



General Research Fund (GRF) 

Project Title Principal Investigator Co-Investigators Year
A Mixed-Method Longitudinal Study of Children’s Swimming Competence: Testing an Integrated Health Psychology Model of Motivation and Social Cognition Dr CHAN King Chung Derwin

Prof HAGGER Martin S.
(University of California, Merced)

(Griffith University)

Dr SIU Ming Fai Parco
(The University of Hong Kong)

Dr WONG Ming Yu Claudia 

An Integrated Approach to Enhancing Executive Functions and School Readiness in Hong Kong Preschoolers: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study Dr LAU Yi Hung Eva

Prof CHANG Lei
(University of Macau)

Prof LI Hui

Dr LI Jianbin 

Dr Williams Kate
(Queensland University of Technology)

Chances, Considerations and Choices: School Choice of Ethnic Minority Families in Hong Kong Dr GUBE Jan Christian C

Dr GAO Fang

Prof Phillipson Sivanes
(Swinburne University of Technology)

Development of Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity in Kindergarteners Dr CHAN Wai Lan Winnie  Dr CHEUNG Sum Kwing 2024/25
Foster or Hinder Learning? The Role of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Self-assessment Process Prof YAN Zi

Prof BOUD David
(Deakin University)

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Dr NIEMINEN Juuso Henrik
(The University of Hong Kong)


Getting into the Zone: Patterns, Interplays, and Outcomes of Principal Flow Dr CHEN Junjun

Prof BAKKER Arnold
(Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Prof WALKER Allan

Learning Citizenship Values in Chinese Universities: A Role for International Students in Promoting Chinese Values Globally Dr ZHAO Zhenzhou

Prof GUO Zhonghua
(Nanjing University)

Prof KENNEDY Kerry John


Dr XIE Jin
(Tsinghua University)

Mental Imagery and Its Role in Chinese Primary School Children’s Reading Comprehension Dr LIU Duo

Prof CHEN Xi Becky
(University of Toronto)

Prof CHUNG Kien Hoa Kevin

Prof LU Aitao 
(South China Normal University)

Dr SUN Fenghua

Dr XU Zhengye Amelia

Orthographic Executive Functions: A Missing Component for Understanding Early Writing Ability in Chinese? Dr FONG Yui Chi Dr GAO Xiaozi 2024/25
Reducing Loneliness among Older Adults through Enhancing Positive Affect: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Ecological Momentary Assessments Dr JIANG Da

Prof CHOI Namkee G
(University of Texas at Austin) 

Prof CHOU Kee Lee 

Prof YEUNG Yuen Lan Dannii
(City University of Hong Kong)

The Impact of Parental Stress, Parenting Practices, and the Provision of Learning Environments on the Development of Working Memory in Kindergarten-aged Children Prof LEE Kerry

Dr GAO Xiaozi

Dr LAU Yi Hung Eva

Understanding Professional Agency for Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study Dr KEUNG Pui Chi Chrysa

Dr CHAN King Chung Derwin

Prof PYHÄLTÖ Kirsi
(University of Helsinki)

Prof SALTMARSH Sue Okerson
(University of New England)

Prof TOOM Auli
(University of Helsinki)

Understanding Supplementary Tutoring within the Changing Ecosystem of Secondary Education in Hong Kong: A Complexity Theory Perspective Dr YUNG Wai Ho Kevin

Prof BRAY Thomas Mark
(The University of Hong Kong) 

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Prof ZHANG Wei
(East China Normal University)

United by Common Goals: Influences of Teacher Goals and School Goal Structures on Teacher Retention Dr WANG Hui

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Prof KLASSEN Robert
(University of Oxford)

Prof SIN Kuen Fung

Unpacking the Impacts of Accountability on Teachers’ Emotions in Hong Kong  Dr TSANG Kwok Kuen

Dr CHAN Wing Keung Philip
(Monash University)

Dr CHEN Junjun

Prof SONG Huan
(Beijing Normal University)

Prof YIN Hong-biao
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Assessing the Relationships between Chinese Students’ Feedback Orientation, Feedback Literacy and Learning Engagement: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach Dr YANG Lan



Prof YU Guoxing
(University of Bristol)

Developing Students’ Feedback Literacy through Online Interactive Peer Assessment: Interaction Modes, Sequential Behavioural Patterns, and Influential Factors Dr ZHAN Ying

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Dr SUN Daner


Do Triarchic Model of Grit Dimensions Predict Subsequent Achievement Goals, Math and Science Engagement, and Well-being Outcomes among Children in Hong Kong and Macau? Dr DATU Jesus Alfonso Daep

Dr CHOY Yat Ling Elaine

Prof CHUNG Kien Hoa Kevin

Prof ELLIOT Andrew
(University of Rochester)

Dr SUN Xu Hua
(University of Macau)

Dr VALDEZ Jana Patricia Millonado

Prof WATT Helen
(The University of Sydney)

Effect Size Measures and Sample Size Determination in Multilevel Mediation Analysis within the Structural Equation Modeling Framework Dr KWAN Lok Yin Joyce

Dr CHAN Wai Lan Winnie

Efficacy of a Novel Auditory-working-memory Training Program in Improving Speech-in-noise Perception, Cognitive Functions and Subcortical Encoding of Pitch in Older Adults with Untreated Hearing Impairment Dr CHEN Yuan

Prof ANDERSON Samira
(University of Maryland)

Prof YUEN Chi Pun Kevin

Functions of Cognitive Reappraisal in Cyberbullying and the Well-being of Cyber-victimized Chinese Students Dr LEUNG Nga Man Angel

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

(University of Southern California)

Dr HO Chun Yip Henry

Dr LAW Wilbert

How Do Math Learning Gaps Arise in Preschool Years? The Multiplicative Roles of Family Environment, Cognitive Skills, and Math-specific Skills Prof CHUNG Kien Hoa Kevin

Dr LAM Chun Bun Ian

Dr LIU Cuina

How Social-emotional Skills Affect Children’s Reading Comprehension: A Cross-lagged Longitudinal Study Dr TONG Xiuhong

Dr KWAN Lok Yin Joyce

Dr POON Kai Tak

Learning in the Digital Age: Online Storybook Intervention in Reading Development Dr LIN Dan


One Stone, Three Birds? Effects of Joint Play of Digital Versus Non-Digital Number Board Games on Young Children, Parents and Their Relationship Dr CHEUNG Sum Kwing Sam

Prof CHUNG Kien Hoa Kevin

Dr KWAN Lok Yin Joyce

Prof MCBRIDE Catherine
(Purdue University)

Robot Programming through Play: Effects on Kindergarten Children’s Engagement and Computational Thinking Dr YANG Weipeng


Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Prof LEE Chi Kin John

Prof LI Hui
(Shanghai Normal University)

Science text comprehension: Investigating the role of text structure strategy, motivation, and metacognitive calibration Dr YEUNG Siu Sze Susanna


Dr COLLINS Penelope
(University of California Irvine)

Dr GANOTICE Fraide Jr Agustin
(The University of Hong Kong)

“Social Justice Leadership for Learning”: A New Conceptualization of School Leadership Dr GUMUS Sedat

(The University of Texas at Austin)

Dr QIAN Haiyan

(Hemdat College of Education)

Dr TAN Cheng Yong
(The University of Hong Kong)

Teacher Negotiation of Educational Change and Sociocultural Processes (Re)defining Teacher Dialogue and Practice Dr LEE Hui Lin Daphnee

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Prof HALSE Christine Margaret

Mr HAMID Farid Abdul

Dr HO Chun Sing Maxwell

Dr LEUNG Kit Ying Suzannie
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Dr WAN Waiyan Sally
(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

The Missing Link: Principal Well-being Literacy and its Drivers and Outcomes Dr CHEN Junjun

Prof OADES Lindsay
(University of Melbourne)

Dr QIAN Haiyan

Prof RILEY Philip
(Deakin University)

Prof WALKER Allan David

Underprivileged Ethnic Minority Students’ Language Learning Experience in Shadow Education: A Multilingual Motivational Self Perspective Dr YUNG Wai Ho Kevin

Prof ERNI John N

Dr GUBE Jan Christian C

Unpacking the Dynamics of the Agency of Young STEM Makers: A Cross-sequential Study Combined with Mixed-methods Design Dr WAN Zhihong

(Queensland University of Technology)

Dr FU Guopeng
(East China Normal University)

Dr LIU Duo Phil

(Australian Catholic University)

Why Lose Sleep for Work if Sleep Works for You? Neurocognitive Affective Benefits of Home-based Sleep Extension in Chronically Sleep-restricted Emerging Adults Dr LAU Yuet Ying Esther

Dr CHEUNG Sing Hang
(The University of Hong Kong)

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Dr HSIAO Janet Hui Wen
(The University of Hong Kong)

Miss LAM Yeuk Ching
(University College London)

Dr WONG Mark Lawrence
(University of Exeter)

Mr ZHANG Jinxiao
(Stanford University)

Workplace Mistreatment of Hong Kong Secondary School Teachers: A Longitudinal Study of Depletion, Commitment, and Preoccupation Mechanisms Dr HO Chun Yip Henry

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Dr LEUNG Nga Man Angel

Dr LI Jianbin

Dr POON Kai Tak

Dr YEUNG Yuen Lan Dannii
(City University of Hong Kong)

A Comparative Study of School Leadership for Civic Learning in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei Dr WONG Koon Lin

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Prof KENNEDY Kerry John

Prof LEE Chi Kin John

Dr LIOU Show-Mann
(National Taiwan Normal University)

Innovative Pedagogy for Teaching Chinese Characters: An Interventional Study to Test Variation Theory Dr LAM Ho Cheong NA 2022/23
It Is Never Too Late to Learn: Leveraging Goals to Increase Learning Behaviors in Older Adulthood Dr JIANG Da

Prof CHOU Kee Lee

Prof LEE Chi Kin John

Learning Concepts in Different Languages: Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms Dr YUM Yen Na Cherry

Dr COHN Neil
(Tilburg University)

Prof HOLCOMB Phillip
(San Diego State University)

Dr LIU Duo Phil

Dr MIDGLEY Katherine
(San Diego State University)


Occupational Well-being in Hong Kong Beginning Early Childhood Educators: A Synthesized Model Integrating Job Demands, Job Resources, and Self-Control Dr LI Jianbin

Dr CHEN Junjun

Dr HO Chun Yip Henry

Dr LAU Yi Hung Eva

Dr LEE Nam Yuk Amelia
(Hong Kong Baptist University)

Principal Resilience and Its Influential Occupational Drivers in Hong Kong: Developing and Validating the Principal Resilience Inventory Dr CHEN Junjun

Prof CHIU Chi Shing

Prof WALKER Allan David

Prof GU Qing
(University College London)

Promoting Chinese and English Bi-Scriptal Reading Development through Phonological Training: Behavioural Intervention and Neural Evaluation Dr TONG Xiuhong NA 2022/23
Parental Problematic Use of Smartphones and Child Internalizing Symptoms and Externalizing Behaviors: Towards a Comprehensive Model Dr LAM Chun Bun Ian Prof CHUNG Kien Hoa Kevin 2022/23
Salvaging Second-Language English Reading in Children with Dyslexia in Native Chinese, What Makes a Difference? Cognitive Subtypes of Chinese-English Bilingual Children with Reading Difficulties Dr TSO Van Yip Ricky

Dr SHUM Kar Man Kathy
(The University of Hong Kong)

Dr SIOK Wai Ting
(The University of Hong Kong)

Developing Students’ Evaluative Judgment and Feedback Literacy through Self-assessment: An Experimental Study Dr YAN Zi

Prof BOUD David (Deakin University)

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Dr KING Ronnel (University of Macau)

Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Intervention in Reducing Stigma Stress among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial Dr CHAN Ka Shing Kevin

Dr CHAN Ho Wan Sunny (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Dr LAW Wibert

Dr LIN Jingxia Jessie (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Identifying Professional Growth and Trajectories of Development of Teachers and School Leaders in Contexts: A Mixed-method Study Dr KO Yue On James

Dr QIAN Haiyan

Prof WALKER Allan David

Impact of Fee-Free Supplementary Tutoring in English on Underprivileged Secondary Students’ L2 Motivational Selves in Hong Kong: A Longitudinal Narrative Inquiry Dr YUNG Wai Ho Kevin NA 2021/22
Parent-child Book Reading: A Structured Home Context to Stimulate Executive Functions of Kindergarten Children? Dr FONG Yui Chi NA 2021/22
Resilience in Families Amid Economic Downturns: A Synthesized Model  Dr LAM Chun Bun Ian Prof CHUNG Kien Hoa Kevin 2021/22
‘Rhythm And Movement for Self-Regulation’ (RAMSR) in Hong Kong Kindergartens from Low Socio-Economic Backgrounds: A Randomized Controlled Trial Dr BAUTISTA ARELLANO Alfredo

Prof BULL Rebecca (Macquarie University)

Prof LEE Kerry

Dr LEUNG Kit Ying Suzannie (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Dr SIU Tik Sze Carrey

Dr WILLIAMS Kate (Queensland University of Technology)

Self-dehumanization and Other-dehumanization toward Students with Special Educational Needs: Examining their Prevalence, Consequences and Identifying Solutions  Prof SIN Kuen Fung Kenneth


Dr YE Tuanfang Frank 

Staying Alone but Happy? Elucidating Age Differences in the Relationship between Solitude and Well-Being Dr JIANG Da

Prof CHOU Kee Lee

Prof FUNG Hoi Lam Helene (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

The Meaning of Cognitive Conflict across Cultures: Using Pupil Dilation to Identify Culturally-relevant Meaning Disruptions and Conflict Compensation Dr BUCHTEL Emma Ellen Kathrina

Dr PROULX Travis (Cardiff University)

Dr SLEEGERS Willem W S (Tilburg University)

Transition to Parenthood: Testing the Influence of Emotional Regulation on Responsive Parenting through a Moderated Mediation Model Dr LAU Yi Hung Eva

Prof KIM Minseop (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Dr LI Jianbin

Dr SIU Tik Sze Carrey

Dr WONG Man Yee Emmy (St. Teresa's Hospital)

Watch One's Step: The Effect of Objectification on Conspiracy Beliefs Dr POON Kai Tak Dr TENG Fei (South China Normal University) 2021/22

Early Career Scheme (ECS) 

Project Title Principal Investigator Year
Exploring the Role of Cultural and Social Capital in Inequalities of Children’s Arts Education: A Comparative Study in the Greater Bay Area Dr KONG Siu Hang Eric 2024/25
From Home to the Classroom: An Investigation of the Relation between Environmental Chaos and Children’s Executive Function. Dr GAO Xiaozi 2024/25
Investigating Teacher Evaluative Judgement in an AI-mediated Assessment Landscape: A Phenomenographic Study Dr LUO Jiahui Jess 2024/25
Investigating the Factors Associated with Teachers' Feedback Literacy: Instrument Development and Validation Dr ZHU Jinxin 2024/25
National Education in Hong Kong in the New Era Dr LIN Cong Jason 2024/25
Orthographic Learning in First and Second Languages: Re-thinking and Re-evaluating the Self-teaching Hypothesis with Evidence from Chinese-English Bilingual Children Dr LI Yixun 2024/25
Refine and Evaluate a Pedagogical STEM Toolkit for Young Children’s Spatial Reasoning: A Design Experiment Dr HU Xinyun 2024/25
Playful Learning of Math Equivalence: Design, Testing, and Analysis of a Game with Children and Caregivers Dr CHAN Yun Chen Jenny 2023/24
Effects of a Story-Inspired Robotics Coding Curriculum on Children’s Computational Thinking and School Readiness Skills Dr YANG Weipeng 2022/23
Understanding the Roots of Teacher Turnover: A Transactional Model Dr WANG Hui 2022/23
Dual Feedback Literacies of Pre-service Teachers: Temporal Change, Interplay and Influential Factors Dr ZHAN Ying 2021/22
International Schooling and the Re/production of A ‘Global Middle-class’ in China's Greater Bay Area Dr WRIGHT Ewan Thomas Mansell 2021/22
Professional Agency of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers Working with Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Children: A Phenomenographic Study Dr KEUNG Pui Chi Chrysa 2021/22

Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS)

Project Title Principal Investigator Year
Hong Kong Torn Asunder: Values, ethics and education out of the impasse  Prof MASON Mark 2021/22

The French National Research Agency (ANR)/ Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Scheme

Project Title Principal Investigator French Project Coordinator/ Institution Year
Role of Distraction on Children's Math Performance Prof LEE Kerry Prof Patrick LEMAIRE 
(Aix-Marseille University & CNRS)

Public Policy Research (PPR) - Selected Projects

Project Title Principal Investigator Co-Investigators Year
A Higher Education Hub for Doctoral Education: The Case of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme Dr WRIGHT Ewan Thomas Mansell

Dr MULVEY Benjamin (University of Glasgow)


Dr PAN Suyan

National Security Education in Hong Kong's Universities in the New Era Dr ZHAO Zhenzhou

Prof KENNEDY Kerry John

Dr FOK Ping Kwan

Mr TANG Fei (Legislative Council Election Committee/Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers)

Working in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Hong Kong STEM Undergraduates' Intention and Concerns Dr WAN Zhihong Peter

Prof LEE Chi Kin John

Dr ZHAO Zhenzhou

Determinants of Hong Kong Secondary Students' Senses of Belonging to School, City, Country, and the World Dr WANG Hui

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Dr WONG Koon Lin

Dr KING Ronnel Bornasal (University of Macau)

Investigating Primary School Teachers' E-assessment Practice, Intention and Influencing Factors in the New Normal: Implications for Developing E-assessment Policy Dr ZHAN Ying

Prof SO Wing Mui Winnie


Home-School Collaboration as Online Learning Support System: A Case Study of Primary Schools amid Class Suspension in Hong Kong Dr LEE Tsz Lok Trevor NA 2020/21
Relationship between the Implementation of Junior Secondary Chinese History Curriculum and the Cultivation of Students' Civic Consciousness: Voices from Teachers and Students

Dr FOK Ping Kwan

Dr XU Hui Xuan

Prof KO Po Yuk
Who am I? Narrative Identity of Chinese Late Adolescents in the Context of Social Movements

Dr XU Huixuan

Dr FOK Ping Kwan 2019/20

University Students’ Normative Belief about Aggression: Perspective of the Risk-Resilience Model

Dr LI Jianbin

Prof FINKENAUER Catrin (Utrecht University) 2019/20
Social Reconciliation Readiness and Strategy Preferences among Hong Kong People: A Mixed Methods Study

Dr NG Sau Man Catalina

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Prof CONLEY Dalton (Princeton University)
Ethnic Minorities and Hong Kong’s Current Protests: Non-Chinese ‘Hongkonger’ Communities and Their Values Dr BHOWMIK Miron Kumar

Dr GUBE Jan Christian C.

Prof KENNEDY Kerry John

Prof HUE Ming Tak

Investigating Hong Kong Students’ Aspirations for the Future

Prof HALSE Christine Margaret


Dr CHAN Kit Wa Anita

Prof CHIU Chi Shing

Prof CHIU Ming Ming

Dr GAO Fang

Dr GUBE Jan Christian C.

Dr HO Chun Sing Maxwell

Dr NG Fung Sheung Isabella

Dr TANG Hei Hang Hayes

Campus Culture, Student Leaders and Social Movements: Towards Educational Strategies for Re-establishing and Sustaining Communication

Dr AULD Euan Douglas

Dr LO Yat Wai 2019/20

The Mental Health Impact of the Social Movements in Hong Kong: A Chance to Build Back Better Daily Life

Dr HOU Wai Kai NA 2019/20

Investigating the Effectiveness of an Information Technology Entrepreneurship Training Program for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

Prof LEUNG Chi Hung

Dr BHOWMIK Miron Kumar

Prof YU Wai Mui Christina

Prof KENNEDY Kerry John

Dr FUNG Wai Tong (Hong Kong Science Park Technology Incubation Network – TIN)

Well-being of Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong: A Public Policy Priority for the Future Dr CAPIO Catherine Mamaid

Prof BERNARDO Allan B I (University of Macau)

Dr FONG Wai Tsz Ricci

Dr GARABILES Melissa R (Ateneo de Manila University)

Dr KING Ronnel Bornasal (University of Macau)

Investigating Space in Kindergartens under the Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme Dr YUEN Wai Kwan Gail Dr GALLAGHER Michael (Manchester Metropolitan University) 2019/20

Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) - Selected Projects

Project Title Principal Investigator Co-Investigators Year
Design and Evaluation of an English Conversational Agent to Enrich Home Language Support for Young Students: Parental Support, Underlying Mechanism, Train-the-trainer and Technology Adoption Prof YEUNG Siu Sze Susanna

Prof Robert SAVAGE (York University, Canada)

Dr QIAO Shen

Empower Families to Enhance Children's Reading Skills through an Interactive Self-learning Storybook Reading Programme Dr LIN Dan Prof KUCIRKOVA Natalia (University of Stavanger) 2024
Development and Evaluation of a Computerised Morphology Training Package on English Literacy in Hong Kong Primary School Students with Reading Comprehension Difficulties Dr YEUNG Siu Sze Susanna

Prof CHAI Ching Sing (Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Dr LIN Dan

Dr POON Kei Yan Kean

Transition of English Language Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten Education to Primary Education Dr YEUNG Siu Sze Susanna

Dr GU Mingyue Michelle

Dr NG Mei Lee

Dr NG Pui Yee Pelly (HKFYG Lee Shau Kee Primary School)

Improving Children's Chinese Literacy Performance by Developing an Educational Computer Game for Training Morphological Skills Dr LIU Duo Phil  

Prof CHEN Xi (University of Toronto)

Dr LI Hong (Beijing Normal University)

Dr WANG Li Chih


Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) - Selected Projects

Project Title Principal Investigator Co-Investigators Year
Personalised Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Reduce Daily Loneliness in People with Subthreshold Depression Dr WONG Man Lok Nichol

Prof LEE Mei Chun Tatia (The University of Hong Kong)

Prof WONG Yeung Shan Samuel (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Dr MA Junji (The University of Hong Kong)

Task-based Neurofeedback Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized, Double-blind, Sham-controlled Trial Dr YEUNG Kin Chung Michael

Dr CHAN Ka Shing Kevin

Dr TSO Van Yip Ricky (The University of Hong Kong)

Dr WONG Wing Ho Oscar (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Digit-in-noise Test for Screening Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment in a Community Setting - A Pilot Validation Study Dr KAM Chi Shan Anna

Dr YUEN Chi Pun Kevin

Mr LAM Ho Suen Joffee

An Implementation Science Approach to Adapting Healthy Movement Behaviour Guidelines for Hong Kong Preschool-Aged Children

Dr CAPIO Catherine Mamaid 

Prof CHUNG Kien Hoa Kevin

Dr NG Sau Man Catalina

Dr SIT Hui Ping Cindy (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living (FBL)

Project Title Principal Coordinator Project Team Supporting Organization Year
Social Robot for English Language Learning among Young Learners  Dr YEUNG Siu Sze Susanna 

Dr CHU Kai Wah Samuel (University of Hong Kong)

Prof LEE Chi Kin John

Dr LEE Sie Yuen John (City University of Hong Kong)

Dr SONG Yanjie

Dr ZOU Di Daisy

Roborn Technology Limited