此活動為招商局慈善基金會贊助的「Teen生我材·優秀教師職前培訓計劃 - 裝備篇」項目之一,同學可以參與各職前裝備培訓講座,之後可以應用所學習到的求職技巧提供一份申請書,經SAO評估後將有機會繼續培訓旅程,進入「實踐篇」參與更多實習及考察團,表現優異的2022-2023非畢業班同學更可競逐「招商局明日之師獎學金」,有機會獲得最高港幣二萬元獎學金以作鼓勵。詳情請繼續留意學生事務處事業發展服務的電郵!
報名截止日期為2023年1月8日(星期日) 23:59 。名額有限,先到先得。
內容:教授如何撰寫一封能夠讓校長留下深刻印象的求職信 ,亦會講解撰寫個人履歷表和教育理念的秘訣及注意事項。
講座(一) |
講座(二) |
日期 |
2023年1月9日 ( 星期一 ) |
2023年1月13日(星期五) |
時間 |
14:30-16:30 |
14:30-16:30 |
形式 |
Hybrid |
Hybrid |
語言 |
廣東話 |
英語 |
地點 |
B1-LP-07 |
B2-LP-20 |
備註 |
以上各場次講座內容為相同,同學只需參加其中一場 成功報名同學將會於活動兩日或之前收到確認電郵 |
準教師求職咨詢計劃 - 個人指導: 履歷表、求職信及教育理念
對象:所有同學 (名額有限)
參加方法:學生必須已參與本學年其中一個撰寫履歷表、求職信及教育理念的講座,並需要於 2023年2月3日(星期五)23:59前電郵個人履歷表、求職信及教育理念至 kkwhui@eduhk.hk。
講座(三) |
講座(四) |
講座(五) |
日期 |
2023年1月12日(星期四) |
2023年2月3日(星期五) |
2023年2月8日(星期三) |
時間 |
15:00-17:00 |
15:00-17:00 |
14:30-16:30 |
形式 |
Zoom |
Hybrid |
Hybrid |
語言 |
廣東話 |
廣東話 |
英語 |
地點 |
Zoom |
B4-LP-05 |
B4-LP-03 |
備註 |
以上各場次講座內容為相同,同學只需參加其中一場 成功報名同學將會於活動兩日或之前收到確認電郵 |
Mega Mock求職模擬面試 (此活動由學校協作及體驗事務處協辦)
對象:已於2023年2月27日(星期一)上午11:59前把修改好的履歷表、求職信及教育理念電郵至 kkwhui@eduhk.hk 的學生。
日期 |
2023年3月11日(星期六) |
時間 |
09:00至13:00 |
形式 |
於大埔校園內舉行,須親身出席(地點待定) |
備註 |
所有參加Mega Mock求職模擬面試的同學,須於2023年2月27日(星期一)上午11:59或之前,把修改好的求職文件(求職信、履歷表和個人教育理念),電郵至許小姐 kkwhui@eduhk.hk ,並請依照以下格式提交︰
1. 求職信、履歷表、教育理念以一個合併pdf檔案提交(可選擇提交全中文版或全英文版)
2. 請以英文姓名 (學生編號) 為檔案名稱 (e.g. CHAN TAI MAN (12345678).pdf) ,並必須加於每頁頁首(參見合併pdf檔案樣本)。 3. 如同學提交的資料不完整,有機會被取消資格。
報名截止日期為2023年1月8日(星期日) 23:59。名額有限,先到先得。
如有查詢,請致電 2948 7539聯絡許小姐。活動詳情及資料更新,請密切留意電郵通知。
Dear Students,
Job Search Training Talks and Mega Mock Job Interview
Job Search Training Talks will provide you useful information on Writing Resume, Covering Letter and Teaching Aspiration, and Interview skills on Teaching Positions. Selected candidates might have the chance to join the Mock Interview with local school principals. Feedbacks will be provided during the Mock Interview!
This series is part of the trainings under “Teen Talent-Outstanding Prospective Teacher Training Programme – Part I. Skills Development”, funded by China Merchants Foundation. Students are welcome to participate in various pre-employment talks and activities, and then apply the learned skills to prepare the application for the training programs in the next round. Students might have the opportunity to continue the training journey and enter the second phase “II. Experiential Learning” to join internships and study tours. 2022-2023 non-final year students with outstanding performance can also compete for the "China Merchants Foundation - Tomorrow Teacher Scholarship" and a maximum of HK$20,000 scholarship to be awarded! Please stay tuned with our email!
Don’t miss this golden opportunity to have a comprehensive overview on what to prepare before and after the interview. Grasp this chance to equip yourself! Please see the talk details as below:
Students can sign up for the events at the following link (You can participate in more than one event):
Application Deadline: 23:59, 8 January 2023 (Sunday). Places are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
[Job Search Training Talk I, III, IV and Individual Consultation Session will be conducted in Cantonese]
Job Search Training Talk: Talk on Writing Resume, Covering Letter and Teaching Aspiration
- Do you want to prepare an impressive application letter for your potential employers?
- Do you know the hints of writing an excellent resume?
- When writing a teaching aspiration, what should you pay attention to?
Target: All Students
Talk I |
Talk II |
Date |
09 January 2023 (Monday) |
13 January 2023 (Friday) |
Time |
14:30-16:30 |
14:30-16:30 |
Format |
Hybrid |
Hybrid |
Language |
Cantonese |
English |
Venue |
B1-LP-07 |
B2-LP-20 |
Remarks |
Both sessions are identical and students are welcome to join EITHER ONE session Participants will receive confirmation email 2 days before the event |
Individual Consultation Session: Resume, Covering Letter and Teaching Aspiration
- Provide guidance to student by reviewing his/her Resume, Covering Letter and Teaching Aspiration.
- Help students to improve the content of job application documents.
Target: All Students (with limited quotas)
How to join: Students have to join one Job Search Training Talk with the topic of Talk on Writing Resume, Covering Letter and Teaching Aspiration in this academic year AND send your Resume, Covering letter and Teaching Aspiration to kkwhui@eduhk.hk by 23:59, 3 February 2023 (Friday).
Job Search Training Talk: Interview Skills for Teaching Positions
- Enhance your interview skills, and provide tips for job interview.
Target: All Students
Date |
12 January 2023 (Thursday) |
03 February 2023 (Friday) |
08 February 2023 (Wednesday) |
Time |
15:00-17:00 |
15:00-17:00 |
14:30-16:30 |
Format |
Zoom |
Hybrid |
Hybrid |
Language |
Cantonese |
Cantonese |
English |
Venue |
Zoom |
B4-LP-05 |
B4-LP-03 |
Remarks |
All sessions are identical and students are welcome to join EITHER ONE session Participants will receive confirmation email 2 days before the event |
Mega Mock Job Interview (This event is supported by the School Partnership and Field Experience Office)
- Local Secondary / Primary School’s principals / experienced teachers are invited to host the mock job interview, providing practical interview experience and feedback to participants.
- You can improve your job interview skills and get a better understanding on the expectations of pre-service teachers.
Target: Students who have submitted their updated Resume, Covering Letter, and Teaching Aspiration to kkwhui@eduhk.hk by 11:59, 27 February 2023 (Monday).
Date |
11 March 2023 (Saturday) |
Time |
09:00-13:00 |
Format |
Tai Po Campus, in-person (location TBC) |
Remarks |
All participants of Mega Mock Job Interview should submit updated Resume, Covering Letter and Teaching Aspiration to Ms Hui kkwhui@eduhk.hk by 11:59 , 27 February 2023 (Monday). Please provide all documents in the below format: 1. Submit Resume, Covering Letter and Teaching Aspiration in ONE combined pdf file. Page 1: Covering Letter Page 2-4: Resume (no more than 3 pages) Page 5: Teaching Aspiration 2. Please use “English Name (student no.)” as the file name [e.g., CHAN TAI MAN (12345678).pdf], and add a header to each page (please refer to the sample). 3. Students with incomplete information from the submitted documents may be disqualified from attending the mock interview. |
Students can sign up for the events at the following link (You can participate in more than one event):
Application Deadline: 23:59, 8 January 2023 (Sunday). Places are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at careerservice@eduhk.hk or Ms Hui at 2948 7539. Please stay tuned with us about the event details and updates!
Career Development Service, Student Affairs office
The Education University of Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2948 6246 Fax: (852) 2948 6240
E-mail: careerservice@eduhk.hk
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