


Prof. LIM Cher Ping Received International Competitive Research Grant


Prof. LIM Cher Ping, Chair Professor of Learning Technologies and Innovation at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I), has recently won an international competitive research grant of HKD 516,769 for a year. It is jointly funded by Singapore-based The HEAD Foundation (THF) and Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

As an extension of the recently completed UNESCO-FEHD project “Building the Capacity of Higher Education Institutions in Asia-Pacific for Blended Learning to Enhance Student Engagement and Outcomes”, this research project aims to implement and localise the toolkit that was developed to build the capacity of Cambodian universities for blended learning; hence, strengthening quality, equity and efficiency of the country’s higher education sector.

To achieve this goal, Prof. Lim’s project team will work closely with UNESCO (Asia-Pacific) and the Department of Higher Education (DHE) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Cambodia. By adopting a holistic approach towards institutional capacity building, four selected Cambodian universities will be supported by the project team for the development, refinement and implementation of their blended learning strategic plans. The impacts of the blended learning strategic plans on teaching and learning in these universities would be evaluated and documented. More important, a prototype would be developed to scale up this project to other universities in Cambodia and the rest of Asia-Pacific.