The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

夥伴合作:因材施教 貢獻社群 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 29 Students of the Jockey Club Youth Academy for SEN visit the Eco-Garden and join the e-Orch Music Creation and Performance programme 「賽馬會特教青年學苑」學員參與生態園實習活動及體驗 e-樂團創演培訓課程 照顧特教需要 憑藉在特殊教育領域的優勢,本校獲太古集團慈善信託基金繼續支 持,啟動「特殊教育支援組」第二階段,延續為特教生提供的個案 輔導和教師培訓服務。本校亦銘謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨資 助,得以新設「賽馬會特教青年學苑」,並迎來首批共三十八名學 員。這些有特教需要的中學離校生,可於大學校園上課,持續學習。 此外,教大特設「心腦加油站」,支援及輔導有精神健康需要的中學 生。此項目在滙豐私人銀行社創比賽中得獎,獲該行財富管理客戶 贊助。自二零二一年四月至今,逾八十名大學生經培訓後,擔當精 神健康大使。團隊正籌備於各大專院校開展一系列心理健康運動, 並將於下學年開始,直接為社區和中學提供服務。 推動STEM教育 STEM教育亦是本校重點發展領域之一。自二零二零年年中開始, 教 大投放近一千萬港元,夥同幼稚園、小學及中學,推動一系列STEM 教學活動,包括:教師專業培訓及開拓教學資源等,現已惠及來自 三十三所學校逾五百名教師。 幼小銜接 對準備升讀小學的幼童而言,疫下停課帶來深遠影響。教大特別推 出「幼小銜接360」計劃,提供免費學習資源及多元資訊,全方位支 援家長及其子女,過渡升小的銜接階段。 Addressing special educational needs With its niche in special education, the University received ongoing support from the Swire Group Charitable Trust to kick off the second phase of the Supporting Unit for Special Educational Needs, a specialised centre providing case counselling and pre-service teacher training in SEN. Thanks to the funding of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, 38 students were admitted to the University’s Jockey Club Youth Academy for SEN in its first cohort, offering lifelong education opportunities on campus for SEN secondary school leavers. To provide tutoring and counselling services to secondary school students with confirmed or suspected mental health issues, a dedicated team at EdUHK launched Mind and Study Matter – an award-winning project at a social impact hackathon organised by HSBC Private Banking. Funded by the bank’s wealth management clients, the team has trained over 80 local university students as mental health ambassadors since April 2021. A series of mental health campaigns at local tertiary institutions is in the pipeline, and direct services to secondary schools and the community will commence in the next academic year. Investing in STEM As a priority area, the University has earmarked almost HK$10 million to drive a series of STEM education initiatives, jointly with kindergartens and primary and secondary school partners since mid-2020. The project has benefitted over 500 teachers at 33 network schools so far, through professional development courses and STEM-related materials. From kindergarten to primary school To mitigate the profound impact of the pandemic on kindergarten students and facilitate their transition to primary schooling, a special online project called the KindergartenPrimary Bridging Project 360 was launched to provide free learning resources and extensive information for parents and children.