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Ignited Summer Programme @EdUHK 教大盛夏企画
Personality × Career × Ability


Self Photos / Files - banner (summer)


Self Photos / Files - summer-01


Workshop Details 工作坊詳情


Self-Directed Search | John Holland 職涯自我指導探索量表
日期 Date 2021年6月15日 (星期二) 15 June 2021 (Tue)
時間 Time 14:30 - 16:00
語言 Language 廣東話 Cantonese
地點 Venue B1-LP-03
內容 Content 職業性向測試 (SDS) 是一套專業職業評估工具,以工作特質分析個人與工作環境是否配合。同學可透過SDS增加對自我的認知,了解自己於職場上的優劣之處,從而找出配合個人興趣的職業,制定最適合自己的職業規劃。
Self-directed Search (SDS) is a career assessment tool. You will increase self-awareness and understanding to find occupations that match various personal interests and develop a career plan that suits you best.
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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) × Career for Your Type | MBTI 16型人格 × 您的職業導向
日期 Date 2021年7月15日 (星期四) 15 July 2021 (Thu)
時間 Time 11:30 - 13:00
語言 Language 廣東話 Cantonese
地點 Venue B1-LP-03
內容 Content



唔知自己想入邊行? 您需要預先知道嘅16型人格

Finding a fulfilling career can come down to your personality, way of thinking about things, and interactions with others. The MBTI® instrument evaluates those pieces of your personality and help you find career options that fit your style.

  • 通過使用MBTI®Form M問卷了解您的人格/性格類型
  • 了解您的人格/性格類型偏好如何影響您的職業選擇
  • Understand YOUR personality type by using MBTI® Form M questionnaire
  • Become aware of how YOUR personality type preferences influence YOUR career options

(The workshop is delivered by MBTI® Certified trainers)

名額 Quota 20
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Career DimensionsTM: Exploring Your Work Preference | 職向透視 - 探索您的工作選擇
日期 Date 2021年7月23日 (星期五) 23 July 2021 (Fri)
時間 Time 11:30 - 13:00
語言 Language 廣東話 Cantonese
地點 Venue B1-LP-03
內容 Content

Career Dimensions™ explores the actual work environment in which YOU are most comfortable by examining a variety of areas, including: the natural talents brought to work, values, major job stressors, work philosophy and definition of success.

  • 通過PD®性格透視進行自我估計,並探索四種類型個性的獨特性
  • 學習並欣賞自己所展現的自然才能
  • 確定您的職業導向及培養您的職業清晰度
  • Self-estimation by using Personality Dimension® and explore the uniqueness of four types of personality
  • Learn about and appreciate your natural talents you bring to work
  • Identify YOUR career preference and foster YOUR career clarity
名額 Quota 20
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Aptitude Test | 能力傾向測試
日期 Date 2021年7月28日 (星期三) 28 July 2021 (Wed)
時間 Time 11:00 - 12:30
語言 Language 廣東話 Cantonese
地點 Venue B1-LP-01
內容 Content 政府部門及許多大企業都會使用能力傾向測試篩選大量求職者,當中較常用的測試範圍包括數字分析推理能力及抽象問題解決能力。
Aptitude Test has been a popular measure to select appropriate candidates from enormous job applicants. The test involves assessments including data analysis, deduction ability, and problem-solving skills on abstract issues.
名額 Quota 20
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*成功登記的同學將收到確認電郵 | Successful registrants will receive our confirmation email.