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Cultural Integration
The Silent World of the Deaf and Sign Language Interpreters 聾人與手語傳譯員的「無聲」世界





今次我們邀請到手語傳譯員 - 胡歷恩小姐,分享她成為手語傳譯員的故事,以及講解聾人社群的文化、聾童的學習需要,與他們的心理健康。我們亦會進行手語的基礎教學,讓同學了解有關手語的知識及與聾人朋友進行手語溝通體驗。


There are more than 150,000 Deaf people in Hong Kong, but there are only about 50 sign language interpreters. Under the pandemic, Deaf people have even lost the opportunity to communicate with others through mouth shapes under the barrier of masks, forced to be in deeper isolation. Why don't we take a step in their “Silent World” by learning how the Deaf community overcomes difficulties in life, and how sign language interpreters construct the bridge of communication between the Deaf and the Hearing.


In this session, Ms. Kimberly Wu will share her story of becoming a sign language interpreter, and to explore the Deaf community in the aspects of culture, education and mental health. You will also learn some basic knowledges of sign language and experience communicating with Deaf people.


Date & Time 日期時間

29 Jul 2022 (Fri) | 3:00pm - 4:30pm


Venue 地點

Shu Wah Computer Centre (C-LP-02) | 樹華電子智源中心 (C-LP-02室)


Language 語言

Cantonese/English subject to participants


Registration 報名

Registration link: https://bit.ly/3ypXEC1

Deadline for registration: 15 Jul 2022 (Fri)


Enquiries 查詢



Speaker Biography 講者介紹

胡歷恩 (Kim),畢業於香港中文大學語言學系,現為手語傳譯員,人權法碩士生。四年來曾在立法會會議直播、公眾諮詢會、學術講課、機構活動、媒體訪問等協助傳譯。

Kimberly Wu (Kim), graduated from Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages of CUHK and Master of Laws in Human Rights of HKU, is currently a sign language interpreter. Over the past four years, she has served as the interpreter in live broadcasts of Legislative Council meetings, public consultations, academic lectures, institutional activities, and media interviews.


Good Life@EdUHK一萬種生活

從生活中學習,學習享受生活。於2022/23年度,Goodlife@EdUHK 會帶來一系列有關心理健康、社會幸福感及文化探索的活動,包括工作坊、講座、網上平台等,透過體驗探索不同人的生活方式、熱情及哲學,建立你獨有的生活態度,一起創造屬於教大師生的「一萬種生活」。

To enjoy life, you must get to know life. In 2022/23, Good Life@EdUHK will bring you a new experience on psychological and social well-being as well as cultural exploration. You can experience different kinds of lives through workshops, activities and our online platform. Stay tuned!