

The relationship between executive functions and integrated writing in Chinese (L1) and English (L2) among secondary students in Hong Kong 執行功能與香港中學生中英文綜合寫作的關係
摘要: Integrated language skill is important to students’ academic learning and further career development. Executive functions (EF) refers to a set of cognitive processes necessary for performing goal-directed behaviour. This project aims to explore the roles of EF in completing integrated writing tasks in both L1 (Chinese) and L2 (English).

Dr LIAO, Xian

資金贊助: RGC, Early Career Scheme (ECS)
項目期限: 1/2021-12/2022


Develop Self-directed Learning Materials For Reading Comprehension In Primary Schools With Fairy Tales 以童話故事發展小學閱讀理解自我主導學習教材
摘要: 本研究嘗試以童話故事為自我主導學習教材,提昇小學生的閱讀能力,進而探求不同年級及階段學生能力的發展。

Dr CHEUNG, Tsz Mei 

資金贊助: FHM Knowledge Transfer Fund, EdUHK
項目期限: 06/2020-11/2020



Jockey Club from Words to Culture Programme: An Animated Way to Learn Chinese

摘要: This three-year project aims to assess the development of Chinese culture and morality among school students by adopting a combination of ‘entity’ and ‘multimedia’ teaching materials to learn Chinese language.

Prof CHEUNG, Yan Leung Stephen



Prof LEE, Chi Kin John; Dr FUNG, Chi Wang; Prof TONG, Ho Kin; Dr TSE, Ka Ho


Dr HUNG, Keung; Dr LIN, Dan; Dr TO-CHAN, Sing Pui Tikky; Mr CHAU, Lap; Dr LIAO, Xian; Dr CHEUNG, Tsz Mei; Dr LAI, Chi Shing; Ms WANG, Chanjuan; Miss CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine

資金贊助: Jockey Club Charities Trust Donations
項目期限: 12/2017-03/2021



STEAM 蒸蒸日上:生活中的數理人文

摘要: 本計劃旨在為小學生創設一個以「生活中的數理人文」為題材的活動,引導學生從生活出發,就自己感興趣的課題,廣泛閱讀,認真思考,積極探求事物的原理,並提升中文閱讀能力。另外,計劃還引導參與學生透過寫作實用文類,分享探究成果,從而發展多功能的中文寫作能力。同時,學生的學習成果,例如閱讀科普人文讀物、寫作計劃書、觀察及實驗報告,都會透過不同的評估活動,比方匯報分享、互評而深化學生的思考,營造校園閱讀及寫作氛圍。本計劃的具體目標包括:1.透過鼓勵學生廣泛閱讀與數理人文題材有關的中文書籍,培養學生通過中文學習的興趣,並提升閱讀能力;2.透過分享探究成果,培養學生樂於與人分享的態度,並提升中文寫作能力;3.透過互評、觀摩,擴大學生的知識面,並形成以「生活中的數理人文」為主題的語文學習共同體。

Dr HO, Chi Hang


Dr LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela; Dr CHEUNG, Sau Hung

資金贊助: Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, Education Bureau
項目期限: 09/2019-08/2021



Examining the effects of executive function on Chinese word reading among Chinese as a second language (CSL) learners and Chinese students from a developmental perspective


摘要: Decoding Chinese orthography is complex because Chinese characters’ constituents shared very similar stroke patterns and morphemes which can correspond to the same character. Given the complexity, learners of Chinese as a second language(CSL) often encounter great challenges in word reading. A recent study suggests a series of top-down mental processes, also known as executive function(EF), has a significant association with Chinese word reading in Chinese students (Chung, Lam, & Cheung, 2018), to see patterns and figure out the abstract relations underlying analogies. Yet, the extent to which EF affects CSL learners’ word reading, and the underlying mechanism itself in Chinese word reading remain underexamined. This study aims to fill three important research gaps which are fundamental to understanding word reading difficulties of CSL learners. First, there is no research on the association between EF and word reading in CSL learners. Second, and relatedly, there is no research compares such relation between CSL learners and Chinese students. Word reading process for first- and second-language readers is different in the way that second-language readers are interfered by the dominant language simultaneously. As such, word reading in L2 potentially needs the inhibitory system in EF to suppress the interferences. Whether difficulties in interference control predicts the greater challenges to recognize Chinese written words for CSL learners than the Chinese students is not known. Third, previous studies on the link between EF and Chinese word reading focused on early childhood. The potential differences of the underlying cognitive processes at different stages of reading development has not been considered. This study is designed to address the above issues in order to enrich literature on the decoding of L2 learners. We will recruit two groups of 300students(CSL and Chinese-speaking students) in grade 3,5& 7. Their EF, orthographic knowledge, morphological knowledge, and word reading will be measured; while the effects of age, vocabulary and non-verbal IQ will be controlled. The effects of EF on word reading will be compared between two groups of students across different reading stages, and in relation to those linguistic knowledge. The study will identify the cognitive underpinnings of word reading difficulties among CSL learners at different stages of reading development, and enhance our understanding of the decoding process as a second language. The findings will suggest teachers may develop learning strategies and teaching activities that evoke the awareness of the orthographic structures to facilitate interferences control process and memorize the Chinese characters.

Dr LIAO, Xian


Dr LOH, Ka Yee Elizabeth*; Dr HUNG On Ying Cathy*; Dr LEUNG, Shing On*

資金贊助: General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
項目期限: 12/2019-05/2021



Exploring Features of CALP in Chinese Teaching Materials for Non-Chinese Speaking Students in Hong Kong

摘要: This study aims to investigate the quality of Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) input as evident in the teaching and learning materials in Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students in Hong Kong. By comparing the materials adopted in teaching the Chinese Language subject and the General Studies subject, this study will address the following questions: 1. What are the CALP features in Chinese Language as evident from the text analyses of teaching, learning and assessment materials for NCS students? 2. What are the CALP features in General Studies as evident from the text analyses of teaching, learning and assessment materials for NCS students?

Dr LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela

資金贊助: Internal Research Grant, EdUHK
項目期限: 08/2019-08/2020



Document Analysis Research on International Chinese Language Examinations and Qualifications for Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Learners in Hong Kong

摘要: The project will conduct a document analysis research on the international Chinese Language examinations and qualifications for second language learners in Hong Kong.

Dr LIAO, Xian

資金贊助: Start-up Research Grant, EdUHK
項目期限: 01/2019-12/2019



Investigating the Relationships Between Independent Skills and Integrated Writing Skills among Chinese as L1 Learners

摘要: This present study focuses on investigating the relationships between independent skills (i.e., reading, writing and listening) and integrated writing skills.

Dr LIAO, Xian


Prof ZHU, Xinhua

資金贊助: Internal Research Grant, EdUHK
項目期限: 12/2018-12/2019


*Investigator from an outside institution/organization

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