​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​April 2013

Welcome to the first issue of the Faculty of Humanities’ Newsletter. It has been eight months since the Faculty of Languages was restructured to and renamed the Faculty of Humanities (人文學院) on 1 July 2012. As a strategic move of HKIEd towards its destination of becoming a multidisciplinary University of Education, the restructuring is an important milestone which will provide valuable opportunities for the future development of our Faculty and for individual academic and teaching members to excel in their pursuit of teaching and research in their areas of expertise. This will also enrich our students’ competency and open up additional career pathways. Such preparations for mobility in manpower are beneficial to HKIEd and to the society of Hong Kong. The Faculty of Humanities (FHM) comprises four Departments, namely Chinese Language Studies, English Language Education, Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, and Literature and Cultural Studies, along with the Centre for Language in Education, with some 130 academic, teaching and research staff. Building upon our pre-existing strengths in the discipline areas of Language, Literature and Culture, we focus on high quality programme offerings in a wider spectrum of Humanities related disciplines like Language Studies, General and Applied Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and History of Thoughts, with the development of other new areas in the ensuing years. Our Faculty will also provide a more comprehensive learning environment and balanced emphasis on academic knowledge, cross-cultural awareness and language competences which helps to groom our students. Our new Faculty logo is built from the Chinese characters of “Humanities” featuring a bilingual tagline of “Where human defines the world 人能弘道”. The saying comes from Confucius’ Analects or Lunyu: 人能弘道,非道弘 人, meaning that it is not truth that makes man great but man that makes truth great. Therefore we should learn and better equip ourselves before we can make truth great. This serves as a guiding principle for us to nurture our students, contributing to the advancement of the humanities education and the betterment of the community. The Faculty of Humanities will continue to strive for excellence and I look forward to working closely with all the stakeholders of our Faculty in the coming days. Prof. Leonard Chan Dean, Faculty of Humanities The Faculty of Humanities Marks a New Milestone for HKIEd Dean’sMessage 人文學院的成立是香港教育學院新的里程碑 自2012年7月1日起至今,語文學院易名為人文學院已經有八個月時間了。教院目前正朝向以教育為本、 建設多元學科的教育大學的目標前進,而重組語文學院正是配合教院發展策略的舉動。學院的重組具有里 程碑式的意義,重組後的人文學院將為院系的長遠發展,研究與教學人員在各自專業領域的追求卓越, 締造寶貴的機遇。同時,這也將增強我們學生的競爭力,為他們開拓更廣闊的職業道路。我們相信,語文 學院改組成為人文學院,對於教院乃至於香港社會都是有所裨益的。 人文學院下設中國語言學系、英語教育學系、語言學及現代語言系、文學及文化學系及語文教育中心, 共有大約130位教學與研究人員。學院秉承一貫的使命,在語文、文學及文化等既有的學術領域上,專注發 展人文學科相關的課程,涵蓋範疇包括語文研究、普通語言學及應用語言學、文學、文化研究和思想史, 日後並會開展更多科目。 人文學院的新標誌由「人文」兩字組成,同時包含雙語口號“Where human defines the world 人能弘道”。 這句話出自《論語•衛靈公》:「人能弘道,非道弘人」,意思是人能夠使道發揚光大,而不是道使人的才能 擴大。因此人必須先修養自身,充實自己,才可以把道發揚光大。我們以此作為培養學生的宗旨,對發展 人文教育,促進社會提升必有助益。 我期待未來和學院的同仁一起為人文學院的卓越而繼續奮鬥! 陳國球教授 人文學院院長 3 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1