
Congratulations to Professor Chou Kee Lee
Professor Chou’s project “Alleviating Loneliness in Older Adults Living in Poverty: A Multi-level Intervention” received HK$5.3 million in funding from the RGC. In this four-year project, Professor Chou’s team seeks to conduct a single-blinded cluster, four-arm randomized controlled trial designed to test the effect and cost-effectiveness of a multi-level intervention to alleviate loneliness among Hong Kong Chinese older adults living in poverty. This study will lay a solid foundation for the large-scale implementation of such an effective, accessible, affordable, and scalable intervention shortly by capitalizing on community social capital.
Alumnus Dr Herbary Cheung honored with two prestigious Early Career Researcher Awards
Dr Herbary Cheung, an alumnus of The Department of Asian and Policy Studies (now The Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies), has been honored with two prestigious Early Career Researcher awards for his outstanding work on gender and migration, promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Southeast Asia.
GGP3014 Pedagogy in Geographical Education-GBA field trip to Foshan
This is a compulsory GBA field trip for the course GGP3014 Pedagogy in Geographical Education, led by Dr. Karen LIU. In this field trip, students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest development in GBA city and gain a deeper understanding of the educational environment through engaging in in-depth discussion with the current experienced teacher from the mainland. The students not only visited the local school and observed a professional geography lesson, but also explored the surrounding field sites and further investigated the city changes brought by urban development and governance planning. It is believed after the field trip, students will be able to understand how to conduct an effect teaching session and enhance their subject knowledge with analytical study of different cases in GBA.
Dr Isabella Ng Shares Insights on Supporting Refugees and Asylum-Seekers with Monash University Students
Dr Isabella Ng was invited by the Malaysia School of Arts and Social Sciences at Monash University to share her expertise on advocating for the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers with her students from the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and the interns with diverse backgrounds from all over the world.

Policy Dialogue Series | Young People are the Future: Rebuilding their hope and stake in Hong Kong
10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Council Chamber Foyer, Room 7337 (Lift 13-15), Academic Building, HKUST

The challenges and future of transnational mobility/ Transnational what, why and how?
08:30 - 18:30
Council Chamber, The Education University of Hong Kong

Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies Regular Seminar Series 2024/25