Research Projects
| Project title
| Capacity
| Amount
| Sponsoring body
| Towards an understanding of second language writing teachers’ metacognition in teaching
| Principal Investigator
| HK$737,140
| General Research Fund
01/2021-10/2024 | Understanding the Development of Student Feedback Literacy in the L2 Writing
| Principal Investigator | HK$661,240 | General Research Fund |
10/2021-04/2024 | Assessment as Learning through Portfolio Assessment in the Second Language Classroom | Principal Investigator | HK$1,124,244 |
Standing Committee on Language Education and Research
05/2019 – 06/2022 | Enhancing assessment literacy of principals, teachers and students through school-university partnership
| Principal Investigator | HK$958,000 | Quality Education Fund |
01/2018 – 06/2020 | Focused written corrective feedback in Hong Kong secondary classrooms
| Co-investigator | HK$591,992 | General Research Fund |
01/2017 – 12/2019 | Understanding the nature and impact of teacher and peer feedback on student translations in Chinese EFL context: A multiple-case study
| Co-investigator
| MOP 420,000
| Multi-year research grant, University of Macau
05/2019 – 04/2020 | Enhancing student’s English proficiency, academic achievement, critical thinking and English learning motivation through digital and traditional story-telling
| Co-investigator
| HK$161,400
| Quality Education Fund
07/2014 – 02/2015 | Research and professional development project on Assessment as Learning in the writing classroom in the key learning area of English language at key stage two to three | Co-investigator | HK$402,281 | Education Bureau |