Arrangement for Municipal Solid Waste Charging 有關:都市固體廢物收費實施安排

Dear Staff & Students,


As announced by the Government, the Scheme of Municipal Solid Waste Charging will be implemented on 1 August 2024.  As required under the legislation, some new arrangements in refuse collection and disposal practice will be implemented within our Campus from the effective date.   Details are as follows:


Daily Refuse Collection


  • Janitors would empty all trash and rubbish bins in Offices, Classrooms, Activity Rooms, Toilets, Pantries and Campus Common Areas and Facilities etc. with Designated Bags.


Clearance of Oversized/ Bulky Items


  • Faculties, Departments & Offices, Student Organizations/ Societies are responsible for the proper disposal of their OWN Oversized/ Bulky Wastes, excluding recyclables, arising from their operations at a designated collection point with a Designated Label to be purchased by themselves. 


  • Janitors would NOT be responsible for clearing of such Oversized/ Bulky Wastes items without affixing a Designated Label.


  • The Estates Office would record the quantities of such Items to be deposited (with Designated Labels attached) with us and consider charging back user departments for the costs incurred for Oversized/ Bulky Waste Disposal at a later stage.


  • Alternatively, you may consider to engage an external contractor to discard any oversized or bulky wastes for charging by weight through the “gate fee” mode.


We appeal for your wholehearted support to practice the "Dump Less, Save More" principle.  Waste 3Rs, viz Reduction, Reuse and Recycle, are strongly encouraged for resources savings, environmental protection & sustainability with a mission to achieve carbon neutrality in the future. 


Meanwhile, you are invited to click the link below for the locations of recycling points on campus.


We would provide updates from time to time on the latest measures in response to future amendments as announced by the Government. 


Your co-operation is much appreciated.


Estates Office

28 March 2024








  • 清潔工人將使用指定垃圾袋 收集所有辦公室、課室活動室、洗手間、茶水間及公眾位置等垃圾收集桶內的一般日常垃圾。




  • 學院、學系、部門、辦公室、學生組織及團體必須自行負責處理所產生的大型垃圾及支付因清理所需之費用。各單位須自費自行購買指定標籤並將已貼上標籤大型垃圾送至校園內指定垃圾收集點。


  • 清潔工友將不會協助清理沒有貼上指定標籤之大型/大件雜物垃圾。


  • 物業處會安排記錄各單位所產生已貼上指定標籤之大型/大件垃圾數量,以便日後考慮收回清理費用。


  • 各單位亦可安排自行聘用清潔公司,根據重量按「入閘費」模式棄置大型垃圾。









