




This course builds on the groundwork laid in Japanese III, and takes students to a higher level of proficiency in Japanese and a stronger communicative competence in using Japanese in various social contexts and for a variety of purposes. It also aims to enable students to understand more complex speech and written texts compared to those in Japanese III. By the end of the course, students will be able to engage in informal conversations on a wider range of topics, at near-natural speed. Students will generally be able to follow the contents of daily conversations as well as grasp the relationship between the people involved. They will also have the ability to understand and summarise the main points of slightly more complex texts. In addition, students will be able to write short texts to express their opinions about everyday topics. The course prepares students for the N4 level of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).

2. 文化课程


The course aims at developing students as able communicators in Japanese by introducing them with linguistic principles underlying the communication strategies used by native Japanese speakers. The course also highlights grammatical structures in Japanese that have special pragmatic functions.
With the increasing Internet accessibility to Japanese pop culture, learners nowadays utilise social media such as YouTube to acquire Japanese language more frequently than previous generations. However, these kinds of practice largely favour the acquisition of spoken form of the language, and as a result the communication competency in written discourse is commonly neglected among learners. This course aims to offer an introduction to effective reading comprehension through the studies of fundamental translating skills and techniques required for communication, where written Japanese and Chinese are used for general and specific purposes. With the practice of translating selected writing genres related to everyday life in modern Japanese pop culture and manga, students will gain analytical tools to interpret and analyse different writing discourses systematically and thus acquire a higher level of communication competency.
Compared to other cultural elements such as art and literature, gastronomy is more easily appreciated and enjoyed by the general public and therefore an excellent way to access the history and culture of Japan. This course aims to help students to gain in-depth knowledge of the cultural, historical, symbolic, and philosophical implications in Washoku culture through reading, observation, description and organization of various Washoku topics, from street snack “Takoyaki” to formal Kaiseki haute-cuisine.
The course aims at developing students as able communicators in French by introducing them with intercultural differences and interpersonal skills in real-life situations. Students will be taught communication strategies and cultural awareness in their interactions with French speakers. The course also highlights grammatical structures in French that have special pragmatic functions.
This course draws on a series of films to broaden students' awareness of the French-speaking world. The films are set in a variety of French-speaking cultures around the world, and provide perspectives on a range of issues with current relevance to the French-speaking sphere. Through viewings, presentations and discussions, the course equips students for the critical appreciation of these films as artistic and sociocultural artifacts.
The course aims at developing students to be intercultural communicators by introducing them to linguistic principles underlying the communication strategies used by native Korean speakers. The course also examines grammatical structures in Korean that have special pragmatic functions.
This course is an introduction to the main features of modern and contemporary Korean culture and society. It aims to enhance students’ understanding of South Korea by examining crucial historical and social events as well as important issues portrayed in multimedia productions, including movies, TV dramas and webtoons. By the end of the course, students will be able to draw connections between various issues in contemporary Korean society such as the impact of industrialisation and economic development, as well as globalisation and multiculturalism. They will also have the ability to evaluate how key events and issues have been shaped, questioned and challenged in multimedia within the context of Korea’s rapid socio-political and economic transformation.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the cultural heritage of Korea and the critical characteristics of Korean cultural heritage sites related to religious, spiritual, and customary practices. It intends to provide students with an understanding of their significance to the national identity of Korean people and global human history. This course enables students to analyse various aspects of the Korean culture, including historical events, traditional arts, architecture, literature, language, religion, and customs through the lens of cultural heritage. Students will also explore questions such as: What are cultural sites? What is the social and cultural basis for identifying cultural sites as globally significant?


3. 通识-体验学习课程


To help students fill the gap of knowledge between stereotypical and authentic Japanese culture, this course aims at providing the opportunity for them to engage in active, experiential learning, to explore a higher level of Japanese culture while staying in Hong Kong. Students are required to make contact and visit multiple times a community that is closely engaged in Japanese culture.
The aim of the course is to develop students’ greater awareness of the French presence in Hong Kong, and to understand how this presence contributes to the city’s international character through experiential and non-formal activities. To reach this aim, students will explore the economic, social, and cultural aspects of the French presence in Hong Kong, based on their thematic interests.
The course is made for students to cultivate and master their understanding of Korea. Thus, it is open to all students who are enthusiastic in learning about the country, its culture, history, and societal norms, regardless of their level in Korean. This class will allow students to reach out to the school community and develop creative thinking and social interaction skills. Students will also achieve a broadened global perspective and better acknowledge Korean norms as well as multiculturalism in Hong Kong.


4. 通识-大学电子学习历程档案课程


This course requires students who have experienced or encountered many aspects of multilingualism in their university education, campus life and everyday life to critically reflect on the significance and implications of being multilingual, exploring connections between language, culture and identity in a multilingual society, notably in the biliterate and trilingual context of Hong Kong.




Currently, LML offers a Minor in Japanese Studies and a Minor in French Studies. A Minor in Korean Studies is under preparation and will be launched in the near future. Students need to take FIVE courses (i.e., 15 cps) to claim a minor. There are two ways to fulfill this 5-course requirement. 


1.   3 Core Courses (Language) + 2 Elective Courses (Language/Culture) (15CPs)

Core courses (Language): from Level 1 to Level 3. 

Elective courses: apart from courses offered by LML, there are courses offered by other departments. Student can choose the course depending on their study plan and preference.  

French Studies
  • LIN3025  French IV
  • LIN3029  French Language and Culture 
  • LIN1041  The French-speaking World in Films 
  • HIS2036  History of Modern France (Offered by Department of Literature and Cultural Studies) 
Japanese Studies
  • LIN3037  Japanese IV
  • LIN3032  Japanese Language and Culture 
  • LIN3040  Topics in Japanese-Chinese Translation: Manga and Popular Culture 
  • LIN2051  Introduction to Washoku: Culture of Japanese Cuisine
  • HIS3010  Modern Japan and its Neighbors since the mid-19th Century (Offered by Department of Literature and Cultural Studies) 


2.   2 Core Courses (Language) + 3 Elective Courses (Language/Culture) (15CPs)

Students with proven proficiency equivalent to Level 1 in the respective modern language can take an additional culture course to replace the Level 1 language course. Since culture courses may not be offered regularly, students are advised to take them whenever they are offered.  


3.   Plan ahead for the Minor


Students are encouraged to take the foundation language courses (i.e., Levels 1-2) and the culture course(s) before Year 3, so they can have a higher chance of studying the higher-level courses before graduation. Students with no knowledge in the target modern language can also take the culture courses first as most of them are taught in English and requires no proficiency in the target language. Students are advised to check the availability of these ML courses every semester before the registration period.   


Students can also make use of the exchange study to earn credit points for the Minor programme in MLs. Students may transfer the credits of up to two courses (i.e., 6 cps) taken during the exchange semester. Courses that fulfil one of the following requirements will be allowed for credit transfer. 

  1. taught in the modern language concerned
  2. with content related to the modern language concerned (e.g., Japanese philosophy taught in English)  


Courses studied at universities outside of Korea, Japan, or France may also be eligible for credit transfer as long as either of the above requirements is fulfilled. Students are strongly advised to consult the respective instructor before they plan their exchange trip to ensure that the courses they plan to take during the exchange are eligible for credit transfer. The department has the final decision as to whether the transfer is successful or not. 


Offering plan of ML courses*
Level I     Every semester (including summer)    
Level II  Semester 2 (every year)   
Level IIISemester 2 (once every two years)   
Level IVSemester 2 (once every two years but not in the same year as Level III)   
Language-cum-culture coursesSemester 2 (every year)   

*The offering plan is subject to change without prior notice  

法国人在香港: 1848-1945年的故事​​​​​

日期: 十一月二十七日2023年

时间: 上午十一四十五分至下午十二四十五分

地点: B4-LP-01



法国纪录片放映会 ​​​​​

日期: 月三十日2023年

时间: 中午十二时至下午一时

地点: B4-LP-05


演讲: The French Girl

日期: 九月十一日2023年

时间: 中午十二时至下午一时

地点: B4-LP-01



日期: 五月十二2023年

时间: 中午十二时


日期: 五月五日2023年

时间: 下午十二

B3 & B4 (G/F)之间



法式 Café
日期: 二十八日2023年

时间: 下午



日期: 日2023年

时间: 下午至九

地点: B2-LP-21






















ご飯のお供 (Gohan no Otomo)
日期: 月十日2023年

时间: 下午十二

中央广场 (学校饭堂前面)


日期: 月十日2023年

时间: 下午




日期: 日2023年

时间: 下午四时

地点: B3-P-06


齐来玩日本传统游戏#2 - 坊主めくり
日期: 二月十日2023年

时间: 下午



齐来玩日本传统游戏#1 - 福笑い
日期: 一月三十日2023年

时间: 下午



日期: 一月十九日2023年

时间: 下午



享受日本本地节日 - 十日えびす
日期: 一月十三日2023年

时间: 下午

D3-LP-15 & Zoom


法式 Café
日期: 十二月十五日2022年

时间: 下午二时四时



日期: 十二月八日2022年

时间: 中午十二时至下午四时

地点: B3 & B4 (G/F)之间




日期: 日2022年

时间: 下午时至

地点: D1-LP-03




日期: 十一月十六日2022年

时间: 下午四时

地点: B2-LP-13






日期: 十一月十日2022年

时间: 下午五时至六时半

地点: C-LP-02



日期: 十月日2022年

时间: 上午时至十二

地点: C-LP-02



日期: 五月二十五日2022年

时间: 下午七时半至九时

地点: Zoom



日期: 五月十四日2022年

时间: 下午七时至九时

地点: Zoom




日期: 五月十三日2022年

时间: 下午八时至九时半

地点: Zoom



日期: 四月六日2022年

时间: 下午七时半至九时

地点: Zoom


日期: 三月三十日2022年

时间: 下午七时半至九时

地点: Zoom



日期: 三月九日2022年

时间: 下午七时半至八时半

地点: Zoom


日期: 一月二十七日2022年

时间: 下午八时至十时

地点: D1-LP-06


日期: 十一月十日2021年

时间: 下午七时半至九时半

地点: D2-LP-08




日期: 十一月三日2021年

时间: 下午六时半至八时半

地点: B2-LP-13



日期: 十月二十七日2021年

时间: 下午六时半至八时半

地点: D2-LP-08



日期: 十月七日2021年

时间: 下午五时半至七时

模式: 面对面


日期: 十一月七日2019年

时间: 上午九时半至十一时半

地点: B3-B4 G/F



「韩风」来袭 2019



日期: 十月十一日2019年

时间: 下午二时至四时

地点: D1/D2-LP Pacific Coffee 后面


探索日本2015 - 名古屋及大阪游学团 
日期: 六月九至十八日2015年
地点: 名古屋、高山、京都和大阪









Moulimois Alice女士







