Learning and Teaching Committee

To assure the quality of modules delivering, the Committee of Learning and Teaching was formed with the prime responsibility for providing management of existing programmes and modules as well as planning for module and programme developments. This committee also would take responsibility for advising on quality assurance processes in learning and teaching. More specifically, its terms of reference are:

  • to review the conduct of modules in existing programmes;
  • to facilitate co-ordination of module coordinators, programme representatives and departmental administrative team;
  • to advise the Department on future module and programme developments;
  • to advise the Department on quality assurance processes related to learning and teaching;
  • to ensure compliance with Institute QA and TLQPR plans;
  • to encourage quality teaching and learning in the Department;
  • to co-opt individuals to serve on the committee as required;
  • to liaise with other institute learning and teaching bodies such as CeLTS;
  • to act at the direction of the Departmental Meeting in specific or routine matters; and
  • to initiate sub-committees for specific purposes as required. This would be initially in the form of three groups as identified in the official name of the Department (Special Education and Counselling).

Dr YUM Yen Na, Cherry  

Dr Mavis HE
Ms LAU Suk Han, Polly  
Dr CHEN Yuan, David
Dr Lorinda KWAN-CHEN
Mr TSUI Yan Cho, Joe
Secretary: Ms. CHENG Sau Wai, Eunice