


School Leadership Roundtable 2021


Dr Qian Haiyan and Professor Allan Walker, Directors of Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC), are pleased to announce that the School Leadership Roundtable 2021 will be hosted by the APCLC, the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL) of the EdUHK and the Faculty of Education of Southwest University from 25 to 26 June 2021 in a mixed online and offline (Chongqing, China) mode.

Themed "Seeking common ground: Connecting Chinese and International School Leadership", this year’s Roundtable will be opened by Dr Qian Haiyan, Professor Allan Walker and Professor Zhu Dequan, Dean of Faculty of Education of Southwest University. They will be joined by 60+ regional and international education scholars, practitioners, policymakers and principals from 17 societies. The participants will (i) reflect on how we can build the capacity of young-generation educational leadership researchers in China; (ii) discuss the latest innovative practices from both international and local perspectives; and (iii) stimulate more research insights in the field of educational leadership in China. We have also successfully invited Chair Professors Allan Walker, Ellen Goldring, James Spillane and Philip Hallinger to join the Meeting.

During the Meeting, APCLC Director Dr Qian Haiyan, APCLC Associate Directors Dr Lu Jiafang and Dr Darren Bryant, and APCLC Research Co-ordinator Dr Chen Junjun will get together with other APCLC Research Fellows and International Affiliates to chart out the most significant issues in the global landscape of school leadership.


香港教育大學(教大)亞太領導與變革研究中心(研究中心) 、教育政策與領導學系與西南大學教育學部將於二零二一年六月廿五至廿六日在重慶及教大Zoom 教育平台聯合主辦第十一屆學校領導圓桌會議。

第十一屆學校領導圓桌會議以「求同存異:聯結中國與世界的學校領導研究與實踐」為題,獲錢海燕博士、汪雅量教授及西南大學教育學部部長朱德全教授主禮; 成功邀請六十多名來自全球十七個地區以及中國內地的知名教育學者、前線教育工作人員及資深校長出席會議,包括國際教育領導講座教授汪雅量博士(Professor Allan Walker)、範德堡大學皮博迪學院講座教授雅侖高穎博士 (Professor Ellen Goldring)、西北大學講座教授施詹博博士(Professor James Spillane)、墨爾本大學教授戴維吉爾博士(Professor David Gurr)及泰國瑪希敦大學講座教授賀靈傑博士(Professor Philip Hallinger)等國際知名教育學者。
