About Us

Our Vision, Missions and Values

Our Vision, Missions and Values

Our Vision

Through teaching, research, and knowledge exchanges, we aim to inspire the next generation of educators, researchers, and policymakers in the field of early childhood education within the Asia-Pacific region. Our ultimate goal is to lead the field of early childhood education and family studies toward excellence by promoting research-informed pedagogy and practices, and helping our graduates become lifelong learners who are able to educate and nurture young children.


Our Missions

  • Conduct high quality research that informs teaching and policy making
  • Create a creative and dynamic environment that allows for interactive teaching and effective learning
  • Nurture early childhood professionals who are informed of the best practices, responsive to the needs of learners, and aware of local and international trends in early childhood education
  • Equip our students with moral values, leadership skills, and global perspectives
  • Foster a collegial culture within our department
  • Connect families, schools, agencies, and communities
  • Expand our partnerships with local and international communities


Our Values

  • Passion for teaching and research
  • Leadership and excellence
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Collaboration and cooperation
  • Authenticity and integrity
  • Appreciation and acceptance