- +852 2948 7377
- B4-2/F-21
- pramodsah@eduhk.hk
- https://pramodsah.com/
PI (The Education University of Hong Kong Start-Up Grant): Empowering ethnic minority Hong Kong Youths: Fostering critical awareness of language and race/ism through decolonial literacy engagement (2024-2025) HK$150,000
- Co-I of Elevating Research Grant (University of Calgary) (PI: Rahat Zaidi): Antiracist Literacy Engagement: Examining ESL Students’ Entangled Experiences in Canadian Schools (2023-2024) CAD $10,000
- Co-PI of the British Council research funding (PI: Kristina Hultgren): English-Medium Education in Low- and Middle-Income Contexts: Enabler or Barrier to Gender Equality? (March - August, 2023) GBP £100,000 GBP