


EdUHK enters GRAS world top 20 in Education for first time


EdUHK’s Education is now ranked as 2nd in Asia by the latest Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS). It places Education as 18th in the world, up from its 38th place last year. 
GRAS subject rankings focus on quality of research and the performance of academics. Its criteria include a university's number of published journal papers, research impact, international collaboration performance, number of papers published in top journals and number of awards received. 

The latest rankings are a recognition of our many talents, as well as the quality of research and its impact on society. This is a great achievement for all our researchers and is a great resource for Hong Kong and the region. 
As our GRAS ranking illustrates, we strive to encourage research and international collaboration. Through quality research that impacts society, we seek to take our work to the Next Level