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Cultural Integration
《過時·過節》放映暨導演分享會 Hong Kong Family Screening and Director Sharing






《過時.過節》從一個離家出走的故事,探討香港人的家庭問題,同時也是本地過節文化與傳統家庭觀念的寫照。映後設有導演分享會,講解電影創作心得及作為新銳導演的心路歴程。 (現場設有即時英語傳譯)


日期:2023年1月6日 (五)
時間:2:50 - 5:50 pm
映後談講者:曾慶宏 (過時·過節導演)
報名: https://bit.ly/3VY4EiJ
截止日期: 2022年12月23日 (五)

香港獨立電影導演、作家、文藝復興基金會青年理事、青年社企 「人人映像」創辦人。香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院畢業,曾為香港大學客席講師。曾獲全球華人青年短片大賽最佳導演、台灣金甘庶影展最佳攝影及香港鮮浪潮國際短片節鮮浪潮大獎等獎項。他首部執導的劇情長片《過時•過節》為第五屆首部劇情電影計劃大專組得獎項目,並為入圍第27屆釜山國際電影節的唯一香港劇情片導演。

Hong Kong Family Screening and Director Sharing
The chaos at the Winter Solstice dinner eight years ago broke a family apart. A cousin returns to Hong Kong from England and hopes to gather everyone for a Winter Solstice dinner and prompts everyone to rethink their relationships.

Hong Kong Family not only shows a family struggle in an intimate perspective, but also reflects Hong Kong festival culture and family ethnics. Post-screening sharing with Director of Hong Kong Family, Eric Tsang, will be held. He will share his creative process and journey of being an independent director.
(English interpretation will be available for the sharing)

Date: 6 Jan 2023 (Fri)
Time: 2:50 - 5:50 pm
Venue: GH Tai Po Cinema
Ticket Fee: $20
Speaker: Eric Tsang (Director of Hong Kong Family)
Registration: https://bit.ly/3VY4EiJ
Deadline: 23 Dec 2022 (Fri)

TSANG Hing Weng Eric
Eric Tsang is an independent director and writer. He is co-founder of Human Images and youth board member of Renaissance Foundation. Graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, he was invited to be a part-time lecturer at University of Hong Kong before. His debut feature film Hong Kong Family was selected by the First Feature Film Initiative and was nominated by the 27th Busan International Film Festival.