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Counselling Services
What is Counselling Service?

What is Counselling Service?


The Counselling Service at the Student Affairs Office helps students to make the right changes and decisions in their life.  Counselling goes beyond problem-solving, it provides support for students and helps them discover more about themselves and their potential.  Our counsellors are professionally trained and experienced.  We offer free and confidential individual counselling sessions where students are always welcome to come and talk to us about your concerns, whether it is related to study or personal, inter-personal and emotional matters.



Issues and Concerns in Counselling Service

Common issues that students talk to a counsellor include but not limited to:

  • Study and learning
  • Emotions
  • Love & peer relationships
  • Relationship with family members
  • Personal growth
  • Mental health concerns
  • Adjustment to university life

*All conversations will be kept in strict confidence*


Counselling Service FAQ

Q1: How much does it charge for counselling service?
A: Counselling service for EduHK students is free of charge.  All students are eligible for counselling service.


Q2: Will my classmates, parents or teachers know that I am receiving counselling service?
A: Your personal information and contents discussed during counselling process are kept confidential.  Your information will not be disclosed to your classmates, parents, teachers or others without your consent.


Q3: Is it only problematic students seek for counselling?
A: No, all students may face challenges during their university life.  Students who seek for counselling are those with courage to face their challenges and are motivated to improve their coping strategies. 


Q4: One of my classmates looks distressed for quite some time.  He is facing some difficulties and finds no ways to resolve it.  What can I do to help him?
A: Tell him your observation and show your care to him.  Encourage him to talk to a counsellor to explore possible solutions to overcome the difficulties.  If he does not feel like taking the steps for whatever reasons, with his consent, you can make an appointment with a counsellor on behalf of him, and accompany him to the counselling service centre.


Psychological Counselling Leaflet

Leaflet on the Psychological Counselling Service in EdUHK

Leaflet on Counselling Services for Students (Tertiary Institutions in Hong Kong)