​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​April 2013

Message from Head The Department of Literature and Cultural Studies (LCS) is comprised of academic and teaching staff specialising in Chinese literature, English literature, comparative literature, and cultural studies. Such a combination is a novel idea in the setting of tertiary education in Hong Kong. The Department aspires to become a centre of research excellence and quality higher education as well as a hub for vibrant cross-cultural exchange. Currently, the Department is concentrating its research efforts on such areas as traditional Chinese literature, intellectual history, children’s literature, Hong Kong literature, new English literatures, and film studies. We are in the process of recruiting new academic staff to strengthen the fields of canonical English literature and cultural studies. Promoting creative writing in both Chinese and English is another mission of the Department. Given the uniqueness of HKIEd as an institute of teacher training, we will not lose sight of the great contribution of literary works and pop culture artefacts to language learning. However, we do not see literary and cultural texts as mere pedagogical tools in the language classroom. Instead, we aim to offer students a solid training in literary and cultural studies to help them sharpen their critical acumen and develop into self-reflexive, interculturally sensitive, and socially responsible individuals. Towards the above-mentioned goals, my colleagues and I will make every endeavour. Prof. Eric K. W. Yu(余君偉教授) Head, LCS 日期 講者 講題 2012/9/18 司徒元傑先生 香港藝術館中國書畫館長 盧瑋鑾教授主持 談豐子愷的藝術與美育 2012/11/21 李春青教授 北京師範大學文藝學研究中心主任 暨文學院教授 第四屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區藝術論壇 —香港教育學院文學及文化專題講座 中國審美趣味的歷史演變 —對中國古今審美範式嬗變的一點思考 2012/12/5 譚志明博士 本系一級專任導師 有效教學途徑:引起學習興趣及促進學生的自學能力 2012/12/10 李婉薇博士 本系講師 晚清粵語寫作的反叛精神 2013/1/24 王良和博士 本系副教授 文學創作的教與學 2013/2/26 Prof. Edward Shaughnessy 芝加哥大學東亞語言文明系教授 香港中文大學中國文化研究所擔任訪問教授 漢學的語言:與夏含夷的討論 2013/2/18 陳萬雄博士 聯合出版(集團)有限公司副董事長兼總裁 讀人‧讀世‧讀三國—「三國」的魅力 2013/3-4 須文蔚教授 台灣東華大學華文文學系 系列講座:台港兩地的現代主義、台港兩地的副刊學、 數位文學 2013/4-5 藤井省三教授 東京大學文學部 系列講座:村上春樹作品跨媒體、跨地域的傳播 學術講座一覽 Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 文學及文化學系 Department & Centre Highlights 12 Faculty of Humanities FHM Newsletter Issue1