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Counselling Services
Exercising Your Psychological Muscle


Exercise/ training to strengthen the psychological muscle, just like general athletes training, improving their psychological quality through "self-talk". In daily training, positive, encouraging dialogue content, such as: "I can do it", "I have practiced this many times", "This is no problem". When you start doing this, everything you think about in your head will naturally move in a more positive direction, making people more positive and energetic to face every matter.



Examine the orientation of goal setting, which can help you improve your chances of success or progressive.

  • 以結果目標 (outcome goal) 為導向 - 在意與他人比較及輸贏也許會影響自信心
  • Outcome goal oriented - Concerned about comparing with others; winning or losing may affect self-confidence


  • 以表現目標 (performance goal) 為導向 - 追求個人表現
  • Performance goal oriented - pursuit of personal performance


  • 以過程目標 (process goal) 為導向- 著重個人表現的技術﹑形式和策略
  • Process goal oriented - focus on the process of applying techniques and strategies



S: (Specific) 具體的 - 目標要具體﹑明確,同時可檢視其質與量

M: (Measurable) 可測量的 - 過程及規劃要可以衡量及比較,能夠評估進度

A: (Attainable) 可執行的 - 先考慮客觀狀況,並以事實為依據,一步一步實踐

R: (Recording) 可紀錄 - 掌握進度及找出問題

T: (Tracing) 可追蹤



Elements of building self-confidence

1.  願意離開自己的舒適圈
  Willingness to leave your comfort zone
  • 不熟悉的環境反而能在專業上和生活上給我們成長的機會。
  • An unfamiliar environment can give us opportunities to grow.
2.  勇於經歷負面情緒所帶來的不適感
  Have the courage to experience the discomfort caused by negative emotions
  • 學會承受這些情緒。勇於感受自己的痛苦,這樣才能幫助我們建立起抵擋「痛苦」的防禦工事。學會抵擋能讓我們更了解自己的負面情緒。
  • Learn to live with these emotions. Having the courage to feel our pain helps us build a defense against "pain." Learning to resist makes us more aware of our negative emotions.
3.  保持自我檢視的習慣
  Maintain the habit of self-examination
  • 定期靜下心來,好好省思自己一路以來的成長是一件非常重要的事。
  • It is very important to calm down regularly and reflect on how you have grown along the way.
4.  迎向正面思考
  Embracing positive thinking
  • 請多肯定自己的優點,為自己的成功喝采。
  • Please affirm your own strengths and applaud your success.
5.  別再一味渴求外界的肯定
  Stop craving for approval from the outside world
  • 各位都擁有獨一無二的特質。
  • Everyone has unique qualities.



Ten steps to strengthen mental toughness



  Think carefully about how you can apply mental toughness to your daily life


  Divide the ‘big’ target into ‘small’ targets


  Seeing tough "challenges" as "opportunities" to improve yourself


  Practice on ‘controlling’ your negative emotions


  Imagery training - imagine yourself being successful
6. 管理好自己的「內在自我批判」
  Manage your “inner self-criticism”
7.  融掉自己的「情緒冰山」
  Melt your “emotional iceberg”
8.  練習從逆境與失敗中站起來
  Practice standing up from adversity and failure
9.  培養自律與恆毅力的習慣
  Cultivate the habit of self-discipline and perseverance
10. 為自己小小的勝利鼓鼓掌
  Applaud for small victories



Effective methods to reduce anxiety, greatly improve concentration, and let your mind rest.

1. 音樂放鬆法 Music relaxation method


When listening to music, if the body can respond to the speed of the rhythm, dance the body at will, and let the body integrate into the melody of the music, it will help to get rid of the shackles of pressure.



In the melody of "music", I feel that the mind is calm, the muscles are relaxed, and the whole body is as fresh and comfortable as if you have just taken a bath. Remember, let yourself stay for a while to experience the true tranquility.




創造冷靜的心理 Create a calm mind



To create a calm mind, the first step is to remain silent.



Put your attention and awareness on breathing, perception, patience, trust. Replace "thinking" with "perceiving".



3. 腹式呼吸法 Abdominal breathing


Abdominal breathing can effectively clear the emotions and release uncomfortable emotions. Rhythmic breathing can calm the mind, help us shut down our minds, and quickly reduce fatigue. The meditation breathing of gratitude can generate inner strength. Emotional meditation breathing can effectively calm fluctuating emotions.



Benefits of mental toughness

1. 提升對負面情緒的抵抗力 Improve resistance to negative emotions


Having a strong mental toughness allows you to better manage your emotions. Negative emotions are unavoidable, but when facing adversity in life, these negative feelings will have less and less impact on your behavior and reactions.

2. 提升自己的表現 Improve your performance


Having mental toughness helps you face the challenges of setbacks. When you face adversity in the future, you can deal with it calmly and confidently. When encountering difficulties or unexpected situations, it is easier to deal with everything and overcome the challenges.

3. 深信情況必會好轉 Things will get better


When we are in an anxious situation, whether it gets better or worse depends on how we react.



Having good psychological resilience will give you the tolerance for setbacks and the confidence that your determination and perseverance will pay off in facing adversity - and it will get better.



4. 提升壓力管理的能力 Improve the ability of stress management


Mental toughness can improve stress resistance, allowing you to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and have confidence in your own abilities, rather than collapse.

5. 不輕易被自我懷疑的聲音左右 Not easily swayed by the voice of self-doubt


Mental toughness cannot completely silence the voice of self-doubt. Through the development of mental toughness, you can gradually understand that although we will not succeed in all aspects, our fear of failure stems from our inner insecurities, not really doomed to fail.

6. 更清楚自己的夢想與目標為何 Be more aware of your dreams and goals


Despair fills one's mind with failure and blurs the immediate goal.



Strong mental toughness allows you to focus on why you want to achieve your goals. You will no longer be easily swayed by feelings of despair, because you know exactly what you are fighting for. By knowing your goals and dreams, you will be able to maintain motivation and being motivated to face all kinds of challenges in life.



7. 無懼 Fearless


By developing strong mental toughness, you can gradually dissolve the fear of the unknown. Strong mental toughness give us the courage to step out of our comfort zone and explore new things. We have the opportunity to grow and thrive, develop new skills, and gain new insights into everything.

8. 提升接受失敗(以及從失敗中學習)的能力 Improve the ability to accept failure (and learn from it)


Most people do everything they can to avoid failure. These people regard failure as a denial of their own personality and value, so they are often reluctant to take any risks and make the slightest mistake.



Building strong psychological resilience allows us to learn from our mistakes. Once you build strong psychological resilience, you no longer see failure as a denial of your personality and worth, but as an opportunity—an opportunity to adjust your actions and improve your performance in the future.

9. 提升「延遲享樂」的能力 Improve the ability of "delayed enjoyment"


With strong mental toughness, you will no longer allow yourself to be swayed by impulses. You can resist the temptation in front of you and focus on the effort required to achieve your goals.

10. 願意放下心痛的過往 Be willing to let go of the painful past


Every mistake is a valuable lesson for us to learn from, to reexamine our goals, and to make sure our goals align with our values.