Dr CHU Man Ying Amanda
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Dr. Amanda Chu is currently an assistant professor at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). She received her Ph.D. from The University of Hong Kong, Master’s degree in Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (Statistics) from The University of Hong Kong. She is also a certified Financial Risk Manager of Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) and a certified Professional Risk Manager of the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA). Her research interests include data privacy, business ethics, risk management, and applied statistics. She has papers in journals like Annals of Applied Statistics, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Business Ethics, Statistical Methods and Medical Research, among others.
Before starting her academic career, Dr. Chu has obtained 10 years of experience in consulting, market research, risk management, and business development. She managed over five government-funded research projects and more than 10 industry collaborative projects with various associations and global companies when she was a consultant in the industry.