Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

News and Events






27 Mar 2014

The Partnership between the Chinese Government and Hong Kong’s Capitalist Class: Implications for HKSAR Governance, 1997-2012

Existing literature has long recognized that a partnership has been forged between the PRC government and Hong Kong’s capitalist class. However, the implications of such a partnership for HKSAR governance have yet to be thoroughly explored. By examining the formation of this partnership and its consolidation after 1997, this article argues that the business sector’s direct access to the sovereign state has fundamentally changed the dynamics of state-business relations in the HKSAR. As a consequence of the partnership between Beijing and the business sector, business elites have taken their concerns straight to the mainland authorities whenever they see their interests affected by the post-colonial state. This kind of circumvention has become a part of post-1997 politics, undermining the relative autonomy of the post-colonial state and resulting in growing cleavages within the state-business alliance during the first 15 years of the HKSAR. Whether and how such a partnership will evolve in the aftermath of the 2012 chief executive election remains to be seen.

Please click for more information. 


25 Mar 2014

Family-friendly Incentive Policies

Hong Kong is characterized by heavy workloads, a fast work pace and long hours. Work and family are the two major domains of life. An imbalance between the two leads to conflict. Surveys had shown that Hong Kong residents constantly struggle to achieve a satisfactory work-life balance. In turn, this has impacted on the city’s population due to low fertility rates and an ageing population. If companies in Hong Kong can make a concerted effort to promote policies to ensure employees wanting to take up family-friendly incentives know it will not harm their careers, then such policies can improve work-life balance and also lead the government to take immediate positive measures to address the issue of low fertility rates in its review of its population policy.


21 Feb 2014

Brain Drain in Hong Kong

Year on year, Hong Kong is losing its brightest young people in their most productive years. According to the China Daily, a growing number of local students are choosing to study overseas – but is it because there are advantages to having a foreign education or because Hong Kong is failing to provide enough education opportunities? 


12 Feb 2014

Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan) students’ visit to HKIEd

Sankei Express Press Article (12 February 2014) published by Professor Watanabe Takesato describes the Hong Kong experience and information sharing exchanges between his students from the Doshisha University and those from the Department of Asian and Policy Studies (APS) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd). Both Professor Watanabe Takesato and APS’ Dr. Chan Lih Shing Alex presented in the one-day seminar. The Sankei Express has a daily circulation of 200,000 throughout Japan.

27 Jan 2014

Hong Kong Must Invest in its People or Fall Behind

Is Hong Kong destined to be a second-tier Chinese city? Posing this question 25 or even 15 years ago would have seemed absurd.In a SCMP article, Professor Darryl Jarvis says Hong Kong will certainly fall behind mainland and other regional cities if it doesn’t quickly shake off its inertia and renew its commitment to invest heavily in education.




4 Mar 2014

講者陳方安生女士 (香港2020召集人)

17 Mar 2014

APS to co-organize a health policy forum with Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, Department of Health of Tainan Municipal Government, and Tsinghua University.
Policy-makers, senior health administrators and academics from mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong will gather to discuss on public hospital reforms in the Greater China region. Please click the PDF button above for the tentative program.

7 Apr 2014

講者曾鈺成議員 (立法會主席)

14 Apr 2014

講者葉建源議員 (立法會議員)