


Dr. Henry Ho Releases the Findings of the Hong Kong Workplace Happiness Index


Dr. Henry Ho jointly conducted a survey of the Hong Kong Workplace Happiness Index with the School of Nursing, Tung Wah College for HK.WeCARE, Wofoo Social Enterprises. Responses from 1,527 participants were obtained through an online survey from 13 to 28 December 2022, and the findings were released on 21 March 2023.

According to the survey, Hong Kong’s Workplace Happiness Index scored 5.15 out of a scale of 0-10. 31.5% of workers reported to be experiencing work-induced work-life imbalance, and 40.5% of them reported to have experienced burnout.

Subjective pay appropriacy is the most influential factor on workplace happiness, but actual income is not related to workplace happiness. 62% of Hong Kong people perceived work is “just a way to earn money, nothing more”. The most desired workplace cultures among respondents were mutual respect (52.3%), fairness (47.9%), transparency (30.3%) and recognition (30%).

You can find more details in the following news reports:

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