


Dr Wai-Kai Hou and local researchers released findings and provided recommendations on mental health and overall well-being


Dr Wai-Kai Hou, Director of Centre for Psychosocial Health, and researchers from The University of Hong Kong, including Professor Tatia Lee of Department of Psychology, Dr Winnie Tso and Dr Patrick Ip of Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, and other institutions, have conducted a series of studies in the past two years on how COVID-19 adversely affect people’s mental health and its association with society. The findings released in 2022 by Professor Lee and Dr Hou’s team discovered that disruption to daily routines can increase the odds of developing conditions such as anxiety and depression. Together with other research teams, these researchers have made ten recommendations for children, younger adults, and older adults to help enhance their mental health and overall well-being.

You can find more details from the following news reports: 

1.  研究:疫下生活节奏乱 焦虑抑郁发病增  [Ming Pao Daily News] 2022-04-18 A02 新冠疫情
2.  东方与你抗疫:调查:生活紊乱 经济受压易诱发 抗疫疲惫 港人焦虑抑郁加剧  [Oriental Daily News] 2022-04-18 A06 要闻
3.  研究:疫情打乱生活增焦虑抑郁  [Sing Tao Daily] 2022-04-18 A05 港闻
4.  疫情打乱生活 焦虑抑郁发病率增  [Ta Kung Pao] 2022-04-18 A04 要闻
5. HKU Clinical Psychologist And Paediatricians Provide Useful Tips In Psychological Health Under The Pandemic [India Education Diary] 2022-04-18
6. HKU clinical psychologist and paediatricians provide useful tips in psychological health under pandemic [Mirage News] 2022-04-17
7. 疫下压力大 港大与教大研究:焦虑抑郁发病增 [联合新闻网] 2022-04-18
8. 疫下压力大 港大与教大研究:焦虑抑郁发病增 [World Journal] 2022-04-18

Press release: https://www.hku.hk/press/news_detail_24391.html


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