Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office

The Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL) at the Education University of Hong Kong is organizing a program to promote entrepreneurship among ethnic minority people in Hong Kong. In 2020-2021, we are recruiting 40 EMs in Hong Kong to join this training program. In this program, courses related to business development, social media marketing, big data analytics and mobile app development will be provided to participants on weekdays evenings and Saturday afternoons. We will also arrange mentors to help the participants to find freelance jobs in online platforms, and to give advice regarding their startup plan in the future. We will also give them tips on entrepreneurship opportunities in their home country.
Ethnic Minorities (EMs) who aim to start businesses may not be aware of generally available government resources, such as the Start-up Support Scheme for Universities, Youth Development Fund, and Innovation and Technology Support Programme. Therefore, we propose IT entrepreneurship training programs and workshops in mobile technology and data science to help EMs obtain jobs as online freelancers working for business people from different parts of the world. This work experience provides a bridge for EMs in establishing their businesses in Hong Kong.
To identify EM business people who can benefit most from the training program, 40 people from India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam aged over 21 who are the permanent resident living in Hong Kong will be selected for the training program.
- Face-to-face (or Zoom online) interview among 40 selected EM participants between aged 21 or above
- Interviews will be held between September to November, 2020 (1st Cohort) and January to February, 2021 (2nd Cohort)
Workshops and courses on IT entrepreneurship
- Core Modules
- Introduction to Freelancing and Entrepreneurship for Ethnic Minorities
- Business Development
- Optional Modules
- Social Media Marketing
- R Programming for Data Science
- Python Programming for Data Science
- Analyzing Social Media Data in Python
- Web Scraping using Python
- Natural Language Processing in Python
- Machine Learning
- iPhone App User Interface Development
- Cross Platform App Development
English (supplemented by Cantoneses/Mandarin if necessary)
November, 2020 (1st Cohort)
March, 2021 (2nd Cohort)