Message in December

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December 2017 

(The Weight of Life)

Life has its own weight. A person's life, with many roles, carries different responsibilities and obligations. Among the various relationships in life, the values, beliefs, and attitudes we choose are important. Although we cannot accurately predict the consequences and impacts of every choice we make, everyone leaves an irreplaceable footprint in the long river of history.

One of my sisters in Christ and very good old friend, Sania, was killed in a car crash in Japan on the 16th of this month. She was happy to have a pleasure trip with her husband and friends there, but never went back home. When I received the bad news, I could hardly accept it, leaving an indescribable pain in my heart.

Ms Sania Yau, the CEO of the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, committed herself in promoting mental health rehabilitation services, and advocating mental health issues. We belonged to the same church fellowship when we were young. Her husband was my primary school classmate as well as dormitory roommate in the university. We two couples had been serving in the same church for more than 30 years.

Sania has good personalities and good relationships. Over the years, she worked very hard in her profession; contributed herself in family and church service. We just don't understand how she can balance among various burdens. What motivates her to give and excel in life which bear such "weight"?

There is a saying: "God gives you a heavy burden, but also grant you His shoulder." Although the load is heavy, Sania had overcome and won. She did not waste the gifts that the Lord had given her. Her life, in the Kingdom of God and in the hearts of the people she served, was actually weighty.

Although life has its own weight, it cannot be completely planned and predicted. Sania was on trip to work quite often, but this time, she left us without saying farewell, not leaving a word and did not let us give her a hug. Life ends like switching off a light in a rush. The full capacity of life is lost in a flash. The reality of the "weight" suddenly disappears, leaving the feeling of emptiness and absurdity. The weight of life becomes very light at this moment. 

“The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field;

the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.”

(Psalm 103:15-16)

This is the paradox of life.

We may have a lot of questions about the mystery of life. I choose to humble myself and be silent before God the Creator. However, I believe that the answers to all questions are in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. The "lightness" of life, because of the sacrificial love of Christ and the heavy price He paid for the salvation, became weighty and real. “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” (Col 3:3-4)

Sania lived and fought for faith and love. May there be a double portion of her spirit on us to continue the work of loving God and loving others.

Servant pastor

Rev. Benedict Shum