Recent Research Grants

Project Leader Project Title Grant Type
Cheung Him Effect of age on reading comprehension, reading satisfaction, and their correlates: From adulthood to old age General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
Cheung Him Reading and Writing across the Life Span Faculty funding, Strategic Areas: Research, Internationalization and Impact
Cheung Him Considering STEM education from the perspectives of children with and without special educational needs: Toward an all-inclusive STEM programme Central Reserve for Strategic Development
Cheung Him Reading Comprehension in Older Adults Research Cluster Fund, Committee for Research and Development
Cheung Him Online individual testing - Considering STEM education from the perspectives of children with and without special educational needs: Toward an all-inclusive STEM programme Departmental funding, Department of Psychology
Cheung Him The Relation between Mentalizing and Lie Perception in Children: A Longitudinal Study EdUHK, Start-up Research Grant
Lin Dan Executive functioning in reading comprehension in Chinese with and without dialect speaking General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
Lin Dan Developing an effective Chinese reading program for Hong Kong Faculty funding, Impact Pathway Grants
Lin Dan Forming a Research Cluster on Online Storybook Reading Intervention Promoting Children’s Chinese Reading Abilities and Social Skills Research Cluster Fund, Committee for Research and Development
Lin Dan Developing an online reading programme for improving vocabulary and reading abilities among Hong Kong kindergarteners Departmental funding, Department of Psychology
Pan Jinger Development of Eye Movements during Reading: A Cross-Culture Comparison Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council
Tong Xiuhong The Intriguing Role of Syntactic Awareness in One Language and Reading Comprehension and Reading Comprehension Difficulty in Another Language in Chinese-English Bilingual Children: A Longitudinal Study General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
Tong Xiuhong Neurocognitive Developmental Mechanisms Underlying Statistical Learning of Chinese Orthography in Hong Kong Chinese Children: A Longitudinal ERP Study Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council
Tong Xiuhong The role of Different syntactic awareness tasks in Chinese children’s reading comprehension Departmental funding, Department of Psychology
Tong Xiuhong Applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Develop a Scientific Evidence-based Syntactic Knowledge Learning App Innovation & Technology Fund (iTech Fund), Selection Committee of Knowledge Transfer Sub-office, Research and Development Office
Ricky Tso A Convenient Package to Enhance the English Phonics Ability of Chinese Children with Reading Difficulties Knowledge Transfer Grant, Committee for Research and Development
Ricky Tso Medication Effect on Chinese Literacy Performance on Dyslexic Children with ADHD Seed Funding Grant, Committee for Research and Development
Ricky Tso What cognitive aspects will CogMed improve in Children with ADHD, and who benefit most? Departmental funding, Department of Psychology
Wang Jie Word-Form Encoding in Chinese Handwriting: Examining the Roles of Radicals and Logographemes Early Career Scheme,
Research Grants Council
Wang Jie A computerized adaptive lexical test for Chinese readers at different proficiency levels: A pilot study Departmental funding, Department of Psychology
Wang Zhenlin Developing mental state understanding with Elephant and Piggie Faculty Funding, Focused Knowledge Transfer Grant
Wang Zhenlin The More the Merrier: How Does Sibling Benefit Children's Social Development? Internal Research Grant, Committee for Research and Development
Susanna Yeung Morphological awareness and reading among Chinese ESL children: A randomized controlled trial General Research Fund, Research Grants Council
Susanna Yeung Development and evaluation of a computerised morphology training package on English literacy in Hong Kong primary school students with reading comprehension difficulties Standing Committee on Language Education and Research
Susanna Yeung Provision of Consultancy Services for SCOLAR's Study on Transition of English Language Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten Education to Primary Education Standing Committee on Language Education and Research
Susanna Yeung Second Language Learning of Kindergarteners and Primary School Students: What Parents and Schools should Know? EdUHK, Research Cluster Fund
Susanna Yeung Enhancing Teachers’ Wellbeing through Mindfulness in an Existential Approach: Production and Dissemination of Self-help Materials Knowledge Transfer Fund, Committee for Research and Development
Susanna Yeung Helping students and adults with reading comprehension difficulties through evidence-based technology-supported instruction Faculty Funding, Focused Knowledge Transfer Grant
Susanna Yeung  Gamification in learning English morphological awareness among foreign language learners Departmental funding, Department of Psychology
Michael Yip Prosodic entrainment across Languages: Evidence from Cantonese Departmental funding, Department of Psychology