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Counselling Services
Mental Toughness


Mental toughness is the perseverance you and I show when facing adversity.


  • 首先,心理韌性與你我面對壓力的反應息息相關。碰到壓力時,你是崩潰洩氣還是堅持不懈?是就此放棄還是堅持下去?

First, mental toughness is closely related to how you and I respond to stress. When you're under pressure, do you crumble or persevere? Give up or keep going?


  • 第二,心理韌性包括了你我面對情緒的反應。意志消沉時我們會做些什麼?我們又是如何處理自己的憤怒和失望呢?

Second, mental toughness includes how you and I respond to emotions. What do we do when we're down? How do we deal with our anger and disappointment?


  • 第三,心理韌性也包含我們的心理復原力。碰到錯誤之後,是選擇重新整裝出發、重振旗鼓,還是抱怨連連、把自己的困境都怪賴在別人身上?

Third, mental toughness also includes our mental resilience. After encountering a mistake, do you choose to regroup and start again, or to complain again and again and blame others for your predicament?


  • 第四,心理韌性牽涉到你我的毅力。當我們在邁向目標的路上卡住了,是選擇勇往直前還是束手就擒?

Fourth, mental toughness involves perseverance. When we get stuck on the way to our goal, do we choose to move forward or just give up?



People often think that perseverance equals mental toughness. In fact, the two are not the same. Perseverance is a trait that allows people to persevere in facing adversity; mental toughness is a mental state.