​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2016

人文學院通訊 FHM Newsletter The Faculty of Humanities presented its Faculty Teaching Award at the Faculty Assembly on 1 September 2015. The four awardees are Dr. Cheung Sau Hung from the Department of Chinese Language Studies, Dr. Chen Hsueh Chu, Rebecca from the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, and Dr. Leung Wai Ha and Ms. Lau Tak Sin from the Centre for Language in Education. Dr. Cheung Sau Hung, the recipient of the Faculty Teaching Award, has rich experience in teaching pedagogy. He always helps students develop their critical thinking and become active learners and reflective teachers. To stimulate students’ learning interest, Dr. Cheung provides authentic learning contexts to students and always uses examples from daily life and varied assessment tasks. Exhibiting great vision and a passion for education, Dr. Cheung is also dedicated to integrating his research output and practical knowledge in his teaching. His teaching methods are effective, as evidenced by his consistently high SET scores and the positive feedback received from students and colleagues alike. Dr. Chen Hsueh Chu, Rebecca, the recipient of the Faculty Teaching Award, is an energetic and enthusiastic educator. She is devoted to innovative teaching that caters to the diverse needs of students in a variety of learning contexts. She is creative in instructional design and able to connect students’ learning to real life. Dr. Chen demonstrates strong ability in research-informed teaching, scholarly research publications and enhancement of research capability through supervision of students. Dr. Chen is held in high esteem by her students and colleagues as a competent and caring teacher who consistently implements interesting and thought-provoking teaching strategies. Dr. Leung Wai Ha, the recipient of the Certificate of Merit, is an experienced and effective teacher who promotes student-centred learning. She is well-versed in using different pedagogical strategies to stimulate students’ learning interest. Besides, Dr. Leung has outstanding performance in research related activities. She has taken a leading role in Teaching Development Grant (TDG) projects and has applied research outcomes to enhance student learning in various Chinese enhancement courses. Currently, Dr. Leung is the team leader of the Chinese Enhancement Programme, steering the development and implementation of the Chinese enhancement courses for all non-Chinese major programmes. Ms. Lau Tak Sin, the recipient of the Certificate of Merit, is a dedicated Putonghua teacher highly regarded by her students. The courses she teaches are always well-planned and highly structured with reference to the learning needs and language development of students. Her enthusiasm for Putonghua teaching and effective teaching methods leads students to engage in various learning activities and become active learners. Ms. Lau also provides optimal and timely feedback to her students which helps them to improve their language effectively. Congratulations to Dr. Cheung, Dr. Chen, Dr. Leung and Ms. Lau for their substantial contributions to the advancement of teaching and learning for our students. To watch the sharing videos of awardees, please visit http://www.eduhk.hk/fhm/teaching_award/201415ListofAwardees.pdf aculty Teaching Awards 2014/15 Prof. Yu Kwan Wai, Eric, Associate Dean (Research & Postgraduate Studies) of the Faculty of Humanities (middle) and the Faculty Teaching Awards recipients: Dr. Cheung Sau Hung (second left), Dr. Chen Hsueh Chu, Rebecca (first left), Dr. Leung Wai Ha (second right) and Ms. Lau Tak Sin (first right). 人文學院副院長 (研究及研究課程) 余君偉教授與四位教學獎得獎者:張壽洪博士 (左二)、陳雪珠博士 (左一)、 梁慧霞博士 (右二)及劉德仙女士(右一)。 在2015年9月1日人文學院開學典禮 上,舉辦了2014至2015年度人文學 院教學獎頒獎儀式。四位獲獎者分別 為:中國語言學系的張壽洪博士、語 言學及現代語言系的陳雪珠博士以及 語文教育中心的梁慧霞博士及劉德仙 女士。 人文學院教學獎得獎者張壽洪博士的 教學經驗豐富,他促進學生批判性思 考,培育他們成為積極學習的學生及 懂得反思的教師。為了提升學生的學 習興趣,張博士除了為學生提供真實 的學習情境,還經常在課堂上援引日 常生活的例子及採用不同的課業評核 形式。他融合研究成果於教學,展現 其對教育的廣闊願景和滿腔熱情。他 有效的教學法,一直獲得非常高的學 生教學評分,不論學生及同儕均對其 教學法給予正面評價。 另一位人文學院教學獎得獎者陳雪珠 博士是一位充滿活力及熱誠的教師, 她致力於創新教學方法,以滿足不同 學生的多種需求。她採用新穎的教學 設計,把學生的學習體驗融入生活。 陳博士擅長研究型教學,發表了多項 學術研究成果並指導學生提高研究能 力。陳博士一貫採用有趣及具啟發性 的教學方法,備受學生及同儕歡迎, 是一位勝任教學且關愛學生的教師。 表揚狀領受人梁慧霞博士教學經驗豐 富、教學成果斐然。她提倡以學生為 主,擅長以不同的教學法來提高學生 的學習興趣。梁博士的研究工作亦表 現出色,她擔任教學發展基金項目的 領導,將其研究成果應用在中國語 文增潤課程上,促進學生學習。梁博 士現為中國語文增潤課程的小組負責 人,主力發展及推廣為非中文主修課 程提供的中國語文增潤課程。 另一位表揚狀領受人劉德仙女士是一 位深受學生好評的普通話教師,她的 課堂規劃嚴謹、架構分明,兼顧學生 不同的學習需要及語言發展。她熱衷 於普通話教學,以有效的教學方法成 功引領學生積極主動地投入學習。劉 女士對學生適切適時的反饋意見,幫 助他們更有效地發展語文能力。 人文學院恭賀張壽洪博士、陳雪珠博 士、梁慧霞博士及劉德仙女士獲獎, 並感謝他們在教學方面作出的重大貢 獻。 如欲觀看得獎者分享,請瀏覽http:// www.eduhk.hk/fhm/teaching_ award/201415ListofAwardees.pdf 4 2014至2015年度人文學院教學獎 F