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100 Parents Series

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100 Parents Series

Project Details

Funding Organisation

(names listed in no particular order)
Association of Secondary School Heads, Tai Po District
North District Secondary School Headmasters Conference
The Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL), The Education University of Hong Kong

Co-organising Unit


“100 Parents” Series was co-organised by the “Sporty Fun” Working Group of Tai Po North District Local Committee on Services for Young People of the Social Welfare Department, I-WELL, and the Associations of Heads of Secondary Schools in the Tai Po and North districts. Family Day marked the flagship event of the “100 Parents” Series” to enhance public awareness of the importance of family harmony and mental health, under the themes of sports, family, understanding and networking. I-WELL was also invited to provide in-depth parent workshops as an extension of the event to help parents to learn more about positive parenting in January 2020.


To enhance public awareness of the importance of family harmony and mental health, under the themes of sports, family, understanding and networking.

Recruitment & Service Recipient

Parents and their children with special educational needs

Project Category
