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Feature of the month: Evaluation of classroom activities with and without a tablet computer on involvement levels for a pupil with significant support needs


The DRDC continues to do monthly features on published papers by our colleagues! This month, we are featuring a paper just published by Mari: Pesonen, H. V., Kontu, E., Nislin, M. A., Brock, P., & Pirttimaa, R. A. (2017). Evaluation of classroom activities with and without a tablet computer on involvement levels for a pupil with significant support needs. International Journal of Case Method Research and Application, XXIX(2), 89-101.

The study: With a focus on a student with significant support needs, this case study examined the effect of a tablet computer on involvement levels in classroom activities. The findings demonstrated that the use of a tablet computer has great potential to increase the student’s involvement levels.

Originality: The study adds to the current body of literature with its focus on investigating involvement levels for a student with significant support needs, as previous studies have focused on students with less severe special educational needs.

Vigor: The Leuven Involvement Scale for Young Children (LIS-YC) was utilized to measure the pupil’s level of involvement during the activities. LIS-YC has been research-tested for reliability, validity, and consistency. Specifically, we measured the effect of tablet computers on involvement levels in classroom activities with and without a table computer.

Significance: The research offers initial and valuable insights into how to improve involvement levels for learners with significant support needs. However, tablet computers should not be seen as a solitary solution for increasing learner involvement – all students also need to be exposed to basic human interactions, which should be the foundation for increasing learner involvement in the classroom.