Achievements Highlights 2017-2019

Since the implementation of the University’s Strategic Plan (SP) 2016-2025 in early 2017, a number of institutional developments have taken place. Notably, following the attainment of university title in 2016, the University was granted full self-accrediting status by the Government in April 2018 for all of its academic programmes. Added to this recognition is the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) Quality Audit Report published in 2017, which commended the University’s quality assurance (QA) culture, its commitment in the setting and maintaining of academic standards, and dissemination of good QA and enhancement practices.

As demonstrated in some of the University Key Performance Indicators, we are pleased to report that the implementation of the SP 2016-2025 is in good progress. The following sets out some of the highlights of what we have achieved under respective Strategic Areas.

Achievements Highlights 2013-2016

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