Page 12 - 彩虹橋 第三十四期家長通訊
P. 12

活           動         花         絮


                              My name is Mia Laikola. I am a 20 years old girl from Finland where I study my Bachelor of
                                Social Services. Going on an exchange programme has always been my dream and finally
                                   I had a chance to go. I wanted to go as far as I can from Finland. That is why I ended
                                     up here in Hong Kong at ECLC and I could not be much happier. Being in ECLC has
                                        given me so much already. I have learn so many new things, I have grown as an
                                        adult and, most of all, I have had the pleasure to get to know all of these kind
                                        and lovely people who welcomed us so warmly. All the teachers and children
                                      have been so good to us and they have taken us as part of their life in ECLC.
                                     These experiences and memories will stay in our mind forever. The time has gone
                                   so fast and it is hard to believe that soon it is time to say goodbye and go back to
                                Finland. I will miss this place, all teachers and all children so much and they will always
                              have place in my heart. Thank you for everything!

                                                                                               Mia Laikola

              Hi! My name is Sini Korpitie and I’m from Finland. I live in town called Seinäjoki. I study
              social work there and I’m going to graduate with a Bachelor of Social Services. My
              school is Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. I’m doing my first internship here in
              the Early Childhood Education Center (ECLC).
              I have always liked interacting with children and this experience has taught me so
              much. I think I will remember this forever and I do not regret that I came here, it was
              a right decision. I have learned about cultural and educational differences. I have also
              learned something about myself, for example that I’m braver than I first thought. My
              English is also better now than when I came here.
              The best thing that I will always remember is when we went to Sai Kung with my class.
              We watched all the seafood and fishermen. Then we went to a bakery and I tried my
              first egg tart and pineapple bun, those were really good. I think I have to eat those one more time before I leave.
               My internship is going to end soon and I thank you for that I had a chance to take care of your children. I liked my
               class so much and I’m going to miss them very much. I hope they have a good and bright future.
                                                                                                Sini Korpitie

                                  Hi! My name is Sonja Sjöblom and I am a 22 years old exchange student from Finland.
                                   This is the second year of my Bachelor of Social Services in the Seinäjoki University of
                                   Applied Sciences. I took part in the three months training exchange program between
                                   our University in Finland and The Education University of Hong Kong. The university
                                   here is very hands-on and values the importance of practical training. I was very lucky to
                                   hear that I got accepted by the Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) in Hong Kong.
                                   It is my honour to learn from their team of staff in top-notch in the field of early childhood
                                   education. In Finland, we value the early childhood education and that is why I loved to
                                   see the results of proper and quality education here in ECLC. I have learned a lot here,
                                    for example different educational methods, cultural differences and various fun games.
                                    I cannot wait to share all these with my teachers and the Finnish early childhood
                                    professionals. I have met so many great people here whom I’m going to miss. I could
                                  not even imagine having such a great training, so thank you everyone who took part at it.
                          A special thank you goes to K2 whole day class and Miss Nicky Shum.
                                                                                             Sonja Sjöblom

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