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Cultural Integration
旋動藝術 - 霹靂舞體驗 Breakdance Workshop












日期:2023年 11月23 日 (星期四)

時間:7 - 8:30 pm

場地:E-LP2-12 (Gymnasium), Tai Po Campus

語言:廣東話 (設有現場英語傳譯)



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如欲了解有關「經驗學習及成就報告表 (ELAT)」的詳情,請瀏覽https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/campus_life/elat/


此活動為全人發展活動之一,詳情請瀏覽: https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/wdpa


Breakdancing is originated from the African American community in the United States. It is an athletic style of street dance and closely related to hip-hop culture. Its athletic nature also makes it an Olympic sport, debuting in the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics.


We have invited local Breakdance Artist, to share about the origin and culture and breakdance, and practice basic breakdance moves.


Let’s groove and dance!

(No prior dancing experience required)


Date:  23 Nov 2023 (Thu)

Time: 7 – 8:30 pm

Venue: E-LP2-12 (Gymnasium), Tai Po Campus

Language: Cantonese (with English intrepratation)

Application: https://eduhk.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0i8K7jBLWY8ZzrE


ELAT hours will be given to participants of this activity. For details of the ELAT, please visit: https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/campus_life/elat


This is one of the Whole-person Development activities. For details, please visit: https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/wdpa