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Support for Senior Year Entry Students
Individual Student Advising Session

As a Senior-Year-Entry Student, you may be eager to explore the plentiful opportunities in your university life, or you may feel confused with your own developmental path… We are here to back you up!


The University Life Planning Scheme aims to help new students to plan ahead for their personal development path of non-formal learning experience.


In the scheme, our Student Development Tutors (SDTs) will provide students with guidance during the advising session. SDTs will guide students in designing their own personal development plan with reference to their Whole Person Development Inventory (WPDI) results, personal goals, values, strengths and career preparation.


We hope to guide students to become self-directed learners and decision-makers under a supportive atmosphere through developmental advising approach.


For the session registration, you will receive invitation email from your Student Development Tutors (SDTs) in Semester 1. You can visit HERE for more details.