


Congratulations to Dr Wong Koon Lin, Prof Helen Haste, Prof Lee Chi Kin, Prof Kennedy Kerry and Dr Chan Kin Sang for their latest article in Educational Management Administration & Leadership


Congratulations to Dr Wong Koon Lin Linnie, Assistant Professor in EPL, EdUHK, Prof Helen Haste, Honorary Professor in PS, University of Bath, Prof Lee Chi Kin John, Vice President (Academic) and Provost in EdUHK, Prof Kennedy Kerry John, Emeritus Professor (Education) in C&I, EdUHK, and Dr Chan Kin Sang, Adjunct Associate Professor in C&I, EdUHK, for their latest article "A proposed model for teachers’ perceptions of national and moral education: A national identity building curriculum in post-colonial Hong Kong" in Journal of Educational Change.

Here is the abstract of the article.

Since Hong Kong returned to Chinese sovereignty, national identity building became an important part of school education meeting some resistance in Hong Kong society. In 2012, thousands of school stakeholders protested against the introduction of the 2012 Guide of Moral and National Education (MNE). These conflicts have influenced teachers’ attitudes towards MNE and curriculum choices. Employing the Model of Teachers’ Perceptions of Moral and National Education, this research investigates the factors affecting teachers’ perceptions of MNE, as a national identity building curriculum. The findings indicated that “perceived other support for MNE,” “perceived non-monetary cost–benefits,” “perceived concerns of MNE,” and “comparison with the previous system (Moral and Civic education)” were the significant predictors for teachers’ receptivity of MNE. The results suggested that if teachers were supported by others, they were more likely to support MNE; and they were less likely to support the implementation of MNE when teachers had serious concerns about it. The results recommended adding media and socio-political factors into the Model of Teachers’ Receptivity to curriculum changes. The discussion will employ identity grafting (Lee in Managing Chineseness: Identity and ethnic management in Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017) as a point of comparison to identify the theoretical implications of MNE.

For more details, please visit this link.