


Dr. Henry Ho and Dr. Kevin Chan Releases the Findings of an EOC Study on Perceptions of Stigmatization and Discrimination of Persons with Mental Illness in the Workplace


Dr. Henry Ho and Dr. Kevin Chan released the findings of an Equal Opportunities Commissioned project of the “Study on Perceptions of Stigmatization and Discrimination of Persons with Mental Illness (PMIs) in the Workplace” (the study) on 28 February 2023.

The study was carried out with a mixed-method design in which quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Responses from 858 participants consisting of 593 employed persons and 265 PMIs were obtained through a face-to-face questionnaire survey from May to November 2020, while 50 employers and supervisors in managerial positions participated in the in-depth interviews from February to July 2021.

According to the Study, the common stigmatization towards PMIs reported by the employed persons was that they were worried that PMIs would harm others (55.7%), they would try to keep a distance from PMIs (46.5%) and were afraid of being alone with PMIs (43.4%).

You can find more details in the following news reports:

Press Releases: EOC Releases the Findings of the Study on Perceptions of Stigmatization and Discrimination of Persons with Mental Illness in the Workplace [Equal Opportunities Commission] 2023-02-28

Mental empathy a work in progress [The Standard] 2023-03-01 Local

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