​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2016

人文學院通訊 FHM Newsletter 3 歡迎閱覽人文學院第四期通訊。 香港教育學院在2016年5月27日正名為香港教育 大學(教大),教院學生、教職員、校友、持份者 及支持者見證著教大邁向重要的里程碑,寫下歷 史的新一頁。隨著教大正名,大學的地位得以提 高,人文學院將會繼續整合既有的學術專業和優 勢,提升教學及研究的質素,積極推動與區內及 海外大學的合作。 人文學院在大學的歷史雖短,然而在大學取得正 名上扮演著十分重要的角色。為了配合大學的發 展策略,人文學院在過去數年展開了一系列的工 作,克服重重的挑戰,從學院重組、語文研究榮 譽文學士課程覆審,以至中文研究及英文研究學 科範圍評審,學院一直致力推行改革,完善及開 展新課程及學科,加強教研實力。今天,我們長 久以來的夢想終於實現,人文學院同仁亦有幸能 為教大的正名出一份綿力。 人文學院憑藉既有的學術基礎,在人文學科以及 相關的範疇,積極籌辦嶄新的學士及碩士課程, 部份課程將於2016/17年度開辦,今期通訊藉此 介紹這些新課程的理念,並訪問了中國歷史教育 榮譽學士候任課程主任施仲謀教授及漢語作為第 二語言教學榮譽文學士候任課程主任梁源博士。 過去一年,學院的老師獲得卓越的表現。文學及 文化學系王良和博士的著作《破地獄》榮獲第十 三屆「香港中文文學雙年獎」小說組首獎。王博 士另一著作《蟑螂變》亦獲選為亞洲週刊2015 年十大小說之一;同系的陳智德博士主編的《香 港文學大系1919─1949:新詩卷》亦於香港電 台文教組及香港出版總會主辦的「第八屆香港書 獎」獲獎。同系另一老師黃裕邦先生於第28屆 Lambda Literary Award中,憑詩集《天裂》獲 得男同志詩歌組獎項,成為首位得到該獎項的亞 洲詩人作家。此外,中國語言學系張壽洪博士更 獲得2015/16傑出教學表現校長獎項。 在研究方面,人文學院於2015年6月獲教資會資 助6個優配研究金(General Research Fund)項目 及3個傑出青年學者計劃(Early Career Scheme) ,共獲$240萬資助金,創學院新高,成功率為 46.2%,較全校及其他學院的比率為高。 我們期望與各方人士保持緊密的聯繫,力臻至 善。繼往開來,我們秉持教研相長的宗旨,迎向 挑戰,發揮人文教育的社會影響,為本港以至其 他地區作出貢獻。 人文學院院長 陳國球教授 Welcome to the 4th issue of the Faculty of Humanities’ Newsletter. On 27 May 2016, The Hong Kong Institute of Education celebrated a significant milestone and a new chapter in history, for it was ultimately retitled The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). This is a historical and momentous moment which has been longed for among our students, staff members, alumni, stakeholders and supporters. With the new University title which will raise our profile as a whole, the Faculty of Humanities (FHM) will continue to consolidate our strengths and expertise in enhancing teaching and research, as well as to steer more rigorous regional and international collaboration. FHM has played an imperative role in the University’s strategic development in the transformation into a multidisciplinary University despite its youngest history in the University. Over the past years, FHM has overcome huge challenges to go through a long way from the Faculty’s restructuring, the revalidation of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies to the Programme Area Accreditation in Chinese Studies and English Studies. We have been striving our best to implement a series of reforms to pursue this common goal of the University titlement, such as reviewing and updating our curriculum, launching new programmes and courses, as well as expanding our teaching and research capacity. Today, our dreams have eventually come true, and members of FHM are proud to have made a contribution to the attainment of the University title. As we move towards the establishment of the University, FHM builds upon our pre-existing strengths to design new programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in a wider spectrum of the Humanities related disciplines. This issue features interviews with some of these great movers, including Professor Si Chung Mou and Dr. Liang Yuan, the Programme Leaders-Designate of the new Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese History) and the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language respectively, who will share with you the philosophy of these brand-new programmes which will be launched in the 2016/17 academic year. Faculty members of FHM have been highly recognised for their excellent achievements in the past year. For instance, Dr. Wong Leung Wo (Department of Literature and Cultural Studies) was awarded the Biennial Award in the Fiction Category at the 13th Hong Kong Biennial Award for Chinese Literature for his collection of fiction, Breakthrough from Hell. In addition, Dr. Wong’s fiction collection Transformation of Cockroaches was selected as one of the top ten fiction books of 2015 by Yazhou Zhoukan (Asia Weekly). Mr. Wong Yu Bon, Nicholas (Department of Literature and Cultural Studies) was awarded at the 28th Lambda Literary Award under the category of Gay Poetry for his collection of poetry, Crevasse. He is the first Asian poet receiving this honour. Besides, Dr. Chan Chi Tak’s (Department of Literature and Cultural Studies) book titled Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949: Modern Poetry, won the 8th Hong Kong Book Prize from the Culture and Education Unit of Radio Television Hong Kong and Hong Kong Publishing Federation. Dr. Cheung Sau Hung (Department of Chinese Language Studies) also won the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching in 2015/16. On the research front, FHM reached a record high in June 2015 by winning 6 General Research Fund (GRF) projects and 3 Early Career Scheme (ECS) projects amounting to a total of HK$2.4 million, with a success rate of 46.2% which was the highest among all Faculties and the then Institute’s GRF total rate (32.6%). I look forward to working closely with all the stakeholders of FHM in the coming days. With all our concerted efforts, I am sure that we will continue to take on all the challenges ahead and to make our contribution to Hong Kong and beyond, with our long-established strengths in humanities education. Professor Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard Dean, Faculty of Humanities A Milestone of The Education University of Hong Kong 香港教育大學新里程 Message from the Dean