Learning & Teaching

Innovative Practices

Innovative Practices

Innovation in research and teaching is one of our key agendas. With our experienced teachers continuously pursuing innovations in pedagogy, evaluation, curriculum design and teaching practice, the department is committed to advancing excellence with a view to meet the challenges in the ever-changing educational context.


Studying Formative Feedback Strategies to Enhance Student Learning Outcome

Research Team: Dr LAM, Bick-har (Principal Investigator), Dr CHENG, Rebecca Wing-yi and Dr YANG, Min (Co-Investigator)

Website: http://www.eduhk.hk/aclass/ (under the section “Research”)

*The project was granted the Teaching Development Grant (TDG) in 2012-2013.



Formative feedback is generated by teachers as strategies to engage learners into the constantly reflection on how they can approach, orient, and evaluate learning, thus leading to successful learning outcomes.

This project adopts a quasi-experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of formative feedback strategies on students’ academic and psychological outcomes. A sample of students will be invited to join the experimental group (with specific formative feedback strategies) or the control group (without specific formative feedback strategies). The psychological and academic outcomes will be assessed to give information regarding the effectiveness of the strategies, through a questionnaire and content analysis of students’ course work.

The artifacts shown in this site are the collection of formative feedback strategies developed from the project.