​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​April 2013

Founding Ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities cum Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony 2011/12 Faculty Spotlight The Founding Ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities cum Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony 2011/12 was held on 9 Oct 2012 on HKIEd campus in Taipo. The ceremony was well-attended by some 120 students of BA (Language Studies), BEd (Chinese Language) and BEd (English Language) programmes as well as the academic, teaching and administrative staff members of the Faculty. Prof. Chan Kwok Kou Leonard, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (FHM) delivered welcome remarks to the participants introducing the new FHM and the recent achievements of the Institute. He also encouraged all students to work hard and enjoy school life. To signify and officiate the founding of the new FHM, the Dean, Associate Deans, Heads of Departments and the Centre for Language in Education, Programme Leaders of undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes of FHM were invited to host a lighting ceremony on stage to present the new logo of the Faculty. The new logo is built from the Chinese characters of “Humanities” featuring a bilingual tagline of “Where human defines the world 人能弘道”. “The saying comes from Confucius’ Analects or Lunyu: 人能弘道,非道弘人, meaning that it is not truth that makes man great but man that makes truth great. Therefore we should learn and better equip ourselves before we can make truth great,” said Prof. Chan. During the Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony, Prof. Chan presented the Excellence in Teaching Award to Dr. Bidisha Banerjee from the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies and the Certificate of Merit to Dr. Tang Pui Ling from the Department of Chinese Language Studies for their dedication and enthusiasm in teaching which has made invaluable contribution to the Faculty and students. 人文學院開幕典禮暨2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮 人文學院於2012年10月9日在教院大埔校園舉行了人文學院開幕典禮暨2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮, 約120名就讀語文研究、中國語文教育、英國語文教育學士課程的同學及人文學院教職員出席。 人文學院院長陳國球教授於開幕典禮上致辭,並簡介人文學院的架構及教育學院近期的成就。陳教授勉勵同學 在積極學習之餘,亦要好好享受校園生活的樂趣。 陳國球教授與學院各副院長、學系主任及語文教育中心主任、學士課程及碩士課程主任,一同在開幕典禮上主 持亮燈儀式,標示人文學院正式成立。人文學院的新標誌由「人文」兩字組成,包含學院的雙語口號:「Where human defines the world 人能弘道」。陳院長表示:「此語出自《論語‧衛靈公》篇:人能弘道,非道弘人。意思是 人能夠使道發揚光大,而不是道使人的才能擴大,因此人必須先修養自身,充實自己,才可以把道發揚光大。」 同場並舉行了2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮,陳國球教授分別頒發了卓越教學獎予文學及文化學系 Dr. Bidisha Banerjee及表揚狀予中國語言學系鄧佩玲博士,以表揚他們傑出的教學表現,及對學院和同學的貢獻。 Students and staff attended the Founding Ceremony cum Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony 2011/12 人文學院同學及教職員出席人文學院開幕典禮暨2011至2012年度教師表揚計劃頒獎禮 4 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1