education-focused tertiary institution in Hong Kong and is very innovative. What makes this so unique is the multi-dimensional approach combined with the variety of courses taught here. Courses such as Second Language Acquisition, Sociolinguistics, World Englishes, Curriculum Assessment, ELT Innovations were very inspiring for me. What was the learning environment like here? First of all, the academic and teaching staff are all very passionate. They encourage students to pursue knowledge and they share knowledge with students. They are the model teachers of how we should be when we graduate. Secondly, there is a great diversity amongst the students including people from Korea, China, the U.S., Australia and Singapore. The third has to do with the facilities here. My decision to pursue Master’s degree here was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. How did you expand your circle of friends and network of professionals during your studies ? It was great to have expanded my network internationally. Local, regional and international students with varying levels of teaching experience shared ideas in different contexts, especially in the Asian contexts. The sharing of knowledge and experience has been most inspiring and influential to me. I believe this network will continue throughout my life as we keep in touch via modern technologies like Facebook. How does your experience help you in terms of professional growth? I had never completed a research project or dissertation before and through the process I learnt how to write the literature review, how to collect, analyse and integrate data into my research. Little by little, I can now try to improve my teaching by applying the research and theories that I have learnt into practice. What areas of the programme are strongest? One of the strongest points is that HKIEd has wellrespected professors in the field of World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca. For instance, Prof. David C. S. Li is one of the most influential professors in this field. Would you recommend this programme to others? Yes. People often judge programmes by the name of the University. But I think it’s not the name that matters; it’s about the quality of education and the students. So anyone who has strong motivation to pursue teaching or learning English, this is the place to be. What advice would you give to current and prospective students? Maintain strong motivation and be prepared to work hard as this is a one-year programme. Time management is also important because we have to finish the dissertation within six months. Alumni Interview 17 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Alumni Column Dream Starts from When I first studied at HKIEd, I always pictured myself standing in the front of the classroom, explaining English grammar and calling students to answer questions. This was what I thought a teacher should be. However, the more I have studied in education, the more I was aware that teaching is not only about academic knowledge but also inspiring students to develop their full potential to shape society. This mission and vision drove me to actively participate in various co-curricular programmes with the aim of equipping myself to be a better teacher. Serving beyond Teaching I was a student leader in the Students’ Union, mentoring various service learning projects and organising international study tours. These cocurricular experiences cultivated my soft skills and broadened my horizon, which made me realise the huge positive impact that co-curricular programmes I had graduated as a qualified teacher ready to enter the world of classroom teaching but eventually chose to serve at Student Affairs Office in my Alma Mater, leading student empowerment programmes and supporting student services. I am very thankful to all the teachers, mentors and peers I met in HKIEd, which is my second home away from home. could bring to prospective teachers. At that time, I hoped that I could engage more prospective teachers in these programmes, and in turn they could affect their students in the future. Work from the Heart My dream came true when my role changed from a participant to an administrator of the co-curricular programmes in Student Affairs Office. I enjoy my work tremendously and find it fulfilling to be able to facilitate and support the joyful learning of university students, especially prospective teachers who are committed to provide quality education in schools. I work with strong passion and understand deeply that what I do will directly influence these prospective teachers’ learning experience. This is only the first step of my career. There are plenty of things I have yet to discover and learn but as an alumna, I believe that I can provide better student service to my family members in HKIEd. A Home away from Home - Learning and Serving at HKIEd Zhu Ailin(朱艾琳)– 2011 BEd (English Language) Graduate 18 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Alumni Column 我在紙頁上寫了一行字—初為人師小記 2012年中國語文教育榮譽學士課程畢業生 方嘉俊 我常常想,我們初生時都是一本書,安躺在角落。然而,要說是「書」,似乎又不太相稱—裡面本來不過是 一片茫然的空白。有人拾起了「書」,揭開,在紙頁上默默地寫下了一行又一行的字,方才成了書—也就有了 豐富的內涵。 我不禁感到不可思議,自己曾經被填上長長短短的優美篇章,累月經年,而如今竟變成執筆的人,翻開書本們 的某一頁,給他們寫起第一行字來。這實在令我訝異。 說實話,由我這初生之犢分享教學心得,實在有點慚愧。初為人師,感受最深的,是深刻體會到做好「老 師」這個角色是多麼不簡單的一回事。在這段日子,我真正明白甚麼是「教學相長」。不論上課、小息或放學 時跟學生聊天(或訓話),又或者批閱他們大大小小的課業時,我都感覺到生命與生命之間正在不斷來往交 流。這是很微妙的事情。我給學生「寫字」,翻開了的紙頁卻夾著一面鏡照著我,讓我漸漸看清楚自己的模 樣。這是多麼奇妙的玩意。記得開學的時候,我刻意營造一個嚴厲的形象,並且訂立了一連串規矩,沒有帶 書要罰抄、遲交課業要留堂等各式各樣的罰則,以防學生違規。過了大約一個月,我發現這種「高壓」的管 理模式似乎不太奏效,反而令我跟學生的關係愈趨緊張。有比較乖巧的學生坦誠地告訴我︰「老師,你很惡 呀!」我才猛然一醒。於是,我嘗試改變自己之前「沒商量」的一面,對學生多作鼓勵及誘導。教育大抵就是 生命與生命之間不斷的來往交流。我發現,備課認真充足、教學和課室管理的方法得宜,這些都相當重要, 但更重要的是知道學生的想法、能力和需要,同時讓學生清楚老師的期望和原則。要做到這一點是很吃力 的,既花時間又花精神,卻是成功的第一步,也是不可省去的功夫。 有時我會怕,怕自己在起始階段會寫錯字,或者寫得不怎麼好,因此我會更加小心翼翼,慢慢用心寫好每一行 字。我想,我可以做到的。 19 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1

Learning beyond the Classroom An international study tour to the University of Lleida in Catalonia, Spain was organised for the first cohort of BA (Language Studies) students in the summer of 2012 to give them an invaluable experience in cultural awareness, thereby greatly enhancing the quality and effectiveness of their teaching and learning. The visit was designed to give our students exposure to a culture very different from their own but with some curious socio-cultural and linguistic parallelisms. The participating students had significant exposure to the region’s culture through workshops such as Catalan and Spanish history and literature, identity and language politics, and the Sardana dance and folk music. The students also had the opportunity to attend an inspiring rehearsal session of Castellers (the formation of human towers). The trip included a number of lessons in basic Spanish and Catalan which the students found very useful in their daily interactions with the locals. Quite quickly they were able to order food, ask for directions and buy things communicating in elementary Spanish. The students also visited a local secondary school which gave them a sense of the educational system in Catalonia. The local sightseeing in Lleida as well as a visit to the ancient city of Tarragona provided students with a strong understanding of the history and culture of the region. A guided tour of Barcelona gave students a sense of the remarkable urban design of Barcelona and introduced them to the works of renowned architect Antonio Gaudi, particularly his iconic masterpiece Segrada Familia. The student participants described the visit as eye-opening and rewarding, and organised a sharing session after the trip which they appropriately titled “Redefining Memorable”. The visit was also well received by the University community in Lleida and the group received special mention in the local newspaper. Comments from students: Learning beyond the Classroom: A Visit to Catalonia, Spain There are numerous memorable moments and highlights during the visit. What has remained particularly significant for me is the sharing session with students. Lit Ka Shing The Sardana dance workshop is the most memorable. After mastering the steps, I had the chance to reflect on the experience. The Catalans put most of their efforts, even their whole lives in revitalising the dance, which is a vital asset in the Catalan culture. Liu Chor Hong The trip was wellorganised, meaningful and insightful. Fu Sau Mui I was at the base of the Casteller. Everyone was holding each other tightly and giving support. Instantly, it felt like we were a close team. Through this experience, I got a sense of how powerful trust and harmony are. Cheng Xiaoqian 20 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1