The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

Community Partnership: Narrowing the Gap The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 28 Education for all Apart from the many obstacles encountered during the prolonged pandemic, there has been growing concern about the widening digital divide, especially in terms of resources and opportunities accessible to underprivileged families and children with special educational needs (SEN). This highlights the need for early intervention and pedagogical support before these vulnerable groups are left further behind. During the reporting year, EdUHK scholars pioneered a number of knowledge transfer projects to support parents, teachers and schoolchildren in learning and teaching. Expanding e-resources Funded by the Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF) and the Research Grants Council’s (RGC) matching grant, the University introduced Hong Kong’s first innovative artificalintelligence educational solutions to nurture senior secondary and university students with concepts and application of emerging technologies. LKSF also supported EdUHK to produce a 30-episode video series called Animated Singalong Mathematics, featuring lively animations and catchy songs to enliven learning. Similarly, the GS Mini Theatre animation project was aimed at enhancing students’ knowledge, generic skills, values and attitudes in general studies. Under the theme of ‘the COVID-19 pandemic’, there were six animated videos, together with teaching guides and online assessments. On coding education, efforts were made with funding support from the Quality Education Fund to integrate computational thinking concepts into the core subjects of the primary schools under the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. 有教無類 疫情持續,除了為社會帶來種種挑戰,亦令人日益關注數碼鴻溝的 問題,尤其來自低收入家庭及有特殊教育(特教)需要的學童,因為 他們獲得的資源和機會相對較少。為免他們落後人前,社會應及早 介入和提供教學支援,年內,教大學者啟動多個知識轉移項目,在 學與教方面與家長、教師和學童同行。 豐富線上學習資源 本校獲李嘉誠基金會和研究資助局(研資局)配對補助金計劃的支 持,推出全港首個人工智能普及認知教育方案,以培育高中生及大 學生學習新興科技的概念與應用。李嘉誠基金會更資助教大製作 三十條「數動智多Sing」系列短片,以生動有趣的動畫和歌謠,增 添學習樂趣。 此外,教大亦推出「常識小劇場」動畫系列,加強學生對常識科知 識、技能、觀念和態度的了解。首系列以新冠肺炎疫情為題,設有 六集短片,輔以教學指引與線上工作紙。而在編程教育方面,本校 亦獲優質教育基金資助,將運算思維概念,融入天主教教區小學的 核心課程。 Supported by the LKSF, the University launches a video series entitled Animated Singalong Mathematics to enliven mathematics learning 教大在李嘉誠基金會的支持下,推出名為「數動智多Sing」的全新 互動教材,助學生唱遊學數學 Awardees of the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence invited to contribute to the GS Mini Theatre videos series 「常識小劇場」動畫系列邀得「行政長 官卓越教學獎」得獎教師參與