


Music and movement in Hong Kong kindergartens: Year 1 EdD student in ECE publishes her first article with supervisor


Dr. Alfredo Bautista and Ms. Ho Yan Lam (Research Assistant and Year 1 EdD Student in ECE) publish an article together in the Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. The article is entitled “Music and movement teacher professional development: An interview study with Hong Kong kindergarten teachers”. It is part of the Start-Up Grant funded by EdUHK Committee on Research & Development (RG 75/2018-2019R).

Both authors are delighted to share this article, which is special because it is Yan’s first publication! Drawing on individual interviews with 71 kindergarten teachers, the study explores their professional development needs, motivations and preferences pertaining to music and movement. If you would like to read the study, please visit:
