





年度 首席研究员 / 共同研究员 研究项目 年期
2014-2015 Professor LIM Cher Ping The Blended & Online Learning & Teaching (BOLT) Project: Collaborative Professional Development for Capacity Building in Blended and Online Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong 36 months



年度 首席研究员 / 共同研究员 研究项目 年期
2016-2017 Dr WAN Zhihong Cultivating Students' Critical Thinking and Creativity through Web-based and Classroom-based Inquiry 27 months
2015-2016 Professor LEE Chi Kin John Understanding Global Issues through Gross-faculty Collaborations 21 months
2014- 2015 Dr XU Hui Xuan Enhancing Core Competences of Undergraduates through Service-learning: Effects of Different Service-learning Models 20 months
2013-2014 Dr CHENG Chi Keung Eric Developing Personal Knowledge Management Training Curriculum Guide and Resources 24 months



年度 首席研究员 / 共同研究员 研究项目 年期
2020-2022 Dr YANG Lan, Professor LIM Cher Ping Harnessing the Power of Assessment to Support Pre-service Teachers' Learning and Professional Development through an Innovative Blended Learning Approach (A_BLe) 24 months
2017-2018 Dr KING Ronnel Bornasal Productive Failure Meets the Fipped Classroom: An Innovative Pedagogy to Improve Student Learning 18 months
2017-2018 Dr CHENG Chi Keung Eric Developing Metacognitive Teaching Skills Through a Tripartite School Partnership Model 12 months
2017-2018 Dr ZHAN Ying Jane Enhancing Learning Engagement and Outcomes Through Formative E-assessment Tasks in the General Education Foundation Course 12 months
2016-2017 Dr YANG Min Developing Peer- and Self-Assessment Strategies for the Enhancement of Student Learning Outcomes 14 months
2015-2016 Dr LEE Wing Sze Wincy Practicing What One Preaches: Using Key Learning Principles to Foster Constructivist Epistemic Beliefs for Theory-practice Integration 12 months
2013-2014 Dr ZHANG Yuefeng Ellen Stories of Effective Classroom Management in Inclusive Education by Outstanding Teachers in Hong Kong 12 months
2013-2014 Dr FOK Ping Kwan Nurturing Critical Thinking Dispositions (CTD) of Students in Tertiary Education: Teaching and Assessment 12 months
2012-2013 Dr LAM Bick Har Studying Formative Feedback Strategies to Enhance Student Learning Outcomes 12 months
2011-2012 Dr ZHANG Yuefeng Ellen Exploring the Development of Classroom Management Strategies by Outstanding Teachers in Hong Kong and its Application in Teacher Education 8 months
2011-2012 Dr XU Hui Xuan Developing Reflective Teaching and Learning Strategies in General Education Courses 1 year and 6 months