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Cultural Integration
數碼遊牧族的旅居生活 Life of a digital nomad


在GoodLife × Youtuber系列中,我們將邀請了不同的Youtuber跟學生分享他們的熱情和生活哲學,希望能啟發同學追尋自己熱愛的事。




五年間,到達超過50個國家; 曾到訪切爾諾貝爾核爆現場、亦走過古巴、伊拉克、哥倫比亞等不少冷門國家 - 怡富,前果籽旅遊記者,現時長期旅居在外,致力製作不同國家的旅遊影片,將各地故事帶給香港觀眾。





時間:6:30 - 7:30 pm










為更有系統地記錄你於校園生活的參與、成就及貢獻,我們會將你參加本計劃的活動時數,記錄在你的「經驗學習及成就報告表 (ELAT)」之全球及文化增益範疇內。


如欲了解有關「經驗學習及成就報告表 (ELAT)」的詳情,請瀏覽: https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/campus_life/elat/


此活動為全人發展活動之一,詳情請瀏覽: https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/wdpa


Digital nomads are people who relies on the Internet to work remotely, working and traveling around the world, and is no longer limited to living in where you work.


In the past five years, Ivan Yung visited more than 50 countries; He visited the Chernobyl nuclear site, and also visited many remote countries such as Cuba, Iraq, and Colombia. By making travel videos, he wishes to bring countries from different places to audience.


We have invited Ivan to tell us his story as a travel journalist and digital nomad, and his philosophy of "make travel into life, make life into travel". He will also provide us some tips on traveling to the less developed countries.


Date: 19 Dec 2023 (Tue)

Time: 6:30 - 7:30 pm

Platform: Zoom

Guest: Ivan Yung

Language: Cantonese

(with English intrepratation)

Sign up: https://eduhk.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0kbvAkMwKWGk8gm


ELAT hours will be given to participants of this activity. For details of the ELAT, please visit: https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/campus_life/elat


This is one of the Whole-person Development activities. For details, please visit: https://www.eduhk.hk/sao/info/wdpa