


Workforce for a Green future: UNEVOC Centre (Hong Kong) is partnering with the state of Madhya Pradesh


Dr Margarita Pavlova of UNEVOC Centre (Hong Kong) was invited to attend a development summit organized by the state of Madhya Pradesh, India and the industry sectors in February 2023. Attended by a few thousand participants including the state of Madhya Pradesh decision makers, industry sector leaders, area specialists and guests from other countries, the event drew wide media coverage including TV channels and industry outlets. Participants gathered with the goal of sharing knowledge and exploring ways to fortify key development efforts within the state and sector segments toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), climate agendas and the business landscape.            

Green skills development, capacity building and training programs were presented by Dr Pavlova, alongside promoting awareness for the importance of soft skills learning through a variety of education channels.  As to be expected, green initiatives, climate change actions and net-zero goals rooted many of the agendas discussed by organizations in attendance.  Reputed for leading Green Skills education in addition to TVET programs, skills development, pedagogy, resource planning and capacity building, Dr Pavlova presented on the importance of soft skills and green skills training for a building a workforce ready to participate in greening of country’s economy.

During the event, an agreement was made with the Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (the government body) to proceed with cooperation that includes a green skills conference that will likely take place in November 2023, capacity development for Industrial training institutes (ITIs) teachers, as well as, a learning academy specialized in green skills development as a new UNEVOC Centre.